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Monsoon rains would soon hit India. After grilling heat, we are all ready to welcome the cool
raindrops with open arms. Here is a poem welcoming Varsha Rani - Rajiv Krishna Saxena
Keywords: rains, monsoon, after hot summer, water, storm, clouds, thirsty birds, smell of rains,
paper boat

Our family and I decided to utilize the holiday exploring the Southern part of our
Incredible India. The plans were made and the destination was decided to be the Queen of
Hill Stations i.e. Ooty which was a beautiful picturesque hill station town in the Tamil Nadu
state located in the Nilgiri range of hills.
We all found some time during our exams and carried out a sort of research on the
internet and started deciding the route to follow , searched trains between various
stations , made the hotel bookings and booked the train tickets thanks to the irctc ltd.
website of Indian Railways. The final route decided was Jodhpur-Mumbai-PuneCoimbatore-Ooty. Except Ooty the remaining places were not meant for visiting else
served just as the junction from where we had to change our trains for the next station. All
plans were made and we had a clear picture in our mind of the upcoming trip and the
waiting became more difficult. Everyday we used to check the status of our tickets in each
train and would request god to get all the tickets confirmed ,we would discuss about the
kind of food we are going to have each day like it should be veg or nonveg , we discussed
about the things and requirements needed during the travel , as it was a rainy season we
had to be more careful and needed to carry polythene bags with us , eatables for the
journey and so on the eagerness increased day by day and we just wanted to live our so
very well planned trip.
Finally the day came and after taking our last exam it was time for us to start our journey.
We packed our luggage and took all the necessary and precautious items for the journey.
Fortunately all our tickets got confirmed and we were really happy. On the evening of 11th
September we four amigos took our seats in the train coach and the train slowly moved
out of the bustling station of Jodhpur and our journey started towards our first
destination Mumbai in evening.
We all were very comfortable with the train journeys as we lived in hostel and mostly used
trains to visit our homes during breaks. So the train journey was subtle and we all were
having a great time gossiping and enjoying the view outside. Train journeys are always
wonderful if you are adaptable and good observer of different characters around. The
weather outside was rainy and it was constantly raining. We had sound sleep and the night
passed very comfortably.

Every child is innocent, pure-hearted and full of life. A child is associated with his or her childhood; which
is the most beautiful phase of a child's life. It is the time for play, study and being oneself. A section of
children get to enjoy their childhood and enjoy a family environment, school life, studying, playing,
making friends and pursuing their heart's desire. Be it the urban or rural sector, childhood is what makes
a child into a true person. In the rural areas children are seen to help their parents in their work and have
their share of fun as well. But, are all children fortunate enough to have a happy and fun filled childhood?
It is a question that we should ask ourselves and become aware of a harsh reality - Child Labour!
Child labour exists in several forms across the state and country. We see so many children who are
deprived of their childhood and do not get the opportunity to enjoy life as children should do. They do not
play, study or go to school. They are striving hard to earn their living by working in roadside stalls, shops,
markets, railway platforms, restaurants, dhabas and in several households as domestic helps. Children
are seen doing odd jobs such as polishing shoes, washing dishes and utensils, cars, buses, auto
rickshaws and taxis. They are not paid well and are seen as a cheap source of labour that makes them
vulnerable to exploitation by the masses. These children are seen to toil beyond working hours and are
seen slogging their lives out for a meal or for a few pennies to support their families who are below the
poverty line. In reality, these children should be in schools and doing all the things that normal children
In context to the law of the land, child labour is a crime and whoever encourages it should be punished
severely, so that innocent children aren't deprived of their childhood. Every child has a right to education
as per the laws of the state and country; and it is time that we begin implementing the same effectively to
get rid of this menace that is destroying the economy and future growth of the country. The country and
state should ensure that child labour is banned and every child has secure and happy childhood. In our
own small way, we should also not encourage child labour in our homes and neighbourhood and
discourage those who think of employing children as domestic helps or making them do all kinds of odd
In the words of William Shakespeare - 'Children are the fathers of men'. If this holds true, then we should
ensure every child's childhood. We should work for a brighter future and a progressive Indian society.
Steps should be taken to educate and help these children who are victims of child labour and securing
their future, instead of depriving them of their childhood. There are some schools, institutions and
organizations who have taken up the task of educating street children and getting them to enjoy their
childhood like any normal child. After all they are also Indian citizens of the Republic of India, whose
constitution is for the people, of the people and by the people. - See more at:

Child labour involves the regular working of children in their childhood at very young age from five to
fourteen years. Children in many developing countries are forced to work hard for full day against their
will at very low pay for their survival. They want to go school, play with their friends and need love and
care by their parent like other children living in rich houses. But unfortunately, they are forced to do
something against their will.
In developing countries, the rate of the child labour is high because of the poverty, low level awareness
for education and poor schooling opportunities. Most of the children of age group 5 to 14 are found to be
involved in the agriculture by their parents in the rural areas. Poverty and lack of schools are the primary
reasons of child labour in any developing country all across the world.
Childhood is considered as the happiest and vital experience in the life of everyone as childhood is the
most important and friendly period of learning. Children have full rights to get proper attention from their
parents, love and care from their parents, proper schooling, guidance, playing with friends and other
happiful moments. Child labour is corrupting the lives of many precious children every day. It is the high
level of illegal act for which one should be punished but because of the ineffective rules and regulations it
is going side by side.
Nothing effective is happening to prevent the child labour from society as quickly as possible. Children
are too young, cute and innocent to realize the things happening to them in the early age. They are
unable to recognise that what is wrong and illegal for them instead they become happy getting small
money for their work. Unknowingly they become interested in the getting money on daily basis and
ruining their whole life and future.

Save Earth
We live on planet earth. We get everything for our life from mother earth. We should
save our planet earth to ensure that our future generations get a safe environment.

How to save the earth?

We can save our planet earth by saving our trees, natural vegetation, natural resources,
water, electricity. We can take measures for controlling environmental pollution and
global warming.
Save trees. We should plant new trees plant trees. The schemes afforestation and
reforestation should be wholeheartedly supported.
Save natural vegetation. We should use less paper. We can make arrangement for
recycling of used paper and other natural products. Plants and trees covers and holds
the surface of the earth.
Save natural resources. We all know that the supply of natural resources such as
minerals, stones, coal, oil, etc. are limited. We can save electricity by putting off the
lights when not in use. Or we can switch to fans instead of air conditioners during nights.
Save water. Water is life. It is the basic necessity for every human being living on this
planet. We can stop throwing wastes into open water bodies. At home, we can use
water cautiously and ensure that it doesnt get wasted. Remember, a large many people
are still deprived of safe pure water. Be the change that you want to see in this world.
Save environment from pollution. Dont pollute water by not throwing wastes into
waterborne. Minimize air pollution by reducing harmful emissions. Use less car, less
machines, less electricity, and less plastic goods.Eat organic foods.
Save earth from global warming. Industries should regularly check that their machines
are emitting smoke within permissible limits. Ensure that wastes are discharged only
after treatment.

Save Energy Term paper

While the free essays can give you inspiration for

writing, they cannot be used 'as is' because they will
not meet your assignment's requirements. If you are in
a time crunch, then you need a custom written term
paper on your subject (save energy)
Here you can hire an independent writer/researcher to
custom write you an authentic essay to your
specifications that will pass any plagiarism test (e.g.
Turnitin). Waste no more time!
Energy is one of the most fundamental parts of our universe. We use energy to do
work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets.
Energy warms our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, gives us pictures on
television. Energy powers machinery in factories. Energy is defined as "the ability to do
work." When we eat, our bodies transform the food into energy to do work. When we
run or walk, we "burn" food energy in our bodies. When we think or read or write, we are
also doing work. Cars, planes, trollies, boats and machinery also transform energy into
work. Work means moving something, lifting something, warming something, lighting
something. All these are a few of the various types of work. But where does energy
come from? There are many sources of energy. In this guide, we will be looking at the
energy that makes our world work. Energy is an important part of our daily lives. The
forms of energy we will look at include: + Geothermal Energy + Fossil Fuels -- Coal, Oil
and Natural Gas + Hydro Power and Ocean Energy + Nuclear Energy + Solar Energy +
Wind Energy We will also look at turbines and generators, at what electricity is, how
energy is sent to users, and how we can decrease the energy we use. Some of the
energy we can use is called renewable energy. These include solar, wind, geothermal
and hydro. These types of energy are constantly being renewed or restored. But many
of the other forms of energy we use in our homes and cars are not being replenished.
Fossil fuels took millions of years to create. They cannot be made over night. And there
are finite or limited amounts of these non-renewable energy sources. That means they
cannot be renewed or replenished. Once they are gone they cannot be used again. So,
we must all do our part in saving as much energy as we can. In your home, you can
save energy by turning off appliances, TVs and radios that are not being used, watched

or listened to. You can turn off lights when no one is in the room. By putting insulation in
walls and attics, we can reduce the amount of energy it takes to heat or cool our homes.
Insulating a home is like putting on a sweater or jacket when we're cold...instead of
turning up the heat. The outer layers trap the heat inside, keeping it nice and warm. To
make all of our newspapers, aluminum cans, plastic bottles and other goods takes lots
of energy. Recycling these items -- grinding them up and reusing the material again -uses less energy than it takes to make them from brand new, raw material. So, we must
all recycle as much as we can. We can also save energy in our cars and trucks. Make
sure the tires are properly inflated. A car that is tuned up, has clean air and oil filters,
and is running right will use less gasoline. Don't over-load a car. For every extra 100
pounds, you cut your mileage by one mile per gallon. When your parents buy a new car,
tell them to compare the fuel efficiency of different models and buy a car that gets
higher miles per gallon. You can also save energy in your school. Each week you can
choose an energy monitor who will make sure energy is being used properly. The
energy monitor will turn off the lights during recess and after class. You can make "Turn
It Off" signs for hanging above the light switches to remind yourself. You can start an
Energy Patrol in your school. Click the words Energy Patrol to go to another location in
our Internet site that tells you how to set one up in your school. You can make sure your
classmates recycle all aluminum cans and plastic bottles, and make sure the library is
recycling the newspapers and the school is recycling its paper. Conclusion To make
sure we have plenty of energy in the future, it's up to all of us to use energy wisely. We
must all conserve energy and use it efficiently. It also up to those of you who will want to
create the new energy technologies of the future. One of you might be another Albert
Einstein and find a new source of energy. It's up to all of us. The future is ours but we
need energy to get there. Related web sites: Generating New Ideas for Meeting Future
Energy Needs Compared to fossil fuels, sunlight is a weak energy source. Compared to
fossil fuels, sunlight is a weak energy source Capturing sunlight is not as easy as it
sounds. It is a dilute energy source, spread out over time and space. Earth receives 5.6
x 1018 (5,600,000,000,000,000,000) megajoules of solar radiation each year (Box 1),
but to make it worthwhile we need to collect it over many hours and across many square
metres of ground. We then need to concentrate it so as to make available the sort of
power that modern society needs. Sunlight is not as energy-dense as oil but this is
made up for by the fact that it is present over such a large area. By careful design and
positioning of houses we can use sunlight to warm our homes and our domestic water.
This passive solar heating can help us reduce fossil fuel use
(and save money) but it s not enough to replace those traditional fuels entirely. To be
most useful, the energy in sunlight must be converted to another form Solar energy

becomes much more useful when we change it to another form. Light can be changed
directly to an electric current by photovoltaic cells. The efficiency with which these
convert light to electricity is still too low, and their cost too high, to make them useful for
many applications. Furthermore, you need to have a large area of photovoltaic cells to
power something like a car - although it can be done, as demonstrated by the entrants
in the World Solar Challenge car rally (Box 2). Australian research is forging ahead on
reducing the cost and improving the efficiency of photovoltaic cells (Box 3). Many places
where energy is needed are not very sunny Unfortunately, we can t yet power our
homes entirely on sunlight. Photovoltaic cells for a house are expensive, and anyway
most houses are not in the sunniest part of Australia or the world. The solution is to put
the sun s energy into a form which can be stored and moved around, so that we can
collect it in those places where most of it falls and move it to where it is needed. Steam
or hydrogen gas are the best future conversion options Sunlight can be concentrated by
solar collectors best sited in a desert. These focus sunlight from a large area on to a
central vessel in which water is heated to become very high temperature steam. The
expanding steam can power a turbine and generate electricity on a sufficiently large
scale that it can be sent across a power grid. The world s largest, free-standing,
steerable solar concentrating dish is in Canberra, where it forms part of the Australian
National University s solar research program (Box 4). The greatest challenge for solar
energy is to power modern society s transport and industrial needs. Transport fuels
must be light but packed with energy. They must also operate when it s dark, so
photovoltaic cells are out. The answer for the future probably lies

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