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The protocol I adapted in the program was a very unofficial one. I took the timings of
Wingate and got rid of the bike (because I thought bush tracks were visually more
interesting, didnt want the audience to get bored and I didnt want to go to a gym because I
had to film it myself). I used an iPhone for my timer and then just went as hard and fast as I
could. I do NOT recommend this for starters. First I began on sand and could not even
manage the first 30 second sprint. My doctor told me this was a bad way to start and
recommended flat grass. I went to flat grass and although I just managed the sprints, I
strained my quads. Then I took several days rest, had several massages and tried the stairs.
For some reason stairs seemed to work a treat for me (although very hard). But heres the
official version of the HIIT protocols.

The repeat program I did was 4 x 30 second all-out sprints, with 4.5 mins rest, 3 x a
I did it for 15 weeks.

In labs this is done on a bike against resistance with special software. This software, by
design, facilitates an all out effort over the course of the test even as you fatigue. It is very,
very challenging to do repeated Wingates, even with 4-5 mins recovery in between. Mean
power output during Wingate typically exceeds 250% of VO2 max (ie a power output 2.5 x
greater than elicited at VO2 max).

Lab trials were 4-6 sprints, of 30s each, with 4.5 mins rest intervals. 3 x a week.
Duration of the trials were shorter than mine and showed a higher response.

Invented by Dr Izumi Tabata a Japanese physician, this is based on a 20s maximum effort, 10
second rest, repeated 8 times. It goes for four minutes. Many exercises can be included in
this protocol eg push ups, jumping rope, burpees anything that gets the whole body
moving with high intensity. Trials show this is a very effective way of getting your VO2 max
Stephen says older people, those less fit and overweight, are less likely to stick to the all
out higher intensity programs and his trials have been based on a version that is as follows.
On a bike, against light resistance several minutes warm up then followed by 20 minutes
of 8 second sprints followed by 12 seconds slow pedalling. The RPMs should be above 113,
but typically around 130 during the sprint. The sessions are three times a week. There is a

Lifesprints soundtrack downloadable through iTunes which is designed to go with this

session so you know when to peddle fast.
Martin Gibalas research group have also investigated whether as little as 3 minutes a week
of HIT could improve fitness. It could. Overweight/obese men and women performed 18
training sessions over 6 weeks on a bike. Each session began with a 2 minute warm up
followed by 3 x 20seconds of all-out sprints against 5% of body mass resistance. These were
interspersed with two minute rest intervals. VO2 max increased by around 12%, and
mitochondrial content increased.
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! And remember. see your doctor or health professional before
radically changing your exercise program.

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