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In this case Martin Vale violated

Rule 10.01
A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; nor shall he
mislead or allow the court to be mislead by any artifice.
Originally their defense was that the crime was committed by a third person that framed Aaron
Stampler. Halfway in the movie they believed Aaron Stampler to be insane because of the
fruitlessness of their original defense and the increasingly more believable diagnosis of multiple
personality disorder by the neurologist; they could not change their pleading mid-trial as it was
prohibited in the Rules of Court.
So what Martin Vale did was to have the neurologist as witness to testify of the formers insanity
against the orders of the court by arguing that he was setting up the basis for amnesia which was
neither his intent nor was it the effect ultimately achieved; which instead damaged the case
wherefore the judge has declared a mistrial. Thus the latter dismisses the jury who has been
exposed to another defense to a bench trial with a blind plea of not guilty by virtue of insanity.
It is clear that Martin Vale violated Rule 10.01 for misleading the court through lying about the
neurologists testimonys purpose which he stated as establishing a medical basis for amnesia
but instead resulted in tainting the jury. There were other instances of violations of this canon but
this I believed to be more blatant as it was committed against the court and judge directly.
If I were in Martins shoes, I should have had a background check on my client before taking the
case at hand immediately. He jumped in knowing that it would be a good publicity stunt for him if
he took it, sometimes people want to promote themselves on their alleged merits. For me, it is not
about winning but arriving at the truth through the judicious and steadfast compliance of the Rules
of Court and common sense.

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