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Exercise of

FPGA-Based Digital System Design

Prof. C. Abbate - A.A. 2015/2016

The BPSK Receiver

In this exercise a BPSK demodulator on FPGA will be simulated and realized. The schematic of the
circuit is reported in the next picture. Please use the same folder MODEM_BPSK for the project.
Moreover, change the instance names.

As visible in the schematic, if the input data is represented as excess, and additional block must
convert this data in 2 complement representation. We suppose 1 period of sinusoid for symbol.
Moreover, use 32 samples for every period in order to design the flip flop.

Please, note that the TFF is used in order to generate the local carrier. Moreover the 54400 pulsed
signal is used on order to enable and synchronous load the 12 bits flip flop. This flip flop is
reset by SSync (bit synchronization signal).
Please analyze and comment the schematic. Ask the teacher in case of doubts.

Project Simulation
Please write a Verilog test beng file in order to simulate de project. Moreover, use the TX BPSK
in order to supply the input data to the receiver (please change TX or RX in order to have the same
communication parameters). Analyze all the signals in the system. Please comment on the results.

Experimental Verification of the Project.

Please, assign the pin of TX and RX BPSK and verify the circuit. Please use the ADC and DAC
circuits in order to use external interface. Use output pins in order to have a debug.

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