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Directions: Circle the subject and underline the verb.

Identify whether this

a natural sentence order or an inverted sentence order next to the
1. The students in the 12th grade have completed all their classes.
2. Across the finish line rant the lead runner.
3. Runners dashed around the track.
4. Do runners wear special tracksuits?
5. The kind of decorations at the party will depend on the children.
6. There will be fifty children on the field trip.
7. Have you written your essay for the school yet?
8. Here is the answer.
9. Two English classes are scheduled for the 9th graders.
10.A few of the boys will be partaking in the sports' marathon.
11.A crash was heard in the back of the room.
12.The dog was lying next to the bed.
13.Julie has designed the banner for the party.
14.One of the committee members for the dance has booked the band.
15.The principal of our high school will be speaking at the assembly.
16.A steady rain produced good results for the farmer's crops.
17.Into the classroom ran the cat.
18.All of the students are looking forward to the dance.
19.Was the bird a household pet?
20.She jumped up and down.
21.At the edge of the board she paused.
22.Off the diving board she leaped with a smooth motion.
23.Gracefully through the air turned her body.
24.Into the water went the diver almost without a slash.
25.U above the water bobbed her head.
26.Her score flashed on the board.
27.Around the trace sped the cars.
28.The horse jumped over the hurdle.
29.Faster and fast moved the bikes,
30.What is the name of the Olympic event?
31.Up the hill pedaled the road racer.
32.Across the finish line sped the cyclist.
33.The top bar of the hurdle fell down.
34.Points were taken off the riders scores for stumbling.
35.On the stage stood the winner.
36.Bill is the president of student council.
37.Will you help me with the chores?
38.The farmer's helpers will pick the corn tomorrow.
39.Few of the students knew the answer to that test question.

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