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cover 2005/5/17 13:34 page 1 #1

About The Book

A First Course in Finance is the first tutorial, back-to-basics, conversational, and reasonably short approach to teaching an introductory
finance course. It uses simple, numerical examples to explain all essential concepts (and formulas) of finance. The text can be used either as a standalone course text, or as a complement to a traditional
Finance textbook. Early student responses have been very positive
in both situations.

Although suitable for self-study, this book was developed primarily

to complement classroom teaching, either at the undergraduate or
graduate level. It is geared towards a very dense 1-semester course
or a more relaxed 2-quarter sequence.

A First Course in Finance Investments

A First Course in Finance

A First Course in Finance

Valuation, Investments , Financing

About The Author

Ivo Welch is a professor of finance and
economics at Brown University.
previously held the same position at
UCLAs Anderson School of Management and Yale Universitys School of
Management. More information about
the authorand the latest version of
this bookcan be found at his website

Preview Version 0.6


Ivo Welch, 2005. All Rights Reserved. To be published by Addison-Wesley-Pearson.

Pre-Release Printed Bound MSRP: $20. Free on the WWW.

May 17, 2005

Ivo Welch

Please do not distribute without permission.

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