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The restaurants have to provide the best services and maintain relationships with their customer
in order to survive in this competition. Our system mainly focus on replacing the traditional
method of taking orders from customers using pen and papers.The system we are proposing will
work on Android smartphone where the restaurant and caf waiters can take orders in a digital
menu provided on the application. This order information can be forwarded to another kitchen
device where the kitchen chef can continuously monitor the latest orders. The key factors in
choosing Android are its capacitive touchscreen, database file system, total cost, and much more.
There is an enormous potential benefit for these businesses in recording customer orders and
serving the foods.This system is convenient, effective and easy so that it improves the
performance of restaurants staff.

The advancement in information technology has greatly influenced the business transactions but
has not been widely adopted in several medium scale restaurants and cafe etc. The earlier food
ordering system was entirely a manual process which involved waiters, pen and paper. The
waiter had to note down orders from customers, take these orders to kitchen, update them in
records and again make bill. Even though this system is simple it may involve human errors in
noting down the orders.



Our proposed system has several advantages

User friendly interface

Fast access to database
Less error
Look and Feel Environment
Quick transaction

As a result our system give emphasis to fast ordering, quick service, and happy customers which
are its key benets. Thus, fewer service trips by sta, greater table turn over, and repeat
customer visits.


Building a reliable, modern, portable ordering system for small cafe, with small fortune.
To reduce cost and increase table turnover through immediate payment processing at the
Real time customer order and payment handling.
Improve efficiency and reduce error.
Increase customer satisfaction.
Manage busy sales counters.


A number of wireless applications for restaurant ordering have been analyzed, developed and
implemented in restaurants. These have been implemented using PDAs (Personal Digital
Assistant), Windows Mobiles or Android Mobiles. Also many wireless technologies are available
Existing Systems:

Hand Written Ordering

PDA based Ordering
Self -Servicing

Mainly existing system are focused on online based ordering. But very few are developed for
ordering system which focuses on waiter based ordering. In existing system category menu, item
menu, price modification are complex process. But our system possess the capability of
modification in category menu, item menu and price just with in few clicks. In our system
manager possess the whole control over system.
For example QOrder is a hardware independent portable ordering system that runs the complete
POS software on Android devices. QOrder utilizes Wi-Fi to easily reach to your most remote
corner spot in your establishment. Similarly, there are many such systems available that only
implement online services.
Our system also possesses few similar features such as our waiter can approach the customer
table with his handheld android device to take orders and handle the billing and payments
activities etc. Also there is similar concept regarding database management.
These available application is developed specifically for medium and large scale restaurants
using Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) system and Android-4.0 as a working platform. But these
existing system differs from our system in various aspects like such as our system mainly focuses
for small scale restaurants in specified network only. Our system will be compatible to lower
version of android. Also our Graphical User Interface will be more user friendly and easy to use.


Our main aim is to increase the efficiency of the food ordering system and reduce human errors
and provide high quality services to the customers of the restaurants. The application on the
tablets must be able to communicate wirelessly with the other devices. Figure below shows the
workflow to illustrate the system plainly.

Kitchen Monitor

Wi-Fi Secured Local Area Network


Device with Digital Menu

Fig: Digital ordering application including WLAN feature.


The waiter or waitress inputs the orders into the handheld tablets
Waiter prepares the bills in real time.
Sends order to the kitchen.
When the kitchen staff informs that the food has been prepared, the waiter in the kitchen
serves the food at the respective table.
If there is a need for modification in the food menu, the manager modifies the menu. The
menu gets changed in the database. The changed menu then gets updated on the waiters

Fig: Use Case Diagram


Waiter Side Application:

Food Database

Distant Socket and IP address

Kitchen Side application:

Socket and IP

Send Database

Receive database file

Storage device

Display orders on monitor

Order DB

Fig: Kitchen side activity block diagram

Corresponding customer table order de


New Order

Table Selection Set Table Name

Browse Category Menu

Order DB

Item Selection

Calculate amounts

Fig: Waiter Side Application Activity Block Diagram


We are going to implement our system in restaurants to ease the management of the Restaurant
and also give a technical touch which would help automate the working of Restaurant. We wish
to include all the features to make the ordering process easier.Our system will be implementing
the client server structure for the order handling process. Such structure will require Wireless
LAN for communication purposes.
Our system will include following features:

User friendly GUI

Make order
Forward orders to the kitchen wirelessly
Cancellation of order
Bill Preparation
Manager can edit categories, items and prices.
Manager can set discount, service tax etc.



AshutoshBhargave, NiranjanJadhav, Apurva Joshi, PrachiOke, Prof. Mr. S. R Lahane

IJSRP vol-3, April 2013 Digital Ordering System for Restaurant Using Android
Paresh.R.Bora, Eshan GuptaIJSRP vol-3, October 2012, APPLICATION ON ORDER




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