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Camp Card Leaders Guide

Safety and Courtesy

Be sure to review these safety and courtesy tips with your
Scouts and parents.
1. Sell with another Scout or with an adult.
2. Never enter anyones home.
3. Never sell after dark, unless with an adult.
4. Dont carry large amounts of cash.
5. Always walk on the sidewalk and driveway.
6. Be mindful of dogs, bears and large squirrels while selling.
7. Say Thank You whether or not the prospect buys a card.


Camp Card Kick-Off Agenda

Grand opening with cheers and excitement
Check out at least 10 cards to every Scout
Review camp opportunities
Review Sales Goal, Camp Attendance Goal
and explain key dates
Scout Training: Role play sales Dos and
Big Finish: Issue a challenge to your Scouts
and send everyone home motivated to sell
Follow up after kick-off with important
reminders like dates and family sales goals.

Sales Techniques for Scouts

Dont miss the opportunity to use the Camp Card sale to train
your Scouts in public speaking, sales and service.
Your Scouts and parents will appreciate the effort and your sales will improve.
Have Scouts role play and practice during the kick-off.
Find a way to make training fun and reward Scouts who do a good job.

Questions? Need Help? Call Us!

Indian Trails District Director

Wisconsin River District Director

Yahara District Executive

Andrew Olsen, 608-289-9671

Clarence Renfroe, 608-772-8939

Preston Irving, 608-335-2243

Mohawk District Executive

Steve Waller, 608-322-0027

Aaron Ware, 608-770-8683

Additional information and materials are available online at

Final vendors and images of the 2015 Camp
Card will be available after January 9.

The Camp Card sale is designed to help Scouts and Units attend summer camp, high adventure or day camp.
Units participating in this sale will earn 50% commission ($2.50) for each $5 Camp Card they sell. The sale will
begin March 1, 2015 and end on April 24, 2015, giving units eight weeks to sell!

Have your Scouts practice these simple steps:

1. Wear your uniform.
2. Smile and tell them who you arefirst name only!
3. Tell them what unit you are in.
4. Tell them what you are doing (earning money toward Scouts Camp, High adventure trip, etc.).
5. Tell them what they can do to help (save money with the Camp Card).
6. Close the sale and thank them.

Southern Lakes District Executive


Sign-up to sell and pre-order your units first set of cards at Online pre-orders close 1/9/15.

Sale Timeline
Online link opens to order your first batch of
cards until January 9. Orders after January 10
are accepted via email, phone or walk-in at
each Scout Service Center.
March 1April 24
Sell Camp Cards and earn $$ for camp!
April 24
All money (minus Units commission) and unsold cards due to Madison Service Center.

Glaciers Edge Council

5846 Manufacturers Dr
Madison, WI 53704

# of Cards To Sell For GEC Programs:

June through August

Have fun at summer camp, knowing your
Scouts earned their own way!

Cub Scout Day Camp, $125

50 cards
Webelos Resident Camp, $145
58 cards
Boy Scout Summer Camp, $275
110 cards
Philmont 2015, $1400
560 cards
New Uniform & Book, $103$148
4260 cards

Final Summer Camp payments

due May 1, 2015.

Camp Card Leaders Guide

Camp Card Coordinator: Make Sure Your Scouts Get to Camp
Each unit should have a Camp Card Coordinator. This person is the
main contact for the sale. Their main task is to keep track of the
cards, making sure all money is collected and all payments are made
by the April 24 deadline.

Camp Card Coordinator Responsibilities

Know your Units budget and set a Camp Card goal.
Explain to parents the importance of the outing in Scouting.
Know your units Journey to Excellence Camping goal and use the
Camp Card sale to fund it!
Train you Scouts in how to sell.
Communicate the purpose of the Camp Card sale and time line
to your Scouts and parents.
Kick-off the Camp Card sale with a BANG providing all members
with at least 10 cards.
Inspect, coach and praise your scouts.
Collect money and turn in the amount due to the Council Service
Center by April 24.
Promote any in-unit incentives for Scouts who sell.
How to Sell Camp Cards
Teach your Scouts how to sell. Create a plan and train your Scouts in
all five methods. This will give you the best results.
1. Door to Door: Take your cards for a trip around the neighborhood. Highlight the great coupons! Sell several cards per house!
2. Show & Sell: Set up a sales booth and sell Camp Cards on the spot. This can be an effective approach in the
right location at the right time, but dont hand your hat on this approach alone. Focus on multiple locations
at the same time. Be sure not to over schedule Scouts.
3. Sell at Card Partners: Some of the vendors on the Camp Card will let your Scouts sell outside their stores.
4. Sell at Work: A great way for Mom and Dad to help their Scout. Have the parents take the cards to work
to ask co-workers to support Scouting.
5. Sell Multiple Cards: Encourage a person to think of benefitting a family by selling one or more card to each
member of the family.

Camp Card Leaders Guide

Sale Process & Timeline
Sign up to Sell
Units should sign up online at to participate in the Camp Card sale. As a
part of registration, you will be asked to pre-order your first set of cards. Your first order should
be 10 cards for every Scout selling. Pre-orders are due by 1/9/15. Sign up to sell by 1/27/15.

Set a Goal
What are you going to use the money for? If paying for camp, how much per boy? A published Unit goal, alongside a per-Scout goal will help drive your sale? Units earn 50 % commission.

Pick Up Cards
Cards will be available at the Scout Service Centers or the March District Roundtables . No deposit is required,
but a Checkout Form will need to filled out and returned to the Madison Service Center. Cards come in bundles
of 50. Youll also receive an envelope to use for Unit collection.

Unit Kick-off
Get Scouts excited about camping? Have snacks, drinks and music, Show some basic Dos and Donts of selling
Camp Cards. Make sure EVERY Scout gets 10 cards and knows how to get more. Keep it short!

Track the Sale

Make sure you know Scout-by-Scout how many cards have been checked out. Collect their money for any cards
sold before giving out additional cards. An easy-to-use tracking sheet is available on the website,

Get more Cards

When you run out of Camp Cardsyou can get more right away! Call your District Executive. Each will have a
supply of cards and check-out sheets. You can also check out more cards from either Scout Service Center.

Return Unsold Cards / Turn in Money

All unsold cards may be returned until April 24 with the following conditions:
Returned card must be complete, with no tabs removed.
$2.50 per unreturned card is due on April 24. $5 per card less 50% commission.

Spend the money on Scouting program!

A fundraiser is only as good as the program it pays for. Make sure to SPEND the money raised.

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