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Faculty of Nursing

Assiut University

Geriatric Nursing Exam

Final 4th year
Time: 2 hour
Please answer all the following questions (the total marks 40)
Part I: Define the following ( 5 marks, one for each)
1- Negligence
2- Senility

Part II- circle the (T) if the statement is true and circle f if the statement is
(5 marks half for each)
1-Loss of intracellular fluid increases the risk of dehydration
2- The mortality rate is much lower for the elderly who live alone than for
those who live with a friend or in a family sitting
3- Calcification of costal cartilage is one of the normal change affecting the
respiratory system
4-Urge incontinence is associated with spinal cord injury causing a lack of
awareness of bladder fullness and involuntary urination.
5-Elderly man needs 2300 calories / day
6-Genetic theorists believe that individuals inherit a genetic program that
determines life expectancy









7-Sleep considered as one of the basic physiological needs experienced by

human being
8-One of the psychological theory is the immunologic theory
9-Informed consent is done to the client before the surgical procedures only
10- Senescence is a period of ones life during which the greatest amount of
aging occurs.





Part III:- Read the following statements and circle only one best answer:( 4 marks half for each)
1-The psychosocial theories include the following EXCEPT
a-Disengagement theory
b-Free radical theory
c Activity theory
d-Continuity theory
2- Normal changes that affecting the cardio-vascular system include the
following EXCEPT:
a. Heart muscle losses its strength
b. Heart valves become thick and rigid
c. Blood vessels loose their elasticity
d. Increase efficiency of venous valve

3- Risk factors for elderly people falls include:

a-Age and sex
b-Acute illness
d-All of the above

4- Gastrointestinal problems of the elderly include all of the following


a Tooth loss
b-Poor appetite
d- Dysuria
5-Changes of musculoskeletal system include all the following
a-Decreasing height.
b-Decrease in neurotransmitters.
c-Decreased bone mass.
d-Synovial membranes become more fibrotic.

6-The principle of autonomy is applied through considerations of the

following EXCEPT:
a- Respect for persons.
b- Protection of privacy.
c- Provision informed consent.

d- Insufficient time.
7-Factors that increase ethical dilemmas for nurses are the
following EXCEPT:
a-Expanded role of nurses
b- Medical technology
c- Greater number of nurses
d-Greater number of older adults
8-Emotional or psychological abuse includes all of the following
a-Verbal assaults
b-Isolating an elderly person from his family or friends
c-Pain, or distress through verbal or nonverbal acts
d-Beating and pushing

Part IV:- List the following (20 marks one for each)
1-Causes of malnutrition among elderly people

bcd2- Functional changes that are associated with inactivity of elderly people
abcd4-The main psychosocial problems affecting the elderly are
abc5-The psychosocial challenges of the older adult :
abc6- Normal changes affecting the immune system of elderly people are :

7-Three measures that help nurses to make ethical decisions:


Part V: Matching the following from column (A) and ( B) ( write the
number of the answer from column ( B) infront the suitable statement
from the column (A))
( 6 marks one for each)

-Decrease number of eyelashes.

1. Decreased reflexes

- Decreased number of brain cells

2. Decreased

- Decreased number of nerve fibers


- Decreased tear production




- Decrease number of nasal sensory receptors

3. Increase risk of eye injury

- Decreased amount neuro receptors

4. Decrease




5. Decreased coordination
6. Increase risk of eye irritation
7. Decrease ability to taste.


Good luck


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