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Multimedia is combination of more than one media into an information

source or presentation

Multimedia Computer System

It is the capability to integrate two or more types of media (text, graphics, images, audio and video) for
the purpose of generation, storage, representation and access of multimedia information.

Elements of Multimedia are documented through

Macromedia flash
Adobe live motion
Quick time player
Requirements of Multimedia Computer System

Faster Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Large Storage Devices.
Larger Main Memory.
Good Graphics Terminals.
Input/Output Devices.



Alphanumeric characters are used to present information in text form.

The native language of web is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Protocol), which is designed to display simple text
documents on computer screen.

Hardware and Software requirements for text

Optical Character Recognizers (OCR).
Text Editors.
Text Style.
Text Searching.
Text Importing and Exporting.
Computer graphics deals with the
generation, representation, manipulation and display of pictures with the aid of a
computer. Graphics is a more powerful way to illustrate the information.
The pictures used in computer graphics can be generally classified into two types:

Generative Graphics



Generative Graphics
The area of computer graphics, which deals with this type of pictures, is known as Generative graphics.
The Generative graphics is extensively used in drawings and Illustrations in the form of 2- Dimensional and 3Dimensional pictures
Created for mathematical representation of
simple objects.

Illustrative Diagrams

The two very important applications of generative graphics are:
1. Computer Aided Design (CAD).
2. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
Using CAD and CAM the design ideas can be quickly checked and graphically conceptualized interactively.

These are pictures and photographs
Composed of a collection of pixels
A Bit About Graphics

Vector Graphics - .eps, .png, drawing programs, CAD, some clipart

Bitmapped Graphics - .gif, .jpg, .bmp, .ticc, .pcx, scanned graphics, photos

Hardware and Software requirements for Graphics

Painting or Drawing Software.
Screen Capture Software.

Computer audio deals with synthesizing, recording and playback of audio or
sound with the aid of computer. Audio is another very important component of multimedia.

In Learning audio can be added to the animation clip.


Audio information travels in natural medium in the form of sound waves which are analog in nature.
Analog is converted in digital form by Transducer for the computer.

Hardware and Software requirements for Audio

Sound Card.
Output Device.
Audio File Importing.
Recording and playback capability.
Voice Recognition software


Like animation, computer video deals with the recording and display of a sequence of images at a
reasonable speed to create impression of movement.
Each individual image of a sequence of images is called a Frame.
For jerk-free full motion video 25-30 frames have to be displayed per second
Like animation video is also very important component of multimedia because it is very useful for illustrating concepts
that involves movement.

Hardware and Software requirements for Video

Video Editors.
Video Monitor.
Video Board.
Input Device like video camera
Recording and Playback Capability.

With the advent of multimedia, there is a boom in the different type of video games available on computer systems. Sound
and animation have been particularly important in these applications to make the games thrilling and exciting for the user.

Because the sequence of events in such games depends on the actions of the player, these programs are very interactive in

For sales promotion, companies often advertise there products and services on television. Most of the TV programmers
are sponsored by one or more companies, and in turn, they get time slots for advertising there products during the
programme. Several of these used computer animation for advertising

We saw that multimedia applications can present information in a variety of forms (text, graphics, animation, audio,
video) involving the use of more of our senses. Moreover, it helps in making a presentation more interesting, and has the
inevitable effect of grabbing and holding a persons attention

Several movies now contain many visual effects, which could never be accomplished without the aid of the computers.
The most common example is in the English movie, JURASSIC PARK the dinosaurs were shown as a living creatures
by use of multimedia technology only.


Multimedia kiosk has a touch-screen monitor with user friendly graphical user interface for ease of operation by
general public.
Multimedia kiosks are often used in public places as information providers.
At Airport
At museum

Multimedia conferencing is also known as Video conferencing, refers to a system that
simulates face-to-face interactions among participating users located far from each


Animation deals with the generation, sequencing and display of a set of images to create an effect of visual
Visual effects such as wipes, fades, zooms and dissolves, available in most authoring packages, are a simple form
of animation.
Television video build 30 entire frames every second. Movies are typically shot at a shutter rate of 24 frames per

Why use Animation?

Animation is useful for illustrating concepts which involve movement.

Animation can help organize thoughts and illustrate processes.

Teaching swimming

the proper way to swing hands for swimming can be more effectively

illustrated with an animation.

Flow of blood

in arteries and veins can be illustrated with the help of animation.

2-Dimensional animation
2-1/2 Dimensional animation
3-Dimensional animation


The visual changes that bring an image alive occur on the flat Cartesian x and y axes on the screen.
These are simple and static, not changing their position on the screen.
Authoring and presentation software such as Flash or Power-point provide user friendly tools to compute
positional changes.


An illusion of depth is added to an image through shadowing and highlighting, but image still rests on flat x and
y axes.
Embossing, shadowing, beveling and highlighting provide a sense of depth by raising an image.
Examples are Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, Fireworks, and after effects.


Software creates a virtual realm in three dimensions, and changes are calculated along all three axes.
It allows the viewer to wander around and get a look at all the objects parts from all angles.


Animation is possible because of a biological phenomenon known as persistence of vision and a psychological
phenomenon called phi.
With the simplest tools you can make a bouncing ball to animate your web-site using GIF89a.
Making animations appear natural requires a basic understanding of the principles of physics.

Difference between animation and video

Animation is commonly used in those instances where video graphy is not possible.
Animation can better illustrate the concept than video.
Example- Earth is revolving around its axis can not be video graphed but can show through animation.

Morphing is a special technique that creates a smooth, controlled transformation of one image into another. The morphing
effect is widely used for various tasks ranging from generation of fancy special effects, smoothing transitions between
video frames to funny warping of faces and mixing parent's photos for prediction of how their child will look like (or
recreation of past hero image from the photos of his descendants). A classic example of this sort of transformation
is shown in the well-known Black Or White video clip by Michael Jackson, where the faces of different people change
one into another..

As technology progresses, so will multimedia. Today, there are plenty of new media technologies being used to create the
complete multimedia experience. For instance, virtual reality integrates the sense of touch with video and audio media to
immerse an individual into a virtual world. Other media technologies being developed include the sense of smell that can
be transmitted via the Internet from one individual to another. Today's video games include bio feedback. In this instance,
a shock or vibration is given to the game player when he or she crashes or gets killed in the game. In addition as
computers increase their power new ways of integrating media will make the multimedia experience extremely intricate
and exciting.
Multimedia serves us an opportunity to create animated objects.
Multimedia is used in every field
In industry.
In schools, colleges.
In day to day life.
In designing.
Multimedia will provoke radical changes in the teaching process during coming decades; students can discover they can
go beyond the limits of traditional teaching


QUESTION: 1 What is the difference between .jpg and .jpeg?
ANSWER: - There is none in terms of file format. It's like the difference between .jpg and .jpeg or .htm and .html - the
file type is exaclty the same, but some computers can only support file extensions of three characters or less. Those
computers aren't normally used.
QUESTION: 2 What is the difference between .mpg and .jpeg?
ANSWER:- The only main difference between these two file extensions is .jpeg file compress the size of the file without
affecting the quality of picture .If we save same file in .mpg extension its size will be 15 times more than former one.

QUESTION: 3 What is the difference between Vector and Bitmap graphics?

ANSWER:- In functionality, the difference is that vector based images are scaleable. One can blow up a vector image to
any size, and the lines remain smooth. A bitmapped image is made up of a fixed number of pixels. Increasing the size of
the image does not increase the number of pixels; it only makes each pixel bigger. That is why you see jagged lines and a
loss of detail when you magnify a bitmapped image.

QUESTION: 4 What is the difference between dhtml and html?

ANSWER:- DHTML or dynamic HTML webpage is any webpage in which client-side scripting changes variables of the
presentation definition language, which in turn affects the look and function of otherwise "static" HTML page content,
after the page has been fully loaded and during the viewing process. Thus the dynamic characteristic of DHTML is the
way it functions while a page is viewed, not in its ability to generate a unique page with each page load.

QUESTION: 5 Difference between analog and digital music?

ANSWER:- The key difference between analog and digital technologies is that analog technologies record waveforms as
they are, while digital technologies convert analog waveforms into sets of numbers, recording the numbers instead.
When played back, the numbers are converted into a voltage stream that approximates the original analog wave.
best thing about digital music is that it doesnt matter how many times you copy it, it is always the same.
when copying analogue music the quality diminishes every time you copy it as it pics up more static or noise.

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