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Title: The Role of Advertising in the Success of Coca-Cola


A Coca-Cola is one of the longest surviving brands in history.
B Strong advertising and marketing have contributed significantly to their success

The advertising history of Coca-Cola reflects the cultural history of America


Thesis statement: Coco-cola still spends huge sums for advertising. The success of
Coca-Cola as a brand is heavily attributed to their advertising and marketing


Body of the Paper - Supporting Statements:

A The History of Coca-Cola.
1 The creation of an innovative soft drink
2 Earlier methods of advertising and marketing
3 The changes in the Coke ads over the years
4 Becoming the global icon in its category
B Coca-Cola as a soft drink
1 The disadvantages of Coke for health
2 The competitors of Coca-Cola
3 The Pricing techniques of Coca-Cola
C Current techniques of marketing and advertising
1 Using of internet and social media for advertising
2 Who they support in Elections
3 The support of environment friendly causes
4 Other facts of current advertising and marketing of Coca-Cola
D Additions to the Body [if necessary]


A History of success of Coca-Cola is the history of popularity of its creative ads.

B Coca-Cola identifies the role of the product ads in its success as a global icon and
still spends a huge amount for marketing even after setting itself a brand.

Annotated Bibliography

Arandilla, R (2011). Coca-Cola Advertising Through the Years. Retrieved on October 31, 2013
Coca-Cola Advertising Through the Years is an article written by Rachel Arandilla for the
website I found this resource from Google search for the keywords history
of Coca-Cola ads. I dont think the website is something intended for academic or scholarly
purposes. However, I found the article and its images very helpful and relevant to my topic of the
essay. The whole article details the different ads used by the Coke Company from the very
beginning of its business. As my thesis is about the role of advertising in the success of CocaCola, this particular article is very much useful for me.
Bellis, M (n.d). The History of Coca Cola: John Pemberton was the inventor of Coca Cola.
Retrieved on October 31, 2013 from
The History of Coca Cola is an article written by Mary Bellis for the website is a reputed and well established article data base where only qualified writers are the
authors of published articles. The authenticity of the information found in the website is almost

unquestionable. It is an interesting article about the invention and the humble beginning of Coke
as a soft drink. The article also briefs the earlier history of the company and the product. The
article is very helpful for me in developing the body of my paper describing its creation and
earlier history.

Coca-Cola adverts from our archives. (2010). In Coca-Cola. Great Britain. Retrieved on October
31, 2013 from
When I Searched for Cokes first Television ads, I found the Coca-Cola Companys website in
Google search. The page I am using is from the UK Coca-Cola companys website. This is an
archive of the funny ads that appeared on British television screens during the 1950s, 1960s and
1970s. I believe the time line and the themes of the ads found in this website will be useful for
me to develop the earlier TV ads particulars of my essay.
Coca-Cola Beverages = Colossal Health Hazards. In Killercoke. Retrieved on October 31, 2013
My search for the harmful health effects of drinking Coke took me to this website. The website is
part of a worldwide campaign to Stop Killer Coke based on the efforts of thousands of
volunteers. The website alerts about the health hazards of drinking Coca-Cola. The website
contains some shocking information about the harmful effects of Coca-Cola on human body. As
my paper covers the health aspects of Coke, this website is very useful for me to develop that
part of the paper.

Coca-Cola Wins Inaugural Brand Icon Award From the CLIOs: Soda giant has led marketing
innovation for a century (2013). In Adweek. Retrieved on October 31, 2013 from
This is an article found through Google search in a website Adweek. As the name indicates the
website is the leading source of news for marketing, media and advertising professionals. This
article sheds light to the importance of advertising even for a product giant like Coke. The
article is about a recent award achieved by Coca-Cola and gives some insight into the companys
attitude towards marketing and advertising. For my essay, the information from this website will
be very helpful.

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