Classroom Guidlines

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1. Food, drinks, candy, gum are not allowed in class. Accidents are a part of life, and artwork
can be destroyed by these things. A bottle of WATER/COFFEE, (only) is ok. Drinks will be
placed by the sink area.
2. Use of Cell phones, I-pods, electronic devices are not allowed in class. Unless under my
discretion. If youre caught with an electronic device out, and refuse to hand over the device
the act will be considered defiance. Detention will be issued. Parent/guardian will have to
pick up confiscated phone.
3. Parents please do not call or text your child during class, unless it is an absolute
emergency. Otherwise it is rude, and devalues what I do.
3. Be in class before the bell rings. Otherwise you will be marked tardy/absent.
4. Sit at your assigned seat unless I give you the OK to move. I reserve the right to move you
to a new seat permanently at any time if an issue arises.
5. You may only move from your assigned seat to sharpen your pencil or to get art materials
for your assignment only after instruction has been given.
6. Be attentive while Mr. Silva is speaking.
7. Artwork cannot contain any inappropriate references to gangs, drugs or sexual images or
deemed inappropriate by the Teacher. Ask yourself would you show your work of Art to our
8. Draw, paint, etc. on your artwork only!
9. Use art materials in the manner that they were instructed to be used for.
10. You can take your work home anytime. But you must bring it back the next day.
11. No profanity. This is Mr. Silvas pet peeve.
12. I have a zero tolerance policy for any racial or prejudicial remarks made towards any
anyone or any particular group.
13. You are responsible for cleaning your work area and the tools that you used. I am not
going to do it for you. You are solely responsible for putting materials used back where they
14. I invite you to encourage your fellow classmates in a positive way... treat them
respectfully. Think before you speak. This class will be a fun and comfortable place for you to
learn how to create art and be a better artist, and express yourself in a positive way.
Thank you for taking my class. I promise to do my best to teach you what I know.

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