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Philip the Apostle Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic

3866 65 th street
Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 452-1888 E-mail: Mobile: (916) 539-1534

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory for ever!

Slava Isusu Christu! Slava i vo Viki!

From the Fathers

St. Leo Great
Dearly beloved, through all this time between the resurrection of the Lord and his
ascension, the providence of God thought of this, taught this and penetrated their eyes
and heart. He wanted them to recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as truly risen, who was
truly born, truly suffered and truly dies. The manifest truth strengthened the blessed
apostles and all the disciples who were frightened by his death on the cross and were
doubtful of his resurrection. The result was they were not only afflicted with sadness but
also filled with “great joy” when the Lord want into the heights of heaven.
It was certainly a great and indescribable source of joy when, in the sight of the heavenly
multitudes, the nature of our human race ascended over the dignity of all heavenly
creatures. It passed the angelic orders and was raised beyond the heights of archangels. In
its ascension, our human race did not stop at any other height until this same nature was
received at the seat of the eternal Father. Our human nature, united with the divinity of
the Son, was on the throne of his glory.
The ascension of Christ is our elevation. Hope of the body is where the glory of the Head
preceded us. Let us exult, dearly beloved, with worthy joy and be glad with a holy
thanksgiving. Today we not only are established as possessors of paradise, but we even
penetrated the heights of the heavens in Christ. The indescribable grace of Christ, which
we lost through the “ill will of the devil,” prepared us more fully for that glory.
Incorporated within himself, the Son of God placed those whom the violent enemy threw
down from the happiness of our first dwelling at the right hand of the Father. The Son of
God lives and reigns with God the Father almighty and with the Holy Spirit forever and
ever. Amen.

• Next Sunday, during the celebration of the Descend of the Holy Spirit, Tom
Whalen will receive the holy mysteries (sacraments) of Baptism, Chrismation and
Eucharist. Please pray for him as he is starting his new life, clothed in Christ, that he
may live his Christian vocation to the full – for the glory of God and witness to many.
At the same time, as you join us for the celebration, you have a great opportunity to
renew your own baptismal promises and consecration to Christ our Lord.
• Thank you to Tom Whalen for providing meal for hospitality after church last
• Hospitality sign-up sheet: Pentecost Sunday (May 23) – Pot Luck. Ted &
Darlene Janson (May30). Please sign up.
• This week, Fr. Francis is attending the eparchial clergy conference (Mon – Fri).
The church and office will be closed until Friday evening.
• Next Saturday is the last All Souls Saturday in this liturgical year. At our parish,
we will celebrate Divine Liturgy for our departed brothers and sisters in Christ on
Friday, at 6 PM. After Divine Liturgy we will pray Panachida and read names of our
departed family members.
• Please remember in your prayers the sick and suffering members of our parish
family: Steve Klinkovsky, Metropolitan Basil Schott.
• Today, at 3: 30 PM we will pray Moleben to the Holy Theotokos, together with
parishioners of Holy Wisdom Ukrainian Catholic parish and Knights of Columbus, at
Christ the King Retreat Center. This is the second of the three services we scheduled in
month of May, the last one will take place next Sunday, May 23. Please invite friends
and family.
• Bishop’s Appeal 2010 ends soon (May 31)! We are still a long way from
reaching our goal this year. Please, consider donating.

Liturgical schedule
Fri May 21st 6.00 PM Divine Liturgy. offered for the faithful
Panachida. departed. (p. 428, 432)

Sun May 9.00 AM Confessions. Pentecost Sunday.

23rd 9.40 AM Canon of Matins. (p.203)
10.00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Fridays in general are marked as days of simple abstinence or
equivalent penance. Let us remember each other as we offer prayers and sacrifices
to God, in union with the Cross of Christ.

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