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Regional Grant Application


Anita Rickard/Vicky Tantony

Organisation (if applicable):

Advocacy in Greenwich

Contact details:

020 8293 3720



How do you plan to use the money?

To support the work in the region and support the reps in their role.
3 regional meetings per year.
Staff time to prepare for the regional meetings, support reps at the meetings and to facilitate group
work sessions.
Produce accessible minutes and agendas for all meetings.

Send the accessible agenda, minutes and reports to the National Forum chairs and to groups in the
Keeping the region up to date and forwarding relevant information from the National Forum.
Admin costs
Room hire and refreshments
Support costs
What will you do to support the National outcomes & priorities of
a). Developing and strengthening the regional network
We are holding elections for a new London Rep and Assistant Rep in April 2016. Carrie Ann has
stepped down as she is now the Vice Chair and Richard stepped down at the last London Regional
meeting for health reasons.
Carrie Ann and the regional rep will attend the London Strategic Network meetings.
We will work with NHS England to support the meaningful involvement of self advocates in the
Transforming Care Programme.

b). Communication
We have updated and improved our mailing list, as is shown by the increase in numbers of people and
boroughs represented at the Regional Forum meetings. We will continue to do so.
We have set up a new email address so that mail outs from the region now come from rather than
c). Linking with the National Forum of People with Learning Disabilities
We will support the regional rep to feedback at the National Forum from the region.
We will support the regional rep to feedback to the region from the National Forum. Carrie Ann as Vice
Chair can assist the rep with this.
We will continue to communicate and consult across the region.
Having the Vice Chair in the region will strengthen our links with the National Forum.

d). Working together (families and self-advocates)

Over the past year we have held 3 events jointly with the London Valuing Families Forum. We will be
working jointly with the London Valuing Forum and the South East Regional Forum and South East
Valuing Families Forum in 2016. We are currently working together on the Transforming Care work and
have a joint event planned for May 2016.
1. What are your 1-2 actions that will strengthen and develop your regional network between March
2016 and September 2016?
Joint working with the Family carers in London and with self advocates and family carers in the South
Looking for additional funding opportunities that enable self advocates from the region to come
together more often and feel stronger.

2. Thinking about where the region is today, what do you want to see strengthened/developed in your
region by the end of the grant term March 2017

Greater representation of people with complex needs in the region. We will discuss that at the
elections in April 2016.
Strengthen our work on the Transforming Care Programme inform self advocates in the region so that
they can be a louder voice in this process.

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