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save lives in emergencies


commonly called CPR, combines rescue
breathing (ventilation) and chest
compression in a lifesaving procedure
performed when a person has stopped
breathing or a person's heart has
stopped beating.
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When performed quickly enough, CPR can save lives in such

emergencies as:

loss of consciousness,
heart attacks or heart "arrests,"
electric shock,
excessive bleeding,
drug overdose,
and other conditions in which there is no breathing or no pulse.

The purpose of CPR is to bring oxygen to the victim's lungs

and to keep blood circulating so oxygen gets to every part
of the body. When a person is deprived of oxygen,
permanent brain damage can begin in as little as four
minutes and death can follow only minutes later

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are three physical symptoms that

indicate a need for CPR to be performed
immediately and for emergency medical
support to be called:
not breathing,
and no pulse detected.

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Mouth to
subtitude by
baloon & mask

Figure A: The victim should be flat on his back and his

mouth should be checked for debris.
Figure B: If the victim is unconscious, open airway, lift
neck, and tilt head back.
Figure C: If victim is not breathing, begin artificial
breathing (ventilation).
Figure D: Check for carotid pulse.
Figure E: If pulse is absent, begin artificial circulation
by depressing sternum.
Figure F: Ventilation (Baloon & Mask)

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the victim seems to be asleep but has lost all awareness and is not
able to respond to questions or to touch or gentle shaking
a sleeping person will usually respond to a loud noise, shouting, or gentle

an unconscious person will not respond to noise or shaking.
can not cough or clear the throat, which can block the windpipe and cause
suffocation and death.

People with a major illness or injury or who have had recent

surgery are at risk for losing consciousness.
brief unconsciousness, the cause may be dehydration (lack of body fluids), low

blood pressure, or low blood sugar. This is a temporary condition.

Just before a person loses consciousness, symptoms may include:

lack of response to voice or touch

disorientation or stupor

Not breathing (apnea) is the lack of spontaneous breathing.

requires immediate medical attention
the victim may become limp and lifeless, have a seizure, or turn blue.

Prolonged apnea is called respiratory arrest.

In children, this can lead quickly to cardiac arrest in which the heart

stops beating.
In adults, cardiac arrest usually happens first and then respiratory

The common causes of apnea in adults are :

airway blockage or choking,

drug overdose,
head injury,
heart irregularities (arrhythmia, fibrillation) or cardiac arrest,
nervous system disorders, or metabolic disorders
bronchial disturbances or pneumonia
asthma attacks.

unable to detect a pulse or has difficulty in feeling a pulse

In case of shock or cardiac arrest

assess pulse quality (such as pulse weakness) or pulse rate (how many

beats in a minute) or the pulse is weak or absent altogether

need immediate CPR are needed immediately if any of these
symptoms is found.

time is critical
one or more than one person is available to help
ideally, someone CPR certified performs the procedure.
critically ill patient or post-operative patient is being cared
for at home, it is a good idea for a family member to take a
CPR course to be better prepared to help in case of an

If the victim appears to be unconscious with either no breathing or no

pulse check for any movement (be shaken or tapped gently), if there is
no response, emergency help must be called and CPR begun

The victim is placed on his or her back on a level surface such as the
ground or the floor.

the victim's back should be in a straight line

shoulder supported slightly by a rolled up cloth, small towel, or piece of clothing
the victim's clothing should be loosened to expose the chest.

The rescuer :

kneels next to the victim,

tilts the victim's head back,
lifts the jaw forward, and moves the tongue forward or to the side,
making sure it does not block the opening to the windpipe.
mouth must be kept open at all times, reopening as necessary.
listens close to the victim's mouth for any sign of breathing, and watches the chest for

If the victim is found to be breathing, and has perhaps fainted, he or she

can be placed in the recovery position until medical assistance arrives.
straightening the victim's legs
pulling the closest arm out away from the body with the elbow at a right angle or 3 o'clock
position, and the other arm across the chest.
the far leg should be pulled up over the victim's body with the hip and knee bent. This
allows the victim's body to be rolled onto its side.
the head should be tilted back slightly to keep the windpipe open. The head should not be
propped up.

If the victim is not breathing:

rescue breathing begins,
apply the mask closing the victim's nostrils and mouth
two slow positive ventilation, about two seconds each, are push the air into the victim's
mouth with a pause in between.
repeated the step until the chest begins to rise
Repositioned victim's head as often as necessary during the procedure
the mouth must remain open and the tongue kept away from the windpipe.

When the chest begins to rise, or the victim begins to

breathe on his or her own:
the rescuer looks for signs of circulation, such as coughing or

If other healthcare professional has arrived by this time, the pulse will
be checked before resuming resuscitation.

if chest compressions are needed to restart breathing:

the rescuer will place the heel of a hand above the lowest part of the

victim's ribcage where it meets the middle-abdomen.

the other hand will be placed over the heel of the first hand, with
fingers interlocked
keep the elbows straight, the rescuer will lean his or her shoulders
over the hands and press down firmly about 15 times
it is best to develop an up-and-down rhythm, keeping the hands firmly
on the victim's chest.


the compressions:

the rescuer will give the victim two long breaths

the sequence of 15 compressions and 2 breaths

will be repeated until there are signs of

spontaneous breathing and circulation

There are certain important precautions for rescuers

to remember in order to protect the victim and get
the best result from CPR. These include:
Do not leave the victim alone.
Do not give chest compressions if the victim has a pulse (chest

compression when there is normal circulation could cause the

heart to stop beating).
Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink.
Avoid moving the victim's head or neck if spinal injury is a
possibility (watch the chest for movement).
Do not slap the victim's face, or throw water on the face, to try
and revive the person.
Do not place a pillow under the victim's head.

Loss of consciousness is an emergency that is potentially life

threatening. To avoid such situation, people at risk can follow these
general guidelines:
People with known conditions or diseases (i.e., diabetes or epilepsy) should

wear a medical alert tag or bracelet.

People with diabetes avoid situations that will lower their blood sugar level.
People who feel weak, dizzy /light-headed, fainted avoid standing in one
place too long without moving.
People who feel faint lie down or sit with their head lowered between their
Risk factors that contribute to heart disease should be reduced or eliminated
(smoking, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, lose weight, and reduce stress)
Illegal recreational drugs should be avoided.
Seeing a doctor regularly and being aware of any disease conditions or risk
factors can help prevent or complicate illness
Using seat belts and driving carefully can help avoid accidental injury.

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