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Glaciers Edge Council

Boy Scouts Of America


January 14 - 16
Wisconsin Dells
Chula Vista Resort
Wednesday, January 14th
12:00 pm

All Staff arrive. Eat lunch prior to arrival.

12:30 pm

Set up room

1:30 pm

Joint Session Introductions, Review Schedule Housekeeping Chippewa Valley

2:00 - 5:00 pm, Council afternoon session

Review 2015 Functional Assignments
Check all Backdating through June 2015
Misc. Business Items...Alex Tyms & Don Olsen

Journey To Excellence

2015 Critical Achievements

2015 Family FOS

2015 Community FOS

Unit Health Review (Unit Health Report Green, Yellow or Red Status
Units. (Completed Prior to arrival)

Membership Validation

Employee Handbook

2015 Business Mileage

Conflict of Interest Agreement

Sexual Harassment

Vacation Forms

6:00 pm - Dinner as a full group, Chula Vista Resort
7:00 8:00 pm - Council Evening Sessions
8:00 pm - Hospitality Room Available

Glaciers Edge Council

Boy Scouts Of America

Thursday, January 15
7:00 8:30 am - Breakfast via voucher
8:30 9:00 am - Joint Session - ?
9:00 12 noon - Council Morning Session
2015 Membership Growth
A. Where are our opportunities?..............................................................Alex Tyms

Review Membership Growth Opportunity Index

Opportunity to Join

Density or Market Share by program and by school

Geographical Areas

Chartered Organization Inventory

B. New Unit Organization ......................................................................Alex Tyms

Determining Prospects

Selling Chartered Organizations

Unit Cultivation Sheets

12 Steps

New Unit Prospect Chart

12 Noon: Lunch as a full group, Chula Vista Resort
1:00 1:30 pm - Joint Session - ?
2:00 5:00 pm - Council Afternoon Sessions
C. Youth Retention...................................................................................Don Olsen

Transition Programs

Stopping Dropped Units

Separated Youth Letter

Separated Youth Call A Thon

D. 2014 Webelos to Scout Transition Plan ..............................................Don Olsen
E. Year Round Membership PlanClarence Renfroe

Month-by-Month Plan

The Annual Cycle

Glaciers Edge Council

Boy Scouts Of America


Goal Setting..............................................................................................Alex Tyms

Review Goal Kit and Materials

How and Why

Realistic Yet Challenging

How to Lose Them/How to Gain Them

Develop Draft Goals

6:00 pm

Break for Dinner

7:00 pm

Complete Goals & Fellowship

8:00 pm

Hospitality Room Available

Friday, January 16th

7:30 - 8:30 am - Breakfast via voucher
8:30 9:00 am - Joint Session - ?
9:00 11:00 am - Council Morning Session
Presentation of Goals and Justification by each U.S.E.

Check for Balanced Growth

Check for Mid Year Growth

How will you get there? (Month by Month)

Key Areas of Opportunity

New Units

Recruiting Plans

Blood Oath

10:30 am

FOS Plan Presentation by all USE

11:30 am

Closing Challenge....................................................................................Alex Tyms

11:45 am

Adjourn for Home

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