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Answer ALL Questions.

1. List and define the FIVE (5) SDLC phases.
2. Who are the main participants in the requirement analysis phase? Why are they the main
3. Compare and explain the TWO (2) differences between Waterfall SDLC and Rapid
Application Development (RAD) methodology.
4. Briefly explain on how might prototyping be used as part of the SDLC? Give an example.
5. Identify the SIX (6) sources of software.
6. Briefly explain any THREE (3) of the sources.
7. List THREE (3) reasons for a company to choose Cloud computing.
8. List THREE (3) example of cloud computing applications for business.
9. What is outsourcing? Identify TWO (2) reasons for outsourcing.
10. Explain the criteria to be consider before purchasing the off-shelf software?

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