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Special Issue of THE DOVE featuring RC Holy Spirit Chronicle of Service Events in 2015-16

Official e-Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

The Dove
9 August 2016

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines

Vol. IX No. 04

ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY. Farewell Oriental medical mission of Holy

Spirit on July 24 brings relief to 61 indigents in Payatas dumpsite area;
beneficiaries of the philanthropic service rendered by PP Dr Eui Bong Jung
now exceed 1,800 since July 2015, and more than 19,800 served since 2006.
The free Oriental medical check-ups
last Sunday, 24 July 2016 served 61
patients at the CDP Center in
Payatas, Quezon City. It was an
emotional farewell event for Dr Bong.



RY 2015-16
July 19, 2015


CDP Center, Payatas

Sept 13, 2015


Morning Star, Payatas B

Sept 20, 2015


CDP Center, Payatas

Nov 15, 2015


CDP Center, Montalban

Nov 29, 2015

Special visit, Holy Spirit

Dec 13, 2015


CDP Center, Payatas

Jan 17, 2016


CDP Center, Payatas

Feb 21, 2016


CDP Center, Payatas

Feb 25-26


Baco, Mindoro Or.

Mar 13, 2016


CDP Center, Payatas

May 7, 2016


CDP Center (new) Mont

May 8, 2016


CDP Center (old) Mont

May 15, 2016


CDP Center, Payatas

May 22, 2016


Tumana Church, Marikina

June 19, 2016


CDP Center, Payatas

June 26, 2016


Tumana Church, Marikina

July 24, 2016


CDP Center, Payatas

RY Total to-date


Rotaractor Aileen Claire Mesias of

SPIRIT and Interactor Rein Fernandez provided essential support to
FCP Dr Bong and the patients. Like
other youth leaders who volunteer to
serve in these missions, Ms. Aileen
and Ms. Rein have been specially
trained to receive and place nervous
patients at ease, to act as interpreter
between Korean Dr Bong and the

patients, and to translate into Pilipino

dosage instructions for the patients.
Rotaractor Ms. Thalia Delos Reyes
served as another volunteer.
Korean youth volunteer Ms. Herry
Jung also served in the mission.
FCP Eui Bong Jung, OMD, has since
July 2015 already provided relief to
more than 1,800 patients who preferred traditional treatment methods.
Korea-based partners in these missions are Korea INs Pharm Inc. and
Seoul Apgujeong Church.

Rotarian Dr Bong, Rotaractors Aileen & Thalia,

Interactor Rein and Korean youth volunteers.

This continuing program constitutes

a part of vocational service and international cooperation & understanding initiatives of RC Holy Spirit.

Interactor Rein, Rotarian Dr Bong, 3-year volunteer & now All Star
President of Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit. Michelle Mae Estenzo, and
Rotaractor Aileen Mesias. They embody Rotarys motto:


Once again in 2015-16, after 100 days of milk feeding, nutritional

status of 50 Severely Wasted and Wasted Grade I pupils have
all improved dramatically to Normal
Last September 15, 2015, RC Holy Spirit launched the clubs 5th annual milk-feeding and nutrition program to improve the nutritional
status of 50 wasted and severely wasted Grade I pupils of Dona
Juana Elementary School in Barangay Holy Spirit. These children
(classified into 21 severely wasted and 29 wasted by the school) had
been de-wormed at the start of the school year.

Remarkable results of
Milk Feeding & Nutrition
Program of RC Holy Spirit

The nutrition program for 50 wasted & severely wasted pupils featured daily intake of chocolate-flavoured fresh carabaos milk, snack
food and multivitamin syrup for children.

During the course of the 100-day program, Feeding Program Chair

PP Beth Sy with WC President Angel Castro, PP Marcia Salvador and
Rtn Jerry Sy coordinated closely with Feeding Teacher Mrs Lorna R
Corre, Teacher Ms Florence Corsino, Master Teacher Mr Jade
Negrillo, and a parent volunteer.

All 50 children gained weight,

with an average increase of 5.2

Nutritional Status of all children have improved from

wasted to Normal

The project has been successful on account of passionate care by the

RCHS Feeding Program Chair PP Beth Sy, by the schools feeding
teachers, and by volunteer-parents There was also the continuing
support and assistance of WCP Angel Castro, PP Marcia Salvador,
PP Chinchin Jurado, Rtn Jerry Sy, and other club members.

At the start
21 were Severely Wasted
29 Wasted
At the end-line
All 50 improved to Normal

The 2015-16 milk feeding program had been made possible through
the kindness and generosity of the United Korean Community Association in Quezon City, Mr Park Bread and Cake, the Bonito Resort in Batangas, and RCHS members.
Including commemorative events like special meals and gift-giving
during birthdays and Christmas celebrated with the kids, total investment in the 100-day program for 50 kids would be nearly P100,000.

Rotarians and feeding teachers pose for souvenir picture of Day 1 above

This page of The Dove e-bulletin serves as home page

of the virtual website of
Rotary International District 3780
Officers &


About the



What is


Dinner and fellowship with Dr Bong and family, 7 Aug 2016

RC Holy Spirit is on . .


1905 History of Rotary



RI Presidents August 2016 Message

Forty years ago, a man named George
Campbell, the owner of the company I
worked for, invited me to join Rotary.
Back then, that was a common practice
in the United States. Your boss invited
you to join Rotary because he thought
it would be good for business and good
for the community, and you said yes.
Its not surprising that our membership
surged during that period.
George warned me not to use Rotary as an excuse to
slack off at work. Even so, I always had time to attend
lunch meetings and serve on committees. I never had to
worry that taking a long lunch once a week would hurt my
advancement, or what my boss would think about the occasional Rotary phone call at work.
Today, things are different. Companies are less generous
about time, and not every manager looks favorably on
community service. Its hard to enjoy a Rotary meeting
when youve got emails piling up on your phone. Its
harder than ever to balance work with Rotary and the
model that gave us so much growth a few decades ago is
part of whats holding back our growth now.
Thats why the recent Council on Legislation adopted
some innovative measures that allow clubs to vary their
meeting times and expand their pool of prospective members. Clubs have more flexibility now to respond to the
needs of their members and to clear away as many barriers to membership as they can. But theres one barrier to
membership that only you can remove, one thing that
every prospective member needs to become a Rotarian:
an invitation to join a Rotary club.
Whenever I tell a group of Rotarians that we need more
willing hands, more caring hearts, and more bright minds
to move our work forward, everyone applauds. But those
hands, hearts, and minds wont magically appear in our
clubs. We have to ask them to join. And an invitation to
Rotary is something that only you can give. An invitation is
a gift. Its saying to someone, I think you have the skills,
the talent, and the character to make our community better, and I want you to join me in doing that.
Im the president of Rotary International, but the only club
I can invite someone to join is the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tenn. I cant make your club or your community
stronger. Only you can do that by inviting the qualified
people you know to join you in Rotary Serving Humanity.
President 2016-17

Foundation Chairmans August 2016 Message

More members mean a stronger
Our Rotary Foundation depends on a
strong and thriving Rotary membership. It is, after all, our members who
provide the generous support that enables our Foundation to tackle some
of the worlds most pressing problems.
As important as that support is, its not
the only contribution Rotarians make to our Foundation.
The Rotary Foundation has an unusual business model.
Like many charities, we receive donations that we use to
address a host of critical issues. Unlike most other nonprofit organizations, we depend on our members to develop relevant and effective service projects. Your volunteer labor stretches our contribution dollars and helps The
Rotary Foundation to do much more with less.
The typical global grant requires hours of planning and
budgeting before even one dollar is received or spent.
Then the sponsors must purchase supplies, seek donated
goods, set up bank accounts, organize volunteers, write
reports, and monitor the projects progress, all while working with Rotarians in another part of the world. Fortunately, our clubs have a wide variety of professional skills
and talents to call upon throughout this process.
Smaller clubs may not have the financial or human resources to sponsor a global grant, even if their members
share a strong commitment to the Foundations mission.
Imagine what those clubs could accomplish with two or
three times as many members.
As we celebrate Membership and New Club Development
Month in August, lets not forget the importance of quickly
engaging new members in Rotary service. Make sure
they know about the many opportunities our Foundation
offers members to pursue their service interests, from
promoting better health to providing training and education to bringing peace and stability to communities in
Through The Rotary Foundation, our members have a
chance to use their skills to make a real difference. First,
we need to bring those talented people into our ranks and
engage them in our Foundations vital work to create a
better world. And only we, the Rotarians, can bring in
those new members. So it is up to us, really, isnt it?

Trustee Chair 2016-17

Are you willing to be third class, and serve?

By Tiffany Ervin, past president of Rotary Club of Four Seasons, Hendersonville, N. Carolina, USA. Posted on ROTARY VOICES 20 July 2016

In the days of the American

wild west, if you wanted to
travel a great distance, you had
to go by stagecoach and it was
a very long trip. There were
three different classes of passengers first, second, and
third class. The seats were all
the same, but the prices were
different. Heres why
First class meant you remained seated during the entire trip, no matter what happened or what conditions might
be faced.

Is success really remaining

seated while others get out
and push, or is it getting
your hands and feet dirty?
Is success being served or
serving others?
But thankfully, there are also a
few who are willing to hold
third class tickets willing to
get out and push when the going gets tough.
We tend to equate first class
with privilege exempt from
doing any work. But is success really remaining seated while others get
out and push, or is it getting your hands and
feet dirty? Is success being served or serving

Tiffany Ervin with participants in a special

needs baseball league her club sponsors.

Second class meant you remained seated until there was a problem along the way, when
you had to exit the stagecoach and walk alongside.
But third class passengers not only exited
when there was a problem, they were also the
ones who had to fix a broken wheel or even
push the stagecoach along, through the mud,
up the hills, no matter what came along.
So I began thinking about this when it comes to
our involvement in Rotary.
Let me ask you what class ticket do you
Pampered, or detached?
Too many of us hold first class tickets we expect to be waited on and catered to even
pampered! Were willing to ride, but not push.
We just sit back and let the others do the work.
But there are also those in our organization
who hold second class tickets detached
spectators who show up but dont want to get
too involved. Their name goes on the roster,
they even include their membership on their resumebut thats about it.

What it means to be third class

Third class ticket holders have a heart for service. They dont mind working behind the
scenes. They are people who have made a
conscious decision to get involved or join an
organization whose entire reason for existence
is to change the world! They are people who
are willing to get out and push!
If we just sit in our first class seat and expect
everyone else to get behind and push, what will
happen to Rotary? Well never reach our goals
to end polio, to prevent other diseases, to
bring about world peace every organization in
the world already has too many first class passengers.
Were looking for a few more third class passengers!
What are you willing to do? Are you willing to
be a leader instead of a spectator? Are YOU
willing to be a third class passenger?

They also serve who only stand and wait.

John Milton, 1608-74


Rotary International District 3780
Club Profile

Chartered on June 29, 2005

One of few truly community-based clubs in District 3780: almost all members reside or work
in and around Barangay Holy Spirit that serves both as a host community and venue &
beneficiary of most of the clubs service projects.
Become the club most admired by the communities it serves, by partners in service, by
hosts, sponsors & donors, by its members, and by others in Rotary.
Some Distinctions already earned less than 10 years from Charter date
Most Outstanding Rotary Club in District 3780 (RY 2013-14)
One of first 2 clubs among 100 entrusted by The Rotary Foundation and Rotary International Districts D3710 & D3780 with Global Grant project funding of nearly US$60,000.
Membership (June 30, 2016):
24 Active members
1 Associate Member under the associate member pilot program of Rotary International
from RY 2011-12 through RY 2016-17. RC Holy Spirit is one of 200 clubs (out of
34,000 Rotary clubs) selected by RI to participate as pilot club in the research project.
8 Honorary members
Partners in service
Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School (est. 2009-10)
Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit (est. 2010-11)
Rotary Community Corps of Kaligtasan (est. 2012-13)
Sister clubs
RC Marikina North D3800 (from 2010-11)
RC San Mateo Midtown D3800 (from 2015-16)
RC Paranaque BF Homes D3830 (from 2015-16)
Rotary Club of Sae Gwangju D3710 Korea (from 2013-14)
The club publishes The Dove, web-linked e-bulletin that provides ready online access to hundreds of pages
of Rotary information, news and entertainment and that now serves as portal to the virtual website of the
Rotary Club of Holy Spirit. First issue on 4 June 2009.
THE DOVE is distributed by email to over 1,000 addresses, including some officers and staff of Rotary International. It is also posted on social media channels like Facebook and
Registered as a non-stock, non-profit corporation with the Securities & Exchange Commission ROTARY
CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT, INC. with a corporate life of 50 years.
RC Holy Spirit meets every Tuesday, 7-9 PM at the clubhouse of Don Antonio Heights Subd., Holy Spirit, QC.

RC Holy Spirit D3780 has been on Rotary SHOWCASE since 2012.

A number of service projects of the Rotary
Club of Holy Spirit District 3780 have been
posted on the Rotary Showcase of Rotary International since the Showcase was launched

in RY 2011-12. Click on the photos to view

Showcase projects of Holy Spirit, and click
this link to view other Rotary clubs in the


MILK BANK in Philippine Childrens Medical Center
The GLOBAL GRANT funded project, applied for by host club RC Holy Spirit
D3780, District 3780 and primary international sponsor District 3710 Korea,
was submitted to and approved by The Rotary Foundation in 2014-15 and
implemented & turned over by donation to the PCMC in March 2016.
A life-saving project, beneficiaries include: Pre-term babies; Babies with feeding
intolerance, immunodeficiency diseases, allergies, and in-born errors of metabolism; Infants who are victims of calamities like floods; Adult patients who
are suffering from illness like Hemolytic anemia and cancer; Midwifery/
practicum students who undergo trainings on breastfeeding in PCMC and other
institutions; and Donor-mothers with excess breast milk.
The 4th annual chess cup dubbed CHECKMATE held on May 29, 2016 was participated in by 186 chess enthusiasts (including
62 players in Kiddie Division). The event
featured Asias 1st Grandmaster Eugene
Torre. Rtn. Eugene thanked RC Holy Spirit
for promoting chess and exhorted all players
to use the discipline they develop from playing chess in their everyday lives. .


Hope is shared with baby and parents
when RC Holy Spirit D3780 launched
HOLY SPIRIT SMILES Project last August
14, 2012. More children from poor families
are expected to benefit from free surgical

Weekly learning-feeding program motivates interest to learn and consequently
raises literacy of 40 young children living in
a depressed dumpsite area.. The continuing program was first rolled out in early
August 2012 in Payatas, Quezon City by
Rotarians and Rotaractors of RC Holy
Spirit D3780.
To help build international peace and
understanding, PE Dr. Eui Bong Jung,
OMD, and RC Holy Spirit D3780 hosted
the educational-cultural visit in the Philippines of eleven Korean college students
last July 16-20, 2012.


RC Holy Spirit D3780 with the Rotaract &
Interact Clubs of Holy Spirit organized the 2nd
annual youth forum on Drug Abuse and
HIV/AIDS Prevention last October 28, 2012 in
cooperation with the Philippine Red Cross.
The outcome desired is to help achieve ZERO
new incidence among the youth in Quezon
City. RC Holy Spirit and partners organized
the 3rd, 4th and 5th forums on September 22,
2013, September 21, 2014, and November 8,
2015, respectively.


RC Holy Spirit D3780 responded quickly to
help alleviate hunger among 200 flood
victims sheltered at the Bagong Silangan
Elementary School evacuation center last
August 8, 2012, one day after the deluge.
An example is set.


Regular monthly Oriental medical relief missions organized by RC Holy Spirit D3780 and
conducted in Barangays Holy Spirit and
Payatas in Quezon City have been serving
indigent patients from urban poor families
since 2012.


RC Holy Spirit, Interact and Rotaract Clubs
of Holy Spirit D3780 helped two adopted
public schools with combined student population of nearly 12,000 prepare for the opening of 2012 classes by performing repair &
housekeeping tasks.. These pre-school
opening service activities have since been
done annually.

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service Events in 2015-16

Holy Spirit cheers up Special Education pupils as new Rotary year begins
July 1, 2015

Holy Spirit organizes Disaster Preparedness Seminar for Don Antonio

Heights community. July 4, 2015

Induction and turnover rites held as

RC Holy Spirit celebrates a decade
of Service Above Self. June 29.

Matched Club agreement with RC

Marikina North D3800 is renewed
while new agreement is forged with
RC San Mateo Midtown D3800, symbols of friendship and collaboration.
D3780 World Class DG Rey David,
WCP Teresa Amado of San Mateo
Midtown, Rtn. Dr Grace Angeles of
Marikina North D3800, WCP Angel
Castro of Holy Spirit, BCP Marites Nepomuceno, and D3780 Best Class DG
Sam Pagdilao. June 29, 2015

The joint meeting of the Rotaract Club

of Holy Spirit and the Interact Club of
Holy Spirit National High School last 12
July 2015 started with Youth Service
chair of RC Holy Spirit PP Marcia Salvador asking, If the dreaded 7.2 magnitude earthquake happens now while we
are meeting, what are you going to do?

NOT This Way

Disaster Preparedness Seminars for

homeowners of Don Enrique Heights
(July 25) and BF Homes QC homeowners (July 26)

This Way

TouchBooks from Rotary touched

lives of blind pupils and delighted their
parents, teachers and school principal.
On 20 July 2015, the SPED Center of
Dona Juana Elementary School rolled
out the celebration of the 37th National
Disability & Rehabilitation Week that
featured the turnover by RC Holy Spirit
of two sets of Makabayan TouchBooks
provided by PDG Penny Policarpio.

Holy Spirit turned over uniforms and

books to CDP Center for 300 children
beneficiaries in the resettlement area in
Montalban last July 20, 2015. Present
during the turn-over were WCP Angel
Castro, PP Dr Eui Bong Jung, PP
Marcia Salvador, PP Ammie Bagain,
Chair Ric Salvador, Rtn Jerry Sy and
new member Rtn Dr Bert Olivar.

Souvenir photo of 2015 Joint Induction

and Turn-Over Rites of the INTERACT
HIGH SCHOOL (est. 2009-10) and the
(est. 2010-11) held on 26 July 2015 at
Don Enrique Heights clubhouse.

RC Holy Spirit in partnership with Pepetons Grill sponsored the livelihood
skills training seminar on "Food &
Beverage Services" for 33 participants
last July 27-28, 2015 at Pepetons Grill.
The participants who passed the assessment done by TESDA were given
certificates and licenses valid for 5

Last August 5 & 6, 2015, WCP Angel

Castro, PP Ped Condeno, Jerry Sy and
Ric Salvador of RC Holy Spirit inspected the newly delivered Laminar
Flow Cabinet and how the engineer
from Mediwide-Malaysia and local technicians re-arranged equipment inside
the Human Milk Bank (HMB) of the
Philippine Childrens Medical Center.
The equipment is part of GLOBAL
GRANT Project GG#1529934 intended
to modernize and increase capacity of
the HMB service of PCMC

On August 6, 2015, the third topic in the

Club Administration 101 Training
Program covering website and club
bulletin was hosted by RC Holy Spirit.
CP Winston Sia handled the topic on
Creating a Website. The topic on Club
Bulletins was handled by PP Marcia
Salvador (Part I WHAT and WHY of
publishing club bulletins) and Chair Ric
Salvador (Part II HOW to get started
or upgrade existing bulletins).

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

Interact Club of Holy Spirit
National High School widened membership pool and
conducted orientation for
new Interactors. On August
8, 2015, an orientation on
Rotary and Interact was
conducted for thirty-seven
new members by PP
Marcia Salvador who also
presented the history of IaC
HSNHS as well as projects
All club
President Jannelle Larbio, and Interact Faculty
Adviser Mr John Gemir
Bravo were present during
the meeting.

Rotarians, their partners and family

members join hands to preserve urban
bird sanctuary and protect the environment in Metro Manila. RC Holy Spirit
and partners held the Tree Planting
and Shoreline Clean-up Drive on August 30, 2015 at the Las PinasParanaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area (LPPCHEA), a coastal wetland
and bird sanctuary in the metropolis. It
was done in cooperation with Caritas
Novaliches and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources National Capital Region.

Holy Spirit members continue to provide various forms of scholarships

and educational assistance to help
deserving youth to LEARN.

Last September 15, 2015, RC Holy

Spirit launched the clubs 5th annual
milk-feeding and nutrition program
to improve the nutritional status of 50
wasted and severely wasted Grade
I pupils of Dona Juana Elementary
School in Barangay Holy Spirit.

WC President Angel Castro and Feeding Program Director PP Beth Sy formally welcomed and fed the pupils
(only 48 were present), together with
PP Marcia Salvador, Rtn Jerry Sy and
Chair Ric Salvador. Feeding Teacher
Mrs Lorna R Corre coordinated the
gathering of the pupils from seven (7)
sections, with the help of Teacher Ms
Florence Corsino, Master Teacher Mr
Jade Negrillo, and one parent volunteer. The children were treated with
spaghetti to go with their chocolateflavored fresh carabaos milk. After the
meals, they were given multivitamins.
and a pack of school supplies.
The 2015 milk feeding program is supported by generosity of the United Korean Community Association in Quezon City, Mr Park Bread and Cake,
Bonito Resort and RCHS members.

13 Sept 2015. Oriental medical care
mission led by PP Dr Bong served
75 urban poor patients in Payatas B
Morning Star area, including 5 who
needed acupuncture treatment. PE
Michelle Mae Estenzo of RaC Holy
Spirit assisted Dr Bong and the patients.
Korea-based partners in these missions are Korea INs Pharm Inc. and
Seoul Apgujeong Church. Now on its
5th year, this continuing program constitutes part of community service and
international cooperation & understanding initiatives of RC Holy Spirit.

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

Care Seekers Program. Last September 27, 2015, RC Holy Spirit helped in the roll
out of a unique program that aims to bring hope to street children that have been
neglected or abused by their parents. Twenty-six children, aged 5-13 years old,
were invited to a simple gathering at the Inner Wheel Building at the barangay hall
complex in Barangay Holy Spirit where they listened to caring young adults about
values. They enjoyed playing fun games.. A nutritious meal was served to them
after the games.

Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit D3780

commemorates Buwan ng Wika National Language Month with an innovative poem-writing contest project.
Matuba is a Facebook-anchored
online contest open to all young talents.

Sept 22 Fellowship Night at the bowling lanes

Disaster Preparedness Briefings.
With President Chie Ladia Bullo of RaC
Holy Spirit as lead presenter, Rotaract
Club of Holy Spirit and Rotaract Club of
Midtown QC worked together to prepare
students of New Era High School for
disaster in case THE BIG ONE comes
anytime. Over 270 Grade 8 students
joined the sessions last September 24.
Chair PP Marcia assisted in the Q&A


3 October 2015 medical check-up
mission organized by PP Dr Bong of
Holy Spirit served 313 urban poor in
Montalban resettlement area. The engagement of RC Holy Spirit D3780 in
the Montalban program is part of the
clubs continuing cooperation with Korea-based partners who have been supporting our community service projects,
including sponsorship of the most profound project in the clubs 10-year history, the GLOBAL GRANT funded project of Human Milk Bank tor the Philippine Childrens Medical Center. These
activities constitute part of the community service and international cooperation & understanding initiatives of RC
Holy Spirit.


2015. The Rotary Club of Holy Spirit
salutes all teachers in the world, those
in our adopted schools in Barangay
Holy Spirit QC the Dona Juana Elementary School and the Holy Spirit National High School and the dedicated
teachers of the Special Education
(SPED) Center of Dona Juana Elementary School shown with PP Marcia.

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

11 Oct 2015. Another Oriental medical
mission led by PP Dr Bong of Holy
Spirit served 86 patients in Montalban
resettlement area

RC Holy Spirit sponsored six Holy Spirit

Interactors in the 2015 Interact District
Training Assembly last October 3. The
215 Interactors from 23 Interact clubs
increased their knowledge of leadership
principles and enhanced their inspiration
for service to others.

7 Oct 2015. RC Holy Spirit and the

barangay waged War against Dengue
starting with hot spots. In response to
the request of Kagawad Lydia Ballesteros who is the barangays Health,
Sanitation and Social Services Committee Chair, RC Holy Spirit conducted an
anti-dengue spraying operation in two
(2) hot spots in Barangay Holy Spirit on
October 7, 2015. Spraying was done on
Leyte Gulf Street where three (3) young
children had fallen ill with dengue, and
on Army Road where two (2) teen-agers
were confined in the hospital for dengue. There have been two (2) reported
deaths in the barangay in recently.

13 October 2015. Holy Spirit inks sisterhood cooperation agreement with RC

Paranaque BF Homes District 3830 to
serve communities better

16 Oct 2015. 2nd wave of District

3780s End-Dengue Campaign in
Barangay Holy Spirit further stems
rising number of dengue cases in 3
confirmed hot spots.
Let us always pay tribute to our teachers, professors, instructors, coaches,
role m odels and trainers who
unleashed our potentials, honed our
craft, supported our aspirations, and
made us discover the meaning of our
The worlds noblest profession :

9 Oct 2015. District 3780 ENDDENGUE Campaign provided antidengue mosquito spraying in parts of
Barangay Holy Spirit suggested by local
officials. RCHS provided breakfast,
lunch and snacks for all the volunteers

numbering around 25.



RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

Two staff members of the Human Milk

Bank office pose with the newly arrived modern pasteurizer. The human
milk pasteurizer unit - main part of
GG#1529934 intended to modernize
and increase capacity of the HMB service of the Philippine Childrens Medical Center (PCMC) - was delivered to
PCMC last 9 October 2015.
Oct 23-26 2015. Holy Spirit Rotarians
and Rotaractors join District relief operations for Typhoon Lando flood victims in Nueva Ecija

Rotary launched anti-dengue campaign to protect 1,000 households in

dense resettlement area from deadly
dengue. On October 25, 2015, RC Holy
Spirit D3780 led by WCP Angel Castro
with PP Marcia Salvador and sister
clubs RC Marikina North D3800 (WCP
Eric Sanchez) and RC San Mateo Midtown D3800 (WCP Terry Amado)
launched the joint anti-dengue program
in a densely populated area of Kasiglahan Village in Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez (formerly Montalban), Rizal.

26 October 2015. Rotarians and partners partake of refreshments served by

Pastor Roy Man-on. From left are Pastor
Roy Man-on, officer-in-charge of CDP
Center Montalban, WCP Angel Castro of
Holy Spirit D3780, RCHS associate
SKirk, WCP Eric Sanchez of Marikina
North D3800 and volunteer technicians.
From right are PP Marcia Salvador of
Holy Spirit D3780, CP Terry Amado of
San Mateo Midtown D3800, Rtn. Bassy
Cruz of Marikina North D3800, and officers of homeowners association led by
President Lorna Operio.

31 October 2015.
Interactors, Rotaractors and Rotarians hold purposeful
Halloween event in a bold program to
cheer up and change lives of street

31 October 2015. Joint Youth Assembly Meeting. Officers and members of the Rotaract Club of Holy
Spirit and the Interact Club of Holy
Spirit National High School held joint
assembly meeting last 31 October at
the youth service HQ to discuss activities and service projects that will require their participation starting with
the 5th annual youth forum on antidrug abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention
on 6 November 2015.

26 Oct 2015. FIRE renders 26 families in Barangay Holy Spirit homeless, opening up an opportunity for
Rotary service



RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

18 Nov 2015. Global Grant project sponsored and applied for by RC Holy Spirit
to modernize and increase capacity of
the human milk bank service of PCMC
nears turn-over stage

Rotary youth gather to help achieve ZERO new incidence of dreaded HIV/AIDS.
With the Rotaract and Interact Clubs of Holy Spirit, RC Holy Spirit successfully organized and sponsored the 5th annual youth forum on Anti-Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention on November 8, 2015. This was planned and organized in partnership with sister club
RC Paranaque BF Homes D3830 and in cooperation with the Quezon City Red Cross.

The forum was attended by 40 Interactors, 27 Rotaractors, 16 Rotarians and a

number of non-Rotarians.

21 Nov 2015. Rotarians commemorate

birthdays by sponsoring a blood-typing
service performed by two Red Cross
volunteers for 103 individuals

12 Nov 2015. Rotary and Interactors of

Holy Spirit National High School spearhead implementation of NGITI MO,
SAGOT KO joint project of District 3780
and QC Health Department

8 Nov 2015. Holy Spirit scholars continue enjoying financial assistance

from club members and international
partners. Rotaractor Alyan Silos received her periodic 3-month cash educational assistance from PP Dr Eui
Bong Jung on November 8, 2015.. The
amount came from Atty Park and members of his law firm in Korea. Atty Park
was first-class president of RC Sae
Gwangju D3710, sister club of Holy
Spirit. The educational assistance is
part of the initiative to maintain friendship & goodwill between Koreans and

15 Nov 2015. Oriental medical mission led by PP Dr Bong of Holy

Spirit serves 100 indigent patients in
Montalban resettlement community.

22 Nov 2015. Holy Spirit family at the

2015 Rotary Family Day as co-host
and participants.

ROTARY serves 1,335 indigent patients

in large-scale diagnostic and disease
treatment mission. In partnership with
RC SFDM and several organizations,
RC Holy Spirit organized a mega medical/dental/surgical/optical/diagnostic mission last November 21, 2015 at the covered court, clubhouse and grounds of
Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Association.

23 Nov 2015. Special treat for severely

wasted kids participating in the 100
days milk-feeding & nutrition program. Feeding Program Director PP
Beth Sy who celebrated her birthday
last November 21. PP Marcia Salvador
assisted in the feeding activity, together
with Feeding Teacher Ms Lorna Corre
and teacher and parent volunteers.


5 December 2015. Rotary family of Interactors, Rotaractors and Rotarians, with
volunteer doctors and organizations work
together to serve 106 indigent patients in
the 6th annual dental/medical checkup mission at the Our Lady of Sacred
Heart Chapel in Barangay Holy Spirit

From July to December 13, 2015, FCP

Dr Eui Bong Jung, OMD, has served 348
indigent patients who preferred traditional Oriental methods of treatment

14 Dec 2015 Gateways Institute of Science & Technology in partnership with

The Four Way Test Essay Writing Contest to promote better understanding by
youth leaders. The panel of judges consisted of PDG Jess Cifra, Charter President Gary Ting of RC Pag-asa QC, former District 3780 editor Ric Salvador of
Holy Spirit, and Quincy Cahilig, editorial
staff of the Philippine Rotary Magazine.

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

18 December 2015. Holy Spirit demonstrates love as it spreads hope & joy and
shares gifts & surprises among 100 pupils with special needs, their parents
and teachers at the SPED Center of
Dona Juana Elementary School.

18 December 2015. Parents of SPED

students stsrted to form Rotary Community Corps to design, suggest and implement community solutions to challenges
facing SPED and school communities

22 Dec 2015. Rotarians, Rotaractors

and Interactors hold purposeful Christmas party for street children under
the Care Seekers Program.

23 Dec 2015. Families in the Payatas dumpsite areas

were cheered again with food, gifts and surprises during
annual Christmas program sponsored by PP Linda Palattao. The program included fun games, raffle of prizes and
gift-giving for children, and sharing lunch meals with children and their parents. WCP Angel Castro, PP Beth Sy
and Rtn Jerry Sy assisted in the program. As in previous
years, the parents were cheered with noche buena packs donated by Buklod ng Panginoon
Foundation. Each of the 102 packs distributed to the parents contained a pear ham, spaghetti packs and other items for the traditional Christmas family midnight snacks


RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

23 Dec 2015. Holy Spirit fetes youth service partners in joint Christmas fellowship
party and year-end thanksgiving program. The RC Holy Spirit family of Rotarians,
Rotaractors and Interactors celebrated their joint Christmas fellowship party and year-end
thanksgiving program for the clubs youth service partners. The Christmas program featured
messages from WCP Angel Castro and PDG Francis Rivera, a show of talents not only by
Interactors and Rotaractors but also by Rotarians (specifically CP Nides Rivera), and fun
games enjoyed by the young and old. The Rotaractors even serenaded the Rotarians with

Serving as gifts to the world young

Interactors of made indigent street children smile. On the morning of December
22, Interactors of Holy Spirit National High
School conducted the clubs own project,
"Gifts of Hope," as a Christmas special for
street children on the pedestrian overpasses
who were not beneficial participants in the on
-going Care-Seekers Program.

5 January 2016

First Meeting of the New Year

Rotary, nutrition teachers and parent

volunteers welcome the New Year with
a special treat for 50 Grade 1 pupils. A
typhoon and resulting suspension of classes
had prevented the event last December 15,
2015. Still imbued with the holiday spirit,
RCHS held a New Years celebration with
the Grade I pupils, the feeding teachers and
parent-volunteers last January 11, 2016.
Rotary Feeding Program Director PP Beth
Sy coordinated the planning and implementation of the January 11th Rotary treat. Dr.
Alarico Ramos, principal of Dona Juana Elementary School, welcomed the Rotarians,
the children, the teachers and volunteer parents.

On 4 January 2016, officers of RC Holy

Spirit WCP Angel Castro, IPP Marites
Nepomuceno, PP Marcia Salvador and
Chair Ric Salvador visited the progress
of work on the new SPED Resource
Center being established at the Dona
Juana Elementary School.
Rehabilitation and re-painting was started
when classes stopped at the beginning of
the Christmas break. During the visit, they
discussed the project which is sponsored
by the Nepomuceno family - with school
principal Dr. Alarico Ramos, Master
Teacher In-Charge Mrs Gloria Tatad, and
SPED Teachers Ms Melissa Delos Santos,
Ms Mary Ann Dator and Ms Mary Dorothy

The latest free Oriental medical relief

mission last Sunday, 17 January 2016
served 64 patients living in garbage
dumpsite community in Payatas, Quezon
City. One patient received acupuncture
treatment. Rtr Aileen Claire Mesias of the
Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit assisted PP Dr
Bong and the patients in this mission.


RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

19 Jan 2016. Environmentalist Mr Caloy
Gubat, former Technical Director at the
Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), inspires Holy Spirit
to care for and protect trees and make
them important landmarks

Interactors proudly display

HOLY SPIRIT club banner

Fellowship Night and Birthday Treat

by FCP Dr Eui Bong Jung. 12 Jan

6 Feb. Holy Spirit runs for Rotary in the

Million Volunteer Run to help Philippine Red Cross raise funds for humanitarian programs. RC Holy Spirit D3780
family was represented in the event by Rtn
Jerry Sy, Jerjay Sy, Gilbert Salvador and six
members of the INTERACT CLUB OF HOLY
President Jannelle Jang Larbio. The Interactors were sponsored by RC Holy Spirit.

PP Linda Palattao receives the D3780

2016 Paul Harris Vocational Excellence Award trophy of recognition from
District Governor Rey David on stage.
Justice Rodolfo Palattao, PDG Dan
Espinosa, WCP Angel Castro and three
RCHS officers PP Beth Sy, PP Marites
Nepomuceno and PE Peth Rivera
(standing partly hidden behind them)
witness the event. Rtn Percy Zabala
took pictures of the event.

End-TB Program of Rotary. On January 31, 2016, RCHS organized another

anti-TB program in four (4) denselypopulated puroks in Barangay Holy Spirit,
with the assistance of the Salamat sa Biyaya
Foundation. On that Sunday morning, 141
children, aged 5 months to 17 years, were
brought by their parents for the PPD testing
administered single-handedly by District
Community Service Chair Dr Irene Santos
from 8AM to 12PM.

On January 30, 2016, 12

parents of SPED students
a t
Dona Juana Elementary School got together and organized themselves into a
Rotary Community Corps (RCC) for the
purpose of addressing and possibly solving
problems in the SPED community and in the
communities where they reside. The parents
tentatively named their group as RCC of

DJES Sped Center.

The officers and members of the ROTARACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT met on
7 February 2016 at the Youth Service
HQ of Holy Spirit to discuss various service projects and activities of the club in
the next 3 months and beyond, including
Please! English Me project.

Holy Spirit begins treatment of

positive children participating in
tarys End-TB in Quezon City
gram. Out of 141 children who had


tested on January 31st, only a hundred
came back, of which twenty-five (25) were
found to be infected by the tuberculosis bacteria. District Community Service Chair Dr
Irene Santos checked each of the children.
She then gave the parents the medicines to
be taken by their infected children daily for
one month.


RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

Last 24-25 February 2016, the SPECIAL
Holy Spirit D3780 and the SION Oriental
Medical Mission Center (SOMMC)
served 284 patients among distressed
Mangyan tribal people who had been
forced to relocate when their homes,
belongings, schools and churches were
totally destroyed and buried by rampaging waters and mountain rocks in late

Ngiti Mo, Sagot Ko program of Rotary

changes lives of high school students.
February 16, 2016 was an auspicious day
for Holy Spirit National High School, the
awarding of dentures to fourteen Grade 10
students chosen as recipients of the Ngiti
Mo, Sagot Ko program implemented by
the QC Health Department Dental Division
in partnership with RI District 3780 and coordinated by RC Holy Spirit in HSNHS.

The latest free Oriental relief mission

last Sunday, 21 February 2016 served
61 patients in the garbage dumpsite
community in Payatas, Quezon City. Six
patients received acupuncture treatment.

3 memorable celebrations rolled into

Feb 14th RAC HS event at the youth
Valentine's LOVE & fellowship, fun and
acoustic jam with an impromptu band
Most Outstanding Adjudicator Recognition received by Rtr Romeo Latoza at
the UP; and
"Homecoming" of RAC HS charter
president James Lorenzo who has returned from job assignment in Singapore

Post-meeting fellowship with WCP Terry

Amado & two other officers of sister club
RC San Mateo Midtown D3800, Feb 9,
2016 at the Four Burgers Cafe along
Holy Spirit Drive

District Projects

Feb 18-19. Global Grant project sponsored by RC Holy Spirit: Equipment to

modernize human milk bank service of
PCMC are calibrated & test-ran; HMB
staff briefed on proper operation & maintenance

RC Holy Spirit welcomes two new

members to the club: Doanni Doe Lou
Dequia, lawyer-MBA and bank officer;
and Rochelle Chelle Seares Luna, business management major, studied jurisprudence and human rights in California
and France, and business owner. 16 Feb

PP Linda Palattao receives special pin from

Rotary International as
incentive reward for new
member recruitment in
RY 2014-15.



RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

On February 23, 2016, a returning Rotarian was formally inducted as member

of the club. Dr Bert L Olivar, a veterinary doctor, used to be a member of
Rotary in Laguna. He was sworn in by
WCP Angel Castro, after being charged
by IPP Marites Nepomuceno, in the
presence of officers and members of
RCHS. Dr Olivars membership has
been sponsored by PP Marcia Salvador.
PETS March 5-6. The All-Star Presidents
posed for souvenir class picture with district leaders led by then IDG Dwight
Ramos. Can you locate ASP Peth in the picture?

On March 10, RC Holy Spirit signed

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with
the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) through its Department of
English, Foreign Languages and Linquistics (DEFLL) under the College of
Arts and Letters at its Sta Mesa campus.
The MOA covers the conduct by PUP
faculty and trained students of an Intensive English Extension Program for
members of the Rotaract Club of Holy
Spirit and other interested Rotaract
clubs in RID 3780. The Program aims to
train the youth become good communicators in English in preparation for leadership roles in their communities and/or
in their professional lives.

District celebration of World Understanding and Peace Day Feb 28, 2016

Holy Spirit continues implementation of

Rotarys End-TB in QC program. On
March 4, 2016, the 25 children identified
earlier to be TB-infected were again
checked up by District Community Service Chair Dr Irene Santos. Accompanied by their parents or guardians, they
received the prescribed medicines for
their 2nd month of treatment.

mission of
R o t a r y
and partn e r s
serves nearly 1,000 needy patients.
With SM Foundation Inc as major sponsor,
RC Holy Spirit organized all the essential
components and resources needed and coordinated the implementation of the annual
partnership project Gamot Para sa Kapwa
medical/dental/diagnostic mission last March
12, 2016 at the covered court of Don Antonio
Heights in Holy Spirit.

On March 17, RC Holy Spirit led by

WCP Angel Castro turned over to Dona
Juana Elementary School through its
principal, Dr Alarico Ramos, the freshly
developed and furnished SPED Resource Center after simple blessing rites.
The SPED Resource Center is intended to serve
as a laboratory to help teachers in handling such
learning areas as social skills, self-help skills like
dish-washing, cooking and other household tasks,
and certain vocational skills. The ceremonies were
attended by members of the family of IPP Marites
Nepomuceno who had made donations to cover
the development costs of the Resource Center
project, as well as some furniture. The donation is
made by the family in honor of the late Mr Alfonso
Nepomuceno who had been grateful for the SPED
education received by a most beloved grandson.

Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit gathered on

Sunday, 6 March to finalize plans for the
week-long celebration of World Rotaract
Week on March 7-12, 2016.

Oriental medical mission of Rotary last

March 13 brings relief to 71 residents in
garbage dumpsite area; total beneficiaries since start of the Rotary year now
reaches 828.


March, April, May

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

21 March. Holy Spirit turns over

Global Grant funded equipment to
modernize and raise capacity of human milk bank of Philippine Childrens
Medical Center. RI Director-Treasurer
Per Hoyen & Spouse PDG Annette, DG
Rey David of D3780, and PDG Kim Bo
Gon of D3710 are all visibly touched as
they listened to the briefing after having
seen some of the beneficiaries in the
Neonatal ICU & Ward whose lives are
being saved by milk from the Human
Milk Bank service: Pre-term infants, ba-

2 April. Led by incoming President Peth

Rivera, RC Holy Spirit defines priorities
for All-Star RY 2016-17 as the planning
process started last April 2nd at the orchard farm of PDG Francis and PE Peth

bies with feeding problems, infants with

critically ill mothers.

5 April. Holy Spirit club meeting, Board

of Directors meeting, and fellowship
program to celebrate the birthday of Rtn
Jerry Sy at the Ever-Gotesco recreation
center Commonwealth.

March 21. RC Holy Spirit is given recognition during 2016 Araw ng Parangal of SPED Center of Dona Juana Elementary School. RCHS was recognized
for its support and contribution to the Centers activities and programs for School Year
A plaque of appreciation was
received by PE Peth and IPP Marites

Mar 12. Interactors of Holy Spirit hold

5th peer mentoring sessions to help
schoolmates improve their knowledge in
preparation for
final exams in Math, Science and English.

Holy Spirit spreads Easter hope and

cheer among 159 less fortunate children.
On Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016, RC
Holy Spirit and partner organizations
rolled out a meaningful celebration for
children under its Care-seekers Program, together with other street children
and those from the marginalized sector
living in Barangay Holy Spirit..

RC Holy Spirit D3780 joined sister club RC

San Mateo Midtown D3800 in celebrating their
first charter anniversary last March 27, 2016
at the Cottolengo Filipino, a home for deprived, abandoned and orphaned children in
Rodriguez, Rizal. RCHS, represented by PP
Beth Sy and Rtn Jerry Sy, brought a wheelchair and boxes of diapers that were turned
over to the home.

3 May. In commemoration of Youth

Service Month, Holy Spirit inducts
Rotaractor as associate member of
the Rotary club.

Oriental medical check-up missions of

Rotary family last May 7 & 8 bring relief
to 640 residents in Montalban resettlement areas; total beneficiaries since
start of the Rotary year now reach

Oriental medical check-up missions
of Rotary family last May 15 & May 22
bring relief to 163 indigents in Payatas
and Marikina; total beneficiaries since
start of the Rotary year now reach

RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

186 players, including 62 youngsters, participate in Rotarys 4th annual CHECKMATE national tournament to develop analytical thinking and social skills of respect
for authority, rule following, and sportsmanship. May 29.

In partnership with the Department of

English, Foreign Languages and Linguistics (DEFLL) of POLYTECHNIC
(PUP), the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit
and the Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit
launched on May 15, 2016 the Intensive English Proficiency Extension
Program dubbed English Me,
Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors
of Holy Spirit join Brigada Eskwela in
two schools to help them prepare for
opening May 30-June 2

Holy Spirit at the 2016 Recognition &

Awards Night at the Manila Hotel on
22 May 2016

Holy Spirit at the D3780 District Training Assembly in Crowne Plaza Hotel
on 14 May 2016

The Secretaries and Treasurers

Training Seminar (SATTS) 2016 was
held on June 11, 2016 at the Rotary
Center. It was attended not only by Secre-

Rotaractors and Interactors of Holy

Spirit and their guests hold 2016 Summer Fellowship Night May 21

taries and Treasurers, but also by a number

of All Star Presidents and some other club
members. A total of 86 attendees from 48
Rotary clubs participated in the training
seminar that emphasized the element of
teamwork in ensuring that clubs run
smoothly and effectively during the All Star
RY 2016-2017 based on standards set by



RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

On June 13 and 16, 2016. WCP Angel
Castro, PP Ammie Bagain and volunteers have taken a bolder move in giving a glimmer of hope to the street children under the Care Seekers Program
by introducing a basic educational program.

First batch with 17 Rotaractors and Interactors of Holy Spirit and of other youth clubs
complete skills-building English proficiency program. May 21 to June 5
Holy Spirit and members donate
school supplies to help needy students cope with school needs as
classes open in June 2016

June 11. Holy Spirit Rotarians and Rotaractors of D3780 host Secretaries
and Treasurers Training Seminar

To nurture mindset of service-aboveself, we encourage our youth partners

to start early: Holy Spirit Interactors and
Rotaractors hold unique team building
and community service planning to
prepare for All-Star RY 2016-2017.
June 8, 2016.

PP Ammie Bagain met with twenty-two kids,

aged 10 to 14 years old, who are presently
out of school and who spend most of their
time out on the streets of Barangay Holy
Spirit. After assessing the kids, PP Ammie
found out that they do not know how to read
and write. So she started teaching them the
fundamentals of ABC, numbers and shapes.
During playtime, PP Ammie, together with
WCP Angel Castro and some volunteers
from the Salamat Sa Biyaya Foundation,
taught the children the values of respect and
sportsmanship. The children also enjoyed
singing hymns of praise.

June 10, 2016 in Payatas, a yearly tradition

of PP Linda Palattao

June 12, 2016 in small informal community in

Taguig City, initiative of PP Chinchin Jurado

June 21, 2016. All-Star President Peth

Rivera receives donation from Mr Anthony
Yu, proprietor of MR PARKS BREAD &
CAKE at The Rock Arcade along Holy Spirit
Drive, to help defray costs of forthcoming
projects of Holy Spirit to serve humanity. Mr
Yu has been a regular supporter of club
community service projects. THANK YOU,
Mr Yu.


SCHOOL, an annual program of RC Holy
Spirit for indigent students

Oriental medical mission of Holy Spirit

family last June 19 brings relief to 57
indigents in Payatas; beneficiaries of
the continuing Rotary service now exceed 1,600.

Following the launching of the

Libreng Pap Smear Project on
April 21, 2016, the 2nd testing
was done on June 16, 2016
where twenty-two (22) patients
were screened at the St Benedict
House in Barangay Holy Spirit.
As before, the procedure was
performed by Dr Jovina Andres,
an ob-gyne doctor.



RC HOLY SPIRIT Chronicle of Service

Free dog vaccination & rabies prevention a continuing commitment

of RC Holy Spirit, its partners and
volunteers to protect community.

ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY. Oriental medical mission of Holy Spirit

family last June 26 brings relief to 54
indigents in Tumana, Marikina; beneficiaries of the continuing service now exceed 1,700. Rotaractors Aileen Claire
Mesias and Rein Fernandez of the ROTARACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT provided essential support to FCP Dr Bong
and the patients during the mission.
Korea-based partners in these missions
are Korea INs Pharm Inc. and Seoul
Apgujeong Church.

RC Holy Spirit organized and coordinated

this years dog vaccination campaign last
June 25, 2016 in four (4) vaccination centers. A total of 527 dogs and cats (pure

breeds, cross breeds, and natives) were

given free rabies-vaccination shots by
four (4) veterinarians that included RC
Holy Spirit member Dr Bert Olivar. Most
of the pets came with their respective
patient record cards.

Now on its 5th year, this continuing program constitutes a part of vocational
service and international cooperation
& understanding initiatives of RC Holy

Value contributed by anti-rabies

program of Rotary

This is a safety and problemprevention program whose value

to the community is indicated by:

Aggregate savings by owners of

the 527 pets of about P240,000.
Private vet clinics charge an average of P450 per shot.
Potential saving of P15,000 for
the treatment of a person bitten
by infected, un-vaccinated dog.
Avoidance of fines imposed by
law to owners who fail to have
their dogs vaccinated.
Peace of mind on the part of pet
owners and their neighbours until
the next annual vaccination

Thirty-five (35) care seekers and

street children received various
school supplies (notebooks, pad
paper, pencils, ball pens, colors) on
June 26, 2016 at the St Benedict
House in Barangay Holy Spirit. Most
of the children, aged 6 to 14 years
old, are already enrolled but still lack
some supplies.
The rest will be assisted by Ms
Ressie Esteban of Salamat sa Biyaya Foundation in completing their
birth records and get them enrolled.
Before release of the school supplies, the children were made to
promise to comply with certain conditions, i.e., having parents and teachers sign on progress cards or
helping with housework.
Leaders of Rotaract Club
of Holy Spirit and Interact
Club of Holy Spirit National
High School pose for group
photo during planning
June 26


Principles that Guide Rotary


The Object of Rotary

The Four-Way Test

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster

the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise
and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

Of the things we think, say or do

FIRST. The development of acquaintance

as an opportunity for service;
SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the
worthiness of all useful occupations, and the
dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as
an opportunity to serve society;
THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business,
and community life;
FOURTH. The advancement of international
understanding, goodwill, and peace

through a world fellowship of business and

professional persons united in the ideal of

Rotarian Code of Conduct

As a Rotarian, I will
1) Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
2) Deal fairly with others and treat them and
their occupations with respect
3) Use my professional skills through Rotary
to mentor young people, help those with
special needs, and improve peoples quality
of life in my community and in the world
4) Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely on
Rotary or other Rotarians

1) Is it the TRUTH?
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3) Will it build GOODWILL and
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all

Rotarians Pledge
I am a Rotarian
I will always uphold the TRUTH.
I am a Rotarian
I will always strive to be FAIR
in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.
I am a Rotarian
I will always endeavor to build
in my community,
among my countrymen
and people of all nations.
I am a Rotarian
I will always seek to promote
the greatest good
for the greatest number of people
in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE.
I am a Rotarian
I will always uphold
the Rotary International Motto,

Watch songwriter Jerry Mills sing Come Join Us online by clicking on this link.



Rotary International District 3780
Governors Visit
and Induction Ceremonies
10 August 2016
Part I Governors Visit
One-on-one meeting of District Governor Dwight Hilarion Dwight Ramos
with President Ma Perpetual Peth Rivera
Club Assembly and Presentation/Discussion of Plans & Programs
Part II Registration and Dinner
Brief on the PCRG by PDG Benigno Emilio Pichoy Ramirez, RID 3770
Greetings and Short Message by PDG Roberto Robert Kuan, RID 3830
Renewal of Sister Club Agreements: RC Marikina North D3800 and RC San Mateo Midtown D3800
Part III Induction Rites
Call to Order
National Anthem

President Ma Perpetual Peth Rivera

Rtn Percival Percy Zabala
Audio Visual Presentation

Welcome Remarks
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries & Guests

PP Emelinda Linda Palattao

CP Leonides Nides Respicio

Presentation of DOVE AWARDS

IPP Angelita Angel Castro and

PP Eui Bong Dr Bong Jung

Valedictory Address

IPP Angelita Angel Castro

Presentation of Leadership Award

President Ma Perpetual Peth Rivera

IPP Angelita Angel Castro

Presentation of RI Presidential Citation

IPDG Reynaldo Rey David

Conferment of Service Above Self Award

President Ma Perpetual Peth Rivera

and all Past Presidents of RCHS

Introduction of New Members

Charging of New Members
Induction of New Members

PP Emelinda Linda Palattao

PDG Francisco Francis Rivera
DG Dwight Hilarion Dwight Ramos

Introduction of All Star RCHS Officers

Induction of All Star RCHS Officers

PP Marites Marites Nepomuceno

DG Dwight Hilarion Dwight Ramos

Introduction of Honorary Members

Induction of Honorary Members

PP Virginia Arden Beth Sy

DG Dwight Hilarion Dwight Ramos

Inaugural Address

President Ma Perpetual Peth Rivera

Presentation of First Family


PP Marcia Marcia Salvador

All Star Presidents

District Announcements

DS Cesar Pocholo Jaymalin

Introduction of Guest of Honor & Speaker

Chair Ricardo Ric Salvador

Inspirational Message

DG Dwight Hilarion Dwight Ramos

Presentation of Token

Pres Ma Perpetual Peth Rivera

Part IV. Fellowship

PP Pedrito PedCondeno
Master of Ceremonies

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