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When comparing the properties of the chemical elements, recurring

('periodic') trends are apparent. This led to the creation of the periodic table as
a useful way to display the elements and rationalize their behavior. When
laid out in tabular form, many trends in properties can be observed to
increase or decrease as one progresses along a row or column.
These period trends can be explained by theories of atomic structure. The
elements are laid out in order of increasing atomic number, which represents
increasing positive charge in the atomic nucleus. Negative electrons are
arranged in orbitals around the nucleus; recurring properties are due to
recurring configurations of these electrons.

The atomic radius is the distance from the atomic nucleus to the
outermost stable electron orbital in an atom that is at equilibrium. The
atomic radii tend to decrease across a period from left to right. The atomic
radius usually increases while going down a group due to the addition of a
new energy level (shell). However, atomic radii tend to increase diagonally,
since the number of electrons has a larger effect than the sizeable nucleus.
For example, lithium (145 picometer) has a smaller atomic radius
than magnesium (150 picometer).
Atomic radius can be further specified as:
Covalent radius: half the distance between two atoms of a diatomic
compound, singly bonded.
Van der Waals radius: half the distance between the nuclei of atoms of
different molecules in a lattice of covalent molecules.
Metallic radius: half the distance between two adjacent nuclei of atoms in
a metallic lattice.
Ionic radius: half the distance between two nuclei

The first ionization energy is the energy required to remove two, the ionization energy is
the energy required to remove the atom's nth electron, after the (n1) electrons before it have
been removed. Trend-wise, ionization energy tends to increase while one progresses across a
period because the greater number of protons (higher nuclear charge) attract the orbiting
electrons more strongly, thereby increasing the energy required to remove one of the electrons.
Ionization energy and ionization potentials are completely different.

The electron affinity of an atom can be described either as the energy gained by an atom
when an electron is added to it, or conversely as the energy required to detach an electron from
a singly charged anion. The sign of the electron affinity can be quite confusing, as atoms that
become more stable with the addition of an electron (and so are considered to have a higher
electron affinity) show a decrease in potential energy; i.e. the energy gained by the atom
appears to be negative. For atoms that become less stable upon gaining an electron, potential
energy increases, which implies that the atom gains energy. In such a case, the atom's electron
affinity value is positive.[1] Consequently, atoms with a more negative electron affinity value are
considered to have a higher electron affinity (they are more receptive to gaining electrons), and
vice versa. However, in the reverse scenario where electron affinity is defined as the energy
required to detach an electron from an anion, the energy value obtained will be of the same
magnitude but have the opposite sign. This is because those atoms with a high electron affinity
are less inclined to give up an electron, and so take more energy to remove the electron from
the atom. In this case, the atom with the more positive energy value has the higher electron
affinity. As one progresses from left to right across a period, the electron affinity will increase.

Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom or molecule to attract pairs of
electrons in the context of a chemical bond. The type of bond formed is largely determined by
the difference in electronegativity between the atoms involved, using the Pauling scale. Trendwise, as one moves from left to right across a period in the periodic table, the electronegativity
increases due to the stronger attraction that the atoms obtain as the nuclear charge increases.
Moving down in a group, the electronegativity decreases due to the longer distance between the
nucleus and the valence electron shell, thereby decreasing the attraction, making the atom have
less of an attraction for electrons or protons.


Metallic properties increase down groups as decreasing attraction
between the nuclei and the outermost electrons causes the outermost
electrons to be loosely bound and thus able to conduct heat and electricity.
Across the period, increasing attraction between the nuclei and the
outermost electrons causes metallic character to decrease.
Non-metallic property increases across a period and decreases down the
group due to the same reason.

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