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Homeroom: 310


Fill-Ins: 10 points
Word Bank: Audacity, dissimulation, foresight, hastily, stealthy, acute, sagacity,

hearkened, crevice, stifled

1. She fanned herself __________ and desperately to battle the heat.
2. The __________ of the animals in Circes island could be seen in their knowing eyes.
3. She had the __________ to draw in her journal and not bother to respond to the questions at
4. The weathermans accurate ____________ about the upcoming hurricane was surprising.
5. The _________ of the criminals acting was shocking and convincing in front of the courtroom.
6. Light could not be seen through the narrow ________ in the cavern.
7. He _______ closely to catch the words of the sick and elderly man.
8. She felt an ________ sensation of joy when she remembered the time together.
9. The soldiers were very _________ as they approached the base in disguise.
10. They felt extremely __________ by the cramped quarters that they were staying in.

Sentences (10 points): Choose 5 of the words and write a sentence for each.

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Parts of Speech (10 points) write next to the indicated word what part of speech it is (Noun,
verb, adjective, adverb, etc.)
1. Dissimulation
2. Audacity
3. Hearken
4. Stealthy
5. Acute
Extra-Credit: True and False (5 points) Write T if True, F if False
____ Audacity is to act in a thoughtful, considerate manner.
____ If you are stealthy you tend to make a lot of commotion.
____Owls are often known for their sagacity.
____To be stifled is to feel at ease and liberated.
____If you have foresight it means that you can tell the future.

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