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Exploratory Arts Bree Robertson and Scott Day, Instructors

This class will introduce students to two different areas in the arts including visual art and
theater. It will give a basic overview and history of each subject. This class will also provide
personal opportunities for the individual students to experience the art/theater first hand. Some
of the projects will take the students beyond their comfort zones as they use their imaginations
and uncover new talents and skills. But if the students will come each day with a good positive
attitude and try their best in each situation, I can promise that they will enjoy the class and gain
confidence as well.
Here is a simple outline of what the units will cover:
Art Understand the seven elements of art and be able to recognize it in the masters as well as
in their own work.
Theater Learn about the history of theatre, vocal projection, and set design. Perform a
pantomime, tell a story and participate in improvisation.
The academic grade will be based on attendance, participation (which includes behavior),
assignments (70% of your final grade) and performances and tests (30% of your final grade).
Students will receive 5 points per day for a total of 25 points per week. Because this class is
participation based the Effort grade is integrally connected to the students attendance,
participation and behavior, as well. Students are given 5 points per day for actively participating
in classroom activities. Points are automatically subtracted for tardiness (-1) gum (-1), and cell
phone usage in class (-5). Behavior problems will be handled according to my Classroom
Management Plan.
**Please read the Classroom Management Plan on the back of this disclosure**
Supplies will be provided as needed but I can always use an extra box of tissues. Thank you!
Audio Visual: The nature of this class allows us to borrow and learn from many different sources.
We will watch a variety of movies that have been provided to help us learn to appreciate these
arts. Most of these movies will include quizzes or study guides to help students observe
important concepts. Included among the movies we may watch are:
Various educational films showing art and acting techniques as well as great artists and
their work.
Costume Cavalcades a look at costumes worn by actors in the Shakespearean Festival
Other movies may include excerpts from Kismet, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music,
Unsinkable Molly Brown, Meet Me In St. Louis, The King and I, The Music Man, and Singin In the
Thank you for your support and for the opportunity of working with you and your student. If you
have any comments or concerns, please call me at the school 435-688-2238 or email me at or
Bree Robertson
Scott Day
Parents, your child will receive 5 points when he/she turns in the slip below with your signature
showing that you have read this information and understand the objectives of this class.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - please cut and return the bottom portion to Mrs. Robertson or Mr. Day- - - - - - - - - - - -

Student Name (please print first and last name)
Class Period
I understand the requirements of this class. My student also has permission to watch the abovementioned movie excerpts.
Parent Signature

Classroom Management Plan

Every good class has procedures and routines that are well understood and
followed. It is my goal this year to work my classroom management plan
until I am being consistent and my students can trust that I mean what I say.
Classroom Rules
1. Listen and follow directions
2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
3. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
1st- warning
(lose 1 point out of 5 for the day) A warning is another way of saying: You
broke a class rule, but I trust that you will check yourself and ensure that it
doesnt happen again. When students are given the freedom to make the
right choice, rather than having it forced upon them, it says loud and clear
that I believe in them and their capacity to control their behavior.
(they must sit in the desk in the back and they do not get to participate in
the class activities. They lose 2 more points!)
3rd-letter home
(they will spend the following day in time out and they are given a letter to
take home which they must have their parents sign. It must be returned the
next day and they will spend the next day in time out as well. If the letter is
not returned the next day the student will stay in extended time out,
including lunch detention, until it is returned. They will lose all 5
participation points for every day they are in time out.)

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