Compilation1 - Shree Shailendra Sharma

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Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

JULY 31, 2014

You see the video with cobra on puja? We see many cobras here, but this time cobra was
absolutely di erent. She was very high and was very-very slow moving. Her eyes were
sparkling like diamonds. She was absolutely relaxed she moved between Shivalingam
and Nandi and then remain there we did puja, all water was falling on her no
reaction. And when I started my damaru alakh niranjan she lifted and stay all the
time like this. Even after puja she was there. We left the doors open for her to let her go.
Q: and when you go around Shivalingam
Guruji: no problem.
Prana and Apana
akash is producing sound. But vacuum is much higher than akash. Sound and akash is
one and the same. You must remember the physical experiment, which show the power
of akash. When two things were put together, and there was nothing between them
except vacuum and it was impossible to take them apart. You cant see it and feel it,
but the extreme power is there.
Q: is it necessary to go on puja every day?



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

Guruji: I think the puja will give you the di erent type of energy it will give the
extraordinary boost for the practice, when you go back home its better soak in like a
sponge the energy it given. Here you can have puja in Moscow you never have it.
Q: but after puja I feel myself broken and feel tiredness
Guruji: it is not tiredness, its some di erent thing, happened in your mind. Just feel the
atmosphere, enjoy the energy. That is enough.
Q: akasha is emptiness?
Guruji: akash is ve gross element and emptiness is beyond that.
Q: it exists connection between ve elements and ve pranas?
Guruji: it possible.
You just need to feel the emptiness. Only because of emptiness all movements are
possible. It is the major thing here. I will give you the di erent point of view to make you
think: your body is apana and your mind is prana. Perfect union of that both will give
you superknowledge, superbody, and everything will become di erent.
actually all ve elements come together, so prana or apana can play. Prana is mind,
pure consciousness. O er your apana to prana and prana to apana o er your body to
your mind and your mind to your body, so they will change places. And also you can say
that your conscious mind is apana and your subconscious mind is prana. And you also
can say that your body is your conscious mind. Conscious mind is just connected with
the body only. And subconscious is mind. The body is Shakti without body nothing.
Q: and what prana is connect with what element?
Guruji: we will discuss it later. Udana vayu is directly connected with akash. It also moves
in your sushumna. Samana vayu is directly connected with the element re. Apana is
directly connected with muladhar, so its directly connected with earth. Vyana is
everywhere, so like the water is everywhere. That also means that our ve ngers
represent all the ve elements and ve pranas; and a witch or warlock has extra nger.
That means they have some extra play of the prana, thats why they have extraordinary
abilities. It matches, if you think.
think from another point of view: all fruit contain the seeds, which is the life source of
the plant. So you are actually eating directly the life source of the plant. Of course it will
give you more life, more energy. But myself personally I love only the fruit of my karma.
As Im growing old, eating extremely simple way, much less the same; even Im physically
working the diet is less, not much. My diet is same for many years. Only when my sugar
level is getting a little bit higher I take no sugar, thats it. Im not taking honey even
before. Ive been group a lot around with sadhu and learn di erent things from them I



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

learn how to survive; the most minimum diet is enough. Everybody who prepares my
own food, they all know I never eat this much less, but I never eat this much more.
Same thing year after year after year. And I eat according to the yoga thing: even after
eating my lunch or dinner I can do many mahamudras, I dont need a brake to digest it. I
can do now, ve minutes after eat Im normal with it. Always be ready for action. Thats
a point. And there is a big gap from lunch time to night time of food: Im eating before
three and the next meal will be after ten. Same quantity. But Im drinking chay two-three
times. If Im not talking even chay is not required. And Im not eating rice for many
crow, dog, cow and ant. All of them connected with Yamaraj, also with Bhairav; and
cow is symbol of Mother Earth; crow is directly connected with the death herself death
rides on a crow; and ants are spies of Yamaraj, they keep reporting about everybody. You
will always nd ants everywhere.
Q: so after vaishya era money will be cancelled at all?
Guruji: when everybody will earn everything for what you need money? That will be era
of absolute discipline. Self-control. And I will say, self-control always be needed.
Q: and approximately, when it start?
Guruji: now there are so many things to sale, and many people have a lot of things to
purchase. And the distribution of the wealth is not proper there is too much underacts
lets hope it will be much more balanced. Making money is not bad, but everybody
should have the opportunity to make it also. Contrast between Somalia and US is
dangerous. But it is needed also, thats why it is there. But when you feel insecure, you
want to get under control, because you want to be safe. When someone afraid of you, he
tries to control you. But very little percent is smart enough to take care of himself and
people around him. Until unless everybody strained to that level that control become
necessary. Every politic, government, even family is here to control you. As long as you
are receive money from somebody you are under control. Employment is system of
Illusion of freedom.
I give some chocolate for my monkey; she was very happy in her cage the food is
coming, water, then I remember what is happened to the monkey, who are free? They
roaming here and there to save themselves, no food, no shelter. Because she was in
bondage she was enjoying. The illusion of freedom may be also bondage.
Q: I have seen the awful picture, when the tiger was lying in the cage near the piece of
meat, even not looking at it



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

Guruji: do you know what happen with tiger in jungle, when hes growing old? He starve
and die from hunger. Because they are too old to hunt, and there is nobody to take care
of them because they are free. In the cage he also dies, but there was a doctor, looking
after him. You can be free only if you stop your breathe: you will be roaming in the space
you dont need any food or something.
Yoga Sutra, Shiva Sutra
I saw Babaji rst time in 2nd april 1998 and he told me those pranayamas. I came back
and begin to practice and in a very short time the time and space matter, the
consciousness of this simply begins inside me; I begin to be aware of these things. And it
grew more and more and more. And I think nearly it reach climax, when I came here to
Govardhan to do my rst parikrama. And I su ered so much in that parikrama that all
these thoughts fell in alignment they were very clear. And went we went back, one man
simply ask me a question and the ow begin. It just blasted on him and thats how the
commentary came. I think it is exactly as the result of meeting Babaji and the sadhana
which he give. After written Gitas commentary situation begin bad with my relatives and
family, so I left my town. Landed in Vrindavan and some disciples would come from
Gwalior and they will continue to ask me questions so I decided to write the
commentary on Yoga Darshan. One chapter every day and it was done. It took four
days, because I wrote it long in myself. I think writing these two commentaries warn me
up to write Shiva Sutras. Then some questions come on Shiva Sutras, and I decided to
write one commentary, which I did in one day 17 hours to be precise. So many brakes
in between I was talking like this and writing at the same time. It was the climax of all
that things. Because all this yoga and all those blessings of the great beings I was able to
understand what is written in the shlokas, what is meaning, so I simply just wrote it.
But writing a commentary on Shiva Sutras gave me the greatest of satisfaction I
considered it as my best work. Of course, Gita is good, Yoga Darshan is good, Shiva
Sutras are the best. It looks like that three great beings came together, for a meeting
after hundred thousand of years and they are simply said their own experience. I will
say with all honesty, that much discuss is enough for beings so high. No more is needed
to say. You are practicing yoga, so your understanding of this will develop more and
Q: why do you think there are three beings?
Guruji: in Shiva Sutras are three chapters. So every being is giving a di erent version of
the same thing. This names are unknown. Maybe Shiva, Shakti and some other yogi. This
is my assumption, because there are three chapters Shambho upaya, Shakto upaya
and Anu upaya it looks like three men just gave their experience. It is the most
mysterious work I have ever come across in all my life so far. No match for Shiva Sutras.
Maybe three heads of Dattatreya are talking. And I think it was ready inside me, thats



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

why I was able to nish the work in one day. But its small work, only 77 sutras no big
enough. Before writing Yoga Darshan and Shiva Sutras I had to leave home, I had to
leave my home town and was going through so many nervous situations at that time
the masterpiece came.
we assume, that it maybe Hanuman. Because always on the left side, absolute gold
dancing shadow will be seen like of a tall man, very slim, long-haired and bare-bodied.
But there was no identity given. When Ive reach a certain tempo in dictation it begins
from third chapter his appearance will take place. And anybody, who was present in
the room, was able to see him. All of them; because 6-7 people were sitting I was
talking very fast, it getting very fast they are all writing down and they all see him.
Those were fantastic days. First time I think a touch of miracle, a touch of divinity they
feel. Same in Vrindavan also.
Shiva & Shakti.
soul is Shakti and a spirit is Shiva. In India we gave two names for them: jiva and atma.
Together they are called jivatma. Half-man, half-woman Ardhanarishwar. Jiva
considered as Shiva thats why its immortal. And only in the body the union takes
place. According to puranas, it is always Shakti, who is doing hard tapas to get Shiva.
Here you can say soul is synonym for a physical body also. You are jivatma; but jiva is
immortal, so at the time of physical death it moves on, takes on another atma. So maybe
they are doing tapas for the nal union.
if you love them they are your best friends. And also I think, the trees if they take you
as a friend they will try to protect you also. You see that tree on the corner? Everyday
in the evening Im going to the gym Im touch that tree, and its grown like this( show the
down direction). Because you are connected with a tree it has direct connection with
the Earth. So many type of spirits are said to live on banyan trees, also on udumbar
trees. We have many they grew automatically in 1997. Also big bats are coming to eat
kadamba fruit.
Q: what do you think about celtic druid tradition they are saying, that some trees are
take any sort of energy, and some give?
Guruji: I think they are right. Trees like the feeling of love. And they are sensitive ant
telepathic also. So they will exactly feel your emotions, your thoughts about them. I cant
see the scene from Avatar, when the big tree is falling. Its too much. When Pandavas
were going to make their capital there was the very big forest, Khandavaprastha where
the thousands of creatureswas living. Krishna and Arjuna went there and Agni element
appear and say, that he is sick, he need some big re please, make it. And Arjuna
begins to torch the trees with his weapons. And this was the rst time we come across



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

anything about destroying forest by re. All animals were simply burnt in that re. And
then see, what happened to the Pandavas so much people died, big battle came, and
there was no peace, and they are su ered to death. And this is the only one example
destroy the forest by re to create a big city. The results was not good. I remember many
years back I read a story in some book, and he was the great man, who wrote that; on the
human body there are millions of viruses living. Two viruses, who living on the cheek are
talk with each other. They were sitting on the big trees, they were growing there, and
they were discussing , is there life on other planet, which we see. And one virus said
no,no, we are the best creation in the world, we were created by the grace of god; and
then another virus came and the argument begins he was not believing in god. And
they began to argue, and suddenly some out of phenomena talk all the big trees they
were sitting, living, were simply cut away; there were suddenly big antiseptic scent came.
The man shaved and put on after lotion. It was the end of the world for them.
you just nd Sagittarius ascendant or Leo ascendant thats it. If the planetary
situation is strong, then the spirit will comes. Otherwise shivaratri doesnt mean much.
Also the name will have direct e ect on a child.
Q: is it a good idea to choose childs name before his birth or better to choose it after?
Guruji: you can decide before. You will have enough time to choose. Surname will also
have some meaning. It is like a stamp of the court. From indian point of view, father
surname will carry. It will go by tradition. Mother is already save the genetic records of
the father so give the stamp of the father to child.
Q: if we dont want to choose religion for the child, how we can protect him?
Guruji: I will make a statement, that every child, born free in this world is a Hindu by
birth. They are baptizing to other religions after. When somebody simply taking birth
and has no baptizing he will be Hindu, free, free thinker. Because they are my disciples
their children are also under my protection.
Q: can he wear rudraksha?
Guruji: of course.
Q: how many months or years the child needs this protection?
Guruji: I think we need protection all over our lives.
Q: can pregnant woman practice Kriya?
Guruji: yes, it will have direct e ect on the child and he will also receive direct bene ts of
the practice. Because hes not breathing: his breathing is mothers breathe, his food are
mothers food, his feelings are mothers feelings; whatever mother is doing it will have
the direct e ect on a child. This is very powerful. And also, at the time of practice the



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

woman is extraordinarily sensitive to the spiritual things. She has the possibility for
carrying two spirits. That time is highly spiritual. Whatever practice she will done will
have direct e ect on her child.
Q: how the energy distribute around chakras during period of pregnancy?
Guruji: equal. Energy will enhanced at the time of pregnancy. Because so much energy
forces are going through her body thats why pregnant women are more sensitive to
supernatural phenomena. And the childs spirit is always near them. Sometimes she can
feel it also, sometimes not, but it is always there.
Q: and if its powerful spirit, will it help?
Guruji: of course, yes.
Q: can the pregnant woman be at the crowded places?
Guruji: this I will not recommend, because in a crowded places so many people are
breathing; their breathe have so much information and disinformation is coming out
with their molecules, and she will have to breathe them. It may have the direct e ect on
the childs psychology. It is better to avoid it, if you can. It is better always not to look into
the eyes. Eyes are index of the mind of any person. If it is a good person its ok, but if
its a bad person and you make the eye contact he can start interest in you. It is better
to avoid it anyway.
Q: can pregnant woman be at smashan?
Guruji: of course. In where Guru lives, not any other smashan.
Q: in what age we can bring our children to Guru?
Guruji: anytime, but for initiation you must wait them to be teenagers.
Q: which mantras are more preferable?
Guruji: my protection mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambhu not
Hare Rama Hare Krishna. You have to be careful with it.
Q: why?
Guruji: they are create the di erent type of vibration and something happens. Prasad is
carrying vibrations.
Q: what should we do at the time of upbringing and education of children?
Guruji: you should try your best, but also dont try to keep them too antiseptic. Bring
them up in the natural way. Introduce the child to the nature, show him nature, let him
play in dust and mud, expose him in everything in the world.
Q: is it ok to beat, punish a child?
Guruji: yes, if it requires. You have to remember the child, who is taking birth is not



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

such accomplished and wise man, he just recently expose to the world. So he will need
some training.
Q: what in your opinion is the best way to develop childs mind at most and prepare him
to the practice of Kriya in future?

Guruji: let the parents be the bestDARSHANS
example for the VIDEO
child. For a child
the father
mother are the greatest of heroes. So whatever they will do sincerely child will take it
on. Let them be the example.
Q: could the child present during the parents practicing Kriya yoga?
Guruji: only if it is very small; after 3-4 years it is not a good idea.
Q: while doing khechari mudra the soft upper palate became so stretched, that the
person start to snore when hes sleeping. What he should do?
Guruji: this is the rst time I hear khechari mudra introduce snoring. They are not
connected. That means he is too tired and should rest some more.
heart will continue to beat. It will not remain oxygen, it will be more and more carbon
and it will go into system, you will feel extremely high. You can be in that position for
more than hours, so the body chemistry will change. The demands of oxygen will not be
there. It will be something di erent. And mind will open, it will be very high feeling.
Kumbhak means that pot is not breathing, but the air remains inside of it. Human body
is absolutely di erent air goes out of it. And thats a problem. Whatever you do when
you are awake, your breathing pattern is di erent; if you are simply change your
breathing pattern, your mental waves will be a ected directly. Breathe is the real history.
Q: you tell us make our breathe our friend. But we are trying to make very strong
kumbhakas, we are force them is it not a violence?
Guruji: it is not a violence, you are simply playing with it. Like a wrestling.
Q: what does it mean the real friendship?
Guruji: for real friendship rst you need to know. Without knowing how you can do it?
Friends will look like as you look like. At your best. Because it is formless, you cant give it
form. If your breathe are already taking your form now it is waiting, are you recognize it
or not. So recognize it, make friendly with it you will be friends forever. It is actually
magic. All the philosophy is useless, nothing.
One very religious woman asked me, what is life. I said that life is a disease, sexually
transmitted and invariably fatal. It shocked her. She was silent during ten minutes, then
said Im not agree with this, I will go with what my Guru told me. I asked, what he told



Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma

you. he said life is a mystery. And I tell her to remain mysterious. Years back it was
decided, that on this particular date and this moment and this exact time you will exactly
make this statement, that you can make anything a mystery. It was destiny also. It helps
pass the time.





One Comment

Anil Sharma

August 3, 2015


very nice feeling to read the facts of yog, thanks

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Compilation1 | Shree Shailendra Sharma











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