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Philip the Apostle Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic Church

3866 65 th street
Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 452-1888 E-mail: Mobile: (916) 539-1534

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory for ever!

Slava Isusu Christu! Slava i vo viki!

From the Fathers…

St Cyril of Jerusalem
And why did he (Jesus) call the grace of the Spirit water? Because by water all
things subsists; because water brings forth grass and living things; because the
water of the rain showers comes down from heaven; because it comes down in one
form but works in many forms. For one fountain waters the whole of paradise, and
one and the same rain comes down on all the world, yet it becomes white in the
lily, and red in the rose, and purple in violets and hyacinths, and different and
varied in each. So it is one in the palm tree, and another in the vine, and all in all
things; and yet it is one in nature, not diverse from itself. For the rain does not
change itself and come down first as one thing, then as another, but adapting itself
to the constitution of each thing that receives it, it becomes to each what is
suitable. And so the Holy Spirit also, being one, and of one nature and indivisible,
distributes to each his grace, as he wills. And as the dry tree, after being nourished
with water, puts forth shoots, so also the soul in sin, when it has been through
repentance made worthy of the Holy Spirit, brings forth clusters of righteousness.
And though he is one in nature, yet many are the virtues he inculcates by the will
of God and in the name of Christ. For he employs the tongue of one person for
wisdom; the soul of another he enlightens by prophesy; to another he gives power
to drive away devils; while another is given the ability to interpret the divine
Scriptures. He strengthens one person’s self-control while another learns how to
give to the poor. He teaches one to fast and be disciplined and another to despise
the things of the body, and still another he trains for martyrdom – diverse in
different people, yet not diverse from himself.
• Thank you to Gene Ford for providing food for hospitality last Sunday.
• Hospitality sign-up sheet: Janson family (May 30), Murin family (June 6).
Please sign up.
• Please remember in your prayers the sick and suffering members of our
parish family: Steve Klinkovsky, Metropolitan Basil Schott.
• Thank you to all who came to Christ the King retreat center to pray
Moleben with us. Thank you to Brody Smith, who donated bottled water for the
event as well as to those who participated in singing. May the Holy Mother of
God receive our prayers and intentions and intercede for us at God’s throne.
• Bishop’s Appeal 2010 update: This is the final week of the appeal. So far,
we have not fulfilled our goal. A reminder: we need to submit to the Eparchy
pledge cards together with your donation, so if you have not done so, please
bring/mail your pledge card to our parish office.
• Next Sunday, parish advisory board will meet after Divine Liturgy.

Liturgical schedule
Mon May 24th 6.30 AM Divine Liturgy. (p. 203, 208)

Thu May 27nd 6.30 AM Divine Liturgy (p. 203, 210)

Sun May 30th 9.00 AM Confessions. Sunday of All Saints. (p.

9.40 AM Canon of Matins. 211)
10.00 AM Divine Liturgy.
There is no abstinence/fasting day this week, since we are
celebrating the feast of Pentecost.

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