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201. loquacious
He's so loquacious I can't get a word in edgewise: talkative, talky, prolix, garrulous, wordy,
verbose, voluble, windy, long-winded; prating, chatty, chattery, chattering, babbling, prattling;
Informal gabby, blabby.
silent, reserved, taciturn, closemouthed, uncommunicative, reticent.
202. lucid
1 A lucid sky portended a fine day: shining, bright, clear, transparent, crystalline , brilliant,
resplendent, radiant, lustrous, luminous , scintillating, sparkling, dazzling; pellucid; illuminated.
2 The witness gave a lucid account of what happened: clear, easily understood, crystal clear,
intelligible, understandable, articulate, comprehensible; precise, direct, straightforward, accurate,
specific, well-organized, to the point, apposite, positive, certain.
3 Although usually in a delirium, the patient has some lucid moments: clearheaded, clear thinking,
normal, rational ; responsive, perceptive.
1 dark , darkling, gloomy, dusky, obscure, opaque, turgid , muddy, murky; overcast.
2 unintelligible , incomprehensible, vague, indistinct, unclear, ambiguous, equivocal, garbled,
3 confused, muddled, irrational; unresponsive, unperceptive.
203. luminous
The watch has a luminous dial: reflecting light, luminescent , radiant, irradiated, glowing, lustrous,
illuminated, shining; shining in the dark; bright, brilliant.
204. magnanimous
Only a truly magnanimous man could forgive such an insult: forgiving, free of vindictiveness,
generous, largehearted, liberal; charitable, beneficent, philanthropic, altruistic, unselfish, princely.
unforgiving, vindictive, resentful, small, petty , selfish; parsimonious, miserly.

205. malinger
In the army he would malinger by pretending to be ill: slack, shirk, procrastinate, loaf, dodge,
evade, duck one's duty, lie down on the job; Slang goldbrick, goof off.
206. malleable
1 Tin is a malleable metal: workable, easily shaped, easily wrought; ductile, tractable, plastic,
pliant, flexible.
2 Since young children are malleable, one must be careful what one says in front of them:
impressionable, easily influenced, moldable, tractable, teachable, manageable, governable,
docile; adaptable, flexible, pliable, compliant.
1 rigid , stiff, hard, firm; unyielding, inflexible, unbending , inelastic.
2 refractory , intractable, recalcitrant, ungovernable.
207. maverick
1 The cowboys rounded up the mavericks for branding: unbranded calf, yearling; unbranded cow;
motherless calf.
2 The young senator was regarded as a political maverick: noncomformist, eccentric,
independent, individualist, loner, independent thinker, one's own man; dissenter, dissident .
208. mendacious
The mendacious retailer misled us: lying , untrue, false, untruthful, deceitful.
truthful, honest.
209. metamorphosis
1 There are four stages in the metamorphosis of a mosquito: transformation, change of form,
mutation, transmutation, structural evolution, transfiguration, series of changes, modification,

conversion, transmogrification.
2 This once-confident man underwent a complete metamorphosis after his business failure:
change in appearance or behavior, personality change, transformation, alteration, radical change,
startling change, permutation.
210. meticulous
Our meticulous housekeeper never forgets a thing: fastidious, scrupulous, exact, exacting,
minutely careful, solicitous about details, painstaking, precise, nice, finical, finicky, fussy,
particular; punctilious, perfectionist.
careless, inexact, imprecise, sloppy, negligent .

211. misanthropic
His unhappy childhood fostered his misanthropic personality: antisocial, unfriendly, unsociable,
distrustful, unneighborly, inhospitable , morose, unpersonable, cynical, surly, discourteous,
unaccommodating, unapproachable, unresponsive, cold, distant.
personable, amiable, amicable, loving, sociable, cordial; humanitarian; philanthropic, charitable.
212. mitigate
There's no way to mitigate the effect of that unfavorable report: lessen, relieve, moderate,
moderate in severity, alleviate, abate in intensity, palliate, soften, assuage, allay, soothe, placate,
weaken, mollify, ameliorate, ease, blunt, reduce, lighten, diminish, temper, extenuate.
increase, augment, heighten, enhance, strengthen.
213. mollify
Flowers would not mollify her anger: appease , calm, moderate, placate, quell, still , lessen,
mitigate, allay, reduce, palliate , conciliate, make less violent, decrease, soften, pacify, soothe,
tone down, quiet, lighten, temper, abate, ease, assuage, curb, check, dull, lull, blunt .

exasperate, exacerbate, agitate, stir, increase.
214. morose
I feel very morose after reading that sad story: depressed , low, crestfallen, sad, melancholy,
downcast , moody, glum, dour, Informal blue, down in the dumps; saturnine , mopish, gloomy,
despondent, mournful, solemn; sullen, sulky, cross, surly, testy, waspish, sour , churlish, grumpy,
cranky, ill-tempered, irascible.
cheerful, blithe, happy, good-natured, pleasant, genial, amiable, friendly.

215. mundane
Artists often have trouble with the mundane affairs of life: ordinary, prosaic, commonplace,
worldly, terrestrial, earthly, down-to-earth, day-to-day, routine, humdrum, everyday, practical,
pedestrian, petty.
heavenly, celestial, ethereal, empyrean, unearthly, unworldly, spiritual.
216. negate
This year's losses negate last year's profits: nullify , invalidate, void, reverse; quash, squash ,
quell, squelch; vanquish, defeat, overthrow , overwhelm, destroy, wipe out, blot out; deny,
abrogate, revoke, gainsay, retract, disavow; rebut, refute, contradict; disallow, set aside; veto,
repeal; disown, disclaim, repudiate.
affirm, confirm, attest to, ratify, endorse, corroborate, reinforce, support.
217. neophyte
The neophyte learned the ropes very fast: beginner , tyro, apprentice, trainee, novice,
probationer, newcomer, recruit, learner; tenderfoot, rookie, greenhorn, student, pupil; convert ,
proselyte, entrant, disciple, no-vitiate.

veteran, old hand, expert.
218. obdurate
1 The child was obdurate in refusing to eat vegetables: stubborn, obstinate, intractable,
unyielding, inflexible , adamant, immovable, willful, headstrong, pigheaded, mulish, bullheaded;
unmanageable, uncontrollable, ungovernable.
2 The tyrant was obdurate in his treatment of prisoners: unmoved, uncaring, unfeeling, harsh,
merciless, unmerciful , unpitying, pitiless, unsympathetic, uncompassionate, unsparing,
untouched ; hardened, callous, cruel, cold-blooded, hardhearted .
1 obedient , agreeable, compliant, flexible, amenable; manageable, docile, tractable.
2 compassionate , sympathetic, caring, feeling, merciful, pitying, relenting, softhearted, kind,
gentle, tender.
219. obsequious
The boss prefers obsequious underlings: servile , fawning, toadying, sycophantic, subservient,
menial, ingratiating, deferential, slavish, cringing, cowering, mealymouthed, truckling, Slang
bootlicking, kowtowing, apple-polishing.
domineering, overbearing, swaggering, lordly, imperious, proud, haughty, arrogant, impudent ,
brash, bold, assertive, forceful, aggressive .
220. obviate
The suspect's confession obviates the necessity for a trial: avert, avoid, make unnecessary,
circumvent, remove, do away with, preclude , prevent; forestall, divert, parry, sidetrack, ward off,
turn aside, stave off, fend off, Informal nip in the bud.
necessitate, require, make essential, oblige, impel, cause, make unavoidable.
221. occlude

Waste materials seem to be occluding the drain: obstruct , block, clog, shut off, shut up, choke,
choke off, plug, close, barricade, congest, stopper, stop up, constrict, strangulate.
clear, unclog, open, ream, unplug.
222. officious
It's hard to be an office manager without being officious: obtrusive, intrusive, interfering,
meddlesome, meddling, prying, poking one's nose in, offering gratuitous advice or services,
Informal kibitzing; overbearing, domineering, self-important, self-assertive, high-handed, high and
mighty; pompous, patronizing.
unobtrusive, in the background.
223. onerous
Holding down two jobs can be an onerous task: oppressive , burdensome, hard to endure,
arduous, not easy to bear, distressing, painful, wearisome, taxing, exhausting, crushing, heavy,
weighty, demanding, grievous.
easy, light, simple, effortless, trivial, trifling.
224. opprobrious
1 The editorial made an opprobrious attack on modern morals: damning, denunciatory,
condemnatory, hypercritical, censorious, faultfinding; abusive, scurrilous, acrimonious, malicious,
malevolent, maligning, vilifying, vitriolic, fulminating, reviling.
2 The officer was reprimanded for his opprobrious conduct: disgraceful, dishonorable, shameful,
disreputable, objectionable, unbecoming, deplorable, reprehensible, base, outrageous , shocking,
scandalous, infamous, nefarious, despicable , corrupt, wicked.
1 complimentary , flattering, approving, praising, laudatory, uncritical.
2 honorable , noble, meritorious, upright, ethical, principled, virtuous, moral; becoming,
praiseworthy, worthy, laudable, noteworthy, estimable.
225. oscillate

1 The clock's pendulum caught the sunlight as it oscillated: swing, alternate, librate; pulsate,
vibrate, pulse , move back and forth, seesaw, come and go, ebb and flow.
2 He's been oscillating between liberal and conservative all his life: waver, vacillate, hesitate,
fluctuate, vary, hem and haw, shilly-shally, change, equivocate.
226. ostentatious
Grandfather warned us not to be ostentatious with our money. The dress is too ostentatious to
wear to a reception: flaunting wealth, fond of display, showing off, pompous, immodest,
grandiose, affected, high-flown; conspicuous, pretentious, flamboyant, flashy, showy, gaudy,
garish, loud, florid, overdone, exaggerated, obtrusive.
modest, reserved, conservative, somber, sedate; inconspicuous, simple, plain.
227. paragon
Aunt Sue has always been a paragon of virtue: model , example, exemplar, prototype, archetype,
paradigm, apotheosis, idea, symbol, pattern, standard, norm, criterion, yardstick.
228. partisan
1 The hometown partisans cheered the local team: supporter, follower, adherent, sympathizer,
champion, advocate, ally, backer, upholder, enthusiast, fan, zealot, devotee, rooter, booster.
2 Even after the country was defeated, partisans fought the invaders in the hills: freedom fighter,
guerrilla, irregular, insurgent; (U.S. Civil War) bushwacker, jayhawker.
3 The senator vowed not to engage in partisan politics: favoring one political party, predisposed
toward one group, favoring a cause, partial, biased, prejudiced, one-sided, slanted, unbalanced,
1 detractor, defamer, censor, critic, backbiter, knocker; opponent, foe, adversary, rival, contender.
3 nonpartisan , bipartisan, unbiased, impartial, unprejudiced , disinterested, objective, broadminded, open-minded.
229. pathological
pathological (path '* loj "i k* l) also path' olog"ic, adj.
1. of or pertaining to pathology.
2. caused or affected by disease.

3. characterized by an unhealthy compulsion: a pathological liar.

[168090] path' olog" ically, adv.

230. paucity
There was a paucity of information on the reported invasion: scarcity, dearth, lack, shortage,
scarceness, scantiness, deficiency , poverty, sparsity, meagerness, puniness, thinness, poorness,
surfeit, overflow, excess, surplus, superabundance.
231. pedantic
When you ask him a question you get a pedantic answer: ostentatiously learned, pompous,
academic, scholastic, didactic, doctrinaire , bookish, stilted, dogmatic, punctilious, hairsplitting,
nitpicking, overly meticulous, fussy, finicky, overparticular.

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