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Firefly Pose

Benefits: The firefly pose increases ones arms strength and wrist strength, much
like Bakasana or crane/ crow pose. It also helps to stretch the inner groin muscles
and the lower back and torso muscles. The pose requires much abdominal strength
to maintain balance and to hold the legs up in the air so it is also good for toning
the abdomen. And, like all other balance poses, this pose improves ones sense of
In order to prepare for this pose one should learn Eagle pose (Garudasana),
Crane/Crow pose (Bakasana), and Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana).
1. Squat with feet a little less than shoulder width apart. Tilt pelvis forward and
bring trunk between the legs. Keep trunk low, straighten legs enough to lift
pelvis to about knee height.
2. Bring left upper arm and shoulder as far as possible underneath the back of
the thigh and place the left hand at the outside edge of the foot with the
fingers pointed forward. Same with right.
3. Carefully shift your center of gravity begin lifting yourself off the floor. Slowly
begin to rock you weight back off of your feet and onto your hands.
4. While inhaling, stretch the legs out to the sides as straight as possible. Keep
the pelvis high to make legs parallel on the floor.
5. Press through the bases of the big toes and pull the toes back toward the
torso and spread them apart.
6. Straighten the arms as much as possible. Round the upper back to lift the
torso higher.

7. Without tensing the neck, lift the head and gaze forward. Breath slowly and
hold the pose for 15 seconds, then release the feet to the floor with an

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