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Eighth Grade Art

2016-2017 School year

Miss Ashley Tew
Welcome back students! I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are prepared for
a new and exciting school year! I am excited to begin teaching in Marion Schools! This
year will be full of fun and educational discoveries for all of us.

The goal of this course is to expose students to a variety of media, techniques,

processes, and tools to create original artwork that demonstrates understanding of
the principles of design and elements of art. Students will develop, expand, and
increase their real life application of problem solving through art. Students will
create, critique, reflect, and make connections to art. Students will exhibit original
artwork and develop portfolios that reflect their personal growth.
In this class you will be introduced to a variety of materials, artists, and projects.
You will have opportunities to display your artwork and compete in various art
competitions. This will be a fun and interesting class if we can all respect each
other, the classroom, and all supplies. You are expected to come to class everyday
ready to work, with all necessary supplies. Projects are to be completed punctually
and students should remain focused while working on classwork. We will have
classwork and homework. As long as you can follow the classroom guidelines we
will refrain from written work, quizzes, and tests. Most importantly, I expect you all
to be creative and put effort into your work!
Discipline policy: I will be using the policy set forth by the Marion School District,
please be familiar with it. I will be sure to contact parents with any concerns.

Grades: I will update grades regularly. If you need assistance logging on to view
grades, please contact a counselor; they can walk you through the process. In the
Marion School District, grades are given based on a point system. In my class the
scale is as follows:
Homework: 15 pts
Daily classwork and worksheets: 25 pts
Projects and tests: 100 pts
All projects will be graded based on a rubric system.
Students, please sign and date the bottom of this page to acknowledge that you
have read and understand the information given in this syllabus.

I, ____________________, have read and understand the information given to me
in the course syllabus for Miss Tews class.
Student Name:________________ Grade:_______ Course:__________________


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