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Psychology of Shapes

Shapes might seem like a juvenile topic something reserved for childrens books and toys. Yet
just like colors and fonts, shapes are important design tools that can symbolize ideas, express
moods, and lead the eye. But why?
Because of the psychological meanings behind shapes, theyre able to have quite an impact. In
fact, youre probably aware of them without even realizing it, since these meanings originate
from universal associations with nature, man-made objects, icons, and symbols basically,
everything around us. Read on to learn more about what shapes symbolize (and why), plus how
to use that symbolism effectively on your next project.

1. Rectangular and Squares

Rectangles and squares are the most common, familiar shapes we encounter. From signs
to electronics to buildings, we look at them many times a day, every day.
With their smooth, straight lines and perfect right angles, rectangles lend a sense of
stability and formality. Something about four points just feels solid (think about the four
points of a compass). We trust the shape because it feels dependable and safe.
Literally and metaphorically, rectangular shapes are strong foundational building blocks
that support overall structures. For example:

In architecture bricks, beams, columns

In text book paragraphs, newspaper columns

In web design HTML tables

Given this association with structure, its not surprising that many financial services opt
to use squares and rectangles for their logos. Wells Fargo, American Express, and Visa all
use them. The shape conveys reliability and longevity, while also feeling traditional,
trustworthy, and authoritative (all important qualities in that industry). Some media and
technology companies also use squares and rectangles, lending an air of gravitas
(NPR, BBC, and Microsoft are some examples).
Stability - Strength - Power - Balance Reliability

2. Circles
Unlike rectangles, plenty of circles exist all around us in nature. Because of ancient
associations with the sun, moon, and Earth, theres a cosmic and celestial link. In fact, in
Samsungs logo, the dark blue ellipse is meant to represent the universe.

Because circles have no beginning or end, theyre also connected to the idea of cycles,
eternity, and timelessness. They feel complete and unified. Think of the circular yin-yang
symbol (two halves make a whole); how the refresh/reload icon consists of a circular
arrow; wedding bands; and clocks.
Where rectangles lack curves and feel masculine, circles embody femininity with their
curves. They also suggest movement think about wheels, soccer balls or basketballs,
and the elliptical paths of planetary orbits.
Rectangles are usually the standard, default shape for many contexts. To make something
stand out visually, try using circles in your design, since they are not used as often and
will create visual interest.
Tenderness - Love - Friendship - Care - Support - Protection - Affection Compassion

3. Triangles
Because they have a peak, triangles can symbolize greatness or superiority its a visual
representation of the pinnacle of success. The three stripes in Adidass logo create a
triangle, which symbolizes a mountain a metaphor for pushing yourself, overcoming
challenges, and being the best you can be.
Triangles also create movement and lead our eye in a certain way. Because of the way
theyre shaped, our eyes naturally follow them to the tip. An upright triangle will raise
our eye vertically; a triangle on its side will move our eye sideways. (Given the
association with movement and direction, it makes sense that the universal symbol for the
play button happens to be a sideways triangle. Take Google Plays logo for example.) If
youre looking to direct your audiences eye toward something, triangles can be a good
directional cue.
Triangles have dual meanings. When theyre upright, they feel stable, solid, and balanced
(think of the ancient pyramids). But once you invert them, they feel top-heavy wildly,
precariously unbalanced; tense; risky. Think about this as you design: Is your brand more
stable and established? Or maybe its a risky, disruptive start-up?
Triangles can likewise suggest conflict and action. In most countries around the world,
traffic signs that indicate hazards are triangular. They can also signify change the
mathematical symbol delta (a triangle) means change or difference. In fact, Reeboks
logo (the Reebok delta) has 3 separate parts, each symbolizing the physical, mental,
and social changes that take place when people push themselves beyond their limits.
With these three shapes, weve barely scratched the surface of what is available. There
are many, many more shapes out there. So the next time youre working on a design
project, whether its a web page, logo, or something else, keep all of the psychological

meanings behind shapes in mind. Theres a deeper meaning to them than meets the eye,
and they can add a rich new dimension to your work.

4. Soft Curves
Rhythm - Movement - Happiness - Pleasure - Generosity Femininity

5. Vertical Shapes and Lines

Strength - Masculinity - Power - Aggression - Courage - Brutality - Dominate

6. Horizontal Lines
Tranquility - Feminine - Calm - Rest - Weak - Peaceful - Composed - Silent - Still - Non

7. Sharp Angles Lines

Energy - Lively - Young - Explosive - Violent - Anger - Rapidity - Dynamic Movement

Attributes of Shape and Form

Shapes project the moods of the types and directions of lines enclosing them and the space
within them.
1. Stable and confident rectangles, squares
2. Less stable but more dynamic triangles, pentagons, hexagons, octagons, trapezoids,
parallelograms, cones, and pyramids
3. Visually interesting unequal proportions
4. Less visually interest equal proportions, circle, square, sphere, cube
5. Security shapes that fit together tightly, squares, hexagons, ogives,
6. diamonds, triangles, paisleys, parallelograms, rectangles
7. Variety shapes that leave spaces, octagon, star, circle, etc.

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