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Palm Lines
SheetPalm Lines
Four Methods:

Reading the Major Lines of the Palm

Reading the Minor Lines of the Palm

Reading the Other Significant Lines of the Palm

Palm Lines Cheat Sheet

Community Q&A

Palm reading is used by many modern pagans and New Age practitioners as a form of
divination or personality reading. Interpreting the meaning behind the lines in your palm is a
significant part ofpalm reading. Reading palms requires an understanding that there are both
major lines and minor lines. This article explains how to evaluate the different lines on a palm.


Reading the Major Lines of the Palm

Choose the hand for reading.In palmistry, there is the notion of an active hand
and a passive hand. Your active hand is your dominant hand, whereas the passive

hand is the non-dominant hand.[1]

The passive hand will indicate inherited traits. This should be read as a baseline.
The dominant hand will show any changes from the inherited state from life




events etc.
If there is a major difference between the lines of the passive hand and the
dominant hand, it means that this person has worked hard to develop themselves.

Identify the four major lines.These are the heart line, the head line, the life line,
and the fate line (not everyone has this line).[2]
The heart line runs horizontally across the top of the palm. It reflects the state of
your heart on both the physical and emotional level.
The head line runs horizontally across the middle of the palm. It reflects the state
of your mind and brain.
The life line curves around the base of the thumb, starting between the index
finger and thumb. Contrary to popular belief, this line does not actually indicate
how long you will live but rather aspects such as strength, vitality, and prosperity.
The fate line runs vertically from the base of the palm up the middle of the palm




(not everybody has this line). It indicates aspects such as success, career path,
and vocation.

Interpret the heart line.This line can be read in either direction (from the pinkie
finger to the index finger, or vice versa), depending on the tradition being followed. It

is believed to indicate emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and cardiac

health. How to read the line and its specific meanings are as follows:[3]
If the heart line starts below the below the index finger it means that you are picky
when it comes to love. A heart line that begins below the middle finger indicates a
person who is selfish when it comes to love. If it begins in the middle of the palm,
the person falls in love easily.
An absent heart line indicates an individual who is ruled by logic rather than
emotion. A faint line shows a person who is aloof and places little importance on
A straight and short heart line indicates an individual who is not particularly
concerned with romance. A long and curvy heart line indicates someone who
freely expresses emotions freely. A wavy line indicates many relationships and/or
lovers, with an absence of serious relationships.




If the heart line straight and parallel to the head line, it indicates that the individual
has a good handle on their emotions. A heart line that touches the life line means
that the heart is broken easily.
A broken heart line or a heart line with smaller lines crossing it can indicate
emotional trauma. A chained line can mean depression.

Examine the head line.This represents learning style, communication style,

intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. The specific meanings are as follows:[4]
A head absent line indicates a person who is sluggish. A faint line indicates that
the individual lacks memory and concentration and is prone to daydreaming. A
deep line denotes a good memory, good concentration, and a sensible nature.
A short head line indicates a person who is practical and no nonsense. A long line
denotes a person that is focused and very successful with a tendency to be
A straight head line shows a person that thinks realistically, is logical, organized,
and has a great attention to detail. A wavy line indicates a person who is restless
with short attention span. A curved or sloping line indicates a highly creative




If the head line begins at the life line, this means that this person is strong-willed.
A head line that is separated from the life line indicates someone who has a
sense of adventure and enthusiasm for life.
A broken head line indicates inconsistencies in thought. Crosses in the line may
mean that vital and crucial decisions have a very important effect on the persons
fate. Chains or donuts in the head line indicate personal conflict or emotional

Evaluate the life line.It reflects physical health, general well being, and major life
changes (for example, cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocation). The

specific meanings are as follows:[5]

If the life line is absent, the person is said to be high-strung, anxious, and
nervous. A faint line indicates an individual who has low energy and a life without
adventure. A deep line denotes a person who has a smoother life path.
If the life line is long and deep, this indicates good health stamina and vitality. A
short, deep line shows a person who easily overcomes physical problems.
A curvy life line means the person has an abundance of energy. A straight line
that is close to the edge of the palm means the person is cautious.




A line that runs close to the thumb shows a person who tires easily. If the line
swoops into a semicircle, it shows strength and enthusiasm. Lines that are
straight and close to the edge of the palm indicate a cautious individual.[6]
See if there are multiple life lines. Multiple life lines indicate extra strength and
A break in the life line means a sudden change in lifestyle or interruption. If the life
line is broken on both hands, this may indicate a serious illness or injury. Circles
in the line or a chained line indicates that the person is susceptible to many health
problems and that their life may take them in many different directions.

Study the fate line.This is also known as the line of destiny, and it indicates the
degree to which a person's life is affected by external circumstances beyond their

control.This line begins at the base of the palm. Its principal features are:[7]
A deep fate line means that the persons life will be strongly controlled by fate.




Remember, not all individuals have this line.

If the fate line starts joined to the life line, this indicates a self-made individual who
develops aspirations early on in life. If it joins the life line somewhere in the
middle, it indicates a point in mid-life where one's interests must be abandoned if
favor of those of others. If the fate line starts at the base of the thumb, this
indicates that this person has a strong relationship with family and friends.
Breaks and changes of direction in the fate line indicate many changes in life from
external forces.


Reading the Other Significant Lines of the Palm

Find the other significant lines on your palm.In addition to the four major lines
(heart line, there are several other lines that are worth noting and reading. These

lines are the health line, the fame line, the marriage line, the money line, and the travel




The health line can be found extending from below the little finger, down across
the palm, to the base of the thumb.[8]
The fame line, if visible, starts at the base of the hand, and moves its way up to
below the ring finger, running parallel to the fate line.[9]
The marriage line is the little line (or lines) that are located just below the base of
the little finger.[10]
The money line has varying paths and its meaning is interpreted in relation to its
The travel lines generally start from the edge of the palm at the 'heel," opposite
the thumb, and extend horizontally.[12]

Study the health line.The health line deals with material well-being as much as the
physical. When the life line may be faint or hard to see. If a person has very faint

fate, fame, or success line, then the health line also plays a strong part in the development
of material wealth. The health line can be found extending from below the little finger,
down across the palm, to the base of the thumb. Sometimes, it may even join with the life
line. Some of the features to look for include:[13]




The lack of a health line indicates that the person will have few, or perhaps even
no, health problems. A strong and undisturbed line means a strong business
sense as well as the strength to work hard and make money.
A wavy line indicates potential health problems as a result of anxiety and
A broken line may indicate that poor health will cause problems in business
situations. Smaller lines crossing health line mean that the person is prone to
accidents. Extra lines branching onto the life line are a sign of a life-threatening
situation in old age. A square encircling the line is a sign of protection, whether it
be in the form of good medical treatment, or aid in solving a business problem. A
break in the line to form a "donut" shape signifies a need for hospitalization.
A triangle formed by the life, head, and health lines is known as "the Lucky
Triangle". This triangle signifies greater luck the broader its angle.

Read the fame line.The fame line influences the social rewards of success. This
line, if visible, starts at the base of the hand, and moves its way up to below the ring

finger, running parallel to the fate line. The following are characteristics of the fame line to
look for.[14]




A missing fame line indicates that one's future fame must be looked for in other
areas of the palm. The individual may still be successful but prefer to do without
public acclaim. If the fame line is strong and clear this indicates distinction and
satisfaction with your life's work.
If the fame line is broken repeatedly, it is an indication of the ups and downs of
social recognition.
A fame line that travels straight to the ring finger shows a person likely to have
fame in the arts. If it starts at the head line and runs through the heart line this
shows hard work and success late in life. A separation at the end of the fame line
(becoming two smaller lines) indicates that success may be dubious in value.
A fame line that ends beneath the ring finger in a star or triangle shows that
spectacular success awaits in the fine arts field (acting, singing, dancing).If it ends
beneath the ring finger in a square this indicates a kindly patron.

Evaluate the marriage line.Relationships are indicated by the little line (or lines)
that are located just below the base of the little finger. The closer the lines are to the

base of the little finger, the later in life these relationships will be. The characteristics of the
marriage line to look for are:[15]




Several light lines indicate several romances. Strong and clear lines indicate
marriage. Numerous overlapping lines indicate affair(s). Lines that meet but don't
cross show children that will be born.
A fork in the lines towards the back of the hand indicates a long engagement. A
fork at the end towards the palm means separation (with or without divorce).
A line at the end of the marriage lines that cuts the line off sharply means end to a
relationship due to death or divorce. However breaks in the lines that resume with
an overlap show separation with a later reunion.

Read the money line.This line is not a direct indicator of accessing material wealth.
It represents the bearer's skill in acquiring riches, as well as giving some indicators

of how to achieve this. The characteristics of the money line are:[16]

A money that runs from the base of the thumb to below the index finger ending in
a star shows a natural talent for moneymaking.
A line running from the base of the thumb to the little finger indicates wealth
acquired through inheritance or family allowances. A line that runs from the base
of the thumb to below the middle finger means money made in business. A
money line running to the ring finger, cutting through the fame line would indicate




money obtained through luck and surprise.

Study the travel lines.The travel lines are a major indication of the trips taken
throughout your life that have had or will have a penetrating impact on your life. They

can also indicate your desire to travel. Some things to look for in relation to the travel lines
Travel lines that intersect the life line mean a trip will be made under
circumstances of health, or your health will be affected by a trip. Travel lines that
intersect the fate line show that travel will present a life-changing experience.
If the the travel lines cross this means danger, or problems within travel. If a
square encircles the lines this is a sign of protection in your travels. Breaks
indicate possible delay in your travels.





Reading the Minor Lines of the Palm

Read the minor lines.The minor lines can be found in most hands.
They include the lines of opposition, intuition, escape, and influence.
These lines may appear very faintly in some people.




Find the lines of opposition.These lines can be found on the outside of the palm,
between the heart and head lines.[18]
These lines illustrate the opposing forces that we all must deal with in life.




Find the line of intuition.This line appears on the outer palm (at the base of the
hand under the little finger).[19]
It illustrates strong insight. If you have this line you are an extremely sensitive,
intuitive person and may have ESP (extra-sensory perception).
The line can appear to curve into the palm or out to the edge of the palm. Either
way, the meaning stays the same.




Evaluate the line of escape.This line is more towards the bottom of the palm, near
the base.[20]
It often crosses the life line, and this crossing symbolizes the time in your life the
following experience may happen.
The line of escape illustrates an individual who escapes the problems of their life
by indulging in their imagination. If it connects with the line of fame, they retreat
into creative arts ease themselves.
If the line of escape crosses with the health line, the person will resort to drugs
and drinking. This may also foreshadow suicide.




Find the lines of influence.These lines originate from the base of the thumb, and
radiate out into the palm.[21]
Where they connect with other lines, they illustrate an important event.
The much sought after influence lines are the ones that show how and where you
will come into money, if it crosses the money lines.




Sample Palm Reading Template


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