Tugas Bahasa Inggris: Ana Filosofia Kasih

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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Ana Filosofia Kasih

My name is Ana Filosofia Kasih. I am studying at MAN Model Palangka

Raya, grade XII Religi. My hobby is making a bag from the rope but, I often
have dificulty in determining the model and its variations. I have a brother
his name is Habibie and I have a sister her name is Alya, They are nice
brother and sister for me.
Everday, I always wake up in the morning, then take a showers and
implement the dawn prayer in congregatiolns with my family. After that I
helped my mother to sweep the floor of the house and yard then drying the
washed clothes. Then I went to school escorted by my beautiful mom used
her car.
When completed hours of study at the school, I go home use a taxi,
and when home from school, I usually fold the dry clothes. At the evening, I
read the holly Quran wiyh my brother and sister. I also study at night.
Sometimes, I watching television. Then I go to bed at 09. 30.

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