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Course # 10: Leadership &

TRAINING MODULE 03: Team dynamics and

Organizational Behavior



Trainer: Aly Raza Syed
ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: Saturday 06th August, 2016 BEFORE 5:00 p.m.
1. You have learnt 5 Styles of Thomas and Kilmann's to resolve
conflicts. By using those styles, identify one real life situation in
your organization for each style, and explain briefly each
situation in which the style applies. Then explain how you
adopted that style to resolve that conflict. Be practical. Explain
all the Five
(10 marks)
Working as a contractor for Forward Sports, Sialkot. I have to deal with
conflicts daily at work among my workforce. Following are 5 styles of
Thomas & Kilmann which I believe I use or have used in past to resolve

COMPETING: Labour in our industry is least concerned with the

strategic planning or macro economic implications of business.
Their ultimate and short-term goal is to make as much money as
they can because they are insecure about industry in Pakistan.
Using this, I always allow my workers to work on per piece basis so
they can compete with each other in a positive way ultimately
leading to advantage of company as well as for themselves.
ACCOMODATING: Some workers make more money then others due
to technical expertise. In order to resolve this issue I let my lesserpaid workers have some leverages and make them feel that I am
accommodating with them and they should do the same in return.
This helps solving problem of pay gap among workers.
AVOIDING: Controlling labour all the time backfires ultimately.
Therefore, we have to avoid their little mistakes. In return, they also
have to avoid little issues at work and make sure that operation run
COLLABORATING: They have to collaborate with each other even if
they have some personal issue going on with each other. It is vital
for our operations and if conflict occurs, I reshuffle team in a way
that makes it easier for them to collaborate with each other.

COMPROMISING: They have to be compromising at all times. If

conflict occurs, there is not right or wrong in my team. People have
to compromise with situation.

2. Develop a case study based on a real life situation in your

professional career and explain how you used the 4 states of
negotiation i.e. Plan, Discuss, propose and Bargain to undergo a
real negotiation situation.
As my previous work experience is in HORECA Industry in Dubai, UAE,
where I was working as a sales representative for wholesale trading
company named Modern General Trading LLC, it was our regular practice
to implement these 4 stages of negotiation. Planning included market
research about our competitors products. Then we use to discuss the
possibility of changing a certain product with chef or purchasing
department. Quoting price was the proposal given from us to the
customer and then during the bargaining stage, customer would tell us
about the price they want and we would calculate if it is still in our
sellable limit or not.
3. Teams are of 5 common types. Which type of team do you work
mostly in your organization? Select only one type and explain
how you performed in that team including your role and how does
the overall team operate.
(5 Marks)
I am working as a contractor for Forward Sports Sialkot. I work there in a
task force type of team because we are assigned particular operations of
bag cutting process. I am working as a team leader and my responsibility
is to keep track of the incoming material and keep check if the material
ready for dispatch is up to the quality mark. The overall team is also taskoriented. The main duty is to make sure that wastage of material is
minimized & our operation should help company in cutting their current
4. Discuss a situation when you were part of a team but the team
was NOT ABLE to accomplish what it was made for i.e. the
objective for which the team was made was not achieved.
Analyse why and what were the key reasons for failure of this
team. Present an exhaustive case.
(10 marks)
At Modern General Trading UAE, we were preparing to introduce the new
brand of rice imported from India. My role was to manage the

communications to all my customers about the new product and do

sampling. This particular product had a great potential as it was a high
margin product for the company and we were being offered extra rewards
for building sales of this product in HORECA industry. Unfortunately, the
first batch of rice we received from our supplier had weevils in multiple
bags. In order to recover from the bad name, which the brand earned as
soon as it came out, the management decided to make a team that would
particularly work for recovering this brands name in market. We knew
that some customers would be disappointed that we are offering them the
same product again even after multiple complaints.
It was my job to get everyones input on how to communicate it to
customers and I had to do it quickly because company ordered more
containers from the supplier and we needed to move existing stock from
warehouse. After a lot of back and forth with other sales reps, I drafted
the announcement to customers. I emphasized the positive aspects of this
new brand, explained the mishap, and assurance from managements
side that this will not happen in future.
I also had to work with the group to quickly put together talking points for
our sales team and customers. I was able to get the task started with
positive response from the market. Though some were disappointed
because of the past experience but eventually it was our sales force that
lost faith in this brand because they had to go extra mile in order to sell
this product.
The key reasons were lack of support from upper management when it
came to lowering the price of the product in order to attract more
customers and sell bulk quantities. If company would have increased the
budget for supporting this brand and held free demos in supermarkets,
the brand could have been revived and sales force also would have
stayed motivated for this product.

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