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How To Be

(Practical Quantum Physics for the Average Man.)
Table of Contents

Chapter Page

Introduction 2
Manifesting Money and Abundance 4
Wizardry 11
Acceptance 15
Purpose 17
Manifesting Thoughts 19
Energy 22
Identity 25
Non-Attachment 27
Body Energy 28
Possible Realities 31
Daily Irritations 34

Purpose in Probable Realities 37

Animal Spirits 39

Living In The Moment 41

Grief and Living In The Present 44

The Conscious and Unconscious Mind 47

Money and Purpose 49

The Void 52

Technology, Rage and the Unabomber 54

Lightning Strikes 57

Love and Magic 60

Channelling 62

Coincidence 67
Morality 70
Power 74

Instincts 80
The Law of Love 84
Enlightenment 87
The Abyss 90

Motherhood/Parenting 95
Review 98

The Samantha Riordan Channels

(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


To our readers: we are a number of entities channelled through the individual entity that we call
Samantha. We do not give background on ourselves for we wish the channelled information to
stand on its own merit. Our "purpose" is to plant seeds. If you think a slightly different thought
or looks at something just once in a new way, we have done our "jobs". If you're reading this
information, then you are seeking, it is our wish too, that we may possibly provide a bit of light
unto your path. May All Be Well With Each Of You-

The magical life is a decision, a choice way of thought and a way of being. Magic is the ability to
change consciousness. Since your world is formed through your thoughts/beliefs/ emotions-
changing those thoughts leads to a change in your life. If you are faced with a something a
difficult problem you always have the choice to approach it magically. If you have "faith" in
something other than your waking self-you begin the process of thinking magically. It has been
said that faith can move mountains - indeed it can do that, but it more powerful then that FAITH
can move more than mountains it can change lives. But faith in what??? Faith that the universe is
a good, safe, and abundant place. Faith that you are loved, and worthwhile. Faith in a power of
that can indeed move mountains. The mantra of the new age movement is that "you create your
own reality".

Life is not meant to be such a struggle, in spite of what you have heard otherwise. Yes, you are
tested. Really, really tested. But if you live in an overall space of joy, you move through the trials
easily. In your world, life is to accomplish something. The truth is that when Einstein was
working eighty hours a week, he wasn't going for greatness he was going for joy. You worry and
fret because you are afraid that you aren't good enough. You worry and fret because you believe
that you must prove something to yourself and the world. What does failure matter? NO. You
failed, reward yourself for trying. Many of you are afraid that if you live for joy instead of
accomplishment that you will flit through life-that nothing will happen. You need to be vigilant
and watch everything. You need to do this because you need to protect yourself from the bad in
yourself and the bad in others. WHY? Why can't you just play? Why can't you just live filled
with some joy?????? When you are in joy, magical things happen. Things get healed etc. Ask
yourself how you would be different if you stopped living to be good and starting living for joy
or in joy.

Each of you has a purpose upon the planet. If you are, and are still living then you still have a
purpose. It gives you a reason to wake up in the morning feeling filled with grace. How do you
know what your purpose is? Basically, it is what gives you deepest joy. When you awaken and

follow that joy, you are filled with a kind of light. Following that joy is what is needed to fulfill
your purpose. When you are in that place of joy, the joy of doing what you are meant to do, even
if you spend only three minutes a day with your children, they will walk away learning more
than if you had been with them all day. The lessons those three minutes would give them would
be to follow their joy, to attempt to fulfill their potential. We are not saying that you neglect your
children. We are saying that the way to truly be a parent is to "teach" them how to follow their
highest selves and the best way to do that is to do it yourself. Now, what is your purpose,
ultimately you know this deep in your heart. When you follow your heart's desires, your deepest
impulses, you fulfill that within yourself. Each of you has a different purpose and a different joy.
Your path in life is to fulfill that purpose and create joy within yourself. When you are in misery
it is because you are not "on purpose", your beliefs are interfering with your purpose. Since each
person's purpose is different and there can be no "right" or wrong, what works for one person
will not work for another. Judgments are not needed. There is a perfect "plan b" if you will.
Some people love to organize, some people love to heal, some people love to raise "wonderful"
children, and some people love to create new things, the list is endless however, whatever it is
that is your purpose, follow it and your life will work. Magical doors will open for you. It is said,
that when you follow your dreams, the universe follows you. Within your dreams are your
purpose, and within those dreams joy. It is senseless to be or do otherwise. That is all for now.

The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Keys to Manifesting Money and Abundance

Section 1: 3/23/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Keys to Manifesting Money and Abundance

There are in your world two big problems, mystics traditionally meditate, "do nothing" and wait
for the universe to "happen". Many "new" new age people, learn that they create their reality and
need to "trust", so they quit their jobs because they hate them, and sit in their apartments/homes
meditating and waiting for the universe to "create" for them. Rationalists DO, DO, DO, and
never really evaluate, because you ARE what you do. People who believe in the Christian god
learn to let go and let god, and people who don't believe in god, never LET go of anything.

Now there is a better way, the magical way, the way of balance. You need to mediate, and DO.
You need to trust, and Do. You need to evaluate and let go. You need to use all of yourself, all of
your skills, that is the way that it was intended. Why did "god", the universe, whatever give you
a mind if NOT to use it? Why did you get intuition if there wasn't a place for it? So how do you
manifest in reality? What is the proper balance, how do you create what you wish to create?

First of all, you DO meditate. Actively meditate, actively look at yourself and what needs to be
done and what more, and actively look at WHY you want something. If you want a car-is it
really a car you want or is prestige what you want? Is it a car you want or is adventure you want?
Is it a car you want or is to impress your neighbours and your boss are work? What you want, if
it is outward, is a SYMBOL for something inside. Think of what you want, but more importantly
think of the WHY you want it, become aware of the want.

Second, evaluate if the symbol is actually a good fit with what you want. to put it more plainly, if
it is a car that you are wishing for and you wish for that car to gain prestige with your boss, ask
yourself if that is ACTUALLY a good way to create prestige with your boss. Possibly it would
be better to show up at work on time? Or maybe to dress better or maybe XXXX. Ask the
universe for advice here. What is the best way to create XXXX FEELING in my life? It will
answer you and show you the path.

Thirdly, RESPOND to what the universe "tells" you to do. If you get a strong impulse to
suddenly go shopping at the new Mall, and you go there and there is a great clothing shop, and it
has super suits for 75 % off and YOU WANT intuitively to buy them. Evaluate whether this is
indeed a true impulse and NOT something you feel you should do or NOT something you feel
guilty about and then ACT. You also have to work with the universe. You have to ACT. Next
you might have a feeling as you are walking through this mall to buy a cuckoo clock, a beautiful
cuckoo clock. Buy the clock, maybe you need to keep better time, and show up at work on time.

Fourth, TRUST. Even if you do buy the suits and the cuckoo clock, you STILL have to wear the
suits more then, once and wake up when the cuckoo, cuckoos at 6 a.m., and then go to work. It
may take a few months before your boss "sees" and recognizes the new you. If at this time you

get "frustrated", if at this time you quit, then you may have to start the process all over again. For
example, let us say, that you wear the suits to work for an ENTIRE week and your boss doesn't
notice, so you go back to wearing T-Shirts and Blue jeans. Your boss might think that you had to
go to a funeral for a week, or even that you were applying for other jobs. The boss needs to time
to get accustomed to the new you. As well, there is the possibility that what will happen will be
the reverse of what you requested. Let us say you want your boss to respect you. You meditate
and meditate upon this, then RIGHT after you mediate, upon his request YOU GET FIRED.
Well, you might say to yourself, "that sure didn't work". In "reality", and we use that term
loosely, maybe you could not EVER have gotten that boss to respect you, so the universe created
an environment where you have to find a NEW job where the BOSS will respect you.

This brings us to the fifth step, try, and see during the time of patience, the situation you are in
the midst of as one of your own creation. For you DO create your own reality. EMPOWER
YOURSELF. Try to meditate upon why you may have created the situation that you are facing.
Once you see the lesson behind what you have created, the problem goes away and what you
want is "THERE" for you. Accept that you do create your own reality and have power in a
circumstance in spite of the fact that it may seem otherwise. For example, in the above situation
where the individual mediated upon gaining his bosses respect and then was fired. Possibly that
individual needs to reflect on why he was in an environment that didn't respect him. Did he
respect himself? Did he take a secondary job because he wanted the money and had no love for
what he was doing? Related to this idea, is that for every problem or belief that you are facing
within yourself there is a reason that initially you needed that idea, thought or belief and it may
be easier to hold onto the problem than face the solutions. In other words possibly it is easier to
take the disrespect from the above example boss, than to face why you do not currently have
self-respect or self-esteem.

As you can see, both sides of the brain are needed and necessary. It is important to let go as well
as to evaluate. It is important to empower yourself as well as work with the universe. It is a
balance between the two sides of who you are. And balance for one person is not the same as
balance for another. Balance, is a personal thing, but each of you has a center, a core self. When
you operate from this sense of self you are in balance, and things flow well with you, you are at
peace. When you are OUT of balance, you are unhappy or upset. If you react when you are
upset, then you create more upset. Many times it is much better to simply step back from a
situation and find that center self, before you act. When you act "in balance" you create more
"balance" in your life. Fighting or resisting a situation only causes more and more pain.
Resistance and fear is pain. Learn to love and accept every situation that you face.

It is there for a reason, learn the reason, learn the lesson and the situation disappears. But as we
said before many times, it is easier to simply say I can't solve this problem, I am a victim of my
circumstances, than to face the situation head on through acceptance. It is easier to keep the
problems than face the solution.

The following are ideas, thoughts, and concepts to guide you, to think or rethink an issue or
problem in your life.

1) When faced with an overwhelming problem, think back to the times you felt the same way.
Then realize each and every time the problem brought a gift. That, in essence, things worked out

for the best for everyone involved. This will help you keep your cool and look at the problem
with your mind, not your fearfulness.

2) Don't get caught up in the short term time frame. Imagine your situation as an episode on
television. Imagine yourself as the star of the script. Watch the drama. This provides emotional
distance from the problem and, many times, needed insight into the problem.

3) Imagine yourself in a comedy. Plato describes comedy as a group of errors. Imagine yourself
in an I Love Lucy comedy-and the errors around me as some past author’s jokes. This helps me
to distance myself, laugh, and find compassion for the individuals who caused the errors.

4) Your emotions are your own - they are only as dependent on circumstances as you allow them
to be. You can be happy in any circumstance if you let yourself. Circumstances don’t matter, just
your perception of and reactions to them.

5) Remember, you are never the victim of any circumstance unless you choose to be. To be a
victim is simply an attitude. To be a winner is also just an attitude. But what a difference your
attitude makes!

6) Change always has and always will exist. Resistance causes pain. Anger causes pain. Change
is the only certainty of existence.

7) Anger, impatience, frustration, and depression all stem from feeling powerless. You are only
as powerless as you choose to be in ANY situation. When you react because of anger, frustration
etc., you create even more anger and frustration in those around you. You also tune out answers.
You don't expect to find the answers so you aren't open to them.

8) Power ultimately comes from within. It is your circle of influence. The more powerful you
feel, the faster your circle of influence increases. The more powerless you feel, the faster that
feeling increases.

9) Emotion stems from belief. Depression usually stems from inaccurate and exaggerated beliefs.
a. All or nothing thinking-you either win or lose. Nothing in between.
b. Overgeneralization - you see a single even as a never- ending pattern. In extreme versions you
"label" yourself or others. For example "I'm a loser."
c. Black colour glasses-you see one negative thing and it colors your whole vision of reality.
d. Jumping to conclusions- you automatically assume the worst (either about someone or about
the future.)
e. Emotional reasoning- you assume your feelings are fact. I feel this way, therefore it is.
f. Shoulds, musts, and oughts. Punish yourself to motivate yourself and judge yourself when you
don’t come through.

10) Strive for excellence in yourself and those around you. They may hate you momentarily, but
remember you are ultimately doing them a favour by making them grow. Also, you get what you
expect; if you expect excellence you’re going to get a lot more of it.

11) Use vision. Vision inspires both yourself and those around you. Your vision and your dreams
are ultimately the same thing-or they should be. Never give up on these dreams/visions. Giving
up on them creates lack and emptiness. Fighting is success alone.

12) Realize your relationships are many times symbols. A mate is a symbol for what you want to
be or what you think love should be. A friend is your version of comfort. A boss is a symbol for
authority etc. Many times there are three points to a relationship between two people, the third
(and often ignored point) is the symbol. Attempt to see the person beyond the symbol.

13) I am what I think I am. No more and no less. People only define me as much as I let them.
You can call a diamond a chair, but that doesn't make it so. People rarely see diamonds in their
mists. Someone can only be wonderful (an expert, a genius) when they are away from us.

14) Problems ALWAYS exist. Fighting them or ignoring them doesn’t work, only successfully
confronting and acknowledging brings change. Problems are gifts or presents to be opened. The
longer I fight problems the longer I fight the resolution.

15) You ultimately know within yourself what the answer to a problem is. If you don't, research
it. When you look long enough, with enough faith, it will make itself known.

16) You may not want to know how to solve a problem-the problem could be easier to bear than
the answer. Every problem exists for a reason. Fixing the problem may mean letting go of the
benefit in the first place.

17) When looking at a problem, look at the emotions you find within yourself, look at the beliefs
behind them. Many times what you need to do to rid yourself of the problem is to change the

18) Lots of times, people don't want to look at their beliefs because that means they are wrong.
Instead, a belief is rather like a change of clothes. The wardrobe works for awhile, teaches you
something, but unless you change it, it will harm you. In essence, you outgrow beliefs like a
child outgrows clothes.

19) Boredom is dangerous. Problems can be created simply because people need dramas or
challenges. If you don't (as a manager) provide challenges, they will create dramas. The
difference between a drama and a challenge is a drama constantly recreates itself in the endless
cycle. Whereas, challenges lead to growth, and change.

20) The first cause may not be the real cause of a problem. Causes themselves are many times
circular, not linear. A doesn't necessarily lead to B; B doesn't necessarily lead to C. A could lead
to B and B to A, in an ever present cycle.

21) If you can't understand or see something in a different way, you're stuck. Use the Zen
concept of Beginning Mind. Imagine yourself seeing it for the first time. This is the problem of
experts, they know too much to see what's in front of them. Redefine the question. Redefine the
problem in different terms. Finally seeing something from the inside out... the reverse of it can
help you to begin seeing it differently.

22) The simple always rules over the complex. If it's too complex it won't work. Make It
Simple.... Simplicity is elegance.... simplicity is grace... simplicity is beauty. People respond to
grace, beauty, and elegance.

23) Imagine the best case outcome or scenario in the situation. Then imagine what it would take
to create that outcome. It is important to concentrate on what you want, instead of what you don't
want. What you focus on you ultimately get.

24) If all else fails and you've tried EVERYTHING, leave it alone for a while. Worrying about
something doesn't fix it and often interferes in the solution process.

25) Life is a lesson-LEARN. But, life is also a process. The process is important, not the end.
After all, all of life and death itself is simply a process.

26) Stress only exists in the future and in the past. If you feel stressed, concentrate on the
present, the Here and Now.

27) Success is more difficult and involves more pressure than failure. Many times people
sabotage themselves for this very reason. The more successful you are, the more successful you
have to continue to be. Also, the more successful you are, the more visible you become. That
visibility often brings as much pain as pleasure. A friend of Samantha once said "The more
successful you are, the more debt you have and the more times people want to sue you".

28) There is no good or evil, there is just ignorance, anger, and different viewpoints (belief
systems). Attempt to place yourself in the other person's shoes/moccasins/boots/ etc... Imagine
yourself in a philosophy class and debate the other person’s viewpoint.

29) The Laws of Money

a) Money is a combination of time, energy, and risk. If you can create any combination of the
three you will create money.
b) Do It! Money will follow when you are doing the right thing.
c) Money establishes priorities.
d) Money is a fantasy - ask yourself if what you want is an object. Perhaps you want a Cadillac,
but what you really desire is respect from your peers.
e) Money is a nightmare - when you are afraid you don’t have enough money it becomes a
f) You can never give away money.
g) You can never give money as a gift.
h) No one ever received money as a gift.
i) There are worlds and existences without money.
j) Money is relative to circumstance. For instance, if you
are poor; $10 could mean food for three days; if you're wealthy $10 might buy a glass of wine at
a fine restaurant.
k) Money is relative to what you create with it. Spending a million dollars on a yacht is much
different than investing in a company.

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l) You are the source of your money. You make it. If you change yourself, you change your
earning potential.
m) Making money is a creative act, like making art. It goes through the same stages.
-Idea Stage: brimming with thoughts and ideas
-Building Phase: putting ideas into action
-Manifesting Stage: beginning to see actual fruition of thoughts and plans.
-Completion: seeing the finalization of ideas
-End/new beginning: you realize a need to create
again, what you have done is no longer enough and you need to leave what you’ve done in the
past behind.
n) You’ll never make money is you need it. Need causes individuals to act out of fear and
desperation. When this happens, you create worse circumstances for yourself.
o) Your net worth is not physical assets minus physical liabilities. It is your skill, knowledge,
attitude, education, and experience. When you receive money remember you are receiving it for
experience and knowledge. Even in debt you could have a large net worth if you have skills,
education etc., in some sense, you can even take this net worth to the bank.
p) A friend of Samantha’s said that every once in awhile she enjoys being broke, you discover
what's really essential, you redefine who you are and step closer to your essence.

30) You are not the outcome of a situation. You are what you try to do in any given
circumstance. As Abe Lincoln said: "When you win the war you are a saint, when you lose the
war you are a sinner". What matters is what you think you did-how well you thought you did a
job, not the outcome.

31) The more you concentrate on the outcome, the more control you lose. You make what you
do "not count" and other people's opinions and external wants that you "can't control" more
important than your own work. You lose your internal psychological support system. You give
external events power over what should be the "internal events" of your life.

32) You are what you imagine, believe, think, feel, and do. If you imagine you're an actress and
"act" once a day on that belief, then indeed you are an actress. Eventually, you will in some sense
have your talent recognized, but the recognition doesn't come first. The belief, thinking, and
actions do. If you only pursue the recognition, you lose power in the situation. You give your
identity to others. Others who may or may not be reliable.

33) The only things you can take with you are love and knowledge. These are the things of
ultimate value. Everything else is just dust in the wind.

34) People who have near death experiences report that they realize there is nothing to fear.
Basically, if there is nothing to fear in death, what is there to fear about life? Gives you a new
perspective doesn't it?

35) Love is something you feel. It transforms you and it happens to you. It can happen with
another person, it can 'not'; but basically it is something you feel, something that changes and
reforms you.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 2: 3/24/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


You create your own reality. It is a simple yet radical statement. You create everything in your
universe, everything that you encounter, and everything that you "face". What you believe
manifests itself into your reality. You are fired, YOU created that. You are the victim of a brutal
crime; yes we are here to tell you that you created that as well. You are the victim of childhood
abuse, you created that situation. Someone who you deeply loved, has recently died, you created
that as well - you and the person who died. You are suffering from a life-threatening disease you
created that as well. You live in the slums, are down and out, broke, and can't buy food for your
children, you created that as well. Your reality is created by you, through your beliefs,
ALWAYS, it is that simple, and that complicated. That is the "answer" to the problems and
issues that plague you. Change your beliefs, learn the lesson you need to learn, and you change
your reality. Why do people watch the same movie over and over and over again? BECAUSE
they enjoy it, because they learn something from it.

Recently in your society, the idea of victimization was brought to every television set in the
nation. A bomb blew up a federal centre. This effected many people very deeply including
Samantha. She was upset about this for days imagining what would happen if that was her
daughter in that wreckage. For a few days, she kept thinking to herself "my problems are very
little compared to losing my little girl. I truly have what's important". Now, weren't those
children awful victims of what happened to them? Little innocent children who were literally
blown up while playing in faith and hope. How could anybody possibly believe in a good safe
abundant world after watching that on television for literally days on end? We told her to "see"
beyond the tragedy.

All deaths have meaning, and these deaths have more meaning than most. The Federal building
in Oklahoma City was blown up. On some level, that was all known about beforehand. The
participants, the people who blew the building up, were filled with rage because they felt so
powerless towards the world. And the people in the federal building itself were out of touch with
the world itself; they lived very isolated and insular existences. They didn't "see" the world and
how that world affected them. Many of them believed that bad things happen only to bad people.
By having what happened there, they were made to open up themselves and participate in the
world. And what about those children? The ones that died. They of course knew ahead of time
(some even consciously and some unconsciously) that it would happen, and chose on some level
to participate in that. For whatever reason, they decided to leave this world then. Each child had
a different reason for leaving, but did indeed choose to leave. Your federal government is a very
strong believer in victimization, and indeed that is what the authors of the situation wished to
change, in their very "perverted" manner. They want less governmental control, they want to
control their lives more, and they feel victims because they can't. They blame the government for
their problems. In essence, victims attacked victims and the tragedy occurred, and with it the

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belief in even more victims. This is the most difficult for many to believe, that indeed innocent
children would decide to leave this world. That they wouldn't choose to live. But, indeed
children choose many times to "leave" situations. That doesn't mean that the parents are "bad", or
that there was some great lack in the child's life; but whatever they had to learn here or whatever
they came to do, they completed. Sometimes small children are "ahead" of their times, they come
here to help their parents, or they come here to simply "briefly" experience life on a certain level
of existence. They are so advanced, so ahead of themselves that they have so few lessons to
learn, that they simply "leave". It is time for them to "go early". Instead of asking why did such
an awful thing happen? Tell yourself when you die, that you will meet up with one of those
children and ask why they choose to leave at that time? There is so much in a question. Your
questions reflect your beliefs; your questions ASSUME something about what reality is. By
telling yourself that when you meet up with one of those children, when you die, you are
assuming that THERE was a reason for their death; you are assuming that there is life after
death, and finally you are assuming that you and those children created the reality that they were
in. By asking "why did that awful thing happen, you are assuming that those children were
victims, that victimization is a normal everyday issue of life. Now, we are NOT saying that you
shouldn't help the families of those children. We are not saying that those families didn't lose
something deeply precious. We are NOT saying that compassion is not needed, for compassion
is an expression of love, and love is desperately needed in your world. However, PITY is not
needed, for pity is an expression of a belief in victimhood. For by believing in victimhood the
situation worsens. To handle the grief of that situation, to handle the pain that those at the
Oklahoma bombing felt, saying that they were victims ONLY makes the situation worse. At the
root of all emotions is love; at the root of all existence is the overwhelming force of love. That is
the single unifying force that your physicists are looking to find. When you express grief, you are
expressing love. You are expressing love for yourself for what you have lost. If you feel
emotions to the end of emotions, you will finally feel peace or you will be confronted by a belief
that desperately needs to change. However, when in the midst of painful emotions, to tell
yourself that you created the situation that caused it; many times doesn't help. Instead, say to
yourself you are learning something, that all you see right now are the trees. Later, when you
have felt the pain, you will "see" the WHY behind the circumstances, you will see the forest.
You will see the lessons behind the circumstances. You will "see" the reason.

Now there are four basic kinds of beliefs or belief systems that you encounter in your everyday
life. These are the beliefs that create the realities that you live in.

The first types are Religious and Societal beliefs. They can be exemplified by things like "you
will go to hell for that". That is "WRONG". God says..... The bible says...... Religious beliefs are
deeply held beliefs that you cause you to "fit" into your society. These are beliefs that are
instilled as a child and given to you to benefit society. They give you a moral structure to work
within. Many times as well they give you faith in something beyond yourself. These are also
beliefs that define the "world" reality. Your world is created by mass held beliefs. Where Texas
is for example, what is happening in Africa? Now, people who do not watch the news, to some
extent, leave these beliefs behind.

The second kinds of beliefs are those "given" to you as a child. Your Family beliefs. Each family
has a group of belief systems that they are raised with. You choose the family you are born into,
for the beliefs that they have. Family dramas exist because they are "beliefs" fighting or working

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themselves out from generation to generation. Many within each family will accept those beliefs,
and move easily within the family realm. Other's will "fight" those beliefs, and NOT move easily
into the family realm.

The third kind of beliefs, are Scientific or Factual beliefs. They are based upon facts, and laws of
physics, science etc. We want you to know to be aware of these factual beliefs, because they are
as "wrong" as the other beliefs. But, they are "proven". What they are is a medium of beliefs. An
average of "tests" taken. In every group of tests there exist those that "break" the expected
response of those tests. Science is the measurement of large groups of "tested” beliefs, and
scientific knowledge is the mid section of those tests. Many times the "aberrant" is ignored. Not
by all scientists, but by many. For example, if someone is miraculously cured. They don't look
into that, or they ignore it and consider it a "fluke" of nature. Scientists would learn much by
studying miracles, and NOT considering them "flukes". Finally many times scientists only study
"trouble" areas. How to cure cancer for example. They spend so much time concentrating on the
problems that they "ignore" the well. One way to "cure" disease is to look more at what is
healthy instead of so much at what 'doesn't' work. We would also like to add here, that since you
create your own reality; many times the scientist creates a test for what they are looking for, and
what they "wish" to see. By focusing on what they wish to see, they interpret the data differently,
and on a deeper level; many times since you do create reality, they create the data that they are
interpreting from. The deeper you go into nature, the more that nature is affected by beliefs. If
you are dealing with something on a deep atomic nature, or looking at something at a cellular
structural level, there are belief systems at work, at what is being scientifically seen. By having
other belief systems you can literally break the laws of physics, biology, chemistry, etc. and
many have. For example, let us say that you go to a doctor and that doctor tells you that you have
an awful disease, that you will die in three months time. What he is really saying is that based
upon studied, large groups of people, who accept our belief system. The average persons studied
died within three months, when they had your particular problem.

The fourth kinds of beliefs are the ones that you decide on yourself and create your reality
around. This takes conscious work and practice. This is what is called reality creation. When you
consciously create your reality, by changing your belief systems, you become a magical person.
In many ancient societies, magical thinking was taught and practiced, and we have much
information on those. But that is for a later time.

There is tremendous freedom when you choose to live magically. First of all, magical
living, becoming a wizard if you will, is a conscious, moment to moment decision. It is a set of
belief systems that allows you to cope better within the world, and teaches you to operate
extremely well in all levels of life within the world. The first and foremost basic belief is that
you create your own reality. Now, when you truly believe that, and feel it in your bones and
cellular structure, you will "see" the world differently, operate differently and operate more
successfully. For example, you can NEVER again be a victim of any circumstances. If you are
having a fight with your mate, it is because you have CHOSEN to have that mate fight with you.
Many marriages could be saved and the divorce rate would go down tremendously, if your mates
stopped blaming each other for their problems, and circumstances. If the words, "you promised
me..." were never again uttered. If the IRS sends you out a "nasty" letter, it is because you have
chosen to be audited. If your boss treats you badly, and yells at you unfairly, you can no longer
be angry at that boss, because you created that situation. The list goes on, and on, and on. Rage

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and victimization is expected, and accepted in your society. If you do not get mad, if you are
NOT cynical, well, you are naive, and not strong. Your society worships anger, and your
television shows worship rage, and victimization. This is not healthy for anyone. Now, if you
accept the challenge of becoming a wizard, you can never again "rage" against circumstances,
because even though rage is an expression of self-love, rage exists because of a belief in
victimization, and rage is painful. IN order to release rage, look into your beliefs, and ask
yourself why you created those situations? That is what these teachings are meant to teach each
and every one of to be a wizard in the world. If you wish to feel your energy, or your
power as a wizard, for one week say to yourself, "everything in my life is a dream". Then look at
the world around you, for a few minutes. Then, say to yourself, “I own the energy of this place.”,
and feel the energy "hit" you back. That is all for now....

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 3: 3/25/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


One of the key problems in accepting that you create your own reality is accepting that
reality, and NOT hating yourself for it. It is much easier to be a victim of a circumstance,
because then you can elicit sympathy, and then you don't blame yourself for what is "wrong" in
your life. “I got fired!” you say to yourself, “I created that? What is wrong with me?” It is much
easier to say to yourself, “My boss fired me, and he is a XXXX awful individual!” You are then
taken "out of the loop" per say.

Now, we tell you that instead you should LOVE whatever it is you create, and to love
yourself, no matter what happens in your life. If you are sick with cancer, you cannot afford to
hate yourself, because in your self-hatred, you are making yourself sicker. You also cannot
afford to be a victim of the disease, because then you give away your power to change the
disease. The universe is a good, abundant place. The universal force, the force of life itself wants
you be happy; to find harmony. So, why do you create the problems in the reality that you have?
Again, usually because of a belief system that you have. But, those beliefs existed for a reason;
those beliefs existed, because at one time, you needed them. If you hold family beliefs, and they
are interfering with your abundance; let’s say, at one time, when you were a child, you needed to
have those beliefs in order to "live" easily within your family structure. Possibly to change your
lack of abundance, you need to look at why you are still holding those beliefs. In order to change
your abundance situation, possibly you need to look at the fact that you may lose acceptance in
your family. All beliefs initially existed to benefit you, and you must let go of the benefit before
you can let go of a belief that no longer fits you. Now, that is the key. Beliefs are rather like
clothes. The clothes that you wore as a five year old child no longer fit you, when you are twenty
year old. So too, the beliefs that you held when you were a five year old child, no longer fit you
when you are twenty. And, the style of clothes you wore when you are twenty, probably no
longer suit you when you are 35. So, you need to change the beliefs from when you are 20 to 35.
So, love those beliefs of that 5 year old child.

Those beliefs were created within your psyche to help you; those beliefs initially existed
to give you some benefit. If you reject them and reject yourself, those beliefs will fight back. The
more that you fight those beliefs, the more energy that you add to them, and the more a situation
worsens. The more that you hate yourself the more energy you add to the "negative" situation,
and the more a situation worsens. In essence, the irony is that the more you fight a situation, the
more you fight a belief system, the more you hate yourself, and the more of what you're fighting
is brought into the situation. It is assumed in your world, that fighting is a healthy response to a
situation. In our terms, fighting a situation; resisting a situation, simply adds more and more
negativity to it. Accepting a situation; accepting a problem as a gift to be opened, is the only way
of moving through it.

~ 16 ~
Samantha had a dangerous, "incurable" illness. Her doctors told her that she would spend
the rest of her life disabled, and unable to walk or move from her bed by the time she was 24.
They also told her when she was pregnant, that she might very possibly have a brain damaged
child, because of her illness. However, Samantha is truly active at the age of 33, and is rarely ill,
a medical miracle, if you will. As well, her daughter is healthy, and extremely bright. Samantha
did this through acceptance of her disease. She saw it as a challenge, and said to herself. “I
realize that I could have an ill child; I realize that I could possibly get sick, but I KNOW that
somehow that won't happen - it simply won't. Somehow, she and I will get through this. I also
KNOW that I will learn from this illness.” And, sure enough, she opened herself up enough to
listen to us. Her illness went away. She was "gifted" with accepting us into her life; she always
heard us, but now she needed us and she was "forced" to accept what she heard, because we
taught her a way out. When initially she had tremendous pain, she simply took it as an
opportunity to read her favourite mystery novels. Eventually, she learned to enjoy lying in bed.
Initially, though she forgot the illness, and became angry, when she was ill. She yelled at herself,
she fought it "tooth" and "nail". She was angry at the world, angry at her mate, and angry at her
fate. She was mostly angry at herself for having this disease in her reality. Her turning point was
lying on the floor in her kitchen one night in horrible pain. She realized that if she simply
accepted her pain, she could ask her mate to help her to the bed - that was a vastly better place
than her kitchen floor. If she accepted her pain, she would have asked her mate to get her the
water in the first place. But, she had gotten up, being determined to get a drink, and refusing to
accept the fact that she couldn't walk easily, and now, couldn't make it back to her bed. In her
rage, she ended up on the floor with water spilt all over her, and she realized that through
acceptance, she could at least end up in a better place. She told herself that she didn't know why
she was sick, but she would find out, and she would get better; in the meantime, she would treat
herself the best that she could. That was the turning point in the disease.

As we have said before; there is the forest and there is the tree. When you hate yourself,
you are looking at the tree, and the tree becomes even more looming; when you accept yourself,
you have faith that there is a forest, that there is a reason, that there is a lesson, a gift, and you
begin the process of change.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 4: 3/27/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Life purpose is both a noun and a verb. Life purpose is something you do, and it is how
you call upon the magic within your life. What is your life purpose? First of all, it is a verb?
What is it that you do that fills you up inside? Literally what do you do that brings a spring to
your step, lightness to your being? Is it to create, to bring peace, to heal, to learn, to organize, to
build, to think, to teach, to listen, to feel, to.....

Your purpose is a verb, to xxx. Your purpose is what you do that brings lightness and joy
to yourself; and again as you bring it yourself; you bring it to those around you.

Life purpose is also a noun. Many of you define themselves by where they live, what
kind of clothes they wear, what kind of care they drive, and what their net worth is. However,
what you really are, is your deepest dream. Not the dream that your family wishes to give you.
Not the dream that was given to you by society, or what you believe society to be. You are your
heart's deepest desire. Maybe you love to cook, because to cook is to bring love. Maybe you
wish to create a shop filled with romantic old clothing, because romance brings nostalgia, and
peace. Maybe, you love to teach small children, because they teach you about loving life.
Whatever the dream that you hold deep within yourself; it is REALLY who you are. Samantha
has a friend, whom we shall call John. John grew up in household where his father was a big
executive. John always had tremendous joy tinkering, as he called it. John told Samantha one
night, when he was drunk, that his dream was to take pieces of junk, and bring them back to life.
Because, all things had value, all things were beautiful, if you can just see them. His purpose was
a combination of "to save and to bring beauty". But, his father "forced" him into following in his
footsteps, and becoming an executive, where he was truly miserable. John’s deepest self wasn't
"to organize", like his father; he had a different heart’s desire. By looking into himself, and by
being true to himself; John needs to see that he IS beauty, and he does SAVE. He must see this in
himself in order to DO it. He must believe in it, in order to fulfill, for he already is it, or the
dream of it would not harm him so. There is in each of you are a heart's desire, a dream, and a
place where there is a longing that craves fulfillment. This deep heart's desire is REALLY who
you are. You are NOT your roles, you are NOT your money, or your possessions, or lack of
possessions, you are your dreams, and through these dreams you will realize fulfillment; and by
following those dreams you open the doors of the universe, and all you need to do then is walk
through them.

Now, each of you are equal, in that you are here to follow your purpose, and each of you
must learn to find ways to best fulfill that purpose. You are NOT equal, in that each of you has,
different abilities, and is that not how it should be? Now, when you do NOT believe in yourself
when you're filled with doubts, and should; you "forget" your purpose, or even more, ignore that
purpose. You get off course and do something out of fear. You attempt to control the

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environment around you. You drive yourself crazy with shoulds, and drive yourself even crazier
with CAN"T, or not good enoughs. You need to have faith in that dream, in that purpose and
THEN GET OUT OF THE WAY in order for it to succeed. When, during each and every day, an
opportunity presents itself to follow your purpose, you need to ALLOW yourself to do that.
There is always a good rational reason to NOT following your purpose, or your dream. There is
always much reason why this could harm, or hurt you. But, the deepest reason, the most
important reason, is that you will never feel happy, you will never be fulfilled, you will never
tingle with joy at the mornings arrival, and feel excitement to simply see the stars unless YOU
GO FOR your dreams. And you life will never work otherwise. Unless you find a way to fulfill
those dreams, and that desperate part of yourself, NOTHING will work. NOT your marriage, not
your parenting, not your work life. Everything will feel gray and somewhat empty. You will
constantly strive for more, and more, and more; when instead you desperately need to strive for
the noun, and the verb. The underlying purpose of your being.

When you are on purpose, you are like the flower in the season, who despite drought or
flood, simply opens up. You are fulfilling yourself, and you are filled with bloom.

~ 19 ~
The Samantha Riordan Channels

Manifesting Thoughts
Section 5: 3/28/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Manifesting Thoughts

Once upon a time, it was possible to think something, and that thing would exist by the
end of the thought. However, think about what you think about each and every day; would you
want those thoughts to manifest each and every one? We think not. We have looked at your
thoughts, and there would be considerable more murder and mayhem, if indeed there was
instantaneous thought changes.

The universe protects you, even from yourself. If you think mostly "good" thoughts, you
will manifest faster. If you think "bad" thoughts, they will take longer to materialize. Now, the
more negative you are, the more thoughts are needed to manifest something. So, the key to
"touching" upon the universe is to think positively. Think in your mind of a spirit. At the base of
a spiral are those who think primarily negative thoughts, and so it takes many more thoughts to
reach the top of the spiral, the pinnacle if you will and manifest. However, the more positive you
are, the higher up the spiral you begin, so the faster it is to manifest what you are thinking. This
is a built-in protective universal mechanism.

Now, everything is energy, and forms of energy. Learning to sense and change energies
is what creates life itself. DNA structures exist in spirals and so do energy forms. In order
manifest something quickly; imagine yourself on a spiral, imagine yourself moving faster, and
faster, and faster into that spiral and at some point you will reach a "pinnacle" of creation; you
will feel like "click", and then you know, what you have attempted to manifest will quickly come
into being. Energy is in a process of constant spiralling motion. Nothing is ever fluid, and in fact
the only "reality" is that everything is in constant flux. Energy moves, and the more energy you
command, the more energy you move. The more you clear your negative, the more energy you
have to command.

So, what do you do in the time between the "Click", and the time before physical
manifestation? You WAIT patiently and optimistically. You believe that it will happen. You
trust that it will occur. Look back at the time that you successfully brought something into
creation. It maybe simple things like a piece of clothing that you wished for. You wished for it,
you longed for it. And then you just let it be. Sure enough, soon "it was there". However, if you
place a "no thought" next to a yes thought two things happen. First of all, the NO cancels out the
yes, and second of all, the NO places you lower on the spiral, so it takes longer to create the yes.
The "no" triggers the protective mechanism. The first order of becoming a wizard is to clean up
your thought processes. You need to work on cleaning out the negative beliefs within your mind
space. You need to clean out whatever limiting belief you hold, and with each limiting belief you
clean out there is significantly more power, because you "raise" you level l on the spiral. Now,
many times when you wish for something, you think of all the reason you cannot have it. For
example, let us say that you are craving a Porsche. You long for that red Porsche. You want to

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drive fast, and picture yourself driving fast down a country highway. This means freedom to you.
The next day as you meditate upon this red Porsche, you are driving in your run-down jalopy,
and sure enough right next to you, in the lane, is a bright red Porsche with the perfect looking
member of the opposite sex, next to you. Suddenly, you think of all the reasons, you CAN'T have
the Porsche next to you. You think, "I WILL never have that much money." You think I will
never have that much freedom, you think an entire downward spiral of negative thoughts. You
have sent out a "STRONG" no, and now you have to recreate the positive energy. As well, you
have sent out the negative spiral concept so that you are LOWER upon the spiral. Think if you
will, if many mass murderers could manifest things quickly, well how healthy would that be for
the population. The more malicious your thought processes, the more trouble you will have
manifesting anything. Now in the Porsche problems from above, the universe has indeed sent
you a message, when the next day you are driving next to one, the very thing you have meditated
upon the night before. The universe is telling you that THIS is WHAT IS INTERFERING with
you getting your Porsche. Your feeling that you aren't good enough. The feeling that you do
NOT have that much freedom in your life. It is time NOW to change those beliefs, in order to
gain what you want.

Now, the MORE "advanced" you are spiritually, the faster you can manifest. There is a
show, an old show called Bewitched, on the air that Samantha loves. And the main character is
Samantha. Samantha can think something, and sure enough, it will appear. It is actually possible
to become a Samantha level, but first, first you must reach a point where you control the negative
limiting thoughts that move through your mind.

Now, here again, there’s that ugly problem of having a negative thought, and then
disliking yourself for having that negative thought, and then feeling frustrated with having yet
another thought, and again you begin a downward spiral. Start thinking instead, of your negative
thoughts as small children. Small innocent children who do not understand. So, here is the
negative thought that you can never have enough money to buy that red Porsche. Say to that
thought, I understand that you are operating from the mistaken belief that the universe is filled
with limits. That is a belief that I learned so that I would fit into society, but I have since learned
that the universe is limitless, and that you are now a negative, and limiting belief for me. So
please will you now help me to see things more limitlessly. Thank you for being my friend. Sure
enough that thought will "disappear" in understanding, and you will feel lighter. Now, you must
examine your negative beliefs when they come into your life. So, for example, you need to
realize that there is a connection between you not having the Porsche, and the fact that you
believe in scarcity. You have to understand why you lovingly choose to believe in scarcity, and
then appreciate the LOVER; the part of yourself that choose that belief before you can let it go.
Once you love the belief, and you acknowledge it's "purpose" and give that energy "another" job,
sure enough it will lovingly disappear and you will suddenly find yourself believing something
else, and sure enough you will move "up" the spiral, in that you can manifest anything faster.

Cleaning out your thoughts is NOT like taking out the trash, cleaning out your thoughts is
a loving process that is filled with tremendous self-acceptance for who you are, and who you
were. After you lovingly let go of the old belief through acceptance, simply place the next
preferable thought next it, and sure enough the process will be complete, and very soon you will
begin to see the process of what you wish for begin to manifest. The more lovingly you let go of
those thoughts, the faster you go up the spiral. If you DO NOT lovingly let go of a thought, it

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will fight you back. If you fight it, it will come back like a serpent in your garden, and NOT LET
you go. Beliefs are rather like entities of energy within their own right. They command "pieces"
of energy that make up what "YOU" are. You change a belief and you literally become another
person, and literally live another life, because the energy grouping changes, and you attract
something different to yourself, every time you change your energy.

You want to change a situation, change the energy within the situation.

~ 22 ~
The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 6: 3/29/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Each of you is an energy. Everything around you is an energy structure. The most basic
energy is the energy of love, the creative force. Your scientists believe that everything naturally
falls apart, they believe in entropy. However, entropy, as we see it, is the RE-CREATION, and
the TRANSFERENCE of energy from one life system to another. Your scientists are only
"seeing" one part of entropy, the decay. They do not look long enough to see the "re-creation"
aspect of what they term as entropy.

This consciousness is a creative open-ended energy. It is the base force of nature itself, it
exists in every living thing. Each particle of energy has a consciousness of its own. That
consciousness, like all consciousness, is based upon the consciousness of love. It is possible to
sense and feel this energy if you open your "senses". For example, go outside your door, shut
your eyes, and move towards a tree, place your hand six inches from the tree and what do you
feel. ENERGY. You can sense and feel this underlying energy in everything around you. The
closer you are to something, or to somebody, the more your energy "melds" into that other
person's energy, and this creates a "new" energy.

There exists a constant transference of energy from one form to another, from one being
to another. ALL life is fluid and the only "static" thing, if you will, is change itself. Now, each of
you is rather like a broadcast station, in that you broadcast out an energy system, what you
believe, what your purpose is; and what you encounter in your life "responds" to this broadcast,
if you will. So if you wish for someone to love, you broadcast that to the universe consciously, if
your beliefs do NOT impede the process, and sure enough someone to love will appear. Your
beliefs are rather like an energy system within themselves, that are part of you, but also separate
unto themselves. Rather like your hand is a part of you, yet it is still separate in the sense that it
is your hand.

If you broadcast, fearful energy, you create fearful incident in your life. If you broadcast
unresolved pain, you draw upon yourselves more pain, and more unresolved incidents. It is
"understood" by your psychologist, that a woman who is raised with an abusive father will
probably marry an abusive husband. A person who grew up with an alcoholic, will probably
become an alcoholic, and so the list goes on. You live what you learn. In our "reality" you live
what you believe, and broadcast what remains unresolved in your life. So for example, if you
never understood the abusive father, if you still have an underlying anger for that abusive father,
if you have not mentally and emotionally come to grips with that abusive situation, a new one
will occur; to get you to resolve those unresolved issues. You are "broadcasting" the underlying
pain and the underlying issue in your psyche, and sure enough, it will appear. If you wish to
avoid a bad situation, do not attempt to protect yourself from it. Think about how you have
created it in the first place, and change the belief systems that created it.

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In your lifetime, you use very little of your actual brain power, that is because you do not
understands the "laws" governing energy and the energy system. The "next" science if you will is
the study of energy, and the most advanced studied of energy is through the occult. Many
systems of "magic" or ancient practices have studied energy systems. These energy systems are
referred to in any number of ancient religious texts. The next step in what you believe to be
evolution is the study of these systems. The most basic law of energy understanding, is that
everything in your reality, you have created.

Once you accept that, the rest becomes relatively easier. You begin to "see" how you
create the situations in your life. The universe is open-ended. There are endless ones of you and
those endless ones of you are being more and more open-ended each and every day. These are
probable realities. So, what exactly is a probable reality? A probable reality is created each and
every day you make another decision; for there is a probable reality where you make the "other"
decision. Let us say that you receive a phone call from a friend of yours, inviting you to lunch.
There is a probable you that goes to lunch, and another you that doesn't. Then, there are probable
you that enjoys the lunch and a probably you that doesn't. There is a probable you that meets the
love of your life at that lunch and there is the probably you that does not. The list is endless and
that is ONE simple decision. The universe is constantly, endlessly expanding, and each and
every decision that you are faced with creates, literally, a huge numbers of "yous" that took the
"other" road. Your broadcasting energy is what keeps you in the "reality" that you are currently
in. However, it is possible, and seamlessly done, to "switch" realities. Let us explain bit more on
how this occurs. For example, let us say that you are a housewife who wishes to be a rock star.
As soon as you conceive of the idea of being a rock star, sure enough in some reality, YOU are a
rock star. What separates the housewife from the rock star? BELIEFS and PURPOSE. If you
desperately want to become a rock star, and you are that housewife, you begin by looking at the
beliefs that separate you from that reality. For example, maybe as a housewife, you do not wear
sexy clothes, and as rock star, you would. You begin to buy sexier clothing. Then you realize
that you must write songs, so you begin to take guitar lessons. And then, you realize that you
husband DOES not wish you to be a rock star, he wishes you to cook his dinner, and wash his
clothes. So, you must "deal" with what you husband is thinking. A husband who you have
chosen, and reflects your beliefs about men, women, love, and sex. With each step you move
closer and closer and closer to becoming the rock star. If on the other hand, you think to yourself,
well, this can never happen, then you being the downward spiral of making it more difficult, if
NOT impossible to happen in your broadcast version of reality. In the meantime, when you are
undergoing changes to become the rock star, the rock star who is ALSO you, may be thinking a
great deal about being a housewife. There is after all, a probable person who is a housewife,
because that housewife is you. The closer you get to her reality, the closer she comes to yours, or
at least another probable self will; if you DO become the rock star, become the housewife, and
the rock star self will Either MELD with you, or become something else. There is a constant and
endless trade-off like this. And since the universe is ever- expanding with each and every
thought, the list can go on and on and on into infinity.

Since you can switch from one reality to another, since you can literally become one
person from another, by changing your beliefs and having a deeper understanding of yourself,
you literally create your reality each and every moment you are alive. The implications of this
philosophy are endless and so radically different from what is currently considered reality that it

~ 24 ~
is astounding. Yet how many times have you woken up one morning and felt radically different
then you did the night before? You have "switched" realities. How many times do you remember
something one way, only to remember it another way some other day, and learn this by
comparing histories with your family. How many times have you struggled with a problem, just
to suddenly "figure" it out? You have switched realities there as well. It is seamless, and you do
NOT see it, but indeed that is how it is done. But, in spite of NOT seeing it, you CAN feel it, if
you wish to look for it. How many times have the mate you have chosen to live with suddenly
become someone else, or suddenly, you are someone else? Think on it, think to yourselves if you
will, how your energy changes, how when you are caught between two or three or even four
belief systems you "seem" to become different people, at different times. For example, let us say
that you are like Samantha who has part of her belief in what we say, and when she does believe
it, wondrous things happen to her, and then the next day or the next hour she begins to "rethink"
all of that, and becomes "rational", and surely enough, another "Samantha" takes her place. They
are both her, and yet they are both different. The more differing beliefs you have, the more
different forms of self you are dealing with, and coping with, in your everyday life. That is all for

~ 25 ~
The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 7: 3/30/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Most all of your problems are related to identity. A woman who longs to be a mother,
who NEEDS to be a mother, will find that she can't have children. A woman who NEEDS a
successful career will find that she can't seem to make a success of it, no matter how hard she
tries. A man who learns that love is having a woman cook his food, will find that he can't find a
woman like that. When you limit your identity, and when you set out to "prove" an identity, you
will find that it will elude you. This is the universe's way of having you expand upon your
identity. It is the universe's way of opening you up to limitlessness. When you set out to "prove"
something, there is an underlying belief that you are nothing. When you set out to "prove" value,
you will find that it will be very difficult to achieve these things, when your belief creates value.

Now, there is from our vantage point, attractors if you will. The signal you broadcast
through your beliefs creates, or attracts, what you send out. The universe will always respond to
an attractor; however, it will interpret what you wish to attract differently. However, simplicity
moves into complexity, and complexity moves into simplicity; as we have said before the
universe is EXTREMELY fluid. So, if you set out to attract specific things, the universe will
many times modify the message, and create what it considers to be "better" then what you wish
to attract. For example, let us say that you are a woman who is desperate for a child. You NEED
this child to prove your womanhood, or to create progeny, or you have a deep longing for family,
for deep intimate connections. The universe may look at this attractor and see first of all that you
NEED it; and when you need something, again there is the underlying belief that you cannot
have it. It is said that the "rich are different”, they ARE different in that they have realized to
some extent about money, many rich people have an inbred security when it comes to money. If
you are this mother who longs for a child, NEEDS a child, you are actually longing to have deep
intimate connections, maybe you were initially denied the child in order to create an intimate
relationship with the universe. If you need to prove your womanhood, maybe you need to
reassess what is womanhood. This means that an attractor looks deeper into your longing then
you would expect. It means that an attractor, or a signal, will GO BEYOND what you think or
consider NEEDED, and create what is actually needed. It is taking the simple, and creating the
complex out of it. It is taking what seems to be a simple need, and looking for the deep complex
reasoning underneath.

One problem with traditional science is that is it looking for exactness, it is looking to
measure what is one looking at. Preciseness in that sense is not how the universe works, it works
in patterns, it works in “wholeness". It is necessary to look beyond the simple and see the
complex, and see the simple in the complex. Instead, your science looks and only sees the simple
in the complex, and mistakenly, concludes it is simple. It sees the complex in the complex, and
therefore, concludes that there is no simplicity in something. There are no opposites, for each
opposite contains within itself the "opposite". IN other words, there can be no black without

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white, and no white without black. The one "creates" the other. Black is the seed of white and
white is the seed of black. The black creates the white, and the white creates the black. Once you
can see the relationship between the two, then they are no longer opposite, they are part of each
other. And since everything is ultimately connected, everything is in relation to something else.
When you ask for something, and you receive the opposite, you are encountering the relationship
between the opposite. For example, if you wish to be rich and then suddenly lose your job, you
are encountering the seed of being rich, you are encountering the beliefs that are preventing you
from having the job, and you are encountering what it is in you that NEEDS being rich. You
need to work through the opposite before you can create the direct desire.

When you are facing the difficulty, try to look at the difficulty and "see" the seed of it.
See the beginning of it, see the opposite for example. Instead of looking directly into the
problems, and thinking of that problem head on, think of the problems circularity. If you are
broke, try to see the seeds of richness in the "brokenness", and see what the gift or the seed of
richness is in it. If you want to be a mother and are barren, try to see the motherhood in
barrenness. Try to see what the universe is teaching you. Try instead doing, looking for the
problems, or looking for the problems, seeing the solution. Try looking for the forest even
through, many times, all you see is the tree in front of you.

To be simple in your world is the most complex thing you can be. To "see" beyond the
trees is the most simple act in the world, yet is filled with complexity, it is the ability to see
complexity. To see the pattern instead of the linearity; your consciousness stays away from
anything that isn't' linear. It doesn't like to look or think of things that it cannot easily predict,
that doesn't follow its patterns. There are huge limitations by only looking into linearity. There
are huge limitation in expecting what happened yesterday to be the same tomorrow and to
defining security in that manner. There are no opposites, there are only relationships, and all
relationships, even to objects, are mirrors or reflections of yourself. Even the relationship with
yourself is but a mirror of your beliefs. Each of you has tremendous abilities, each of you has
gifts, and each of you can touch the highest levels of human potentiality. Yet when you look into
the mirror you see yourself, and what you really see are your limitations. Try to look beyond just
what is in the mirror, and "see" yourself.

The energy of the universe creates in patterns, this allows for endless open free will. It
means that what you are; is what your current pattern is, but your cells are changing and dying,
each and every moment, and regenerating themselves naturally and seamlessly. Your cells
KNOW how to recreate themselves in the pattern that is you, because they "see" the pattern. The
pattern of energy. and each of those cells within you is filled with creativity, and can live or die
or move into any of the other yous; and in fact, 'death" in one system of self, means only life in
another system or pattern of self. There is no death; there is only regeneration into another
pattern, into another organization of energy.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 8: 3/29/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Seeing things from the point of view of from the forest instead of from the trees, guides
you to a place of non-attachment. What exactly does that mean? It means first of all, that you
have faith in the universe to take care of you, and that you look at things from the LONG view
instead of the short view. For example, if you are facing losing your house, ask yourself, are you
not going to lose your home anyway, when you die? Or, even more, tell yourself that the
universe has something much more in store for you. Samantha has a friend who is on the verge
of losing her home, and she is excited because she believes it will be a great adventure. This is
not the typical, or expected reaction. This is the reaction of non-attachment. All pain is directly
related to non-attachment. Now, there is a belief in your society that in order to love someone, in
order to be responsible you must have an attachment to them. You must worry and fret and think
of them constantly-for that is love. You must be attached to something to truly appreciate it. You
must hold onto to something - no matter what. Instead, we tell you that TRUE love is love in
freedom, it is giving the other person tremendous space. It is loving your car, and enjoying the
moment that you drive it, and caring for it, but realizing that you can at anytime lose it, and will
some point lose everything; in the sense that you die and move forward to more advanced stages
or of growth. It is seeing that everything is simply a matter of energy, and that all energy has to
be transferred. Change is only frightening because you're frightened of loss, you are frightened
within yourself that you cannot handle it. You're frightened of the self-hatred that may occur
because of it. Many of you HOLD onto to a lifestyle, hold onto a possession, or even hold onto a
love, LONG after you have outgrown it, because you believe you must, you believe that is the
way it has to be.

Since everything is energy, and energy is in constant every changing motion, NOTHING
can stay static. Trying to make something that exists today be the same tomorrow is the same as
killing it. Insecurity is putting static upon something that cannot be static. This is holding onto
the tree so tightly in the forest and concentrating upon that tree. Instead, it is much wiser to look
at the forest, and see and experience many trees. When you begin to "see" the fluidity of
everything around you, when you begin to "see" the motion, and its beautiful patterns underneath
everything, you begin to open up. You begin to sense energy and the tremendous simple and
complex structures of energy that exist. You are what you are aware of, and as you sense and
"see" more energy, so do you become part of the energy, and therefore become more. Non-
attachment lets you "see" more, because you do NOT need to make something "fit" into a
preconceived idea of what it should be, what it needs to be, what mostly you want to be. Non-
attachment is the truest form of love, it is the letting go of the thing you love so that it can, and
will come back to you. For all things that are given tremendous non- attachment, will always
come back.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Body Energy
Section 9: 4/02/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Body Energy

We will take a "break" if you will tonight, to talk about your relationships with others.
There is a belief that others are separate from you. There is the belief that you are separate from
the other. In our version of reality, there is you, there is the other, and there is the relationship
between you and the other. The relationship is the transfer of energy that takes place between
you and another.

In the human body there are many points of energy, but seven primary ones. They exist at
the top of the head, the forehead, the throat, the heart, above the belly button, below the belly
button, and the grounding place between your legs. Through these points of energy you relate to
the other. Within these points of energy exists your belief systems. Your belief systems create
places where the energy forms patterns, and the seven basic patterns form one "big" pattern, and
that pattern is you. When you encounter another, their patterns and your pattern "merge" to
create another third pattern. This third pattern is the relationship between the two of you. Now in
a family, there is an overall pattern of energy. For example, one person in the family may be the
heart of the family. Another person may be the head of the family. Another person may be the
throat, or the communicator of the family. Many times, various members of family "share" these
roles. Those that do share roles are usually very close. Now, when you meet up with a member
of the family, and let us say that you are usually the "heart" of the family. That family member
will automatically expect you to assume the role of the heart. You are expected, as the "heart", to
feel the deep emotions of that family, and to cope with the emotional side of that family. That
expectation enters into your energy and you can accept, or refuse that expectation; accept, or
refuse the energy that expectation places upon you. Let us say that you no longer wish the role of
the heart member of the family. You encounter a member of the family and you will
automatically feel a tightening of the heart muscles when you see this person. There will be a
tension; maybe you will have difficulty breathing. That other person is attempting to manipulate
your energy, and "open" your heart because that is what is expected of you. There are many ways
to resist, or change this energy, but first you must sense it.

Most people in your culture are starved for energy. They are constantly trying to get
energy from each other; this is where your power struggles ensue. You feel pain in, let us say,
your brain area, you are looking for validation, and you attempt to "take" the brain energy from
each person that you encounter. Most people view energy as limited, they believe that only
through pleasing others, can they connect, and complete their loss of energy, or "fix" their pain.
For when there is pain, there is a loss of energy, a shut-down in that particular part of your
energy system. But, the universe has endless energy and the key to ending power struggles, is to
find a way to satisfy your own energy; to encounter and touch upon the endless energy that the
universe has to offer. The universe is ever expanding, its energy is endless and opening; to the
universe it means that you can feel that energy, and that your energy needs become satisfied.

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However, this takes tremendous faith. When you DO open to the universe, you will find that
your relationships will change dramatically. You will find that you no longer need, or want so
much from people. You are no longer attached to getting energy from others, and you stop
looking for it there. You are able to finally love, and be non-attached to the outcome of what
another does. Relationships are mirrors of the psyche. Nothing ever happens in your life that you
have not drawn, or attracted there. If you find yourself really angry with another person, it means
that you are trying in some way to glean some sort of energy from them, and you are not
succeeding is getting whatever it is that you wish for, energy wise. You may justify this anger,
you may justify and rationalize from here to eternity, but the truth is that the problem lies within
you. Your anger is your problem; it is a place where you need to open your energy to that of the
universe instead of trying to glean that particular energy from somewhere, or someone else. If
you are in pain, if you feel someone has used and abused you. Ask yourself where you have used
and abused yourself? Ask yourself where and when you sold yourself out. No one can betray
you, unless you have betrayed yourself first. No one can abandon, you unless you abandon
yourself first. No one can harm you, unless you have harmed yourself, or are currently harming
yourself. No one can reject you, unless you reject yourself first. We are mirrors of each other;
through attractors we attract similar energies. Opposites do not attract, only similar. You attract
individuals with beliefs similar to yours, individuals with similar pain, similar hurts and
betrayals. What if you are born into a situation where you are abandoned, what if you are born
into a situation where you are abused. This then, is one of the lessons of your life. In order to
counter abandonment, you must NOT abandon yourself. In order to counter abuse, you must stop
abusing yourself.

Your society’s worship of money is actually a deep wish for energy. Your society
believes that resources are limited, that energy is limited, that everything is limited, when it
comes to energy. It is that belief that creates the limitations on energy. When you "open" up, you
will see that nothing is limited, unless you yourself decide to limit it.

Energy is money, energy is power, energy is love, energy is what fuels us, and creates our
existences on the most profound level. If you are starved for energy, it is because you are for
some reason hurting yourself, and not opening yourself up to the endless of supply of energy that
exists. Trying to glean energy from another can satisfy you only so long. Finding the source of
energy will release you from that need. When it comes to energy there are basically two forms:
Expanding energy that is also known as love; and creates. Contracting energy with its destructive
power and is based upon fear. All fear; all contracting energy is an illusion, because the universe
is ever expanding. At each and every moment, you can choose love, or energy expansion, or you
can choose fear, or energy contraction.

Now, most fear or energy contraction stems from self-rejection. For whatever reason, you
have learned to reject yourself. Either you were born with this belief, or you have taken it upon
yourself; the belief that there is something wrong with you. When you deny yourself, when you
deny your energy, when you deny that very life-force within you; you contract, you feel fear, you
feel pain. When you deny yourself, and you then crave energy to "fill" yourself up; you become
needy, you become desperate. All fear represents one basic thing, fear of rejecting yourself, and
fear of that contraction. The fear of death is a fear of deep contraction, when in reality death is a
major expansion. Rather like being born from the womb is a major expansion. The fear of loss,
of anything, is actually a fear that you will not be able to cope; you will not be able to go on. All

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fear is based upon a lack of belief, or a rejection the self. All fear is illusion, because the universe
is ever-expanding. Your scientists believe in the big bang; that at first there was a central
explosion, and ever since there has been an ever expanding, opening of the universe. That is true,
but before the first explosion, before the big bang was the consciousness that created that big
bang, and from that center comes everything, and it is ever expanding. If your universe, the very
thing that created you, is ever-expanding, do you think that as a member of that universe, you
can actually contract? You cannot, for you would be disobeying the very laws upon which you
yourself stem. Love is the force that moves the expansion, love is the force that moves the
galaxies and star systems forward to create even more galaxies and star systems. Do you think
that if there is a consciousness that created that, that you can "rebel" against it, that you are
stronger then it? That you can contract, when the star system themselves are ever expanding?
Your fear is illusion, it is NOT real. It is rejection of yourself and your purpose, the part of you
that is part of those very star systems. It is now seen, or considered, that each leaf on a tree
contains a pattern similar to the one within the tree itself. Each cell of your body contains a
pattern that is a part of you. And, like that leaf on a tree, and like that cell in your body, you are
PART of the universe, your pattern is somehow related to the all that is. To that loving energy, to
the very force of ever expansion. By denying that energy, you deny your connection to that force
and feel fear. You believe that you are separate, and when you are separate you can be hurt.
When you are separate, you can be harmed. But, you can never be separate; the way a leaf
cannot be truly separate from the tree, and the way that a cell cannot be separate from the body.
It is an illusion; it is not real in our terms. Again, all fear is an illusion. Think on that.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Probable Realities
Section 10: 4/04/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Probable Realities

One thing that will help you to understand the concept of non- attachment better, is that
in "fact" there are hundreds of realities, and hundreds of yous for each and every moment of your
existence. We have spoken of this before, but we believe this is one of the more difficult
concepts to "take" in.

Most of you view yourself as what you view in the mirror. You identify yourself with
your body. It is difficult to sense that there is more to you then your body, because you see the
body, the personality, and spirit as being all of one. You look into that mirror in the morning as
you shave or brush your hair, and you believe that is yourself. The concept, or idea, that there are
hundreds of yous, which are also looking to the mirror in the morning, and also put on make-up
or shave, is extremely difficult to comprehend.

For Samantha we have "designed" an exercise to help her "touch" these other selves. If
you have ever been in a bathroom, where there are two drug cabinets that are covered by mirrors
you know that is it possible to open the cabinet doors, and see literally hundreds of you; an
infinity of yous, when one in one mirror looks into another mirror. That "mirrors" reality more
than the one of just seeing the one view of yourself within the mirror in the morning. You are
much more like the hundreds of infinite selves that occur when you open the cabinet doors. So,
imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of endless mirrors, a funhouse, if you will. Ask
yourself what other probable self you would like to explore? What would have happened if I had
married Jeff, instead of John? What would have happened if I had taken that job in New York,
instead of staying Dallas? What would have happened if my mother had not died as a child?
Then envision that "other" self. We recommend initially that you choose a self that is relatively
distant from yourself. In other words, if your mother died last year, that is "too" close, and still
fraught with too much pain to see what would have happened if she was still physically with you.
Then, "see" that other self in the mirror. The more you can envision this other self, the closer
then become, and then if you can hold yourself into that "deep" encounter, walk into the other
side of the mirror. Examine that "others" life, and maybe if you can manifest this level of
"trance", ask the "other" you the question that you need answered. If that other self is open, you
will actually be able to communicate with them, as you would communicate with a friend across
a dinner table. If the other self is NOT open, you may openly be able to reach them, in a dream
state. Go to see them, when they are sleeping. Or, request initially, that you go back to them
when they are sleeping. Then you will appear to the "other" you, as a dream. They are just as
valid to themselves, as you are to yourself.

Now, each of these selves, represent the road not taken. As Robert Frost your poet has
said, “I was in a forest, and there were two roads. I choose the one less traveled, and that has
made all the difference". In our reality you have chosen not only the road less traveled, but the

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more traveled one as well, as the hundreds of others within the forest that you cannot see, or even
conceive of. If you are involved with a mate, there are hundreds of versions of that mate that you
can choose to be with. You have chosen that version of that particular mate. That means that
when that mate is "fighting" with you, or abusing you, YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE MATE
particular mate, that isn't fighting with you. There is a version of that mate, that agrees with you.
And there is a version of you, that isn't with THAT MATE. YOU HAVE CHOSEN THAT

Now, we "get back" to non-attachment. Can you see, with this "new vision" of self, that it
is NOT the outward circumstances that matter; it is the inward circumstances that are real. The
internal is ALWAYS before the external. Many of you hold attachments, because you think this
is how it should be, “This is what I want. I have to get this job. I have to get that car. I have to
make that sale. I need to have a clean house before my mother-in-law comes to visit. I have to be
thinner. I have to be younger to hold onto my husband.” Etc... You are choosing that mother-in-
law coming through the door to inspect your house, or to view your home with compassion. You
have chosen the husband, who you need to be younger, and thinner for. You have chosen the job,
where you must have that huge sale every week. This list is endless, however, for every difficult
situation there is the other situation where "things work out for the best". This requires non-
attachment. The more you hold onto something, fearfully, the more you draw it to yourself. If
you are terrified of that mother-in law walking through the door, and being scandalized, because
you haven't dusted your home. Then, indeed, that is the mother-in law you will encounter. If you
are frightened that you husband will leave you, for a younger woman, then indeed he will. By
having faith in yourself, and your universe, you automatically choose the best possible path for
yourself. You choose the you, which you most want to become. Non-attachment is the faith, and
leads to that letting go; that LETS “what's best” happen. If you are baking a cake, and you
constantly check it in the oven, the cake will fall. If you are attempting to change your life, and
do you NOT practice non- attachment, your "life", like the cake, will fall.

So, the next time that your children are hassling you. The next time your boss makes you
redo a proposal, and stay up all night. The next time your significant other gives you hell for not
putting your socks in the hamper; realize THAT YOU HAVE CHOSEN THAT VERSION OF
THAT MATE AT THIS TIME. And if you truly do not like what the mirrors is showing you,
well it is time to look into the mirror, and find out why it is there. Why is your mate hassling
you? How they have no right to blame me? No - Why did I choose this mate to hassle me?????
Why did I choose this situation? Why did I choose this version of this person?

Now, you assume that you yourselves are static. So, you’re assuming that the others
around you are also static. They are not. You can change your energy, and change your belief,
and the next day, sure enough, your boss will turn from a grouch into the nicest person on the
face of the earth.

Now, we have covered this before in other ways, however, I guess we are putting it out
for class review. It cannot be covered enough, or said in enough ways, because if each of you
truly understands it, you will never again face any situation with fear. You might feel the fear
and recognize that it is an illusion. Looking in that mirror at that illusion and tell it is an illusion
and like the wizard it will simply disappear.

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Non-attachment is the interim point between manifesting what you wish into physical
reality. If you "break" non-attachment, you break the necessary line to go from one point to
another. We have been with Samantha, all of her life, in some form or another ,and she still can't
seem to quite get "the hang" of this particular lesson. WE used to channel for her daily, and at
least half of the month we could AGAIN cover non-attachment and "that you create your own
reality" etc.

Each of you needs to "loosen" the ties that bind you to your limited sense of self. You
need to maybe stop looking in the mirror for a while, and begin to sense what you are beyond
your body. Sense your spirit, sense your thought, and sense the patterns of your thoughts. Within
each of you, as well, there is a sound, an overall vibration of what you are. The music of your
soul, the music of your heart, the music of your essence. This is sound, or a group sounds, it
corresponds to the pattern of energy which you are. It is a truer definition of self, then what you
"see". If there is a song, that always makes you feel better, if there is a sound that gives you
peace, or makes you feel NOT so connected to your everyday life, but makes you feel dreamy,
then a part of that song, or that sound, is a part of the pattern of who you are. Close your eyes,
and begin to hum, begin to feel music in your mind, at some point you will "feel" or "hear"
something in your head. That is your sound, which is more you, then what you see in the mirror.
Then, when you feel fear, "remember" that sound, and it will "loosen" your tie to reality. It
automatically places you in that dreamy world. That is all for now....

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Daily Irritations
Section 11: 4/05/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Daily Irritations

Each and every day, there are any number of paths that you can choose from. Each and
every day, there are decisions you must make that create your reality. These decisions are like
planting the seeds, each and every day, of what will occur in the future. When you react with
fear, you are creating a fearful reality. First, there is the belief, then there is the thought, then
there is the emotion, and finally there is the action.

Many of you believe that you are victims of your emotions; that is simply not true. Your
emotions stem from your beliefs. Change the belief, and the emotions will just disappear. Just as
you choose your reality; so do you choose your emotions. If you are angry, you can choose to be
angry. If you are hurt, you can choose to be unhurt. If you are happy, you can choose to stay
happy. Emotions are powerful, powerful energy. When you react to something emotionally, you
are giving the belief that caused that emotion a very powerful reinforcement in your life. You are
making whatever belief that you are acting on stronger, and stronger. You can choose to be
happy at any, or every, situation you face. If you are given a ticket by a cop; you can choose to
rejoice in that ticket. If you are stuck in a traffic jam that is lasting 90 minutes; you can choose to
be happy in the middle of that traffic jam. If you have to do the laundry for your family, and your
husband forgot to take the change out of his pocket, and blew up the washer or the dryer; you can
choose to rejoice in that situation. If you wife is driving the car, and "spaces" out the fact that the
oil gauge is low, and blows up the engine in your vehicle; you can say that was a gift from the
universe, and give you mate a hug. If your house burns down, you can say, “Well, I guess the
universe is telling me it's time to move.”

Most of you, however, would NOT rejoice at that above situations. How many of you
waste moments of your life cussing at traffic jams? Or, being angry at your mate for the smallest
of things. Most of you believe that is the way you SHOULD react to a situation. If your spouse,
due to his careless, causes the dryer to blow up, you are SUPPOSED to get mad. You are
supposed to HATE traffic jams. You are supposed to fall apart, when you lose your possessions;
because after all you are supposed to be what your possessions are? You react negatively,
because you are supposed to. You have allowed yourselves to buy into your society's version,
that happiness is wrong. The person who is happy is crazy, or at the very least a fool.

Let us say, that again you realize you create your reality; you can take these situations
through a totally different set of beliefs, and respond to them the way a magician would. You are
trapped in a 90 minute traffic jam. Turn the radio on, and sing in the car; take it is an opportunity
to find the music of your soul. Or, buy a few books on tape, and get involved in a novel. How
about, taking along a small tape recorder, and starting to write your own novel, as you are
driving. Rejoice that the traffic jam is giving you so many opportunities to be alone with
yourself, and discover other aspects of yourself. What about the cop who gave you a ticket, well,

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maybe the universe is telling you that you are moving too fast in your life, running on a
treadmill, and need to slow down? Maybe, you are being given the message that you need to
look at authority better, and try to "see" the other person's eyes. What about the husband that
blew up the washer? Well, maybe it was time to get one of those new fancy wash machines?
Could it be that this is an opportunity to realize that your husband is worth more than the
laundry? Or, what about the wife who blows up the car engine? Well, maybe it is time for the
wife to become more independent and learn about mechanical things? Maybe it is time to show
your wife that you love her more than the car? Finally, if you house burns to the ground and lose
everything, maybe this is tremendous opportunity to start over again, and realize just how little
you need, and how much freedom there is to living simply?

When you truly create your own reality, the little stuff doesn't get to you; and when you
are truly a master, you realize that EVERYTHING is little stuff. That the only things that matters
are the lessons, and the love that is underneath daily situations. Life is a precious gift, and many
of you spend all of your time walking around concentrating on the everyday irritations. You
EXPECT to have those irritations, and you expect that you will be upset about them. You are
supposed to be upset by them. But for each moment you are upset you lose another "precious"
moment of life. Maybe, when you are cussing at the car in front you, you are not seeing the
beautiful sunset overhead. Maybe, when you are angry at the cop, you are ignoring the peace of
the cloudy romantic day, and not seeing the beauty of the moment. Ask yourself, each and every
time you react by being upset, is it worth a precious moment of my life? We tell you there is very
little that is worth wasting a moment for. Ask yourself, what beliefs you are buying into that are
causing you to react that way, and are those beliefs ones that you wish to keep? When you are
angry at your mate for blowing up the car; what belief is operating there? Your mate is
irresponsible? Then, maybe, you need to look at, what is responsibility? Your mate is not worth
the price of the car? Have possessions become more important than love; again is that worth it,
and do you really want to believe that? You could be angry because you lost the car you loved, at
least temporarily. Well, is the car you? What beliefs are operating here; and again ARE THEY
WORTH IT? At any moment, of any day, you can choose peace and happiness, or irritation and
unhappiness? Is the irritation worth it? That choice, that emotion, creates the seeds of what your
life is in the future.

When you "die", you take two things with you, what you have learned, and what you
have loved. NOTHING else goes with you. Your house is sold, or given to your descendants.
Your car is also sold. Every possession you have is NOT going with you. Every dollar is going to
be given away, as well. Death, in a sense, is the great equalizer; you take two things, what you
have loved, and what you have learned. When you love each and every moment, you take more
with you. When you love another person with your heart and soul, they become part of you, as
you become part of them, and they go with you. What you have learned is also a part of you, and
how your have grown, because afterwards, after the usually pleasant reunion of death, you sit
back and reflect upon your life. You look at what you did learn, and what you need to learn
again. And when the pleasantness of the after-life vacation is over, you either move on to another
schoolroom, of back to the schoolroom that is earth. So, what you have learned, because it is
essential to the next life, or the next level of existence for you, could NOT do either without the
lesson your have gleaned. What is a traffic jam, a car, a washer, or dryer mean in regards to that?

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The exercise for today is to imagine yourself in a totally white room with no windows, no
doors, no seeming way in, and no seeming way out. What is it you feel? That, my friends, is a
symbolic version of how you feel about death. What you believe about death is directly related to
what you feel about life. It will show you what you believe about yourself in relation to life, and
to death. Think on it!

May All Be Well With Each of You.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Purpose in Probable Realities

Section 12: 4/08/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Purpose in Probable Realities

Samantha's mate, whom we call Aurelius, asked her a question this weekend. He told her
that probable realities upset him, because they hint to an unloving universe. After all, if whatever
you do another one of you does the opposite; then what does your soul matter. As well, he told
her that idea made him feel like a very "small pea in a pod".

First of all, he is forgetting purpose. You see, each and every one of those selves has a
purpose to fulfill; an important purpose to the pattern of life. It is the over self's (the self
containing all the other selves’) responsibility to bring you the fulfillment of each and every
self’s purpose. It CARES; it is its job to CARE. When you are faced with choice X, and choice
Y, you are also given to the fact that each self must fulfill its purpose. Both selves have ONE
underlying, or basic purpose, but they can fulfill that purpose in any number of ways. Let us say
that their purpose is to create/communicate like Samantha; and then Samantha chooses choice X
and another Samantha choose choice Y; they are STILL bound to fulfill a purpose, but NOT in
exactly the same way. Take for example, Samantha, there is a self that is a lawyer, there is a self
that is psychologist. The lawyer self is understanding communication in the form of justice. The
psychologist self is understanding communication in the form of the psyche. The ways to fulfill
purpose are endless, and allow for tremendous free will, but it is the over selves’ job to make
sure that all selves fulfill purpose; therefore, the underlying choices given must in some way help
each of them move towards a purpose. IN other words, you are really not given a "bad" choice.
You may be given a choice that takes longer, or has you face your fears, but you are only given
choices that move you closer to your purpose, that again is how the universe expands.

Purpose also expands with the universe. So for a while you may explore one part of your
purpose, and then realize there is much, much more in explore in another fashion. By having all
of those others selves exploring with you, you can "save" time. Each of those selves
communicates with you in your dreams; and you communicate with them so that you learn form
each other. No one's experience is not needed or "used" as a learning tool for the others. It is
possible to bring these other selves consciously to mind. IN your dreams for example, when you
are re-faced with a "big" decision, you play out those decisions in your dreams, and explore the
different realities, with the different selves; and each self then choose which "play" or 'role" he
will fulfill. Many times you are guided by the over soul. If NONE of you need to explore that
particular role, or that particular life, then you DO NOT play that out. But, that happens so
rarely. It is possible, as well, to contact your future selves, as well as your past selves, and place
them on different paths. There is indeed, needless freedom, but as well, there is endless love, and
therefore protection. The underlying assumption is that there must be one, or the other. This goes
against the idea of fate. To some extent there is fate, in that there is purpose, and that before you
choose to be born, there were certain roles that you laid into your psyche to take on. But as well,
when you were born, you may have forgotten those roles, your beliefs interfered; you decided to

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explore differently, or XXXX. When you follow your path straight through, that is indeed a
wonderful thing; but if you should decide to take a long country drive that ends up taking five
years, that is again OK; your soul is with you. Let us say, that before you were born you picked a
mate to have a life with. Then, that mate decides that they no longer wish to have that particular
life. Well, then the soul goes out, and searches for you, to find you a new mate that will fulfill
your needs, and desires. There is endless caring freedom, and because you assume in linear
world that there must either be one or the other; there must either be black, or be white; that there
must openly be zero, or one; you do not see that there are many roads and an infinity between
zero and one. There is both destiny, and freedom. There is both endless exploration, and safety.
There are both endless selves, and the one self. There is both validity to whom you are, and
importance to whom you are, and lack of importance, in that you are others, and the other and
you will die into some other form of consciousness.

Our last exercise was to have you explore your other self. Try this time to go into the
mirror, and meet your future self; the self that you wish to be. Imagine if you will, a beautiful
place; go there, relax and see the place, smell the place and hear the sounds of the place. Then
imagine if you will that you are sitting at a table of some sort. AT the table, is your future self;
the self that you wish to become, the self that is happy, that has fulfilled the dreams dearest to
your heart. Ask that self for advice. Then, when you are done, realize that you are another selves
perfect future self, image that there is one of you that is in pain, and needs advice, and reach out
to their other past self. Talk to it as much as you can, show it that you love it, and finally give it a
gift of some sort of advice. When you do this, you will realize that indeed, you WERE the higher
self at that moment; that you were giving that advice. Didn’t you feel love for the other self that
you were. Didn't' you understand its pain and realize how much it needed to learn; and yet you
couldn't interfere with its chosen path. When you do this, you realize, finally realize, that indeed
there is love, and there is freedom; you also realize that you "GOT through" that self. And, no,
you aren't fantasy. Feel that endlessness within you. Feel that open-endedness, and it will give
you much more understanding then words can. There is infinity in each and every moment, and
when you touch on infinity, you realize that each thing is deeply wonderful, and valued; and yet,
you realize that there are more things that are also wonderful, and valid.

May All Be Well With Each of You.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Animal Spirits
Section 13: 4/09/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Animal Spirits

Last night Samantha was watching CNN, and saw a story of a cat that had run into a fire;
and with much risk and pain to her, saved all of her kittens. There is an underlying belief in your
society that animals cannot feel, that animals are not as "good" or valuable as you are. There are
even scientists who propose that animals do NOT have feelings; that all of their reactions are
instinctual. Now, even though it is possible to say that the cat who ran into the fire responded
through purely instinctual response; it seems that the instinct to survive would be stronger then
the instinct to protect the young. That cat can be used as an example that animals do indeed feel;
that indeed they have strong feelings. Is that animal as alive as a consciousness as you? Albeit, a
different consciousness, or because you are a reasoning being; is that create "less" then you are?
Maybe they do feel, or maybe they are just a mass of instincts. What is life, and when it is right
and when it is wrong to take that life. We are saying that that cat is as alive as you are. That all
animals are as alive as you are. But, again, they have different consciousness. So, are we saying
that it is "wrong" to kill animals, all things kill something to eat. There is a consciousness in
plants; there is a consciousness in the earth under your feet. And, again, all things must kill to
survive. A plant that is eaten is "killed", so even a vegetarian kills, if you will.

Now, the ancients KNEW that taking an animal life is something of value. If you choose
to eat meat, let us say, at least acknowledge that a life WAS given up for your dinner; and thank
the spirit of the animal. In a sense, they had more respect for life then you do. Even those who
practiced cannibalism were willing to give up their life, because what was there for them to live
for. Many of them did not have families, they were poor, they were starving, many were ill with
painful disease. To be offered to their god gave, at least, their end a meaning. We are NOT
proposing cannibalism here, however, what we are saying is that life, in all of its aspects,
NEEDS to be respected. Many of your problems, with resources etc., exist because there is SO
little respect for the earth, and its processes. Many of you are very distant from the "reality" of
life and death, and those natural processes give meaning to life itself. How many of you go to the
grocery store and buy your meat all nice and neatly packaged. When you cook that meat for
dinner the next night, do you realize that some creature died for that dinner? That a life was
given up? Would it not be "respectful', for lack of a better term, to give thanks to the spirit who
gave that life for you.

In ancient cultures this is how it was done. An animal whose life was given would then
be "thanked", and it is believed that the spirit of the animal would then become part of the
individuals who ate it. There is "some" justification for that. The cells of a body, "remember" the
spirit, and when you partake of meat, you are in a sense blending your spirit with the spirit of
that being who died. Now, let us talk some more of animal life. Most animals have "group"
consciousness. There is "cat", "dog", or "spider". These species are born, and live within the
realm of consciousness of being "cat". However, many of them die, and do no individualization.

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They stay within the consciousness of "cat" or "cow". However, if a being is loved, let us say by
an owner, the being will begin to individualize. The energy of love that is given to, let us a cat,
by its owner, will help that cat individuate. It becomes more then cat, and becomes cat with
personality, or individual cat. A certain percentage of all animals will individuate within their
lifetimes. Within their next lifetime, then, they will expand and become energy, or even come
back again, as another "cat". In early ancient cultures, there was much more individuation than
there is now. In other early cultures there was also the combination of cultures and genetic DNA.
The sphinx for example, was indeed half human, and half cat. There were many species like that,
phoenixes, half bird, half human. Samantha's current project her "real" job if you will is to bring
one of the cultures into your culture and "fictionalize" it.

These are combination experiments. Life started by coming into being. Rather like some
of the quark particles that your scientists are studying. A being would "pop" into physical realty,
and then pop out. This being would literally cross the threshold of death and life and go back and
forth between the doorways of the two versions of consciousness. As these early beings came
into existence, they did not have the "Moral" instinctive understanding that you have today. Sex
was rather like an experiment, whatever "felt" good was acceptable. Therefore, many half
human, half animal races were created. Most, if not all of these races have trouble with
"combinations", and caused the being much pain, so it became a taboo to have sex with our
"races" if you will. This was the beginning of physical existence, and experimentation was
common. Life as you understood it was much different, in that it was fluid, many individuals
would move from life to death and back, as we have stated before, and this continued for a long
time. As well, there were individuals who spent entire lifetimes, "asleep", in a physical body, but
not consciousness as you know it. These being would, at times, briefly wake up and "say"
something, and eventually they became oracle of a sort.

This brings us to a related issue, the issue of abortion. From our view, indeed, the fetus is
a life, as is the life of a cat, a dog, or a cow etc. Bearing within a body is a certain kind of
consciousness. A fetus that is aborted is "killed", as is many kinds of life to support life; each and
every day. All consciousness has a choice of life or death, each death is designed to have a
meaning of a sort; therefore the fetus may choose to die for whatever reason. Maybe it only
wanted to live a brief physical life; maybe that consciousness only wishes to be consciousness
within the "safety" of a womb. The reasons are as endless as the beings themselves. But, again,
all consciousness comes into physical life for a specific reason or purpose, and that purpose is
NOT only within the human realm, but the realm of all of life itself.

May All Be Well With Each of You

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Living In The Moment

Section 14: 4/10/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Living In The Moment

Many of you spend your lives running around. running here running there, so that by the
end of the day or even by the beginning of the day you exhaust yourself and cannot create what it
is in your life that is essential to your well-being. Part of the reason is that you view yourself as
part of a machine. This needs to be done, and that needs to be done, in order for this to happen
and in order for that to happen, etc... The problem is that you view time so deterministically and
linearly that you do not give yourself the space to live in moment and begin the process of
actually getting done the true work that needs to get done. Samantha has this list of things that
she needs to get done within XXXX space of time. She is so determined to get things crossed off
that list, that every morning the very first thing she does is look at that list and will rush through
something simply so she can cross it off her list. This does NOT work. For what is one her list is
NOT the essential things that she needs to do. It is not the things that will help her and guide her
and create for her the life that she is aiming for.

When you are in a creative place in your life, a place in your life where the energy is
flowing, where you are thinking and working at high levels; You generally cannot and almost
rarely do get things done by the 'beat the clock' scenario.

You need to open yourself up to the universe and begin the process of connecting with
higher energy. Many creative people are creative when they relax. Many people are the most
efficient when they relax and are doing nothing. By creating a list and attempting to live in a
mechanistic manner, you do NOT give yourself the needed space to realize, and to listen to and
be to open to your intuition. You create many different ways that interfere with your time.

One way to increase your efficiently as well as your lifestyle is to learn how to live in the
moment and not undertake the project and think to yourself, God, I just want to finish this project
and move onto what I really want to do. How many times do you get up and think to yourself, I
have to do this awful XXXX today and thereby avoid it for as long as possible and then when
you DO get around to doing it, you rush right through it. Instead, learn to appreciate the details
of the project. A perfect example, Samantha HATES editing her work. Today she had to write a
very important letter. She wrote and QUICKLY edited it. She printed it; she addressed it and felt
good because she could cross it off her list. Then she had some other work to do on the computer
and realized that she had "missed" a number of editing errors; since this letter had to be copied a
number of times. She had to "readdress" the envelopes and readdress the letters, whereas if she
had taken CARE, to do it moment by moment she would have only had to do it once; if she
hadn't RUSHED through the hated thing.

We advise looking at your lives. Begin the process of getting rid of what you do not like,
but in relation to this, there will be jobs that you have no way to initially avoid. Instead of

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rushing through them begin to find things about the job that make it pleasurable and ask yourself,
what the lesson is in the job; for example, in the case of editing. Samantha could learn to realize
that when she edits something, like that above letter she "sees" things in it to change and make
the whole letter much better. By the time she finished editing it again, she had added three very
valuable paragraphs and cleaned up some syntax. Samantha needs to learn bit by bit that by
doing the necessary evil of editing many times she makes something better then it initially was.
It forces her to slow down and read what she is doing. Remember as well, quality lies in the

Related to all of this is concentrating in the moment. Most people spend their lives living
in the future and living in the past. They are rushing to get something done quickly because they
do not like it, and while they are doing it they are someplace else altogether thinking of what
they need to be doing at dinner that night. Or thinking about the fight they had with their spouse.
Very rarely do you concentrate on what you are doing and remain in the present moment. To
truly be effective in your time, slow down and do what is in front of you. Slow down and
concentrate on what you need to do in the present moment and then when it is completed go on
to the next thing.

The underlying problem is that many of you simply do not trust yourselves. You do not
believe that you will get done what you believe you MUST get done. So you rush, you hurry,
you spend so much of your time worrying in the present about getting XXXX done, that you
don't do ZZZZZ effectively, and you have to go back and do ZZZZ again, so then you create a
self fulfilling prophecy of NOT getting XXXX done.

This part of the societal training pattern is taught to you. Basically you are to view
yourselves as machines. As cogs of sort, the problems with doing that, is that you forget that
whenever you have to do creative work or thinking work, the mind needs space to be creative.
The mind needs to open up and accomplish things creatively. Creative people, thinking people,
need to live in the moment to give themselves the mental space; the mental freedom to
effectively think through a situation; to effectively create what needs to be done. By taking
things slowly and having faith that what will NEED to get accomplished will GET accomplished
you begin the process of slowing down, when you slow down you give you self the space and the
trust to do things in the moment and when you do things in the moment you do them WELL the
first time out.

Now Samantha has a book where time is divided into four sections, the short term crisis
section, the midterm crisis section, the short term pay-off section, and the long term pay-off
section. Most of you live in your lives in the short term crisis and the mid-term crisis section.
You do this by not believing in your ability to get done the things that need to get done. By not
trusting yourself and trusting the universe to help you get the things done that are really
beneficial for you to do get done. Like Samantha you want to get XXXX crossed off your list.

But, busy work is just that, is it busy-ness work; and needs to be done in a small fraction
of the time that most all of you spend on it. Many of you use to it avoid the creative work.
Instead the goal is to spend your life looking at and finding way to create long-term happiness
and long term benefits and trade-offs to yourselves. NOT living in crisis and living in short term.
Living in the long term and going for that dream that long term dream. You do this, by listening

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to your intuition. The real way to create what is necessary in your life and shortcut your time
besides living in the moment is to trust yourselves enough to listen to what you instincts tell you
must be done.

When you awake in the morning. START the day by concentrating on your dream,
envisioning your dream and then let the "day" enfolding your mind. Ideas will flow and let the
purpose of that dream run through you. You will begin to "see" new awareness and new ways of
spending your time effectively. You will begin to listen to the natural rhythm of time itself the
rhythm that will provide for you. Then of course, you must listen and FOLLOW those instincts.

That of course the frightening thing. Following your "time" instincts. For example,
Samantha had a very strong feeling that she needs to go and see in friend in the middle of a
workday yesterday. This upset her tremendously because she had many things on the
interminably list of hers. Finally she did go and see the friend. It ended up that the friend gave
her invaluable insight into many thoughts and ideas that she was struggling with. By seeing that
friend Samantha "shortcut" the time it would have taken to get a number of ideas and thoughts
into her head. Today she began the process of implementing these ideas.

That is all for now....

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Grief and Living In The Present

Section 15: 4/13/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Grief and Living In The Present

Mind....mind....mind.... Let us talk to you a bit of living in the present; and related to that
a bit about grief. Each of you has encountered in your lives losses. Loss of friend, loss of a pet,
loss of a mate, a job, a dream, XXXXX. When there is loss, there is grief. However, grief moved
into, and experienced, will lead you back into yourself. Grief of loved one means the loss of
mirror, of self. Let us say that you are a father, and you have lost a child to death. When you are
mourning; the emptiness of that space within you that no longer has the child; your mind fills up
with images. Images of not seeing that daughter into womanhood, images of not seeing her in her
first formal, images of not seeing her in her wedding dress, images of not seeing her run through
the yard, images of not hearing that voice again, crying out for needing you; images of not
asking you another question, and giving you another problem to solve. You are mourning what
COULD be. What, you might believe, SHOULD be.

Many times, an image in your mind of what could have been will bring up tremendous
pain, and you will "SHUT" off that pain; you will block it out. If you were the above father, and
you longed for the sound of that child; the simple motion of the child through the home, pain of
what it was like to have that sound in your home comes into your mind; then, immediately, there
is that pain, then there is the block; your MIND saying, “NO. STOP. DO NOT GO THERE.”
The mind prevents the heart from feeling the pain. The mind always tries to "end" the pain. The
mind does not want to look at the pain. The mind is afraid of the pain. So the pain of all of that
loss stays with you. You never move through it, and then when you move into your daily life, it
is there. You find that you are frightened; you find that you are angry easily; you find that you
are upset over a car in front of you in a traffic jam. What is happening is that you are afraid of
yourself; you are afraid of the pain that is in you. You are afraid of the pain that lies within your
heart, that you refuse to allow yourself to experience.

In most of your lives there is grief; not necessarily as deep and profound as the grief of a
parent who loses a child; but the grief again of a lost dream, a lost love, or a lost XXXX. The
grief blocks you, holds you down, keeps you living in the past. Let us say that you are in grief
over lost love. You smelled the perfume of that lost love. Your MIND stops you from
experiencing it, and then the next day when you drive to work, you see that your boss wants to
see you in his office immediately. You are filled with fear; you are frightened and filled with
anxiety. The reason being, that you are frightened of your own responses, and the biggest reason
for that is that you didn't allow yourself to grieved yesterday afternoon when you smelled that
perfume. The more you run from pain, the more you run from hurt, the more fear runs a rampage
through your life. Because, what you are really afraid of is NOT that boss, you are afraid of
yourself and the pain that is within you. But, the heart, the center, is infinitely strong; it can
withstand any pain that there is. It can withstand whatever needs to be withstood, because love is
infinite and when you feel the pain it disappears and goes away. When you feel the pain, it opens

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the heart, and lessens the hold of the mind upon you. When you feel the pain, you no longer have
the fear, and when you grieved the daily losses in daily life, instead of running from them, and
then you are prepared to face the larger losses.

At the center of fear is the belief, again, that you are separate. The belief that when
someone dies, or when something is lost, that it is gone. But, when someone you loves die, and
you open the heart, you will ALWAYS feel the presence of them there. It is only when you live
in the MIND that you believe that you are separate. A loved one is a tremendous mirror; a mirror
for the self; when that person is gone, you feel the loss of the mirror. You feel the loss of what
that person saw in you; you feel the loss of a dream, the loss of a hope, and the loss of what
could have been.

It is because you DO NOT ALLOW yourselves the pain, that you are afraid of the pain;
that you spend your lives living in the past, or living in the future. You lose the present. You lose
life itself, which is in the present. By living in the past; by living in the future, to PREVENT the
pain of the past in the future, you STOP being in the here. By stopping that, you stop living. You
die, in the moment. How much of your day is spent thinking...I need to do this..... I should do
this....I have to do this....I am so tired I need to rest.... I better do this..... Instead of doing what
this in front of you to do, you are worried that XXXX will happen, YYYY won't happen, or
WHAT IF ZZZZ happens. This prevents you from living in the moment, and when you do that,
you cannot be happy; you cannot be alive. You are projecting your energy into the future, or
projecting your energy in the past, instead of using the energy that is simply there ahead of you;
the energy that exists within you that BRINGS YOU ALIVE. You do not trust yourselves. You
do not trust that abilities lie within each of you to deal with the pain, both past, and future. You
do not trust yourselves to open your hearts. You do not BELIEVE that you can cope, that you are
connected, and that there is something beyond that you are part of. So, you SHUT the heart
down. When you do that, you lose the life force itself, and die inside. Then, you ask yourselves
why you feel so filled with angst, why you are filled with anxiety, and why you NOT happy?

Imagine, if you will, a place, a room where you are totally safe, where there is NO pain.
Give the room furnishing and create, in this space, only things that you love. Give it a color that
gives you great comfort. Spend time in the room, then slowly feel how good it feels to be safe
within this place, safe in this place where, for five minutes or ten minutes, there is NOT pain,
there is NO fear, there is only safety within this room. Nothing can hurt you here; only beings
and things that you love, and that love you can enter into this space. Notice how relaxed you feel,
then do you notice that the minute you are TRULY relaxed, the mind turns on; and suddenly
there is much in your mind that wants TO get out of this place? For this moment simply tell it to
go away, to shut off for a while, that for ten minutes you can be safe. When you feel totally safe;
what feelings come next????? Do you feel lightness, an opening? Does everything suddenly
seem brighter, better? Do you feel as if you were a flower that was beginning to bloom? After
you have experienced this feeling of joy, leave......

That feeling; that deep feeling of joy; is WHAT you CAN feel, each and every day, and
indeed, is the more natural state of being. What prevents you is the mind that intruded in your
space of safety. The mind DOES NOT believe in its safety, and because of that, never lets you
rest enough to open your heart. The mind is afraid of what lies within you, and what your pain
will do to you. That you cannot survive it; so you spend your life, half-alive, running around,

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avoiding the present. Make a practice of spending a certain amount of time, allowing safety in
meditation, and then safety in your daily life. Ask yourself, when faced with a difficult situation;
“How would I face this, if I BELIEVED that I was safe? How would I deal with this situation, if
I KNEW everything would work out?”

Deep grief, the loss of someone close, is the same feeling that exists in everyday life,
multiplied. Those feelings of separation, of believing in separation, of longing for the mirror, and
of lost love; they cannot be ignored. Begin to let go of the small grieves of everyday life. Let go
of the grief of not getting that raise last month. Let go of the small failures, and then, the big
failures become so much easier to bear. Learn to live in the present; in daily life, now. Feel the
sensation of waking in the morning, and JUST feeling the sensation of that particular morning.
Samantha lives in the woods, and sometimes she walks, and she notices that everyday there is
SOMETHING different in the same woods, in the same spot. There will suddenly be a huge
bloom of flowers, literally overnight. Or, the tree that yesterday was green, in the fall, will within
a day, become red or yellow. There is constant change. Begin to see the fluidity of everyday life,
and experience that fluidness. When you live in the moment you DO that. Suddenly, you don't
rush around anymore, and you feel at peace. Allow yourself the feeling of safety, and the belief
in yourself, that you will be OK to let down your guard, and let peace in.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Conscious and Unconscious Mind

Section 16: 4/14/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Conscious and Unconscious Mind

Your reality is created through the conscious minds communication with the unconscious
mind. Your waking self, your mind, communicates a desire to the rest of the mind, and the rest of
the mind begins to work. Your conscious waking mind is rather like the pinnacle of an iceberg.
Your conscious mind is what is seen; but, like an iceberg, the mind itself is much, much more
then what is seen.

There are various levels to an iceberg, just as there are various levels of the mind.
However, the conscious mind does not communicate with the power of the unconscious mind by
simply telling it something. The ego mind, the waking mind, communicates with the unconscious
mind through symbols. When you want something, you create a symbol for it. Let us say that
you long for recognition, the symbol for that is your boss’s job. You envision sitting at his desk
in his office. The symbol then becomes the office and the desk. You want woman to take notice,
so you devise a symbol for that; a bright red Porsche. The unconscious mind does not "respond"
to the desire, it responds to the symbol. It responds to the underlying image, and then attempts to
manifest that, or something better; provided, of course, that your beliefs DO NOT interfere in the
process. Your beliefs are also symbols in your mind. For an idea, let us say, we think love, what
image comes to your mind. Let us say, peace, what symbol comes to your mind? It is NOT the
word peace, it is some image of some sort.

Now in order to manifest something faster, you must begin the process of learning to
think symbolically. Then, when you wish for something in your conscious mind, place the
symbol within the conscious mind, and meditate upon it, and it will come tremendously faster.
Words for example, are symbols, but they are NOT as effective as actual symbols.

In order to understand the idea of symbols, realize that each and every thing in your life
was a symbol at first. In the room you are sitting in; look around you, and instead of accepting
"the thing itself", think, "what is the thing a symbol for?" For example, Samantha's office is in
her library. It is filled floor to ceiling with books. For Samantha books mean knowledge, and it
gives her great peace to write from us, in a place filled with books. When she enters her rocking
chair, sits at her computer, and looks at her books, unconsciously she calls upon us; it is time
now for knowledge.

Every object in your life is a symbol, or something else. Before you "had" it, it was a
symbol in your mind. Every thing that EVER existed, existed as a symbol, first. A building is
first seen in the mind of an architect. A book is first in the mind of the author. A light bulb was
once a dream of Edison. Then, it became a reality. Every single thing was in someone's mind
first, and then became reality, through the belief, and work of that individual.

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But, even before what is in the mind, is the desire for something. Desire is the purpose of
the ego. Desire is the first step to manifestation, after desire comes a symbol, after the symbol
comes faith, and finally there is manifestation. At each and every point, belief can stop the
process of manifestation. Your conscious mind defines what is desired; your conscious mind,
your ego self, creates the symbol; and your conscious mind is the mind that can "allow"
something to occur, or "block" something to occur. In that way, you consciously create your own

The unconscious mechanisms are much more difficult to explain. The unconscious mind
is the mind that moves in the higher space, and begins to "connect" to the "mass" reality, in order
to help bring about the needed resources to create what is necessary. The unconscious mind as
well, touched into energy fields, energy concepts, and energy masses. The unconscious mind is
the one that uses the energy processes that bring the energy into the system to create what is
needed, and what is necessary, to create what is wanted. The unconscious mind, as well, will
many times have to begin the process of 'breaking" the blocks in the conscious mind; breaking
the beliefs that prevent you from having what you want in the first place.

If your conscious mind where in a state needed to create what you wanted, you would
have it. Desire for something, even something physical, is many times, desire for something
spiritual underneath. A desire for a house, may actually be a desire to connect deeply, and
intimately with someone else. If you are single and desiring a home for example, you may be
desiring security, or love with a mate. The reasons you do NOT have this type of security, or this
love with a mate, exists for a reason; a belief. Before the unconscious mind can manifest the
house and the mate, it first must break the belief blocks that are in the conscious mind. As well,
there is the spiral of energy that is commanded through the unconscious mind. We have
discussed this before. In order to create something, you must bring it into reality. That is done by
drawing the energy of that thing into your life. The more negative you are in general, and as a
person, the more energy it takes to create the positive spiral. And vice versus. As well, the more
filled with hatred, rage, and anger that you are, the less energy your unconscious mind
commands, and therefore, the slower it will take to manifest.

Now, part of being a "wizard", if you will, is learning to look at your desire. Look at the
spirituality behind it, and then find a symbol for it. This also brings the process of manifestation
faster, because the conscious mind creates the symbol for itself, instead of having the conscious
mind do it for you.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Money and Purpose

Section 17: 4/15/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Money and Purpose

There are two ways of looking at money. First of all, there is the traditional male view of
money. Basically, life is struggle getting money is struggle, and you have to fight long, hard, and
painfully to get money. Resources are limited and, therefore, difficult to get a hold of. Survival
depends upon getting things, and money is seen as out there. With this concept comes the idea;
that you must provide for yourself; that you are the primary one responsible; that your conscious
mind is the one "in charge". This can, and usually does, lead to tremendous fear, because when
you do something just through the conscious mind, you are separated, and all alone. Now, to
take this further. To many people, you conclude money is security. When you are poor, and are
feeling frantic, you believe that when you have money, that you WILL not feel that way. But, the
"truth" is that underlying that frantic behaviour, or the frantic feeling, is the belief that money
gives you security. When you allow your security outside of yourself, you are NEVER secure.
So, when you have money, you become frightened of a huge tax bill, become frightened of a bad
investment, or become frightened of a lawsuit that will take it all away from you. As long as
money is outside of you, you will never have peace about money.

The second way is that money comes when you are on the "right" path, and being most
true to yourself. That money is actually energy from the universe, and that when you are
following your path, you are flowing within the energy of the universe, and therefore money
WILL come. If there is lack of money, you are simply NOT being true to yourself. Think back,
have you been true to yourself all of these years? Very rarely have you even considered yourself,
when it comes to money. Money is NOT out there, as in the traditional viewpoint, where you
have to run, grab, and live frantically for it. Money is when you are TRUE to yourself, and
engage the energy of the universe. But, once you view money as something that comes when you
are true to yourself; money is an expression of the flow of energy through you, you become
responsible for your money, the universe becomes responsible, and then you can have true
safety, and true security. In a sense, you become a steward for money; rather like a care-taker.
The universe provides for you, when you tune into it; there is no fear, or loss, because you
believe that the money will be there for you. You are not, in a sense responsible, the universe
becomes responsible; it’s your job to break through the blocks, and the beliefs that prevent you
from getting money.

Now, there needs to be a certain balance to this. Many people need to act, to "get" money.
Other people didn't' act at all, the key is learning to listen, again, to your intuition, and learning to
act in the right time, the right place, and the right manner. There are times to act, and there are
times to wait. When you tune into yourself, and ask yourself, what can I do today to be true to
myself, and gain resources; the universe responds, and maybe, it will respond by telling you to,
simply, wait. Other times, you will get a direct "response"; go to the store, or go do XXXX.
Following that intuition is how the universe guides you. By listening to those intuitions, you

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begin to see more, and more, how indeed you are a caretaker of the money, and the universe is
the provider.

We must stress here that many of you, DO things for the money. But, those interfere with
being true to yourself. When this happens, indeed, you will NOT make the needed money.
Money flows through you, and when you stop being true to yourself, money will stop flowing. In
some sense, you must follow your purpose. One of the biggest problems, that we see, is that
people put their sense of identity into money. You are what you do; you are an executive; you
are a lawyer, a doctor, a secretary, or XXXX. By using money, as your identity, you tie into it.
You hang onto that identity, long after you need it, and long after it benefits you. If you are a
secretary, and long to be an executive, maybe you need more schooling. You need to take the
risk to STOP being the secretary, and begin the process of becoming an executive. Otherwise,
you are not being true to yourself, and the money will not flow. One of the biggest problems in
changing an identity is letting go of an old one. Let us say that you are this secretary and you
need this schooling to become an executive. You must let go of being a secretary, maybe as far
as letting go of the job totally, and go to school full-time; there is this space of time where you
are not quite one, and not quite the other. This is the space of time when most people falter. This
is the space of time where there is tremendous pain, and usually not much support from those
around you. You have to let go of one self in order to become the other self; maybe even take a
tremendous cut in pay. This can be difficult; it can be frightening, and many of you may run
from that, because again, you link your identity to your bank account.

The only thing we can tell you, again, is that you are what your deepest dreams are. If, in
your heart, you KNOW that you can do great things as an executive; that you can do great good,
that you would be a great asset in doing them, and it means that you will be short on money for
three years, as you go for your MBA; then you must believe that, indeed, you are that executive,
when, indeed, it may not come immediately. But, if you define yourself as your heart's desire,
then, you will KNOW that is, indeed, what you are. However, if you define yourself as, how
much money is in your bank account, and what your job is; you will lose that identity and
become lost, and probably unable to pursue your dream. At this time, the universe may decide to
stop in and help you along by having you lose your job. Or, by having some other crises come to
at the forefront. The universe will allow you to be stagnate for only so long, and then, if you do
not act, it will act for you. When you base your identity upon your money and your job, you are
acting out of the old belief system. The first one that we described; and it will only cause you
great pain and hardship, because, no matter what you do, even if you peruse your dreams, you
will find great pain. However, if you operate out of the other belief system, the second; then
when you pursue your dreams; even if you have to cut back on your income; even if you have to
change your total outward identity; you will feel great peace, great happiness, and also feel safe
and serene, giving you the needed courage to make the needed changes.

The exercise for tonight is to imagine what you would do if there were no limits in your
life. What kind of job would you have? What did you dream about as a child, when you had no
limits? If you didn't worry about money, if you didn't have to worry about your child's college
education, your mortgage payment, etc; what would you do????? Let the images flow, and, for
fifteen minutes let everything be possible. When you are through, realize, that is probably your
heart’s desire, that is closer to whom you are, then what you are currently doing, and that is what

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you should be doing. In the old sense; that is God's will for you; and now it is time to think about
ways to make that happen in your life.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Void
Section 18: 4/16/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Void

There are times, in every life, when you feel as if everything, in your life, is in a state of
flux. These times are, usually, accompanied by a feeling that you are wading through a large pan
of spaghetti. No matter what you do, or how hard you try, everything is NOT coming together. If
anything, everything seems to be falling apart at the seams.

It is in this time that you are in, or near the void. The void is a frightening concept for
many people, because, in the void, there is nothing to hold unto. It is the state of possibility, but
undetermined possibility. It is the state of transition and change with, many times, no conscious
knowledge of what will occur at the end.

The ability to live in, or near, the void, comfortably, is the sign of a wizard. The
conscious mind, many times, aches for, longs for, and craves stability. It seems to NEED to
know what will happen next, and in its mind, what SHOULD happen next, is what has happened
in the past.

In the void the new has yet to come, and the old has yet left. It is there, in that staging
state of in-between, that the new is determined, and new beginning starts. One strange part of the
void is the feeling that you are stagnant when, indeed, you are actually being very creative.

One symptom could be the need to sleep all the time; which is a sign that your
unconscious mind is exploring different probable realities for you. You also will feel NOT quite
connected to reality, as if you are walking around in a waking dream of sorts. Nothing seems real
or "whole".

The challenge of the void state is the ability to NOT make decisions to quickly. It is the
challenge of living in a state of endless possibilities, and in a sense nothingness, because, none of
those possibilities have manifested. Many times, you will feel lazy in the void, NOT knowing
what to do, and YET wanting to do something. Do not put yourself down for waiting. Indeed the
ability to wait and sort through what needs to be done next, is part of the state of the void. Let
yourself "be" lazy if you will. Let yourself "be", for you are NOT being lazy; your unconscious
mind is coming to grips with what is the next best place for you.

Many people GO into the void, RUSH out, and make a hasty decision as fast as possible,
simply to GET OUT OF THE VOID. The mistake is that you are NOT using the void wisely.
The void exists as space; a space to explore the possibilities; by making a decision, any decision,
to avoid the uncomfortable of it; you will probably make poor decisions. It is very difficult for
the conscious mind to NOT have something to hang onto; something to do. The conscious mind
many times craves action. Let it know that action is taking place, in the sense that you are

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exploring possibilities. Let it know that you are in the state of consideration and, indeed, in an
active place to be. If you "run" away from the void, and get out too quickly, the decision you
make will, many times, be a decision made in error; a decision that, later on down the line, you
will "see" have not been wise and may even harm you, to the extent that you believe you are
NOT safe in the universe. Many of you will feel at tremendous angst when you are in this state.
You will feel constantly tired, as well as, a deep underlying restlessness. You WANT to do
something, anything, to get out of this place, and yet you do NOT know what to do. By fighting
the void, you are fighting the best possible thing for yourself. You need to make peace with the
void, and when you do that the angst, and frustration will leave you to a large extent.

The purpose, of the void, is to help you make large changes in your life. Many times, it is
the calm before the storm of a dramatic new beginning. It is the ‘wading through’ of new beliefs,
and finding the right one that fits.

When you are in the void, the next stop is to bring this unconscious material through into
the conscious, and thereby, WORK consciously within the void, instead of wading through it,
and allowing the unconscious to do all the work.

The way to do this is by thinking, in your mind, what the best possible thing you would
like to be doing. It is looking at what is best for yourself, without limiting your mind at all. For
within the void, there are no limits. It is, in a sense, designing a future framework, or map for
yourself. Imagine if you will, that you are in a cave, and that there is a light somewhere within
the cave that you are in; go into the crevice with a light and "see" what possibility that is. Then,
you may see another crevice of light; look into that one. Explore all the crannies, and crevices,
within the cave, for within this cave are the possibilities for your future.

Again we tell you; think about your best possible life, and see it coming; now as you
think of this life, imagine a road taking you from where you are to there, and see what needs to
happen on that road. It is through these exercises that you being to explore the void. When you
are sure that you have found the best path, you will know what to do. Instead of floating around
in the energy of the void, it will fill you up, and you will find yourself leaving. You will find
yourself making decisions that make sense, and things coming together well, and easily.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Technology, Rage and the Unabomber

Section 19: 4/17/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Technology, Rage and the Unabomber

In your world, with the coming of the millennia, there is in your society a terrific fear of
change. As well, there are HUGE changes in your society. Technology has created a new world.
The world is, in a sense, shrinking through technology; although those in the "old" ways live in a
similar shrinking world through telepathy. Technology is becoming the great equalizer, both
families, and economies are learning that knowledge, and information of any kind, in any form is
valuable. If that form is in an Indian woman who lives in a hut, so be it. If the form is in a
Russian peasant, or an English aristocrat, so be it. This rapid technology is causing the
breakdown of the family, as you know it; as well as society, as you know it. The world that you
grew up in is radically different, and is changing even more radically. Because of this, there are
fanatics, individuals who wish to go backwards into, what was. Individuals who do not
understand, or believe, that what is here and what is coming are good. As society moves closer,
and closer, to the millennium there will be more, and more, fanatics. As technology increases,
there will also be more fanatics. There needs to be a way to incorporate values with technology.
Currently the value is technology, and that is NOT a good single value to live with.

There needs to be a new "religion", if you will. A religion that utilizing what you know
technological, as well, is a religion that heals the spiritual, and lends value to your societies. That
is where the next step is coming from; for the seeds of that religion lie within the new age. The
new age is taking seeds of the old, and combining them with the new, and in that sense is the
most dynamic of religions. Your older religions are HOLDING onto their dogmas, and right
now, what is needed is rapid adoption. Your minds need to catch up and surpass the
technological knowledge that is occurring in your lives. This is the situation with the
Unabomber. Here is an individual who truly senses a need for something to worship, other the
societal technological gods. Yet, expresses that through violence; and the violence stems from
underlying fear, and lack of understanding of what is occurring in your society. When an
individual is frightened, it uses violence to fight back. As well, since we have stated before that
all fear is an illusion, a child looking in the mirror and making faces at themselves, a fearful
individual is an ignorant individual.

This brings us to the question of morality, or a version of morality; at what point does
ideology reach its limits? In other words; does the end justify the means? The message of the
Unabomber, and others like him, generally have validity. But, the way that message is expressed
is not healthy, when violence is used. Can you actually convert another when you try to "force"
him or her into it? We tell you NO. You can only temporarily use force to convince another. And
then, underlying the convincing, there is rage and resentment. The means NEVER justify the
ENDs. That is the rational of fanatics, since the beginning of time. When you reach the point of
doing morally reprehensible things, you are acting out of ignorance and fear; when a message is
related in a fearful manner, it will never work. You can never push your will upon another. What

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you can do is to teach and show another the better way. Let us use the example of a Jew who
hears a skin head on the radio. Let us say that the Jew calls in, and fights anger with anger, and
tells the skin head he is wrong. Tells him that he has no validity, tells him that his view of reality
is off, and he is sick etc. What is happening is that the Jew, in this situation, is reinforcing the
belief of the skin head. If, on the other hand, the Jew very calmly listens to the rage of the
skinhead and asks him a question or simply listens; the skinhead, on the other side of the line,
will learn THROUGH EXAMPLE, that the Jews are GOOD people. Rage responding to rage,
will only create more rage. However, love responding to rage will create love, for love is
ALWAYS more powerful then rage. In fact RAGE is based upon love, as is all emotions. All
emotion is based upon love for the self, or for another. When you are raging at another, you are
angry because something has come between you and the other. When you are raging at a loved
one, the last thing you want is for the loved one to rage back, you want the loved one to
understand you, and heal the pain between the two of you. Love is the most powerful way to heal
any situation, and to change the mind, or opinion of another. When you are faced with ugliness,
or the rage of another, responding by getting even or by fighting back, and trying to "convert"
you to their side WILL NEVER work; it will just worsen the situation. What you must do is back
off; what you must do is to find the living message underneath the rage filled actions and words.
Then, when you see through the rage, and ignorance, and see the love underneath, then and only
then can you heal, and change a situation.

If the Unabomber would have used the pen, instead of the bomb, and learned to deeply
communicate what was in his heart; that there is more to life then technology; that life needs to
have meaning. If he had NOT used violence, by shown through his action, and shown through
his words, his message would have reached an audience; for there is more to life than being the
treadmill of technology. There DOES indeed need to be meaning in your lives, and by seeking
technology many people in your world have lost their center, have lost the ability to see meaning
in their lives. They are chasing the next new toy, and feeling a tremendous emptiness. But, the
Unabomber was ignorant, and believed that only the terrorism could he bring the message. And
by claiming that the end justified the means, he perverted his message, and harmed both himself
and many others.

However, since each of you creates your own reality, and the version of probably realities
you live, there are reasons and meanings for choosing the Unabomber and his violent means. As
we have said before there is meaning in the simplest of events, and you create your own reality.
When you realize that, you will realize, as well, that the ends cannot justify the means, because
you create the ends that you must justify. You also create the means of the circumstances that
you wish to change. And, you create a world where you have a message to learn, and a message
to teach. For you teach best what you most need to learn. You give understanding to others, as
you give understanding to yourself. If you are the Jew, we discussed above, who encountered the
skinhead; maybe you drew him into your reality to understand and forgive the rage in yourself.
Maybe you drew him into your reality to understand the ignorance of that world that created a
holocaust. For whatever reason, when you give love in the face of rage, you accept your rage,
and find peace within yourself. When you find a message within yourself, you can give a
message to the world. and you can only do that through love.

Tonight’s exercise is to imagine, if you will, someone you are in conflict with. Then
imagine yourself and this person in a circle of light, lighted candles, if you will. Look into this

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person’s eyes and "see" where the conflict is coming from, and what part of you this conflict
represents. Try to love the person causing the conflict, and try to see it from their point of view.
Understand their pain, and understand where the problems they are giving you are coming from.
Then, when you are ready embrace them, and sure enough you will find that you are embracing
yourself; and sure enough you will find that the matter will resolve itself peacefully.

Such is the way of love.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Lightning Strikes
Section 20: 4/18/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Lightning Strikes

There will be times in life when something will hit you; when you feel the most down.
There maybe times in life when you have been struck with the proverbial lightning. Something
will happen that is so painful that you cannot, for the life of you, understand it. You cannot see
any reason rational, or otherwise, reason why such a thing would occur.

You may have been working on beliefs, you may have been doing everything right, you
may have been trying to make huge changes in your life, or you may have been doing nothing at
all, when you feel, utterly, sideswiped. At these times, the worst thing you can do is to hate
yourself, or to blame yourself. It is at this time that the only thing that you can do to get yourself
through the situation is to accept everything you are feeling, and when you are hit, when you are
in shock, simply move through it. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. Do not feel that there is
something wrong with you, that you have failed, that you are bad; simply feel what you need to
feel. Then, after the shock has worn off, and you begin to start living again; albeit a different life,
or maybe the same life, you will at some point in time see the reasons for why this has occurred.
You will see the belief that needs to be changed, or the purpose that needs to be fulfilled.

But again, we are stressing that many of you, who believe that you create your own
reality, and then have a person you love die. Or, you create your own reality, and you lose an
awful and unjust lawsuit, you go through bankruptcy, you have been told that you have a terrible
disease, or some act of violence has been perpetrated against you. Whatever the lightning was;
whatever the crisis. Simply TRUST somehow that there was a reason, that there is something
taking care of you, even though it is hard to believe in anything; that there is some purpose that
you will come to understand.

That is the faith of a wizard, for even a great wizard has a bad day, or even an incredibly
bad day. But the difference between a wizard, and one who is not a wizard, is the ability to stand
in the face of the pain, feel it, and KNOW that there is reason underneath. A wizard knows there
is a lesson, and that after the feelings are felt, after the pain has stopped gripping you, that there
is a good, useful, abundant, and caring universe.

When in the face of a crisis, you want to sit down and cry, you want to scream your head
off, or you want to crawl in a hole. Do not run from these feelings, FEEL them. Do not hide from
the energy that flows through you, for that energy exists to help you, and to take care of you. The
pain, the fear, the anger, and the rage exist to help you get through this. When you run way form
yourself; where can you run? Nowhere here. When you face the emotions, when you face the
pain, and you face that pain with some sort of faith. YOU will move through it unscathed. You
will get through it and come through the other side. You will learn the lesson, and when you lie
upon your deathbed, you will take the lesson with you.

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When in the face of this incredible pain, you say to yourself; I will feel this, yet, I know
that I am safe. I will feel this and know that there is an end. I will feel this, learn the lesson, find
joy in my life, and maybe even find joy within this very moment. You will transform the
situation right then, and right there. You have weathered, and beaten, the situation and when
there is nothing left of that situation for you to face, that fear has been conquered; that pain has
deepened your heart, you have become more.

Again we stress at this time, whatever you do, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP. When
you do that, when you reject yourself, your pain, your rage, and your anger, then the situation
beats you. When you love yourself; knowing that you create your reality; and right now the
reality looks untenable, unsolvable, and extremely ugly, then you love the parts of yourself that
in your mind seem untenable, unsolvable, unlearn-able, and extremely ugly. Then you will begin
to feel the tremendous love and acceptance that exists underneath all of reality. That love will
give you strength, and will give you your center. That love will be the force that transforms both
you, and the situation.

Do not doubt that you have that ability, or that love. If you are alive, you are alive from
the force of love itself; for life stems from love. Even when you are filled with self-hatred; know
that at the bottom of that self-hatred is love, for you must love yourself enough to hate yourself.
Find the love in the self-hatred, and you will find a way to transform all internal, and external
issues. No matter how hard the lightning strikes, no matter how ugly the issue; it is when you
find that love, even when you just look for it halfway, believing in it, that you win.

This reading is a relatively personal one, for Samantha, that we suggest you put up as a
posting. The lightning has struck her life twice this week, and we KNOW that she can find the
strength to move through it, as each and every one of you can as well. Just because you are a
wizard, or even a wizard in training, does not mean that you are spared some difficulties in life.
Many times, indeed, there are MORE difficulties in life; for when you are a wizard, you are
learning about the life force itself, and when you are learning of those forces, and the laws that
govern them, you are looking deeply in yourself, and reality. By doing that, you change the
reality you see, as well as challenge every tiny molecule in your life. By challenging yourself and
expanding your knowledge, you will encounter resistances within yourself; and those resistances
WILL come into play; and at times that resistance can be overwhelming.

As well, there is purpose in each and every life, and when your beliefs and purpose clash,
or when you are not living on purpose; disaster will strike, because the loving universe is
attempting to correct your course. Again, though, when the lightning strikes; do not wonder why,
only get through it, moment by moment, and second by second. After many moments and many
seconds, the reasons, the understanding will dawn on you in some unsuspecting moment, and
you will understand, if you seek such understanding. But, do not fail yourself for not initially
understanding, because when you are in pain, even though pain and loss are illusion, it is hard to
see anything at all, much less reasons. And finally, remember to love yourself and give love to
each of yourselves; do not blame yourself, the world, or others around you, for when you blame
them, you lose any power whatsoever, you may still have in the situation. But, related to that, do
not blame yourself, for then you lose even more power. You must, in times of crisis, validate
yourself, validate what you do well, and validate the life force within you, so that it may become

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stronger and freer. Have compassion for yourself, as you would a small child who scraped his
knee and does not understand where the pain is coming from. But, like that small child in pain,
he is simply learning to walk; and the pain will end and he will learn how to walk. Have faith in
yourself, as you would that small child, whom you know can learn to walk.

May Love Be With Each Of You, especially in times of crisis, and times of pain. Also,
know that the universe never abandons you, no matter how much it may seem like it.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Love and Magic

Section 21: 4/20/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Love and Magic:

Love is the actual force of existence that creates magic. Love can overcome the laws of
physics. Love is the force that makes the flowers grow, and the trees turn green in the spring.
Love is what the basis for existence is, and it is in the sphere of love that peace exists, as well as
magic. The opposite of love is fear. When you are afraid you contract into yourself, you are
unable to grow, and to expand. When you are afraid, magic cannot exist. What do we mean by
love anyway? Love has a bad reputation in your society. Love is considered a sign of weakness.
Indeed, Samantha certainly feels that way, she feels that loving, unconditional love, is a kind of
trap, that if she applies it to her personal situations, she would be taken advantage of. Love, to
many in your society, is considered the equivalent of being doormat.

Instead, love is the ability to trust. The ability to see through your heart center. It is also
the act of surrender. Again, surrender is considered an act of weakness. To surrender means that
you lose; lose the war, lose the fight, or lose whatever. Actually, surrender is a way of opening
up and accessing tremendous power within you. So, how do you do that?

Love is a force, like E=mc2 is a force of nature, the force of nature. When you apply a
loving consciousness to any situation you create magic, and many times can even avert the laws
of physics; it is, so try, or believe that you truly can. Radical faith is the beginning; love is the
next step beyond. When you assume radical faith, when you think to yourself, what if I knew that
everything would, ultimately, work out? What if I knew that I was sage, and that I could never
truly lose anything, even my life, how would I react in this situation? When you act from that
belief system, an overwhelming feeling of peace enters your consciousness. Love occurs in that
peace; it is the power of action that occurs from that peace. After the peace, you view things
differently, and you can "see" what needs to be done. Radical faith assumes passiveness, the next
step is action. Love is the action that stems from the peace. Love is what occurs when you have
that peace. It is the beginning of being in touch, within you.

Now each of you was created "perfectly" and is in a sense a perfect being. Perfect is a
difficult concept, because in your lingo it assumes stasis. Actually perfection is fluid; it is perfect
motion, because love is energy in motion. Each of you is perfect in that sense, each of you need
to remember, to feel, or to believe in that perfection. Ask yourselves, what would happen if I
knew that I was loved, that I was perfect, and I never needed to change a single iota about
myself; how would I act in this situation, if I weren't trying to deprive myself? How would I act,
if I believed, deeply, in my goodness? Who would I be then? That is love; a deep recognition of
whom, and what you are, and when you do that, the force of life, energy, flows through you, and
you are taken into a place of joy and motion. MAGIC occurs.

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There is a definition of magic, which Samantha once saw in a writing class; it is to see
something that was there before, or to change your consciousness about something. Since you
create your reality; since you create your life, if you change your mind; if you see what was there
before, you change your world, and you create magic.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 22: 4/21/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Let us talk about bit about the process of channelling. Channelling is an ability to "listen"
deeply. It is relatively rare, only because, in your society, you have not learned to listen within.
Now, many people "hear" voices, in fact that is a definition of psychosis, in your society. To
channel is to hear voices. However, there are levels to learning how to channel.

Initially, it is simply hearing the voices in your mind; however, the accuracy of what you
hear is going to be relatively low. The process of channel is learning to clear out enough space,
in your mind, so that you can hear better and better. In essence, you open your mind up, and
simply listen.

Now, it is not quite as inactive as we are saying, because you have to actively listen.
When a voice contacts you, it still has to contact you through your beliefs, and contact you
through your mental screen; in essence your energies join and become a new form of energy.
You have to open up enough to hear the voices, and open up enough, to let your energy join with
another energy. Now, this process is not quite a strange as it sounds. When you love someone,
deeply your energy and their energy join and form another third energy. You are no longer a
separate person, and either is the other person; you become one in a new and combined form.
Channelling is very similar, it is the ability to love, and to open up so much, that another entity;
in Samantha's case, physically dead entities; can enter with you, and create another form of

There are various forms of channelling. Great healers are channels; great artists are
channels, great writers, even of course, great scientists. A channel is someone who can open to
the forces of the universe, and become one with them; this is something that each of you can do.
You open to the forces of energy, and another entity joins with you, and you become more then
you were before; yet maintain the integrity of the self you currently have.

Let us say, you begin the process of channelling and you hear your first messages; and
they tell you to kill someone. This is the greatest fear in your society; that you will hear voices
who tell you to do "bad" things. You are taught by Christianity, then through Freud, that your
unconscious mind is NOT something that you can trust. So, you are frightened of the voices
within your mind. Indeed, take your the messages you receive with a "grain" of salt. In many
ways, look at the channel as a great friend, giving you good advice. Is it good advice to kill
another person? Probably not. If you should get a message like this, you need as well to look at
why you are getting this type of message? Is it because you believe that evil exists within your
mind, and that you will hear "bad" things when you open your mind? Is it because the channelled
entity is not necessarily a positive one, and you believe that incarnate energies are evil? Like
attracts like especially when it comes to channelling and you must find out what went "wrong' in

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your broadcast, so as to not repeat the negative process again. However, there are very few
"negative" energies out "here". Generally a long term channel is a "good" one for it takes our
time as well as yours to become a channel and "negative" channels are not very patient.

In Celtic society, druids and wise women were taught to be channels. However, it was
known that, channelled entities are rather like human entities. Some of them are friendly, some
of them not so friendly, some of them malicious, and these are very few etc. So, the messages
that you are being given, are they something that makes you feel "lighter"; fill you with a kind of
joy, a great sense of peace? When you follow the messages, do things work out better for you in
your life? If not, then request a new entity to channel, and simply "shut" down the channel that
doesn't work for you. This may seem impossible, but more than likely all you have to do is
simply say, “I request a new voice, for, I do not think you are a healthy
channel.” Again, then look at what caused that particular channel to come to you, so you do
NOT repeat a negative experience with another channel.

One big problem with channelling is, that, when a channel is "shut" off, it is
tremendously painful for the initial channel. When you are a channel, you are never alone. It is
possible to channel, anytime you wish, because time "here", is different than time for you. When
you are ready to hear, a good channel will always respond. When you shut off that channel you
become alone again, and initially, until you have filtered out your channels, this process may
become very painful, or frightening. Rather, like losing a very good friend. In the age we are
moving into, one probable reality is all children will learn to be channels at an early age.
Channelling is a skill that will be taught. Each child will channel different entities that are part of
their purpose. For example, if a child's purpose is to become a musician, they will channel the
great musicians, and great music. If the child's purpose is that of healer, then they will channel
healers. IN past generations, ALL information was passed on this way. For example, that is one
reason that Druid had no, or very little written, information. It was believed that, it was better to
learn to channel the information that you would need. If you wished to know more about history,
you would channel information of the past. Written information was simply considered
unnecessary and what is more possibly not good for all people. The druid rational was, that, if
you couldn't channel the information, then it wasn't good for you to hear it. As well, information
that was valid for one was not valid, or needed for another. A channel was a good way to get the
exact information that you needed, when you needed it. Why bother to write anything down, this
worked consistently better. For example, if you were to channel being a healer, why did you
need, and what good would it be, to read about music. All information that ever existed still
exists. It is just a matter of learning how to access this information. It is rather like learning how
to use the index in a library. Channelling is the learning to use the index. In each time as well,
there were great oracle channels, or greater versus poorer channels, like there are greater, or
poorer musicians writers etc. These were the shamans, and wisdom people. Great channels
became druidic priests.

It is time for this ancient technology to come back. In a sense, channelled information is
always necessary, to the person who is channelling it. In your time of information expansion, and
to some extent information overkill, being able to channel is a way of cutting through the
multitude of information that exists. For example, let us say that you need to keep up with what
is going on in your industry. There are 50 or 100 publications in your particular industry. To

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keep up with that kind of information is a full-time occupation, in its own right. In a sense, that is
information overkill, there is simply so much of it in your world. As a channel, you would be
"told", read this particular publication, this particular page, and you will find what you need. Or,
you would be guided to the proper book, or the proper place. Or, if you were skilled enough you
would simply channel the exact information that you needed, and publications would be

Channels do work with information that currently exists. It is not uncommon for us to tell
Samantha to go and read XXXX, on such and such a page. In this sense, she receives feedback in
"her" world, based upon our information. It makes, what we tell her, "more credible" in her
mind. So, for example, if we are telling her something on love that particular day. We may tell
her to go to her library and read XXXX on XXXX. And, sure enough, it will be something on
love and, many times, it will be the same type of information. This validates for her what we are
saying. Channelling like this is the ultimate way to wade through the tremendous amount of
information that is currently flowing through your society.

Channelling is, in a sense, the ultimate source of information, in that you can access
information from the past, the present, and even the future. It is the best library, or resources, that
you can gain access too. It is, also, the most natural use of the mind. So, why do so many people
hear voices and commit heinous crimes? Because, they do not hear the information well. In
Samantha's mate's family, there was a cousin who heard voices. He believed that he was the anti-
Christ and wanted people to worship him. He was indeed channelling something. However, the
accuracy of his information of approximately 2 percent. That means that 98% of everything he
heard was inaccurate. He was sensing that the universe had terrific forces, and that it was more
powerful then he understood. He realized that he was channelling this awesome force. It was
meant to open him up and to re-evaluate his definition of god. That was the accurate two percent.
He interpreted the opening to be evil, and therefore saw himself as the anti-Christ, and had to be
committed. He needed a healer who understood what was happening to him. The healer would
have taught this cousin how to clear through his psyche, and understand the forces that he was
dealing with, and potentially he could have become a great channel. Psychologically speaking, in
your society, only mysticism of a sort, will actually heal the mind. Alcoholism for example, as
well as psychosis, can only ultimately be treated by teaching mysticism. Your Alcoholics
Anonymous knows this, and indeed it is the most effective treatment for alcoholics known today.
By attempting to heal the entire family, and looking at the psychological undercurrent of what is
going on in the mind of the alcoholic, as well as teaching them that there is force beyond
themselves, they heal. This is very similar to shamanism. It, at least, has the basic components of
shamanic practice.

Current healing methods of the mind are simply not very effective. Many times, the drugs
taken to help in healing actually harm. They change the mental structures of the brain and
distance the individual from the problem. Drugs are good, and useful, for SHORT term healing;
if someone is suicidal and takes a drug to temporarily alleviate that depression, which is effective
and stops the depression. But, to take these drugs on a long term basis, only prevents real healing
and in fact prevents deep healing. In the case of suicidal depression treated with drugs, the
depression will come back in an even worse state, or another desperate physical problem will
occur. Women in your society suffer a great deal from depression. Depression will begin, and
then left untreated, eventually becomes something else; great alcoholism, deeper suicidal

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depression, or divorce etc. The underlying depression is never dealt with, or drugs mask it, so it
becomes a divorce, or it becomes a mother who abuses her children. Instead, a depressed woman
needs to find her mysticism, and her own inner power, only then can she successfully combat her
disease. Most depressive woman are terribly creative, and do not understand how to use, or focus
the creative energy through themselves. As well, the power of that energy is frightening, and
women are trained in your society to be frightened of power. Samantha herself has suffered from
severe depressions, because she was learning to use her creative forces to channel, and did not
understand what was happening to her.

Your drugs; while being effective, again, only mask; do not SOLVE the problem. If the
initially depressed woman began the process of channelling, and learned her inner purpose, she
would begin to see purpose in her life, and sure enough her depression could be solved as soon
as she realized that the universe would help her, and guide her, in her purpose. A channel as well,
will challenge belief systems that are not healthy for an individual. Many times depression stems
from extremely strong negative beliefs. A depressive person will "see" the world through very
dark eyes. Belief systems are passed down from generation, to generation, and negative beliefs
are very strong. That is why, depression seems to be hereditary. Beliefs are part of the DNA
structure that you pass to your children. Beliefs like eyes are part of what you give your
children. What a mother believes when she is pregnant will affect the child for the rest of its life.
In depression, an individual may very well be looking at negative beliefs that were passed to
them through their DNA structure. Breaking those beliefs is difficult indeed. A healthy channel
will challenge you to look at those beliefs that are limiting to you, or are unhealthy. They will
give you methods, thoughts, or ideas in a structured form when the individual is ready to "hear"
them, and challenge the depressed person, in such a way, to most effectively help and guide
them. That would heal the depression, as nothing else would.

In order to begin the process of learning to channel, sit in a calm state, and simply listen
for fifteen minutes. Imagine, if you will, the temple that we asked you to put together, in your
mind, earlier. Lay there in the temple, and ask for a healing channel, who will guide you. Sure
enough, an entity will enter your temple. We recommend that, before you start, you imagine of a
circle of protection, or white light; and only a positive entity can enter there. As the entity enters
into your temple, ask them if they have an initial message for you, and LISTEN. Do not judge
the information. Do not ask yourself, did I imagine it? Take it as your first channelled
information, and then if it is not too risky, use the information.

Channelling, like anything else, requires a great deal of practice. Samantha has been
channelling since she was a child of 3 years of age. She has been channelling for thirty years, and
began writing her channelling down, at the age of 8. Her accuracy rate is currently 93 percent.
However, that is thirty years of practice. As well, it was part of her purpose to channel at an early
age. In a sense, Samantha was like a child prodigy when it comes to channelling. So, take
everything your channel says with a grain of salt. Does it makes sense to you, how did you feel
when you got the information? Did you feel happy, did you feel "bad"? If you felt bad, why? If
you felt good, why? Write down what the entity who entered your temple wore? What exactly
did they say; how would that help, or hinder your life?

Sometimes, especially initially, a channel will give information in symbols, or strange

ideas. They may only say a word, like car, tree, or something. You may not even understand.

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But, try then, to "see" what they may be telling you. Are they telling you that your car could be
in trouble? Maybe you should check your brakes etc. Maybe you should have your car in for a
tune-up? Maybe your mate’s car needs to be looked at? Many times as well, channels will give
you clues, and then you must figure out the message. For example, we will give Samantha clues
in sections of three. She will think, or hear an idea love, then, a friend will call her about their
love life, and maybe, her daughter will talk to her about how much she loves her. Then you
receive a coincidental message; that is for the next section......

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 23: 4/22/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Coincidence is the "new" form of logic. In your world, decisions are made based upon
thinking that; what has happened in the past, and what is happening now, WILL happen in the
future. In other words, If A and B happen, therefore, C will happen, again. Observation, and
reasoning, is "used" to describe why one event "rises" out of another event. All events are
believed to have a certain cause, and therefore, what happens in the past effects the present; and
what happens in the present effects the future. Causality is a sequence of events that happen
outside of yourselves, and if those events are mimics other events, then, you "know' what to
expect from them.

For example, let us say that you hate your job because you have to listen to people
complain. In the past, when you had the complaining part of your job, you were required, then, to
make those people happy. So, now when the phone rings you are upset because you may have to
make someone happy. That is a logical casual conclusion, based upon a past event.

However, there is another way of looking at something like this? What is suddenly
causing these people to call? Are there more than usual? What seems to be the underlying issue
at hand? You are beginning to take outward events, and relate them internally? You are
beginning to think synchronistically.

There are two types of synchronistic events that occur. The first is when something
internal happens, and then there is some outward manifestation. For example, let us say that you
have a dream that you are seeing an old boyfriend. Then, the next day you go shopping, and sure
enough you run into that very SAME BOYFRIEND, and you haven't seen, or heard from him in
ten years. Another type of synchronistic event is when you need something, and sure enough it
appears. This is when you need an outward event, and an outward event "happens" along. For
example, let us say that you are down to your last dollar, so you walk across the street, and sure
enough you look down and "see" a fifty dollar bill.

When you see that you create your reality, you need to move beyond "seeing" things
casually and outside of yourself. You need to think of them differently; with a new logic. For
example. Let us say that you are a budding wizard, and suddenly your medical insurance is
stopped. In a causal universe this could be a frightening experience. Because there is always the
"risk" that an outside event will occur when you need medical insurance, and then you won’t' be
able to afford it. But, if you are attempting to be a wizard, the lack of medical insurance may be
one way for you to look at whether you need medical insurance, and maybe a test of whether any
insurance is needed in your life, because you DO create your own reality. You are taking an
external event and beginning to see how it relates to interior changes and experiences. Suddenly
you lose your medical insurance just as you realize that you create your own reality.

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"LOGICALLY the two events do not seem to be related. Tradition logic would say that those
events have nothing to do with each other. But when you begin to see that the internal, and the
external, are interrelated, you begin to see great synchronicity occurring between events.

To view things synchronistically you need to see that any type of coincidence is, actually,
a message of the universe, and begin to "look" into that message. Begin to decode these
coincidental things and, instead of using "logic", use synchronicity as a guide in how to behave;
to create what it is that you want.

When you view through traditional logic means, you view them as occurring outside of
yourself. So, when something goes wrong, you begin to look back at what happened to "make" it
go wrong. You look for a cause. When you look for things synchronistically, you begin to look
internally for ways to solve exterior events, and you look at exterior events as the process of
something internal going on.

There is logic to this. It is the logic of decoding symbols, as well as, the logic of looking
into what something means in relation to the experience. Let us use the example above. Let us
say that, you truly dislike getting phone calls complaining about products in your work. Now,
maybe, you haven't gotten those phone calls for a long time, and suddenly, in a day, three or four
appear. What is meant by that? Couldn’t it be that you are coming close to changing beliefs that
need to be looked at; and how is the external events related to your internal reality?

Logically, coincidences are just that. They are external events that occur that have
nothing to do with each other. However, when you realize that the psyche is directly related to
external events, you begin to see that what appears externally, and what is inside of you
internally, are directly related, and coincidences are "clues" to what those relationships are.

So, how do you look at something symbolically? At one point, we gave an exercise
where you were to look at everything around you as a symbol for something else. If you do this
enough, you begin to have a symbolic alphabet. For example, to Samantha knowledge means
books. She loves to have books around her, and writes these postings in a room that is filled,
floor to ceiling, with books. One day, in Samantha's life, there is a "big" problem; a day of
terrible trouble, if you will. She, finally, walked away from her problems, and decided to go the
park. At the park, she walked until she was tired, and there she sat down on a bench. Next to her,
on a bench, was a book. The book was directly related to the problems that she had "left" behind.
For Samantha, books mean answers, and when she 'gets" a book, it means that there is a solution
within it. When she dreams of a book, it means that this dream is related to knowledge etc.
Books are symbolic, to Samantha, of knowledge and solutions. Each person has a certain
grouping of symbols that mean certain things to them. As well, each culture has certain symbols,
and even each species. Species symbols are related to the Jungian idea of archetypes.

Now, when you are thinking symbolically, you do NOT stop using your rational mind,
you simply use it differently. For example, as we stated above, when you use the rational mind to
solve a problems logically; you try to see how XXXX external event relates to YYY other
external event. You look for causes. When you think synchronistically, you try to rationally see
how XXXX is a symbol. How YYY external event related to YYY belief, or XXXX internal
event. This always requires rational thinking. Connective thinking if you will; for in order to find

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a casual reason to an event, you must see a relationship. This type of thinking also involves
"seeing" a relationship. It is simply looking for, and examining a different kind of relationship.

The exercise for today involves looking at an event in your life as a symbol. Take all the
elements of the problem, and instead of seeing them as outside of yourself, see them as part of an
internal event, and ask them in your meditative mind, what that internal event represents and
what it means? For example. Let us say that you are being sued by a disgruntled individual over
some small thing. Instead of blaming that individual for suing you; ask yourself what is it that is
symbolically behind this lawsuit, what does this lawsuit represent to me, internally? If you are
being sued because your dog did doo-doo on his lawn? Ask yourself what the doo-doo represents
to you? Ask yourself what his lawn might mean, or, what you lawn might mean to you? Begin to
look at what all the external objects in the event represent, and the look at how the drama is
playing itself out. How these objects are symbols, and what these symbols mean. In Tennessee
Williams show the glass menagerie, Laura looks at glass animals on her shelf and feels a deep
connection with them. The symbol for those glass animals is Laura's fragile sanity. When those
glass animals break, so does Laura's mind. Imagine your life as a stage play? What do the objects
represent? And what do the characters represent. In the Tennessee Williams play, when Laura
has a suitor, it represents love to her. What would the neighbour, who is suing you over your
doggy's doo-doo, represent in your stage play? Each event in your life is LIKE a stage play. It is
a stage play that you play out in physical reality, but its underlying connections exist solely with
symbols, like in a stage play. You create your reality. You are the director, the star, and the
writer. The universe is the producer, or the money man (energy provider), and logistics manager.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 24: 4/23/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


What is right, what is wrong? Who is good, who is bad? In your daily lives, IN your
society, in your system of justice there are constant judgements of right, wrong, good, and bad.
When you create your own reality, the concept of victim, is no longer, so relevant. So, what then
becomes right, or wrong? First of all, from our vantage point, there is no right and there is no
wrong. There are, simply, lessons to be learned. However, there is in a sense, a very general
sense, and a morality of sorts. To begin with, judgement itself is not valid. For in order to truly
understand something, you must understand the belief's, the history and the pain, of ALL the
individuals involved, in order to make a judgement, and even in that case, that judgement is more
the likely tainted, by your conscious experiences and conscious beliefs. If someone is murdered,
isn't the murderer, in the wrong, or "bad". Well, the murderer already is suffering. Should the
murderer be prevented from causing another murder? A murderer, cannot murder, unless he has
a "willing victim". It is well known among your law enforcement agencies, that, if a woman
walks with strength, and walks with force, that many times she will, simply, NOT be raped. For a
rapist must KNOW that he can overpower her. Does that mean we are saying, that, the victim has
no pain? That you should have no compassion for the victim? That she is as much to blame as
the perpetrator. A victim is in deep pain, and needs tremendous love to heal. A victim needs
tremendous help. Who is there to blame? Well, there is NO blame; there are only lessons.

Now, let us get back to the rough morality that we were discussing. It is "wrong" to kill;
for when you kill, you automatically have less respect for life itself. That affects your life. You
are automatically punished, because you no longer "see" life, or your life, as something that is
precious, as something of "value". There is no one more fearful for his life, than one who takes
life. An assassin lives in constant fear of begin assassinated. Is it wrong to rape? Rape is an
attempt to gain power. When you are forced, in your mind, to rape, you are already powerless,
otherwise, you would not rape. Rape is a fight to increase power. But, when a rapist rapes, he
does indeed, feel more powerless then he did before. He believes more in the powerless, because
he, who is so powerless, made another, even, less powerful then they were before. As well, a
rapist sees power as, something that is, an act of violence. He views violence as power. He lives
in constant fear of being overpowered. A rapist doesn't understand that true power comes from
within. By raping he places himself in an even more powerless world, although, temporarily, he
may feel powerful. This is temporary, and he "escapes" from this powerful high, to an even
darker place of powerlessness. That is why he must rape, again.

When you "commit" a crime, you automatically place yourself in the world of crime. In
other words, you darken your world. Your belief systems are deeply affected. You are
"punished", because you, yourself, are placed in a deeper sense of hell. Because you reacted,
initially, from a sense of hell, and used your energy, and the energy of "the victim", both go to a
more hellish, and painful, place. It is the same for any violent crime. In order to commit the

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crime you must have suffered from some version of the crime itself. When you perpetrate the
crime upon another, you recreate the crime; it becomes stronger, and stronger, in your psyche.
There is in your society a belief in “blood rush”; a belief that there is a rush to see a murder, to
seeing violence, or to committing violence. There is an underlying belief that man is a predator,
and that violence is the "natural" course of existence. "Blood rush” is about facing the life force
and seeing it in action. The "high" of murder, for example, is the "high" of encountering the life
force, in a drastic form. Yet, that feeling is temporary. It engenders an even deeper craving later
on in order to experience "blood rush”; what is actually craved is life rush. To feel the force of
nature run through you. You can accomplish that, and more, simply by learning more, and more,
about the life force, and energy, itself. As well, if man were truly predatory through, and through,
he would NOT be able to build cities at all, he would not be able to work in society, whatsoever.
There would BE no social structure. Man cooperates much more then he commits violence. For
your cities do exist, you have art, science, technology, philosophy etc. If man were
uncooperative, there would BE no such thing. For, if you were truly utterly violent, what would
occur is that you would simply live ALONE, as in solitary, in caves. Man craves other human
beings. Man craves family, mankind needs, other humans. Mankind IS primarily social.

The highest morality is to, in all circumstances, be true to your highest self; to be truly,
and utterly, selfish in the most profound ways possible. If you did that, each of you would go for
your dreams, and each of you would NOT harm another human, for you would know, that, when
you harm another, you harm yourselves. You would do this naturally, and easily. For example,
when you kill another, as we have stated, you see life as less precious. When you "see" life as
less precious, you view your life as less precious, when this happens, you lose appreciation for
life, and the quality of your life "goes" down. Your ability to appreciate "the little things". Your
ability to appreciate diminishes. Let us say, that, you live in a business world of "dog eat dog".
Then, you live in a very difficult, and paranoid, world. Your must constantly be on watch against
the other business person. You live in a totally defensive posture, for the best defence, in that
concept, is an offense. Your entire life is filled with anger, rage, game playing, etc. You begin to
"loose" touch with your heart center. An individual, like this, finds it difficult to love. An
individual, like this, finds it difficult to open their heart center. Individuals, like these, have
massive heart attacks, for they ignore their hearts, and live fast paced, dramatic, lives. Whatever
you do to another, affects your reality, affects your belief systems, and thereby affects the quality
of your life. Thereby, if you live for your highest self, you would "realize" that, and NOT do
something, unto another.

Now, let us get into the idea of harm. There are in your world many "vampires". What
this means is that there are many people who will be happy to tell you what you "owe" them.
What your responsibilities "are". Your government will tell you, what you owe them. Your
family will tell you, what you owe it; your wife, your husband, your daughter, your son, your
boss, and your friend. We tell you, you DO NOT OWE any of these people anything. What you
owe them, is to be true to you highest self. What that means is that, you owe it to them to follow
your life purpose, and fulfill your deepest self. If you have been married for 10 years, and you
feel the need to have an affair, because your marriage is, now, empty. Then, ask yourself before
you do it, is this serving my highest self? If it is, then indeed have the affair. It could save your
marriage; it could also destroy the marriage. However, when you ask yourself that question, and
you realize that you deeply love your mate, and that to have sex with another human being would
cause them pain, and when they hurt, you hurt; then you will not do it. But, you do NOT owe to

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your mate, to live in an empty marriage. If there are many obligation in your life, preventing you
form living your highest purpose, you must ask yourself why you have created them, and what
beliefs they are representing. As well, you must ask yourself what is right, and what is wrong?
When you owe to this question, ask yourself, if I do XXX action, what energy am I giving to
what belief, and do I want that belief to affect my reality? Do I want energy; the energy of that
belief; to enter into my world? If you answer yes to those questions, then you have behaved in a
moral manner. That is it.

Now, we will also tell you that to live true to your highest self, you must live for
something beyond yourself. You must find meaning in your life, and fulfill, or at least, move
towards your purpose. If you do not have something that gives you life meaning, you will
experience, deep, despair. A life must mean something; must work for something, beyond itself,
and must move towards expressing some deep value, or there will be terrific pain. This is to
some extent what began to occur in the 1960's. At that time, the United States was living in a
"booming" financial era. But what the children of these "booming" parents discovered is that
money, and physical objects, mean very little. They can actually fill you with tremendous
emptiness; unless you find within yourself an ideal to fulfill, a mission to take on; SOMETHING
TO GIVE YOUR LIFE MEANING. Because there was so little concern for money, and physical
needs were fulfilled, these children began to "see", within themselves, that there must be
something more; for they felt empty, they felt a deep senselessness to it. So began the anti-war
movement; something to fight for. So began a time of questioning; an era of questioning. Now,
when you look at morality this way, the lines of right and wrong indeed become, almost always,
gray. It is much easier to have a "written" set of rules to follow. It is much easier to say XXX is
right, and XXX is wrong. However, that is NOT true morality; it is a list of shoulds, that, if you
follow without thinking them through, will have you reach that emptiness, and fill your life with,
tremendously, painful shoulds. It will also prevent of gaining needed depth in a life. These ideas,
of morality, are NOT easy to live with, however, they are effective, and they breed tolerance.
Because, what you find to be moral, and what another finds to be moral, can be a totally different
expression of something. In essence, there is not one good, no one structure. This breeds,
tremendous, understanding and tolerance. That tolerance is, deeply, needed in your society.
When you believe in one good, you believe there is one right way to be. When you believe there
is one right way to be, then you don't allow for the expression of, almost, every individual alive,
and that creates, tremendous, pain. It also creates, tremendous, violence, for it separates people
from themselves, and from each others.

We tell you, there is no right and there is no wrong, there is simply ignorance. For a
member of gang, in South LA, killing another gang member, does not realize that he is harming
himself. That he is bringing, more, death into his world and, very possibly, contributing to his
own death. That is the mark of ignorance. However, looking at that individual's beliefs, seeing
that, all he sees around him is death, and violence; that was what he was born into. Maybe, he
grew up with bullets going through is living room, and has no concept of safety. As well, he
knows that he will, probably, die by the time he is 25 years old. He believes, he has nothing to
live for. Prison is actually safer for him then his own world. He does not "see" a way out. Most
times, he can't conceive of a way out. That is ignorance. It is also, a very real, and very painful,
reality, for many individuals. Now, judgments, especially among the middle class, are very
accepted. These are very basic, judgements, very simple, ideas. Yet, they govern the middle class
life, as much as, the gangs govern the "lower" class life. For example, you must pay your bills.

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You must keep a clean, house. You must have sex, 2 times a week. You must have 2.5 children.
You must wear the most expensive clothes you can afford. You must drive the best car. You
must strive to better the, physical, lives of your family. All of these shoulds reflect beliefs about
what is right, and what is wrong. These beliefs also limit, and harm, a great many individuals.

The most morally free class is the "high" class, because in order to make money, there
needs to be a wide range of acceptance. For example, if you are closing a business deal, worth
millions, from someone of a different culture, then you must be tolerant to accept that culture.
Now, there are places, within the high class, that are, also, very limited. These are the "rules' of
high society. You must wear designer dresses. You must be respectable. Etc... But even then,
anything goes, unless you are caught.

The "bottom" line is that each individual lives to the best of his, or her, ability to
understand. Each individual is, basically, a good person who, more than likely, makes a number
of mistakes. This leads us to the concept of a natural guilt, a basic guilt. Among animals, if
something is done once, and it doesn't 'work", then, it is not done again. This is not "guilt" as you
understand; it is simply the acceptance of a lesson. For example, if a wolf goes after a skunk and
the skunk, sprays him, he knows to STAY away from skunks in the future. This is natural guilt.
An instinctive feeling, deep within yourself, that you should NOT DO THIS. That is the purpose
of natural guilt. However, blaming yourself, saying I did this wrong, I deserve to be punished
etc..., will get you nowhere. In fact, many times, it is an excuse not to take action. If you are
guilty of doing something "wrong" in the past, what good does it do to beat yourself up for it? It
accomplishes nothing, and recreates that "bad' situation in your reality. Guilt exists to prevent
you from redoing an action. That is all, it is NOT permanently to punish, and indeed punishment
is not a "natural" concept, or idea. In fact, punishment rarely works, it simply forces the
individual involved to focus their energy on the 'bad' thing. Many times, punishment recreates
the negative, or "bad' action. So, what should you do with a criminal? Well, it is obvious to us;
treat him with compassion. You wish someone to stop killing; then create an environment where
he understands the value of life. That of course is a radical idea. You wish to stop someone from
raping; then create an environment where he learns what true power is. Our next posting will be
on power.....

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 25: 4/28/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Part of becoming a wizard is finding power, the natural power, within you. There are
many forms of power, and many levels of power. The crudest form of power is violence;
physical power. You can, indeed, "get your way" when you hold a gun on most people. You can,
indeed, feel as if you have empowered yourself, when you rape another, or when you kill
another. But, that power is fleeting, and lasts for the amount of time that the incident occurs.
After that, there is an emptiness that occurs. Another form of outward power is money. This
form is, also, very temporary, and when you subscribe to it, you live in fear. For craving money,
needing money, is a trap, because then you live in fear of losing that money. You must, always,
protect that money. Mental manipulation is another form of power; it is indeed possible to
manipulate another, through lies and trickery, to achieve your goal. However, then you lose your
ability to trust; which leads to real power. As well, what you gain through lies, trickery, and
manipulation, you run the risk of losing when another "finds" out about your plots. On television,
you "see" all of these forms of gaining power. Your soap operas teach women manipulation.
Your cop shows, many of them, teach men the power of violence. How many people are
manipulated and killed in just one seasons of primetime television? So many times you see these
things; you come to believe in them. There is another form of power, a newer and burgeoning
form. That of knowledge. Now, there are different types of knowledge; knowledge that stems
from reading and internal, or intuitive, knowledge. A wizard USES both forms of knowledge.
He, or she, knows when to use "book" knowledge, and combine it with intuitive knowledge. A
wizard does not use one form of knowledge over the other.

In your society the burgeoning new power of knowledge is believed to be, purely, of the
intellect. That knowledge is limited, because when the intellect is used purely in its own right, it
is rather like cutting a child off from its mother; the intellect thrashes around looking for
guidance. Also, the intellect was never intended to "run" the whole show. When you put the
intellect purely in charge, it cannot control enough elements to do what, it believes, needs to be
done. Let us say, you run a business the way that Samantha has. The intellect attempts and plans,
in great detail, what must be done? The intellect plans, utilizes, and spells things out on how
things need to happen, in great detail. The problem, of course, is that it is NOT the intellect,
purely, that controls reality. The conscious, intellectual, mind can only go so far, by itself, and
then it runs into many things, it cannot control. It cannot "force" sales. It cannot force an
employee to do what needs to be done. It cannot force a bank to give you money. The intellect
cannot force an investor to give money. You can only do, what you can do, and many times the
intellect can do much, however, it is also limited in its power. Samantha for many years, as do
many of you, attempted to live solely in the intellect. Being an entrepreneur taught her the limits
of intellectual power. She began to channel more, and more, to cope with her business
enterprises to find, and use, another form of power, since she found that she could not use just
the intellect to make her life work.

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One way to judge the value of a form of power is to see how much effort is needed to
create what you want, or require. How much energy is expended to create the desired result?
Physical violence or physical power requires the most intense energy, for the shortest payoff.
Money is a significantly better form of power, because it requests a great deal less energy than
violently getting what you want each, and every, time. Manipulation is a better form then using
purely money, because it is relatively easy to run out of money. The intellect is better than all of
these. Interestingly enough, when one form of power does not work for someone, and they feel
they are losing control of the situation, they will then very rapidly begin to use the "lesser" form.
That is why, a normally rational, man will quickly "erupt", when he doesn't get his way. The
rational approach would be to "go up" the scale, however that is NOT what occurs.

To explain the pyramid of power; let us use the example for power as a pyramid, and
physical violence is at the bottom, while wizardry is at the top. Let us say that you are a boss,
and want an employee to do something for you. If you walked into their office and threatened
with a gun each, and every, time you needed a job done, it would take enormous amounts of
energy to keep that employee working for you; you could literally spend your entire time in their
office issuing orders, and you yourself getting nothing done. If you use money, which many
businesses do, you will soon discover that, the employee will "rebel" underneath. That they will
do certain jobs for the money, but many times they will also sabotage things underneath, because
there is an underlying resentment. For example, they may show up late to work, every day, by a
few minutes. They will do, JUST, what needs to be done. Or, they will do EXACTLY what you
tell them to do; NO more. The next form of power is manipulation. Let us say that you "bribe" an
employee by telling him that, if he or she does XXXX for YYYY amount of times, you will send
him, or her, on a trip to the Bahamas. This will work for a while; it is a carrot kind of
manipulation, and will work to a certain extent. It is better than the purely money situation. You
can also threaten the employee. If you do not do this, then I will fire you, I will cut your pay, or I
will do XXX. You can also, here, do underhanded things. You can lie to them about what you
can do, to get XXXX accomplished. Like saying that you will send them to the Bahamas in six
months, when you know that you will NOT do that. You may get a good employee for six
months, and then run into trouble, when you don't produce. Another form of manipulation is
guilt. You owe me XXXX is the, ultimately, manipulative act. Another form is look at all I have
done for you..... A boss would use this to say; look at all I have sacrificed to pay your salary.
Look at all the breaks I have given you. You committed to this job, and it is your responsibility.
Finally, there is the intellect. You can sit down, and really explain, in great detail, why this job
needs to be done. What the parameters of the job are, how they basically need to be
accomplished, and then let each person go about doing them. However, you will still run into
many problems utilizing this method, as well. Basically, again there will be many,
uncontrollable, elements that come into play. No matter how specific your concepts, or
parameters, you will STILL run into a certain amount of trouble. However, you will expend
considerably less amount of energy than going into an employee’s office and threatening them
with a gun each time you want something done.

Interestingly enough, historically speaking (a least according to you written history,

which leaves many gaps), your societies have moved through the various power levels. For
example, your society first "saw" itself as a society of farmers. You used physical, or manual,
labour to grow your food. Then comes, industrial society, where everything was done by

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utilizing money, to get people, to "get" the job done. The next step was manipulation, combined
with intellect, with the informational society that you are moving into. But, already you are
beginning to see the limits of that, at least some of you, are at the very limits of it. For example,
there, again, is simply too much information to absorb. There is, simply, too much to "see" and
understand. And, too many elements, and changes, that cannot be controlled. There is one rough
definition of economics that says, "Economics is gaining power in a situation". This definition
presupposes that resources are limited, and that all people crave power, based upon resources.

However, the power of the wizard is very different. It is a power, first of all, that works in
tandem with the universe. It requires less effort then all the other methods. Since we used the
example of a business, let us think about how a wizard would run a business. First of all, when
judging the validity of doing, or not doing a project, the wizard would ask, is it a betrayal of
myself in any way? Because a wizard would know that if you betray yourself in anyway, then,
the universe would find that unacceptable, and you will encounter problems with the project. Let
us say that you do XXXX project purely for the money, ask yourself how will you use that
money? Will you use that money to simply, do more projects to get more money, so that you can
be a success? Or, will you use that money to help you accomplish your life's work? Then, ask
yourself is there any way to accomplish my life's work without doing something specifically for
the money. Do I have enough skills to go straight for my dream? Or, do I need to do something
else in the meantime, for the money? Is there any way that this project can give me satisfaction?
How much time will I buy, doing this project, to help me gain the skills that I need? The bottom
line is; are you going for your dream? Are you working towards something that gives your life
meaning? Many of you do things specifically for the money, but there is no meaning underneath
them. You do things to buy a new car, because you think that car will give you respect, or to buy
a better home, or to buy another trip to the Caribbean. These things although "fun" and pleasant,
will not give you an underlying meaning to your life. Also, they are NOT working in tandem
with the universe, because the universe requires that you attempt to fulfill your purpose, you are
working against the universe, and when you do that, things go wrong. When you betray your
higher purpose, you betray yourself; and when you betray yourself, you have misery, as well as,
outward trouble.

Let us say that you take on this project, or this job, and it is NOT a betrayal of yourself.
But then something else goes wrong. When something is wrong, look first to yourself, then fix
the underlying problem. Let us say that you are running this business, and an employee
sabotages you. Ask yourself, what beliefs am I encountering here? What do I need to change,
within myself, in order to fix this problem? After you have that answer, then deal effectively
with the employee. But, never use blame when dealing with an employee, or in a professional
situation. When you "blame" another, you simply create more trouble for yourself in the long
run. You also take your power away from yourself. So, traditionally when an employee would
sabotage you, you would immediately call them to task and maybe fire them. Instead look to
yourself and say, what is being reflected here in myself? What am I doing there, or believing
here? Is there a lesson here that I need to learn? Because you will find, even if you fire that
employee, that what will happen next is that another employee will do something similar; if you
do not "deal" with the underlying SELF issue. So, if one employee stole money from you and
you fire them. Then, in a week, or a month or so, another employee steals equipment form you or
sabotages a big deal etc.; what is the underlying reason for this? IT IS NOT JUST THAT
EMPLOYEES FAULT. It is ultimately the job of a wizard in management, let us say, to create

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an atmosphere that works smoothly. When you react in anger, you react badly, and create a poor

Another law of power, if you will, is to love each, and every, situation that you face;
instead of fighting it, instead of reacting AGAINST it. You accept it and look for the message to
be gleaned from it. So, for example, let us say that you are this business person, and you are
faced with sales, half what were expected. Instead of getting angry or getting fearful. You love
this situation and say, there needs to be some radical changes here. As well, I need to evaluate
whether I or my company are doing the "right" thing; fulfilling the purpose that we set out to do.
Each company does have a purpose, or it would not be in business. Possibly that purpose it to
make money for all involved; to create and provide more energy. That company will survive for
a while possibly even successfully. However, a company that does not have an underlying
purpose will NOT survive, on a long term basis. A company is an entity in its own right, and it
needs purpose, as much as humans. Also, the people who work for it need meaning to their lives,
and if that meaning is simply to make money, it will eventually, and possibly very quickly,
become empty. However, imagine if you will that you work for a company that is attempting to
educate children in a belief system, which you believe in. Then, that company becomes a
mission, if you will. You will do everything you can for that, and so will its other employees, if
they are on "fire" as well. When you use the power of love, you make sure that you are "on
purpose"; as well you only work for a company that has the same purpose that you do. This
lights a fire under you. Finally, if that company is in trouble, you, as a wizard, would recognize
that the company may not, STILL, be on purpose, and help with its course correction, as well as,
possibly, come up with ideas to help it change, and increase your power in the company.
Increase your circle of influence... A crisis, many times, means that a course correction needs to
take place. That is all; love the crisis, love the change, and the change will happen easier, and
smoother, than before. Because then you are working within the laws of the universe.

There is a need for each individual to "get" energy. Sometimes this energy is rather like a
small child craving attention. When you encounter another human being, most of you attempt to
get attention from them, and they attempt to get energy from you. Another thing a wizard would
look for, in the above business example, is that there is a balance of energy going in and out. As
well, a wizard would learn to provide energy for their employees, and tap into the universal
energy instead of attempting to GET energy from their employees. Another way to look at this,
is, that as wizard, you can tap into unlimited energy sources, and gain more energy then you have
ever needed, or even wanted. You are no longer "trapped" in other people needs, feeling, or
desires, for yourself. You no longer crave approval. This is something a wizard would do in
each, and every, situation, not just a business one. He, or she, would attempt to get all of this
energy from the universe, instead of from another individual. This creates a necessary
detachment. It DOES not preclude love, but it does mean that you know that love will come from
many places in the universe. This would prevent the above employees from manipulating you. It
would also prevent you being manipulated in friendships, love relationship etc. Another lesson of
a wizard is that you get what you give out. The law of attraction. So, when you are faced with
angry people, look and see if that anger is a reflection of yourself, if not realize it is a lesson, or a
test. And react with kindness or peace. It takes an amazing amount of peace to not react to anger,
to NOT be drawn into another's rage. When you are truly enlightened, you realize that you ARE
expected to ACT better then another, because you know more. That is the responsibility of
knowledge. The idea of well, he did it first, or she did it first, so I can do the same thing, is not an

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enlightened idea. As well, the related idea that "fair is fair". If someone blows up at me, and
blames me; that I have the right to blow up at them, and blame them. There is no "fair"; there is
only the reality that you have created. Many times people will attempt to "force" you into their
energy. This is a move for power. An angry person will try to get you angry. A bitter person will
try to make you bitter. When faced with anger, and you respond with anger; you have released
your power into another. You keep your power by NOT being angry. You keep your power by
not going into the energy of another. That is not to say that the other person "out to get you"
more than likely they will NOT even realize that they are doing it. But, when one person is
afraid, they want another to share that fear, or that anger, because they feel so alone. Another
form of power is to trust you intuition. This is especially important when you are a wizard. The
universe speaks to you through your intuition. And, many times, when you have a well trained
intuition, you will simply KNOW something. There will be no traditional reason for this
knowledge, but it will be something that you know, and that is all. You will know to do XXXX.
You will know that XXX will occur, and can plan around it. Each of you has an intuition,
although sometimes, it is more trained, or untrained. Basically, intuition requires tremendous

Let us say that you are working at a job from nine to five, and your intuition tells you at
ten o clock that you must, leave the building, go outside, and cross the street. NOW, if you trust
that intuition then you must find a way to go to your boss, and leave that building, and do it on
FAITH and for no other reason. The more you follow your intuition, the more it will grow and
the more accurately it will grow. A person, such as this, can take risks, as well; risks that are
guided and he, or she, KNOWS that they will work. But, more on this for another posting.

Imagine, if you will, having a boss that never blames you, that cannot be manipulated,
that is never angry, no matter what happens, or what you do to them; also imagine this boss as
one that never does anything that betray himself, or herself; this person reacts with peace and
love in a crisis situation; not only that they come up with the idea on how to fix the crisis
situation. Finally, this person seems to know about situations ahead of time and, many times,
comes up with amazing knowledge, seeming, from nowhere. That person, or that individual,
would have "true" power, because they would be truly respected. There circle of influence would
grow, and grow quickly. A person described above would be, again, management position very
quickly, even if they started on the lowest rung of the ladder. For each of you has power in your
life. Let us call that your circle of influence. You have power with your mate, your creditors,
your family, XXXX. When you "buy" into their vision, or visions, of you, then you lose that
power. When you decide who, and what, you are, and that is valuable, then you automatically
have more power in that circle. As well, your circle of influence will increase, for more people
will automatically be drawn to you. If you are an employee, and you show amazingly calm at
work, you always show up on time, you don't get angry etc. You will soon get a job with, either,
another company who will hire you for a better position, or you will get a better position in your
own company. You will then evaluate what is best for you to utilize that position.

Being a wizard is the most effortless way of being powerful. When you react in the above
manner, power will come to you, and you will wear it well, and comfortably, without fear,
because you will KNOW that it comes from an unlimited source.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 26: 4/30/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


Instinct is your key to the universe. It is the universe speaking through you, and to you.
Learning to hear the universe, learning to listen to your instincts is probably the fastest, and most
profound, way that you can fulfill your dreams, and find peace. Christians many of them talk of
God's will. There is this belief that "God's will", will be something that you don't want, or
something that you don't like. IN fact, universal will or God's will exists to guide you to fulfill
your purpose. You are each, as we have stated earlier, put upon the earth and into physical life,
for a purpose; it is the will of the universe that you fulfill that purpose. Fulfilling that purpose is
what will give you happiness. Unhappiness is an internal path corrector if you will. Something,
be it your belief, or your "thinking" desires, is taking you off the path. The purpose of
unhappiness, if you will, is to create greater happiness in your life. The purpose of unhappiness
is to align you with purpose and universal will. Listening to your instincts is the universe's way
of telling you what to do.

Now, one of the biggest problems is learning what your instincts are, versus, your beliefs
about what your instincts are. Many of you believe, because you have been taught through your
society, your religions etc. to NOT TRUST your instincts. Instincts are 'bad". They cause you to
kill; they cause you to yell and to scream, and to do things that you think are wrong and bad. We
tell you that those instincts that would have you kill another, are not initial instincts. They are
repressed instincts, repressed angers, if you will, that are coming back to haunt you. For if anger
is dealt with initially; when it first comes on, and LISTENED to, it dissipates. It is only anger,
which is ignored, that can "turn" on you, and become something violent. So, let us say that you
have many repressed angers, and decide to trust your instincts. Well, listen to those feelings. If in
your anger you find that you wish to divorce your husband because you can no longer stand to
live with him, and you have been repressing that, ask yourself, what you are angry about. Listen
to the anger; for underlying ALL emotions is LOVE. For example, maybe you are so angry with
your husband, and wish to leave him, because he has made you pick up his socks in the bedroom
for ten years, or did the laundry for ten years. You feel unappreciated. That is love for yourself,
telling you that you deserve something better. Ask yourself then, is it better to stay with your
husband and "do" something about the sock issue, or leave? Listen to your anger and you will
find that underneath it, when you listen to it, there is love, and there is peace. As well, you may
find that anger is very impatient, as well as very immature. So, even though you are working
towards something, the angry self cannot see that. It will NOT see something until it has, exactly,
what it wants. At that time, you must be patient with it, and explain that it needs to have faith.

Highly evolved people do not, NOT, have negative emotions they simply KNOW how to
handle them much more successfully than the average person. First of all, they love themselves
NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE FEELING. They recognize that their, negative emotions, are
small children within them, that need to be loved. They acknowledge, and love, those emotions.

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Many of you RUN away from your emotions, so those emotions become stronger, and stronger.
You are afraid to feel anger, you are afraid to feel pain. The pain becomes stronger, because you
are adding self-rejection into it. The anger becomes stronger, because you are repressing it. You
have all heard stories of murderers, and killers, who for whatever reason, seem calm and placid
on the outside, yet they kill ten people, within five years. They neighbours simply cannot believe
that that nice, calm, man would "do such a thing". It is because that person has repressed his
anger, that he BECAME a murderer. His rage "just overcame" him, because he didn't' listen to it.

Most of you are frightened by your instincts. You are afraid that you WILL become that
person who murders ten people, if you listen to your emotions, and listen to your instincts. What
you need to do is, "sit" down and listen to those emotions. This is the initial step in learning to
listen to your instincts, to clear out all of that emotion that, for years, has been built up so that
you KNOW the difference between, what is an instinct or an impulse, and what is coming back
to you as repressed emotions. We suggest that you go to your temple, the temple of peace that we
asked you to develop earlier on. Then, when you are in a state of peace, invite your anger in for
tea, or an evening of discussion. Then ask you anger, your pain, what it has to say. IT WILL
TELL YOU. Initially it may begin by raging against what it is angry at. For example, let us say
that you are upset at your job; you don't like what you are doing. Your anger begins by telling
you, I hate my job, I hate what I am doing. I wish that I were dead. I hate this. I hate my life. I
hate doing this work. As you are serving tea, tell that anger that you love it, and then ask it what
it wants. It may say I want a new job. Ask it, what kind of job that it wants; ask it, what needs to
be done in order to get this job. At this point, it may say that instead of being a lawyer, it wants
to be an artist. Then, you may wish to invite your fear to enter the room. Your fear may say to
you, well, we make 100,000.00 a year as a lawyer and we will be poor as artists. As well, who is
to say that we will even make it? What about, have you ever heard about a starving artist? Also,
what about the fact that your mother told you, as a child, that you had no artistic talent. As well
as that art teacher in fifth grade. It is much safer for you to NOT attempt to become an artist.
Love that fear and ask it what it intends to do about the situation? Tell them both that you are
having trouble maintaining a balanced life, because they can't work things out between
themselves, you need both of them, and that you need them to work together. You may not come
to a resolution at that initial tea; however, you will "come" back feeling much better and
tremendous anger will be released.

Now, as you are clearing out your emotions, we STILL think you should follow your
instinct. Start with the little ones, the "safer" ones, and see what happens. Let us say that you are
shopping on Saturday and you come to a shop that looks appealing, but you have never entered,
because you heard it was too expensive. You have an extra fifteen minutes, so you decide to go
in, and sure enough there is a perfect present for your Mom's birthday, ON SALE, at just the
right price. To think that you had been looking ALL day for that present, and weren't going to go
in. You will find by following your instincts, "little miracles" like this will occur. Things that
you don't expect at all, indeed don't even try for, and sure enough they will appear. By doing this,
you begin to develop faith. Also, begin to look at the quality of feeling, when you follow your
instincts. There is a "certain" difference in these feelings, it is slight, but they instinct; these
feelings are very persistent, but in a soft way. As well, they usually appear, at least initially, for
small things, things that you aren't really attached too. For example, the above was a present. If
you hadn't gotten that present, you would have gotten something else. These instincts occur
when you are NOT that attached to the outcome, when you are feeling "trustful".

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As you develop these instincts, you will find that they will attempt to expand your level
of risk. Initially, it is the store, later it may be a job to apply for, that you think you don't want.
Or, to place an ad in the paper for a mate; whatever. Many times these instinct and impulses will
come through in different ways. For example, you may find that you will dream of doing
something, and then a friend will suggest it to you, as well as, having a strong instinct to do it.
This again is the "logic" of synchronicity. Samantha uses, what she terms, the law of three. If
three incidents point a way to follow a certain instinct, then, no matter how difficult it may be, to
follow, that is what she does. In this matter, she can assure herself that it isn't "just an impulse",
but a true message from the universe. Although, we do not necessarily agree with this, for all
impulses exist for some reason, it is a good rule of thumb, when you are "starting" out. It teaches
you what to look for in a message from the universe.

There is a story in the Bible about Moses, who led a group of people into the desert for
forty years, based on "the word of God". Your impulses, if you will, are the word of God. Can
you image in on an impulse, quitting your job, selling your house, and going into the desert
simply on an impulse. Or, what about Noah, and the ark? On “impulse", the word of God, he
built a huge ark and all of his neighbours thought he was crazy, as did his family. He had to go
through that derisions for twenty years, as well as 'squander" the family fortune. He did all of
that by trusting his impulses. What about Joseph, he was thrown into a well hole by his brothers
and sold into slavery. Would you have the faith that he did, that God was watching over him, in
spite of being sold into slavery, in spite of his own brothers killing him? How many of you have
that kind of faith, that ability to trust yourselves, and the forces of nature that flow through you?
We are not "preaching" biblical stories here, what we are telling you; is to think of yourselves as
prophets, prophets for your own lives, and learn to trust yourselves, the energy of instinct, and
impulse that flow through you. Each of you has the potential to be great, but only when you work
in conjunction with the universe. By great as well, we do not necessarily mean rich, or famous.
However, maybe, you will touch upon greatness, in how you raise your children. Maybe, if you
follow your instincts, and impulses, you will touch upon greatness, by writing a fine piece of
music. There are many ways; as many ways as there are people; to touch upon greatness. After
all, wasn't Noah a "simple:" farmer. Wasn't Joseph initially a slave?

One thing, as well, that you will encounter, is fear, when you attempt to follow your
impulses, especially the "larger", more "dangerous", ones. Many times instincts or impulses will
indeed upset the very fabric of your life, as they did for Noah. You must again sit down, have tea
with your fear, learn to deal with it, and accept it. When you are frightened, you are stretching
yourself, and opening up your life. Your "ego" self, the self that exists to protect you and take
care of you, will many times tell you to, "Not do this thing", it makes no "sense", "it's not
rational, whatever. You must realize that this is the 'small" part of the ego that is talking. You
must at this point, tell yourself that you are protected, that no matter what it looks like, its just
your fears manifesting. That you are always safe etc...; befriend that fear,do not fight it, do not
blame yourself for having them, or hate yourself for them. When you expand yourself by
following your impulses, you are taking risk with this expansion. The ego wants to protect what
you currently are. Again, that is part of its job, but as well, there is no safety in stagnation, there
is no safety when you live, totally, in the world of the ego, rational self. It is only within the
universal source that you will find real safety, and real security. And the universal force which is
always expanding, expects you’re to do the same as well, tell your ego that by expanding

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yourself, you are safer. Maybe your impulse is to leave your husband of ten years. In the process
of doing this, you may find that you still love your husband, or in two years time you may find
the love of your life. Maybe your impulse is to quit your job of ten years and start a business.
You may find that this business will make you more secure then you were before, and bring in
more money. You may also find that the business you were working for goes bankrupt in a one
to two year period, so even though the safest thing at the time would be to stay with that safe
corporate job, in "reality", the safest thing was that you start your own business. The ego lets you
see the short term trees; the instinct let you see the long term forest.

To be moral is to follow your highest self, the path that is truest to your heart, for that is
truly what you are. Your instincts will guide upon this path of heart, the path of love, follow
them, and grow into greatness.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Law of Love

Section 27: 5/01/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Law of Love

When you worry about another, you are actually expressing your own fears about
yourself. In your society, loving one another means worrying about that other, but your worries
about another are more, or less, worries about yourself. When you worry about another, you send
negative energy to that other. You send them fear. It is much better, and much more loving, to
look into your own fears, and see what, unresolved, issue you have about the issue that the loved
one is facing.

Love creates. There is a law of love and you need to envision it as a triangle. There is XX
and there is YY, you put them together and you become XYZ. The two together, are more than
the two alone. The two together, create something beyond what was there before. The Z is
something wonderful, something that is both, part of you, and yet, something new. That is the
creative force of love.

When you worry about another, you are actually creating a Z that is filled with fear. It
touches, upon, the creation of love and limits the one that it is worried about. The more loving
thing to do would be to ask the other to, help you, to clear out what you are worried about. For
example, let us say that you have a sister whom you deeply love, and that sister is gong through a
divorce. This fills you will fear for the sister. You "remember" your divorce, all the ugly, and
bad things that have happened, and you are filled with fear. Now, your society would say, go to
the sister and warn her. Tell of your worry, for that is love. You have an obligation, in love, to
point out what could happen to her. Tell her to get a good divorce attorney that will rip his throat
out, because, after all, your husband ripped your throat out. Go and see a good psychologist,
because the pain of divorce is unbearable. You are frightened that the sister may not be able to
handle it. What is REALLY going on is that, YOU needed a good divorce attorney, YOU
couldn't handle it. Your sister's divorce is opening the doors, to all the unresolved pain, that you
have in YOUR divorce.

You are NOT helping your sister by worrying about her. You are NOT helping your
sister by telling her all the things that can go wrong. You are, in fact, filling her with fear, and
giving her bad energy. Now, again, the most loving thing that you can do, is to go to that sister
and say that, her divorce is opening all the, unresolved, fear of what happened in your divorce;
and by sharing your pain, and talking it through, when the SISTER is ready to hear, it can heal
you both and make the relationship stronger.

We have talked before about the vampire of obligation, there are, as well, the vampire of
guilt and the vampire of worry. When you worry about the other, you are laying your pains,
fears, and angers at their door. Worry is also a vampire, sucking the energy from a person, who
needs positive energy. Worry, also, harms the "Z" between you.

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The more you love another, the closer your energy melding, the more that loved one is
you. You begin to think of the other as you would think of yourself. This is why strangers treat
others with more kindness then loved ones. A mother can treat a child horribly, but would never
do to another child, what she will do to her own child. This is because she is faced with her own
self-hatred. The hatred that she feels, for herself, is the hatred that she pours onto her child. The
child becomes the reflection of the hatred, and she does to the child, what she would to do
herself. That is why, to love yourself, and to heal yourself, your pains, and issues is the BEST
thing you can do, for all of your relationships.

Another misconception that you have of love is that the loved one is going to take your
pain away. The loved one is to take care of you, and fix you. A loved one cannot take your pain
away, only you can do that. To care for another means that energy is melded together; what
happens to them, in a sense happens to you. You create a Z together. However, the Z is NOT
responsible for "curing" you. Many people long for a love that will take care of them, that will
cure them, and their relationships are deeply troubled because of this. Take my fear away. Take
my pain away. Appreciate me; many times means: make me feel good about myself. If another is
NOT appreciating you, it is because you are NOT appreciating yourself. Another CANNOT cure
you. Because there is the force of the Z, love can create tremendous changes. Love of another
can make you, much, better then you were before. But, you cannot expect this to happen. For,
expectations, become part of the vampire energy; to expect another to do something, is to limit
them. When you attempt to limit another, you stop loving them. A loved one will look at another
one, and see the great potential within them. A loved one will look at another one, "see" them as
they currently are, and what they could be, if THEY CHOOSE TO become. But, to force another
to chance into that vision, to expect them to become that vision, is to take away their free-will.
Love clears out limits, love makes you see yourself as something more then you were before.
When you break through your limits and see yourself through the eyes of the beloved, you see
the Z, and when the other sees himself through your eyes, he sees something more. Then, the
other automatically changes, and actually BECOMES more; but, when you begin to place
expectations upon the other, you limit them, and the love changes.

One of the biggest mistakes in marriages that occur today, is that there is expectation of
what the other should do. It is the other's responsibility to clean the house. It is the other's
responsibility to care for the children. It is the other's responsibility to bring in the money and
clean out the car. The stresses of daily love, begin to, intrude upon your visions of the loved one.
The other person CAN't make more money than you do. The other person CAN't change jobs,
get a job, or go for his or her dreams, because what will happen to my security? Love needs to be
fluid to grow. Love needs space to explore. If someone has done the laundry, for ten years, and
no longer wants to do it, then so be it. If the loved one wants to go for their dreams and quit their
jobs, the other one has to be fluid enough to let that happen. If the other one wants to go out with
friends on Thursday night, then that is what needs to be done. When you limit the other, you are
facing your own insecurities. If my mate goes out with friends then, maybe, he or she will no
longer love me. If my mate changes jobs and goes for their dramas, what about the dreams I have
sacrificed? I have given up so much for them, and now, look at what they are doing to me? Well,
why did you give up so much, and, maybe you shouldn't have, and, NOW is the time to go for
your dreams as well.

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By being such a strong mirror for the other, you face your deeper self, and by facing the
deeper self and being allowed to change, you become more. The, more, you become, the more,
the other becomes, and, the MORE, each of you grow.

Samantha, for many years, absolutely refused to be married, for she saw marriage as a
trap. Her mate would limit her, would force her to be something else, turn her into a "wife". In
fact, after much pain and much anger, Samantha, finally, agreed to marry and found terrific
freedom in the marriage. By being married, she felt, more, secure in her relationship, which
allowed her to reach for more then she would have before. As well, her mate realized, that if he
tried to limit Samantha in her goals or dreams, that he would lose her and love her less, so he has
never done anything but encourage her, upon her path. Samantha has reciprocated. Because of
that, their marriage has been able to weather many, many, storms. By allowing the other to grow,
they both grow, themselves, and the Z becomes more then it was before. The appreciation
deepens, and the clearing out of past pains is, more, profound. That is not to say that they have a
perfect marriage; in fact like every marriage, they have many trouble spots. But those trouble
spots are what allow them to look into the mirror and grow. As well, they both have incredibly
strong wills, which do not allow the other to manipulate them, or force them into anything.
Because, of that, they fight terribly. One of the trouble spots is the problem of incredibly strong

When a relationship becomes limiting, it can become toxic. When it becomes toxic, then
the negative energy needs to be cleared out, and ended. Trouble spots need to be looked at
quickly, so as to help the other face themselves. If you are worried about another, realize that you
are being toxic to that individual. You are NOT loving them, they need to face themselves. We
recommend the following exercise. Go to the hall of mirrors, that we have recommended to you
before, but instead of seeing another self, this time, when you look in the mirror, see the other
and ask the image, in the mirror, to tell you what it is that you need to resolve. Ask the image to
tell you what pain, hurt, anger you are facing, or what you are afraid to face. The other in the
mirror will respond to you. You may even go so far as to walk into the image and become one
with that person for a moment or so. When you do this, you begin to see things through the eyes
of the Z; as well, you can begin to see from their point of view, better. If you wish to have good
relationships in your life, you must first have a good relationship, within, yourself. It is said
many times, in Christianity, that you need to love each other, as you would love yourself. Now,
we do not believe that it is possible to love, every, other person as you would yourself. However,
it is possible to "see" in each other, a mirror, of yourself. And, many times, you believe that you
love someone else more than yourself; that is simply NOT possible, when, you actually hate
yourself. Learn to be your own best friend. Treat yourself as you would a friend, someone in
trouble, and you will find that you have more friends then you know what to do with. If you wish
for a lover, treat yourself as you would want a lover to treat you. Send yourself roses, treat
yourself out to night on the town, a fine meal, a movie, or dress up as you would for a date. As
well, by doing these things you could, very possibly, attract a mate.
You are sending out the signals of love.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Book 1 Section 28: 5/06/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


What is enlightenment? The new age movement many times uses this word,
enlightenment, to "get away" with judgementalism, the way that other people use, "religion".
You will, at times, say to each other, that is not the enlightened thing to do. Or you will say, or
think, I am more enlightened then he or she is. We tell you that, to be enlightened; you would do,
NEITHER, of those things. To be, truly, enlightened is to be without judgement of another. To
be, truly, enlightened is to accept the other person, EXACTLY, as they are and do not try to
change them, think that they are better then you, or think that they are making a mistake and you
know the better way. NO individual knows what is wrong for another, on their path. The entire
need for being, more, enlightened then another is impossible when you realize that, each person
you encounter in your life, is a mirror of, your, beliefs. So, what that other person is expressing is
what you believe, or need to look at in your life.

How can I be without judgement of another? In your society, based upon, your, belief
that there is one "right" answer, there is one right ideal; you have the idea that one way is right
and another way is wrong. Instead, there is, again, no right and no wrong, from our vantage
point. There are as many ways to enlightenment as there are individuals that walk upon the
Earth. Each person has their, own, way of becoming close to God, Goddess, universal force,
Buddha etc. In "reality", for each individual, there is a God or path for them. Your idea of what
works and what doesn't work, are just that; YOUR ideas. They may be just as valid or, as
INVALID for another person. To be enlightened is to "see" that you are gaining enlightenment
for, yourself, on your path, and even though you may add a bit of light, here or there, for another;
because, they, have drawn you into, their, reality as you have drawn them into yours; is the
"limit" of what you can do for that other. Instead of seeking to enlighten them with your way,
you may wish to ask yourself what lesson they are serving in your life, and what lesson you are
serving in their life. What are the reasons that you both have chosen to cross each other's paths?
Usually, there is something that you need to learn from EACH other. If there is any enlightened
way, to view another, that is it. What is the lesson I am to learn from this person, what is the
lesson they have chosen me, and the role I have taken on, to teach?

Ask yourself, what is the perfect idea of God to you? Is God caring, is God compassion,
is God a good friend? God from, our vantage point, is your highest version of self, the self that
you, mostly, wish to be. It is the conception of your highest values and ideals. We suggest that
you create a God for yourself. We, suggest that, you, sit down and ask, yourself, who, you, want
God to be, and then choose how that God would wish to be worshiped, and worship that God,
and follow that enlightenment.

Your, version of God is, your, version of the highest ideals within, yourself. Within each
individual, their lies a sense of value that they wish to express, values that they wish to fulfill in

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their life before they die. These ideals, these values, are part of the purpose that, you, came here
to fill. Maybe, you, value motherhood. You, are here to explore how to raise and create highly
fulfilled human beings. So, in, your, mind, you, see God as something that is wonderfully
maternal. Maybe, the God of motherhood always has vines of green in her hair to represent
abundance, and nature.

Every year, one way, to celebrate the New Year is to sit down and re-evaluate who God
is, to you, re-evaluate what God is, to you, and how, you, have changed, your, version of God,
through the year. Then, you, may wish to "see" that how, your, idea of God changes so do, you,
change, and so, your, purpose becomes fulfilled. In the above example, of motherhood, possibly
as a young mother the individuals believed that being a mother was always having a clean house
for her children to grow up in. Then after a few years, she began to realize that time spent with
the children is more important than a clean floor. Maybe, the next year the mother realizes that, it
is NOT only the time spent, it is the QUALITY of time spent. So, in order to become a quality
mother, you, must become a person who is quality. God initially would be a woman who always
wore an apron, and had broom in her hand; then possibly God became a woman who threw out
the clock, and then God becomes a woman who learns to find peace within herself. Your, vision
of God always underlies, your, purpose. Your, visions of God express the ideals, or the concepts
you, came to earth, to physical life, to understand; as, your, idea of God evolves so does, your,
deeper understanding or, your, purpose and how it is to be best fulfilled.

Samantha started life as a Catholic, and had a, tremendous, need to understand

spirituality. AT one point, she wished Enlightenment, and looked into becoming a nun. As the
years progressed, her idea of what was spiritual changed, and so did her ideas, so that, now, God
is a being of light that is, ever loving, ever warm, and ever understanding. Each year these ideas
evolve within her, a bit more. Your, relationship with God, with the universe, is also about, your,
relationship to purpose, your, relationship to, your, highest self, and how, you, relate to it.

The God of Susan is different from the God of Dawn, Anne, Peter, Thomas, or John.

We suggest that religion needs to become a process of becoming a, God, maker. Instead
of learning about someone else's definition of God, religion needs to be about learning, YOUR,
definition of God. That is enlightenment.

As well, learning to make a God is, also, learning about symbols; for example, let us say
that, you, begin the New Year by looking at, your, idea of God and God tells, you, to go to the
forest in the next year, and sit among the trees. As, you, do this, you, sit under a great oak; that
great oak "speaks" to, you. Then, God comes alive in the oak tree. God is NOT just what, you,
make it. Your God comes alive, and becomes as real and as valid as any other God. God is, your,
highest self, talking to, you. And we use the word “highest” very loosely, because, your, highest
self and, your, lowest self are actually very much the same, because they are all part of, you. By
highest we again mean, your, highest ideals. That God of, your, highest ideals and highest
concepts EXISTS, as much as, say, another God, and through, your, energy becomes real;
through, your, belief, becomes an entity, in its own right. As you give birth to, your, God, your,
God gives birth to, you. The more someone believes in a God, the more energy it has, the more
powerful a God it becomes. Jesus, God the father, and the Holy Spirit are powerful Gods,

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because, many people believe in them. As well as, Buddha. There is archetypal energy that is
created, and uses, when, you, create, your, God.

Now for worshipping, your, God, ask yourself how, you, would wish to worship, your,
God. Does, your, God require sacrifice to give, your, life meaning, or, does, your, God believe
that every single life is valuable, and joy is a better way to worship? Does, your, God require
rituals, to give, you, meaning and if so, what rituals. Or is, your, God a causal God? Must, you,
get dressed up on a certain day and go to a certain place of honour? Or, does, your, God allow,
you, to simply walk outside, and see the sunset? If, you, are female and, your, God is male; ask,
yourself, can, you, then be powerful? What does it mean that, your, God is of the opposite sex?

Do, you, need other people to worship, your, God? Can, you, learn to find God within,
yourself? To enlighten another, you simply act in conjunction with, your, God's laws and rules
and, your, presence will reflect, your, highest self, and thereby enlighten others around you.
Writers are taught that it is better to SHOW something that a character does, then to TELL
readers something. For example, it is better to show a character being late for work and mussing
up their best business suit, to save a kitten up in tree, than to simply SAY that character loves
animals. Likewise, it is much better to show what, you, believe and to BE what, you, believe
then to "preach" what, you, believe. Children do, what you do, and NOT what you say.

One act of kindness is more powerful than ten preaches of kindness. So if, your, God is
kind, the best form of worship is to also be kind, and be kind as much as it is possible for, you, to

That is the most "enlightened" approach

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Abyss
Section 29: 5/07/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Abyss

Within each individual lies an abyss. Many times, on the path of becoming a wizard,
outward events, "bad" events will occur. You, and your soul, in conjunction with each other,
create these events, to have you face the abyss, within, yourself. What is the abyss? The abyss is
the place, within, that is populated with people, and events, that you have yet overcome. Belief's
that other people have given you. Past events that, you, have not healed, so some version of them
comes back.

How can another person give, you, your, beliefs? Most people are, unaware, that their
beliefs shape their reality, and they create their beliefs, rather, haphazardly. Much of the pain in
the world is created through, haphazard, belief creation. As a child, your parents’ beliefs are
paramount in, your, life and you learn them, both, through inherited DNA, and watching your
parents LIVE out those beliefs. Then, as you grow older, and become educated, you inherit
society's beliefs. In fact, education, to some extent, is simply inheritance of society's accepted
belief system. As well, your friends reinforce you, giving you, beliefs. A "toxic" friend gives,
you, and reinforces, toxic beliefs within yourself. A toxic belief is a belief that limits, you, that
prevents, you, from going for, your, dreams, or interferes with, your, state of greater becoming.

When you encounter a person, you, enter into their energy pattern, and they enter into,
your, energy pattern; this becomes a relationship. You may notice that you walk away from a
certain person, and feel "higher", or you walk away from another person, and feel amazingly bad,
or low. You are picking up on their energy, and allowing it into your energy. Toxic people affect
your energy negatively; they cause you, pain, or self-doubt. These toxic people reflect
unresolved beliefs that, you, have about yourself and the world as, you, believe it to be. It is
possible to encounter a toxic person and, NOT, be effected by them. There are, various, methods
of doing this. One is to realize, that, the belief that they are operating from is totally "wrong",
from, your, vantage point. If for example, someone says to you, "you are a whore", yet you
KNOW that you are a virgin, that toxic belief is so OUT of your reality, and you KNOW it to be
so wrong, that, it simply slides off your back. You may want, in such a circumstance, to "look" at
why, you, drew such a person into, your, reality. The other way to resist toxic individuals is to
learn, your specific energy system, and what it "feels" like. A toxic person changes, your, energy
system, drags it down, if you will. By learning, your, natural system it is relatively easy to
recreate that energy system, BECAUSE it is, your, natural system. The way to feel, or sense,
your, own energy is to first of all, envision an egg around, you. What does the egg SOUND like.
Many times there is a musical tone, or even one musical sound, that brings peace, or harmony,
to, your, energy system. Another way is to "see" that system, and see the differing colors within
it. When, your, energy system is "out of whack", simply add the right colors, to that system, and
harmony will return. Each energy center has a specific color and a specific "state" that is
"seeable". By learning this system, you can return it to this state, easily.

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The abyss is the group of people inside of, you, that have "given", you, your, unconscious
harmful belief systems. As you become a wizard, as, you, begin to consciously create reality, you
may suddenly become involved with any number of toxic people. Suddenly, your, world is filled
with people who are filled with fear, with pain, grief, or illness. Suddenly, your, peaceful life is
field with crises, and disaster. Welcome to the abyss. You see those people, within, long to stay
within, you; they actually REFLECT the real people in, your, life, and those people do not wish,
you, to become a wizard. Many times they are energy remnants or even energy archetypes of the
actual individual. If you haven't been a wizard, you, have built, your, life around people who
have also NOT been wizards. For, you, to change and "break-through", your reality, means, that
they must face their reality. Your, changing forces, them, to look into themselves, their reality,
and that is frightening; it makes them question everything in them, and around them. That is why
they drew you into their reality. Another individual cannot create another soul, but it DOES draw
souls to them. From the other's vantage point, it is much easier to try to "reform" you from your
new ways, or to fight you and try to make you feel badly about yourself, then it is to change
themselves. Who are these people? You, know them, again, because every time, you, encounter
them, you, feel bad. They are many times people who have held strong places in, your, life in the
past; your, family, your, mate, your, children, even, your, dear friends; friends that, you, have
had your entire lifetime.

Being angry with them, fighting them, will only give them MORE energy over, your
energy; will only sap, your, energy more. Instead, you, must, again, realize that they are
unresolved issues within, yourself. Again, you, must realize that, from their vantage point, you,
are the one who is upsetting the apple cart, and, you, are the one who is changing in ways, they,
do not understand. You are making, them, face themselves in new ways, ways, they, consciously
do not wish to be. You, are threatening them, and see that threat, and then give them love and
understanding. Only through love, and understanding, can you, bring peace to, your own, abyss.
There are, many, people who live their entire lives within the same mental space, in fact most
people. Each of you have met them, primarily their lives are the same from day-to-day, and from
year-to year. There may be a dramatic change every once in a while, but soon after that change,
you will find that the "old" ways will recreate themselves in their lives. For example, they may
sell their house and move to another state, but, the new house will look very similar to the old
house and have the same furniture. Or, the new job will be almost exactly like the old job. They
may lose a mate, only to find another mate, soon, after. The same circumstances in their lives
recreate themselves over, and over, again, and there seem to be few changes in their lives. That is
because they are "set" in a certain set of beliefs, and most of them are unconscious. Now, there
are lives where very little occurs, where there is very little change, in that life, and many times,
lives like that exist as sort of vacation lives. Many times, individuals who are having vacation
lives, have had a number of other, very strenuous, other lives, and the other lives come, and visit
this life, when they are too stressed out to face what is happening, in their life. Vacation lives are,
most times, very peaceful. However, most of the time, when a life is as peaceful as that, it is
peaceful, because the person is SO set in their belief system, that they do not have the fluidity to
change. Indeed, that is how a vacation life is created, a set of beliefs that are given to a person,
by their parents, and stays with them, throughout their entire lifetime.

When you are bound upon the path of change and growth, many times, that change and
growth is chaotic. Circumstances, that represent certain beliefs, must change. A wizard is one

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who welcomes change, and handles change, easily, and well. A wizard as well goes about the
process of consciously changing change in his or her life. A wizard realizes that his beliefs
change and shape the circumstances he encounters and anything in physical reality is simply a
reflection of those beliefs. This means that a crisis situation exists because that wizard is
undergoing some sort of belief change. In times of old wizards, in training, were expected to
withstand seven years of turmoil, and dramatic changes in their lives. It usually takes about that
long for a, deeply ingrained, childhood of beliefs to change. Childhood, beliefs, are the strongest,
in the abyss. They are given to children, out of love, and the child recognizes this. As well, true
legacies, are belief systems. Children, also, have those beliefs, again, with the belief DNA from
their parents. When you give up the beliefs of your family, and give up the beliefs ingrained
within your DNA, you, are in a sense giving up, your, legacy. You are confronted by the deepest
part of the abyss within, yourself. Seven years is what was expected 'to clear" those belief
systems out. Once a wizard goes beyond these family beliefs, the wizard changes the beliefs of
the family. Many times the wizard becomes something that gives tremendously back to the
family. However, many times, in the process of becoming a wizard the family shuns the
apprentice. The family even goes so far as to punish the apprentice for being so different, and
rebelling against the legacy. Many times apprentices are disowned, or become black sheep. As
well, the apprentice will probably live a radically different life than is accountable, to the family.
Because of the differing belief systems, an apprentice will try on different belief systems, and try
different concepts, and ideas in a life-style. Many of these life-styles will be extremely
unacceptable, to the family. Crisis will follow these apprentices and, the family, will not
understand the crisis. Now, will the family find the crisis acceptable? “If only they would do
what WE think is right, then those crisis would not have happened.” It is because of this, that
many, people CANNOT become wizards, they, cannot go beyond the family system that was
ingrained, in them. Teenage rebellion is an attempt, many times, by the teenager to attempt
different belief systems, however, most teenagers, no matter how rebellious, come back into the
family fold in their twenties. As well, it has become acceptable, in your society, to HAVE
teenage rebellion. So, to be rebellious, as a teenager, is, mostly, part of doing the acceptable
thing, so, it is not that “out” of the family fold.

In fact, teenage rebellion should be encouraged, and given tremendous room to grow, for
it is within that rebellion, that, belief systems, other than the parents, are questioned. Parents,
with teenagers, like this, are being given the gift of having a potential wizard for a child, and the
gift is that, the parents, need to re-examine what, they, believe. As well, if the teenager is GIVEN
room to grow, then, the teenager will reach a point, where, there will be peace. The rebellion will
turn into a questioning, an entire questioning of the family. The family will then grow together.
Instead, many families try to punish the child, push them into, their, old beliefs. Stranglehold
them if you will. Interestingly enough, teenage rebellion will often reflect a similar rebellion of
the parents. For example, a promiscuous father will give birth to a promiscuous daughter. A
religious mother will give birth to a cynical daughter. We have covered opposites, and how they
are part of each other, and give birth to the other; that is indeed, what happens many times
among parents, and children. The children will express the opposite, which, indeed, in "reality”,
is part of the "same" thing. Teenage rebellion is, actually, a "safe", mild, societal form of the

For families who have actual wizards being born among them, every member of the
family looks into the family abyss. Many times, the only way that a family can cope with what

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the outcast member is doing, is to think to themselves that, the outcast will come back to the fold
when they grow up, even if the outcast is in their thirties, forties or fifties. It is expected that the
outcast will reach a point, and reform. This makes it possible for the family member to avoid
looking in the abyss. After all, they think to themselves, this is only temporarily, even if it has
been five years. Soon, that person will come back, and "see" the rightness, of the other way.

All of this places, tremendous, pressure upon the apprentice. For they ARE struggling
with the new beliefs, they will love their family, and want love and help from them, in the trial
that, they, are undergoing. Instead, mostly, they will be shunned, or they will be told how they
are wrong, and almost always what they are going through, WILL NOT be understood. In the old
societies, the apprentice was taken away from the family, for the required seven years. In this
way, the apprentice would not have the pressure of dealing with the family pain as well the
apprentice would be "shaped", easier. Indeed, if the pressure becomes too great for the apprentice
we do suggest that, temporarily, relations stop between the family members; until the apprentice
is able to "cope", successfully, with the family members.

In your society, there are many ills, psychological ills; one very prevalent ill is
alcoholism. Alcoholism is many times inherited, in that the father did it, and the grandfather did
it, and on, and on; it is a legacy passed from one generation to the next. However, many times,
alcoholics are immensely creative people, potential wizards, if you will. However, these
alcoholics are unable to cope with the actual pain of cutting themselves off from the family in
order to fulfill their creative potential. Alcoholism is a way of killing, or shutting down, the
creativity within the soul of the individual. As well, it is many times, punishment of the family
that prevents the creativity, of the individuals, from coming forth. Suicide and depression are
also symptoms, many times, of highly creative individuals, shutting down. Your society has very
little appreciation of creativity. Take for example, its feeling about the arts. That IS changing,
because soon money and financial gain will be, directly, linked to creativity. However, currently,
your society has more that, do not KNOW how to deal with, strong levels of creativity. We
suggest that someone, who is a state of depression, someone who in a state of alcoholism, or is
suicidal, take upon themselves, when they are ready, the path of the wizard; for, the more severe
the depression, the alcoholism, etc.; the more severe the need to create.

We recommend for you this exercise, if you fell ready to undertake it. Imagine, yourself,
going into a cave; the cave is cold, icy, damp, dank, and dark. There seems to be no way out of
this cave, as, you, walk along, you, hear the sound of water against a shore and look down, and
realize that you are BY that shore. The water's movement cases reflection upon the water's edge,
and as you look into them, you, "see" the others within, you, that do not wish for, you, to become
a wizard. We suggest at this point that, you, talk to these others, and that, you, ask them what it is
that, they are frightened of; if, you, become a wizard. Many times, the others may not wish to
talk to you, they may even degrade you, as, you, talk to them. You may wish to run away from
them. Listen, and stay there, for as long as you can. Then, when, you, are through, realize that,
you, have created this dark, dank place. Call upon the power within, yourself, not overcome
whatever was said and, imagine, yourself, in, your, temple, soon enough you will be there, and
be safe. In, your, place of safety, reflect upon what the abyss has told, you, then come back.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 30: 5/11/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


What does it mean to be a parent, what does it mean to be a mother? First of all, nothing
mirrors a soul, like a child. Your child, is, your, vulnerable self. When your child goes to school
for the first time, you, re-remember going to school for the first time. When your child is kissed
for the first time, you, re-remember, your, first kiss. Your child opens doors to yourself that need
healing. Your child shows, you, when the little one in, you, is still in pain. Your child also
shows, you, the wonders of being a child. Nothing is as miraculous as a child who is learning of
the world. The child sees through beginner’s eyes, there are no, or few, preconceptions of what
the world, should be. There only is, what is. A child loses ego, in the moment. A child teaches
that all is, in the moment. That is the wonder of a child, and that is what a child has to teach a
parent, to re-remember the wonder of life itself. To re-remember the newness in each moment,
thereby bringing joy into life, and finding the eternity, in each moment.

Now, you, before you are born, in the Land Between Time, the Spring Land, as we shall
call it, you, sit down, and review the life, you, have just lived, and yes each of, you, have lived
many lives. You, choose, your, parents and your parents choose you. Your parents choose you
for the lessons, you, will teach them, and, you, choose them for the lessons they will teach, you.
Your parents are part of, your, purpose, and, you, are part of your parents’ purpose. That is,
many times, why there is so much pain in families, each of you is learning. It is also why many
times it is much easier to love, and know a stranger, then to love and know, the members of,
your, family; the call of purpose is NOT involved in non-family members.

Many of you are called to move beyond what, you, have learned in, your, childhood.
Many of you are called to move beyond what, you, have been taught by, your, parents, to
become something more. That is the motion of life itself. Life calls towards motion, and towards
a form of evolution, although not evolutions as you define it; evolution of ideas, and thought
processes. Not only are, you, born with, your, parents’ eye color and, your, parents’ hair color,
but, you, are born with their belief systems. However, life moves through idea processes, and
whatever idea is, most needed, in a family, will be born into the child. So for example, let us say
that you come from a strong Catholic, or religious family. This family needs to begin moving
beyond their religious beliefs. It needs to open itself up, because it can no longer bend to life. A
child will be born, into that family, that will have all those religious beliefs within their DNA,
but, as well, there will be, in that child, the need to break the bonds of that religious system. The
family called unto itself, the changes that the child, by having different ideas, will bring.

What are your responsibilities, to your child? Your, ultimate, responsibility is to be true
to, yourself, for when, you, are true to, yourself, you, will teach the child to be true to itself, and
that is the ultimate lesson to bringing fulfillment, both into, your, life, and into the life of the
child. For example, let us say that you are a mother in a miserable marriage, and it has been that

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way for a long time. The mother and father, no longer love each other. The love has been killed
through, bitterness, or blame. In that particular case, to stay together for the children, is from our
vantage point, a ludicrous idea. For, if you, stay in a loveless marriage, you, teach, your, children
that, that, is how marriage is. You, teach, your, children to sacrifice themselves to their children.
Sacrificing is not a healthy to teach a child. It is better to show your child that life is worth living,
and taking risks to finding a deep true love. It is better to teach your child that life is precious,
and so is love. To sacrifice yourself, for your child, puts tremendous pain unto the child. Instead
to love the child, and to love yourself, is the, most, healthy way to parent. Give to, your, children
from the center of, your, heart, give to them because, you, love them, and do not give to them out
of obligation. Do not give to them, because it is the "right" thing to do. Obligation teaches a child
that another is more important, than they are. To be truly selfish, to be selfish, to, your, highest
self, is the most moral, and healthy way to parent.

Mothers, in your society, are expected to sacrifice, for their children. To give up what is
important to them, to be "there" for the child. We ask, what is there for the child, if the mother is
unhappy? An unhappy mother will breed, and raise, unhappy children who will be unable to give
to themselves. The same is true for a father, but less interaction, and less sacrifice, is demanded
of a father. If a father pays the bills, that is, basically, all that is required of him, although, that is

We ask each of you, would you rather have had a childhood filled with more money, and
a better house; or happier, and more fulfilled parents, teaching you how to be happier, and more
fulfilled adults?

Now, parents make, many, mistakes. Most of them, simply, teach what they have been
taught. They live out the beliefs of their parents. The, most, responsible thing a parent can do, is
to look at the beliefs of their parents, and ask themselves, if they wish to pass on that legacy.
Then, change the beliefs that are NOT healthy.

We recommend the following exercise. Imagine, if you will that you are back in the hall
of mirrors, except this time, in the mirror lie, your, parents, your, mother, and your, father, and
their mother, and father etc. Then, imagine all of, your, ancestors around, you, in a circle. Ask
them, to tell you what their beliefs are. Ask them, why they believed those beliefs. Start with,
your, parents first, and work backwards, through the generations. They will tell, you. Ask them,
as well, how those beliefs affected their lives, and then begin to see how those beliefs affected,
your, life. Finally, see, your, children, or even, your, potential children, and ask, yourself, is that
the legacy of belief that, you, wish to leave, them.

It is important, as well, to forgive, your, parents for the mistakes that they caused in,
your, life. When, you, are speaking to their soul spirits, ask them, why they did, whatever it is,
that harmed you. Most of you will see that they, simply, did not know any better. Then, when,
you, are through with that exercise, you, may wish to ask, yourself, why, you, choose that
experience in, your, reality? Why were, you, born to that, particular, parent, and what was, your,
purpose in doing so. This exercise may take quite a long time, and please, it is one of great
power, and do not push yourself into it; if you are not ready. It is meant to give great healing to
the past, and do much clearing, but many times you may not be ready for the clearing, if you
need to stop, anywhere, in the midst of the above exercise, we strongly recommend that you do

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so, and reflect upon why, you, needed to stop. Then when, you, feel ready; for, you, will know;
begin the exercise again.

Finally, honour, your, parents, and what they, DID, teach, you. For, your, parents DO
teach, you, a great many valuable; positive things, and even though they may have been in
terrific pain, and made mistakes, because they did not know better, all parents love their children.
Yes, that love can be perverted. Yes, that love can be perverted, so much, that it is almost not
recognizable, but the love, is STILL there. In fact, many times, parents love their children more
then they love themselves. In that love, and only in that way, can, you, be free of the pain of,
your, past, and make peace with, your, parents.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Section 33: 5/16/96
(C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved


We have written on power, and on relationships. However, even though, we have

underlined the basic concepts, it is often very difficult to apply them in "real" life. When
someone is angry with you, you respond with anger. When someone blames you, you take that
blame into yourself. When someone feels pain, most of you, feel that pain, to some extent, as
well. Each of you has a role that you play out. This role is, primarily, an unconsciousness part of,
your, psyche. And many, if not all, of, your, relationships fall into this role playing. They are not
"real", they are simply the replay of the same old dramas. Do you find yourself always taking
care of others, do you find yourself always angry with someone, and do you find yourself always
feeling guilty?

There is any number of dramas that you can play out in your life,
but, many of them fall into five basic categories:

The first one, a very primary one in your society, is one of victim. A person who
subscribes to this drama will always be a victim of something. These people are filled with
negative energies, expect others to care for them, and "fix" their problems. IN your society, is it
believed, that, you, are a "victim" of what, you, have learned from, your, parents? You are also a
victim of outward circumstances; you are a victim if your car breaks down by the side of the
road; you are a victim if you do not have enough money for what you want; you are a victim of
your boss; you are a victim of people talking against you. For every victim, there must be, a
perpetrator, an "evil one', or a power-monger. The problem with being the victim is that you have
no power in your life; you live constantly in fear and pain, and see the worst in every situation,
and because of that, primarily, create a negative situation in your life. You use guilt and,
primarily, attempt to manipulate those around you with guilt, and because of that, mostly, have
very little love in life, and that is, ultimately, what you do want.

Power Monger
That is the second role, the 'bad" person who is to be responsible for the victim’s
problems. Any personal authority, in society, is usually the evil one; also known as the
scapegoat. These are two primary roles in your society. Interestingly enough, they are played out
in your political spectrum. The republicans are the scapegoats, the "evil ones", and the democrats
are the victims. Now, those lines seem to blur more, and more, but that is, indeed, the basic,
difference between the two political parties. Power-mongers live for power games. They are
constantly looking for more power, and live in constant fear of losing the power, some of it, truly
considerable, that they have. Many of them will do anything to gain power, of control, over a
situation. They will blow up, they will threaten, being rude, is actually, an art to them, and live

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for mental games; who can cut down someone, better then someone else. Verbal sparring, is an
art form; like the rest of life it is, primarily, a game of power. When a power-monger is losing
control, he will do anything that he can to get it back. He will attempt to gain power by blowing
up, threatening, being rude, and simply hurting the people around him. Many times, power-
mongers surround themselves by victims, and, usually, have a whole cacophony of victims to
play from. For, there are actually many more victims then power-mongers. Victims will live in
fear of the power-monger, fear of when he, or she, will blow up.

Another, role, is that of intellectual; this is, not, a primary role, and, indeed, is frowned
upon in your society. However, the intellectual is the one with all the answers. You will find,
among academia, almost everyone there is an intellectual, and they spend most of their lives
attempting to be better than the other academics. That is the role; I am smarter, and better, then
you, that is why there are so many petty politics among academics, and also, why truly new ideas
are, many times, stifled, because they threaten the academic power structure. The intellectual
lives in very small, and many times, very empty roles; they are living out old ideas, and trying to
make them new. They pontificate, all the time. They spend their lives trying to tell others, what
to do, and how to do it. They believe, and live for, debate, love it, because it is another chance to
show mental superiority. There underlying fear is that they are ordinary.

There are the independents from all of the above, and these are rare indeed. They live
isolated existences, far from the crowd, and have little, or no, desire to interact with other people.
Currently, this is how Samantha lives. These individuals are so sick of society games that they,
simply, "get away" from them. You could call these people, escapists. Many times, they are
indeed escaping, or maybe, just taking a break. But, mostly, they are escapists. Many of them
have already played out the above roles and cannot conceive, or do not know, what the next role
is, or even if there is one. Samantha, for many years, was a victim of her background, and then,
she became a highly successful businesswoman, and played power monger; in the years in
between, she was a respected intellectual, and a very fine one. None of these roles worked, or
were acceptable to her; she found that she was, highly, dissatisfied with all of them, she now
refuses to play out any one of them. This escapism, or refusal, is causing problems in her life.
The problem with escapism is that you cannot escape from yourself, or from your life. Life will
inevitably come back, in some form, to haunt you.

Now, among these four, are the basic games of interaction, you can simply name: victim,
power-monger, intellectual, and escapist. Each of you plays into these games, to some extent.
You may be ten percent one, 80 percent another, with five percent of the other two thrown in for
good measure. The problem with all of these is, again, the underlying issue, that they are "Out of
your control"; to some extent all of these games create victims. The power-monger is the victim
of what he cannot control, the intellectual is a victim of the better intellectual, and the escapist is
a victim, in that, he cannot escape from life. All of these roles preclude living a happy life. And
most of you spend your entire lives living, primarily, in one of these roles, living with the
underlying victimhood, and pain that it brings. In a sense you never enter reality; you spend your

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life playing games with others who will play the counter role. You live unconsciously; never
really aware of what is going on around you.

The fifth personality no longer plays, any, role. The fifth personality simply lives,
comfortably, within his, or her, skin; lives aware, and rarely plays games. This of course makes
others around him, or her, uncomfortable, until, the fifth person finds others of awareness. I
would say that, one out of every 1000 people, in your society, is an aware personality. Also,
there are various levels of awareness. Now, the people who DO NOT BUY into the above
dramas, are the wizards, they can look through the dramas that people are attempting to engage
them in. They realize on a deep, and profound, level that they create their own reality, and that
these dramas which they drew into their reality are possibly tests; possibly, for some other
reason, but again; THEY DO NOT PLAYOUT THE DRAMAS.

How do you know if you are engaged in a drama?

When you are having an argument that feels out of control.
When emotions are running extremely high, over something, that doesn't seem to call for that
level of emotion.
When you feel, really, out of control, really, off center with another person, and you wonder why
you are acting in such a manner.
When you seem, almost always, angry with your boss, for little reason; maybe, even, no apparent
You are playing victim when, you are asking the impossible from your mate.
When you are spending all of your time thinking about another person, instead of thinking of
yourself, and following your own dreams, desires, and intuitions.
When you are angry or upset with another person, you are living out either your own drama, or
that person's.

When you think to yourself, 'that person hurt me’, you are engaging in a drama. For
another cannot ever hurt you, there must be something, in yourself, that needs to be looked at.
For example, if someone were to scream at you, you're a chair, you KNOW that you are NOT a
chair, and thereby you are not affected, by that person's accusations. However, if that person
says, you are worthless, and you wonder if you are worthless, then indeed you can be "hurt by
that person". You can only be hurt by unresolved issues, and unresolved ideas.

You can also misinterpret an event. For example, let us say that you want something from
someone, and they do not give it to you, then you are hurt, or you are angry. Another person is
NEVER obligated to give you anything, as well, possibly, that person CANNOT give you, what
you require. You say, if they loved me, they would give that to me. Or, if they thought I was
worth XXXX, then they would know that I deserve this, and give it to me; even the idea that I
deserve XXXX. If you find yourself thinking that, if only this person would "see" that I am right.
If only this person would "see" things my way. If only this person would "grow", then they
would be acceptable to me. If you find yourself deliberately setting out to hurt another, because
you "are angry", and they "deserve it", they hurt me. If you are doing any of the above things,
you are engaging in a drama.

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Co-dependency is a buzz word, in your society. From our vantage point, co-dependency
is agreeing to play out, or encourage another's drama. Again, most, everyone in society engages
in these dramas. First of all, dramas stem from a belief that, you are at the mercy of events, and
that, resources, and energy are limited. You need someone to give you something, because you
cannot give it to yourself. You believe that person have to provide XXXX for you, because you
cannot provide it for yourself. The belief that resources are limited, that life is limited, or that
you are limited, permeate your society, and have for generations. Many of you learn control
dramas from your parents, or you play out the, opposite, control dramas with your parents. For
example, a power-monger will give birth to a victim. However, that is a very simplistic way of
defining a control drama. Because, many times, even though you are born into a drama, you will
modify it, and, all of you, use all of the above dramas, to some extent, at some point in time.
Again, it can be a very small amount of the time, you can be "primarily" one, or primarily the
other, but you WILL engage in all the above dramas. You, may, learn certain patterns in your
childhood, and have a predisposition towards one, or the other, based upon your childhood. But,
if you feel you are not getting, what you need, and you WON’t get, what you need, you will,
automatically, try and get it from another, and thereby, initiate one of the above dramas. Instead,
you need to CHANGE the belief that you cannot have what you want, and begin to find a way to
get what you need, want, or require.

The Wizard’s Way

Let us talk about the fifth way, the wizard's way, of relating. We have covered some of
this information before, but many of you are living such an unconscious life, and living your life
away in dramas, that it is important to reiterate it. First of all, a wizard will KNOW that he, or
she, creates his, or her, reality, and that the universe is limitless, and so is the wizard. Therefore,
if you need, or require, something, you will, automatically, get it, and if you don't, it is because
YOUR belief system is engaged, and you are learning a lesson, many times, related to your
purpose. Therefore, the wizard will NOT require something from another. So, let us take some
everyday examples: a mate does not give you enough sex. What is it that you are really
requiring? Do you want more of the mate's love? Do you want more of the mate's affection? Do
you equate sex with love, and feel you need to be loved more? Look again at what the underlying
need is, and see if there is another way to fulfill it. Let us say, that you HAVE looked
underneath, and still NEED more sex, but want to stay faithful to you mate. Ask yourself, what
you could be doing that is upsetting your mate, so much, that they do not want to have sex with
you, as much, as you want? Are there some unresolved angers, and pains, within your marriage;
issues that you both simply do not talk about? Sex is energy, and blocked energy can cause lack
of sex. Do you treat your mate lovingly every time you see them? Or, do you fight a lot, if you
fight a lot, and the fights are unresolved, ask yourself if finding a better way to resolve the issues
could be the answer, or communicating better could be the answer. You see, your lack opens a
great many doors, and a great many ways to find what you need, or want.

What if, in a business sense, you KNOW that you need something that, your boss,
simply, does not have in the budget for you; but you absolutely MUST have this thing. Again,
ask yourself, why you need this thing, and what it represents to you, what lack does it
symbolize? For, IT is a symbol, first and foremost. Then, ask yourself if there is any other way to
fill this need? Ask yourself if what you really want is respect? Ask yourself if what you really
want is support for your work? Then, find other ways to fill this need. Or again, if you find you
have looked at all of these, ask yourself what you are learning for this lack? What is it that you

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are getting, or gaining, from this lack? Within, there lies the answer to your lack. Or maybe,
there simply is NOT a way to get what you want, and then you might realize it is time to get,
what you DO need, from someone else, and get another job, or look at another way to gain
money for your needs, possibly, become self-employed?

Every lack, every frustration, IS a blessing in disguise. Every lack is the universes way of
teaching you to look at something differently, to find another way, to gain energy, or modify
your energy, and move closer to your purpose. Find the lesson and, sure enough, all else will
come your way. Release a block in an energy and, sure enough, what you want will come to you
many times fold. But first, you must believe this, you MUST accept this, and NOT attempt to get
the answer through an outside source, you must first TAKE RESPONSBILITY for what you
have created, and not try and get it through other means. When you have done that, and you go
back to your boss and ask again, and you boss consistently turns you down, and you still cannot
get what you want, ask yourself why you created this boss, and what beliefs it represents.
Always, take responsibility to look for the underlying reason, and, when you do not get what you
want, look to find it in another way, or another fashion. The universe does not always produce to
your specified requests. Your need for a piece of equipment, may, actually be a need to have
others respect your work. Then, ask yourself if you respect your work? Do you believe in your
work? Lacks are blessings in disguise, for they are there to place you into higher forms of
energy, and better ways, or means, of operating. If you run into continued lack, you, need to
realize that, this is a lesson that, you, need to learn, or the universe would not be giving it, you,
over, and over, again.

Now one of the biggest underlying reasons why many of you do not do this is, as we have
stated before, this underlying belief in fairness. But, that isn't fair. HE did it to me. He is
withholding XXXX or YYYY. Do you mean that I should just let that person off the hook and
blame myself? First of all, there is no fairness, or lack of fairness, there is only what is created in
your reality. Fairness is, many times, an excuse to crawl into a drama. It is a "good", "rational"
reason to play out a drama. Second of all, we ARE not SAYING that you should BLAME
yourself, for then you create, even more, negative energy around a situation. The "response-able"
way, of responding, is to look for the lesson, look for the underlying symbol, and the underlying
need. When you blame yourself, it is just another drama you are buying into. Self-blame is a
version of victim, and again, it is just another drama. When you blame yourself, you begin to
hate yourself, and then you create, even more, victimization siltation in your life. But, you may
say, if I create my own reality, and I created this thing that I do not like, then, who do I blame
besides myself? You BLAME no one, including yourself, you look for the message, the lesson,
and, you learn it.

What about justice, you may ask? Again, we have explored that issue, as well. There is
automatic justice, and, automatic punishment, within each system and within each belief system.
A power-monger lives in deep fear of losing his power, he many times warps his self- worth into
having power, and when that happens, he lives a miserable existence. A killer loses respect for
life when he kills, and therefore loses the ability to appreciate life; his quality of life
automatically goes down when he does not respect life, because he is alive. And, a murdered
person has a reason for being murdered. Again, we have GONE through all of this before, but it
needs repeating, it needs looking at again, for, most of you, have not even begun to truly

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understand. A victim, many times, victimizing another, and then believes in victimization, even
more. That is where rape, violence, and child abuse come from. Every time you act on a negative
belief, and gain another’s energy through these dramas; that belief only becomes, that much,
stronger. The stronger the belief, the more of a victim you are, of that belief. When you convince
another to buy into your belief system, it just becomes that much stronger. When you rape
another, you can say to yourself, well, that person is a victim of me; therefore my belief in
victimization is "true". The rapist believes that much more in victimization, lives that much more
in fear of being victimized, his victimization belief is "truer", and becomes even more of a victim
in his own life. What about good, and evil? What about right, and wrong?

Again, there is no good, and no evil, there is only ignorance. So, should you take a stand
against injustice? Should you take a stand when someone wrongs you? Again, ASK yourself
what the lesson is, and then decide from there, what the best possible course is. What about
societal rights, and societal wrongs? Should a rapist go unpunished? Well, a rapist does need to
be taken off the streets, but what kind of jail should a rapist be put into? If you put a rapist in a
place filled with other rapists, and treat them poorly, then they will continue to believe in
victimization. A rapist needs to understand about love, and about power. The way to rehabilitate
a criminal is to teach him to change his beliefs, by showing him a better way. So he gets away
with it? He NEVER gets away with it. But, what about the victim? The victim needs to re-
examine there beliefs, and be given tremendous love, compassion, and be taught about the ways
of power as well. Maybe, the rapist and the victim need to be brought together to face each other,
and possibly even learn from each other. A rape victim confronting a rapist can, many times, be
the most healing experience of all. A rape victim may be able to regain his, or her, power in this
fashion, and once a rape victim tells a rapist what happened to him, or her, and why after he, or
she, was raped, the rapist may begin to understand what he did wrong, and begin to rethink what
happened. What caused him to rape?

You see, your societal beliefs are so strong in right and wrong, good and evil, that you do
not give yourselves the freedom to empower yourselves, to find your own power. When you are
right, and someone else is wrong, then you are playing a version of the power-monger. When
you believe in good versus evil, you believe in evil and, therefore, are limiting your own power.
When you believe in fairness, and unfairness, you are unfair to yourself, because you, must,
punish the other, and when you punish the other, you are actually wasting your energy to heal

So try to remember, and mostly KNOW, that you create your own reality, and "see"
through, whatever situation you create, that is the beginning of being a wizard.

May All Be Well With Each of You

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The conglomeration of these postings, with some editing, and additions, that we will tell
Samantha of, is a book in its own right; and this is the end of it. First of all, Samantha needs to
read the book, this is something she is not done; in fact, she has NOT read any number of the
postings. She writes them, and her mate edits them, to the best of his ability. Samantha will
KNOW what changes, and additions need to be made, and added when she reads the book, for
we will tell her, as she reads it. WE suggest, that she add certain questions, and possibly other
exercises, to the book that will, make, the reader "think" through the postings in more detail. We
will add these for her, as she reads the book for the first time. Secondly, she can begin book with
posting 4 [Samantha's posting 4 was actually posted under the title "Introduction", by me -
Aurelius] an intro of sorts, if she wishes. Or, she could begin the book with the letter she wrote
on her history, to one of the letters she has received. She may simply wish to begin with the first
posting. She needs to add posting 29 [To be posted as Section 28, because of the posting 4/intro
thing- a] to the book, she DID read that one, and it upset her, so much, that she has refused to
post it. She also needs to rewrite the posting, on Purpose. The changes and additions will remain

There are six more books at this point:

the first is a wizard interpretation of current events. The bottom line here is that, the way that
events are currently interpreted, is through traditional belief systems, so they perpetuate these
belief systems.
A second book, on dreams, interpretation of dreams, and other states of consciousness.
A third book on "our" version of history. This would include all the currently unposted,
information on Atlantis, and other worlds. As well as other, probable, worlds.
A fourth book just of wizardry exercises. Expansions on the current exercises in this book.
The fifth book on "God".
The sixth book on energy, and energy systems; how to "see" them and utilize them in your life.

Each of these books is approximately thirty to forty postings. There is no order to these books,
and Samantha can refuse to write any of them, but they are currently, probable, or possible,

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