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2 Why is Billboard Advertisement is Important

Malaysian is on the move, spending more time in transit and less time in the home. As
such, our mobile society makes outdoor advertising an important and effective means of
getting messages in front of people's eyes. Billboards can be an effective way to
generate name or product recognition with traveling consumers.
Mobile Audience
Placing an ad on a billboard that includes a company name and a memorable image of
a product or service stays visible 24 hours a day, every day of the week. As of 2010,
more than 90 percent of Malaysians had at least one vehicle, making at least one
interstate trip each weekday, according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of
America. These mobile consumers see billboards every day while traveling for business
or pleasure. Within your market, you can find out how many people pass by certain
intersections or on certain thoroughfares to determine roughly where ad-space hot
spots exist.

Billboard History and Evolution

The first billboards were leased in the 1860s, according to the Outdoor Advertising
Association of America. Over the course of 150 years, billboards have evolved to
incorporate computerized graphics on recyclable vinyl. Special effects, including threedimensional digital graphics, are becoming more prevalent in outdoor advertising.

Although the cost to design and manufacture a billboard can be expensive, the
exposure garnered from the advertising often begins the minute after installing the
billboard. According to "The Small Business Guide 2011 Edition," billboards range in

size from 5 by 11 feet to 14 by 48 feet. With strategic placement, billboards can

generate ample business. In some instances, such as restaurant billboard advertising,
billboards can pique a consumer's interest and provide driving directions to boot,
resulting in direct and nearly immediate sales.
Effective Billboard Advertising
Because consumers usually get just a fleeting glimpse of a billboard, a business must
design the advertisement to be simple and bold. A picture showing the biggest benefit of
your product or service along with up to seven words makes the most effective
billboard, according to "Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide." Additionally,
purchasing between six and 10 billboards located near each other creates the most
effective awareness-building advertising campaign, according to "Ultimate Small
Business Marketing Guide" authors.

2.3.6 Do Advertising Billboard Work?

Have you ever glanced at a billboard on your way to work or on a long car ride and
wondered how effective these large, outdoor advertising displays really are? If so,
youre not alone. Many business owners or managers wonder about the effectiveness of
billboard advertising and whether it can produce a return on investment. Because your
advertising dollar is important to your business, you need to know how your customers
are affected by billboard marketing.
Captive Audience
According to the Arbitron National In-Car Study, 2009 edition, the average American
spends nearly 20 hours per week in a car either as the driver or as a passenger.
Some Americans especially those with longer commutes spend a greater
percentage of their waking hours in a car than they do watching television, reading
magazines or listening to the radio, which are all vehicles that provide advertising
opportunities. Taking advantage of those hours that your customers are behind the
wheel can be a good idea if you have a clever and strategic advertisement in mind.

According to the Arbitron study, billboard advertising is effective. According to the study,
which reported that 71 percent of Americans often look at the messages on roadside
billboards, a majority of Americans at one time or another learned about an event that
interested them or a restaurant they later patronized. Additionally, 56 percent of
Americans reported later talking about a funny billboard they saw while on the road. A
smaller percentage tuned into a TV or radio show because of a billboard ad or noted a
phone number or web address displayed on one.

Buying Decisions
Of course, getting a billboard noticed is only half the battle. You also want to make sure
your customers take action after they view your ad preferably make a purchase or
patronize your business. Since 72 percent of billboard viewers actually shop on their
way home and 68 percent make shopping decisions while in the car, billboard
advertising can help you snag impulsive drivers. The Arbitron study reported that 32
percent of drivers visited a business they saw advertised on a billboard sometime during
the week. Half of the respondents claimed that they had gotten directions to a specific
business from their billboard ad.

Effective Billboards
While these statistics may reassure you that billboard advertising can be effective, you
still have the task of creating strategic, engaging and clever billboard ads that really get
noticed. Since drivers are already engaged, you need an ad that theyll remember once

theyre out of the car. Advertisements that have too much going on like multiple
pictures, lots of text and different colors and fonts can be too overwhelming for drivers
to read as they pass by. Instead, opt for simple and clever ads that draw immediate
attention. Be sure that your business is clearly and prominently displayed, so that
viewers will associate the ad to your brand.

2.3.7 SWOT Analysis

Fully MIS system
Qualified and skilled person
Financially strong
Location of the business
Specialize Advertisement and marketing
Low price as compare to competitor

Initially low intake of customers
New name in market

Vast industrial area to grow the company
The trend of this type of business is moving upwardly in Gujranwala
Capture more market share by providing quality ads.
Expand in to other cities.

Changes in the taste & preferences of clients.
Government instability
Attractive industry

2.3.8 Cost Leadership

It is difficult to keep up with fierce competition, and you hope that you never get trapped
in a dilemma between low costs and good quality.
As we are solving problems of business regarding advertisement. Other agencies are
serving in this way but the point of difference is that we are providing our services good
quality with low rates. Our focus is on the Gujranwala industry and later on we will
expand our target market.

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