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Fall Campaign 2016: Spring Never Comes

Initial Setting: The Country of Marrowden, ruled centrally by the capital which
controls three duchys, a principality, and a fief. Marrowden is the largest kingdom in the
west, controlling most of the known world and considered the cradle of western
civilization. While it bears more resemblance to medieval Europe, it is viewed the same
way Europeans saw Rome; the cradle of western civilization, something to be revered.
You will be starting in the Duchy of Arquenn.
ARQUENN: Probably the most verdant and peaceful duchy, Arquenn is founded
to the north of the Sacred Groves, where sunfruits (oranges) and vineberries (grapes)
grow exclusively. Arquenn is also the religious center of Marrowden, where the church of
Our Lady of Sorrows was founded. Due to this, many but not all noble families are prone
to philantropy. Arquenn is the second largest hold in the capital, the largest being
BANBERRY duchy. Arquenn is ruled by the older brother of King Pyrix Erethrand,
Dorran. The city is full of breweries, vinyards, as well as several churches devoted to Our
Lady. Arquenn is defended mostly by paladins but there is less hostility here than the rest
of Marrowden between them and the citizens, and the paladins tend towards leniency.
Recently, a rogue and a druid were spotted fleeing the site of one of the sacred groves
burning, they are wanted for questioning. Recently, near a noble's palace, a Paladin, a
Monk, a Wizard, and a Barbarian were caught after killing a royal guard, their trial is
slated for next week and most people beleive death will be the penalty.
ELSHIRE: The southernmost hold, Elshire is the commerce capital of
Marrowden, having some vinyards of its own but also having trade routes with several
nearby independent holds. Elshire is also famed for the Thatchvale Market-Festival, were
it is said one can acquire or sell anything the mind could think of for the right price with
the right person. The Thatchvale Market-Festival will be starting within the month and is
rumored to be host to several powerful magical objects, though anybody who purchases
them would likely arouse attention from less than savory sources. As with other holds in
the capital, Elshire is protected by an elite force of knights. They are the only hold south
of ARQUENN. The current ruler is Ander Firebeard, a gruff dwarf whose favor is hardearned but quite rewarding.
BANBERRY: The most populous city in the country of Marrowden, Banberry is
founded on the gigantic river Tandrey, which divides the city in half and connects the
East and West Draconic Seas. Banberry is surrounded by arable land worked by the
peasantry. Banberry is an immense city that is the envy of Marrowden hold, and while
they do not boast rich nearby resources of silver, it manags to earn more than its keep
thanks to a large workforce. Banberry is patrolled by an able group of knights known as
the Order of Redfenn, and is also the furthest north hold that is also considered
"civilized" though very little of its territory is dominated by tundra, most of it being

plains or grassy knolls. Due to its large population, Banberry is also boasts the largest
army, though this army is often tied up guarding the silver mines or sent north to
UNDRELL FALLS: Founded on the very tip of the peninsula on which the
empire is built, Undrell falls was founded on a series of hills but due to flooding is built
around canals. Undrell Falls was built around a series of silver mines just east of
Marrowden propper, and as such has always been relatively prosperous. Undrell Falls
tends to be the least well-known of the holds and least considered, owned by the second
cousin of the King, a man known only as Hardwick. Undrell Falls contains the majority
of eastern docks, importing some things from the Xi'Song Empire like jade pottery or fine
silk. Undrell Falls is patrolled by a group of druids and rangers who often hide in the
shadows, order is enforced out of a fear of being watched rather than the direct presence
of authority.
NOIRWATCH: Less of a hold and more of a citadel, Noirwatch is surrounded by
snow and tundra and populated mostly by drow, dwarves, and pale humans with blonde
hair and icy blue eyes. It is settled near a mountain and is home to a shrine to Our Lady
and an observatory on the mountain. Noirwatch is so heavily fortified because it was
settled as a bullwark; Noirwatch contains some taverns and places of merriment but its
primary purpose is to hold of the Akashi raiders in the east, who terrorize the Xi'Song and
arrive through various mountain passes. Noirwatch is subject to sporadic raids but has
never been conquered yet. It is ruled by whoever is general of the Noirwatch guard,
currently a drow named Dagney Shutterhand.
DAWNVALLE: Ruled by the king's son Lothor, Dawnvalle is a relatively
peaceful trade city, controlling most of the docks in the West Draconic Sea. Dawnvalle is
settled near deserts and itself is setled on warm tropics. The city is protected by an order
of knights but is also home to the Marrowden Grand Fleet. It is not an immense naval
force but it is one to be reckoned with, enough to deter most attempts at invasion from
other kingdoms in the West who have attempted to wrest control of the West Draconic
Seas. Dawnvalle is also home to the infamous Bull Shark gang, a team of pirate raiders
who shake down citizens and are responsible for a number of petty crimes though they
have not done anything ambitious enough to draw serious attention from the local
authorities, their more major operations such as legitimate piracy and full-on raids being
held outside of Marrowden waters to avoid prosecution.
MARROWDEN: The capital and central authority of the country that shares its
name, Marrowden was founded near a series of mountains eventually named the Hills of
Prosperity, all of which contain vast amounts of silver. Marrowden began to earn its keep
through carving ornate religious idols from the silver in the nearby mountains and grew
to be the fiercest civilization in the west. Aside from their direct access to dozens of silver

mines, they do not have the prosperity of Elshire nor the booming population of
Banberry. They have neither the religious presence of Arquenn nor the fierce armies of
Noirwatch, but nonetheless they are very much the jack of all trades and are still a very
able capital to their immense empire. The Marrowden Royal Guard wears fine silver
armor, and some beleive they fight with the power of the guards themselves. Just to the
south of Marrowden lies a famous landmark, the Tower of Apothecyx, which was built
back when Marrowden subscribed to the widely accepted pantheon of Old Gods.
Other places of Interest:
THE KASHAKI CAMPS: The Kashaki are a nomadic people to the north and
east of Marrowden, based mostly on the mongolian raiders. They mainly terrorize the
Xi'Song Empire to the south, though they send a few token raiding forces to Noirwatch to
test their defenses in hopes of gaining access to the prosperous lands of Marrowden. The
Kashaki are mainly mounted combatants and have bred a unique horse with thick, long
hair that can withstand the bitter cold of the north while still keeping a brutally fast pace.
Kashaki furs are said to be woven of iron itself, as their hide armor is famously difficult
to penetrate by both arrow and blade.
THE XI'SONG EMPIRE: A small empire in the east, Xi'Song is based mostly
on feudal Japan. It is ruled by Empress Omira Dandaro, and the landscape is dominated
by castles that resemble pagodas, their walls are developed with small slits in which their
primitive muskets and most crossbows can fire without fear of real retaliation. Xi'Song
contains an Empress but she in turn must answer to a series of royal families known as
the Council of Seven Virtues, each of which control several of their own holds and
villages which combined make up the Xi'Song Empire. Unique and strange weapons are
made here as well as various exotic delicacies and treasures. The best way to get there is
on a ship from Undrell Falls.
THE FREE LANDS OF THE WEST: Based mostly on gothic tribes as well as
teutonic civilizations such as Bavaria and Austria, the Free Lands are a series of
unorganized independent holds who regularly launch attacks on Marrowden to little
effect. Their societies are brutish but fair, ruled mostly by humans and half-orcs though
some Abyssal tieflings have taken up classes as psuedo-nobility. For the most part, the
west is untamed and ruled by warring tribes, but ramshackle kingdoms often ruled by a
might-makes-right system do exist.
GOBA: The south is dominated by desert land, and some trade caravans make
their home there. Some permanent sandstone settlements exist but most of the tribes to
the south are mobile tribes with canvas huts with a wooden frame.

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