Statement of Purpose of The Portfolio

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To produce technician graduates with marketable skills and potentials for growth to address the
manpower needs of business and industry.
To produce occupationally and professionally prepared teachers and specialists in vocational
technical education.
To engage in production activities that will enhance the development of knowledge, skills and
capabilities for entrepreneurial endeavors or self-employment among graduates.
To provide professional services to industries, technical and vocational schools, professional
organizations and other agencies, in upgrading and developing existing technical and supervisory
To integrate research and extension programs in collaboration with other institutions primarily for
the development in the region.


We are assigned to observe the Tugbongan Elementary School, and because
of those observations we get some ideas from the class that we had
observed. And because of those experiences, our minds are already
enlightened on what kind of profession we are soon to face.
The reason why I make this portfolio is because I want others to know on
what the real scenario in elementary school. I want others to know on how
difficult the job of the elementary teacher. Others say that the teacher are
just a repeater, it is the simplest job of the world that even those person who
are not licensed are capable to teach. And I believed so. Thats why when Im
inside the room, observing how the teacher managed her pupils, on how she
hold her patients towards her pupils I feel pity to the teacher because she is
eager to impart the learning that she have, but sad to say her pupils are
listening to her, others are quarrelling, others are eating, it seems that the
teachers effort are useless. I meditate to that scenario, on what if, I
experience this kind scenario too, I ask to myself if I can hold my temper as
what the teacher did, or I will not come back. Thats why Im very thankful
that we have this kind of curriculum which is field study 1, which gives us full
opportunity to observe in elementary school. Without this curriculum, we will
leave hanging. So, now we already understood our profession, and now were
ready to face another chapter of our life. And I hope that others will also
know the value of our teachers, on how big is their sacrifices towards us,


As what youve seen in the entries or evidence, the school has limited
They dont have library, which allows them to research or to be acquainted
with different ideas, they also dont have laboratory which hone their
scientific and reasoning ability, also audio visual room/ media center,
counseling room and reading center, they dont have this facilities. As what I
had observed in private school, they do have these facilities, but here in
public, they are limited or lack of resources.
Even if the school has limited resources, the teachers are able to teach well
or with competence. They are asking of some of these facilities in order to
attain the quality education but sad to say, here in public its only a dream.
All they need to do is to do their best in teaching so that the pupils will not
be left hanging due to insufficient facilities. Some of the teacher spends their
own money in upgrading their classroom, in decorating and cleaning.
Unlike those teacher who taught in private school, that they are provided in
all their needs, like chalk and etc. And they only have 20-30 pupils to handle
with. Maybe thats the leading cause why they are very effective and why
those pupils who study at private is more advance than those who study at
public school. In order for the school to be more advance they must possess
first this needed facilities most especially the library. But due to the lack of
budget, this problem till now is not yet resolved. So, for us future educator,
we will do our best in order to cope with this problem and to be a part of the
solution rather than a part of the problem. And I hope that this problem will
not interfere the pupils learning


This portfolio states the learning that I get from our first field study
observation. I really learn a lot from our observation, I learned about, how to
manage the classroom properly, how to manage 60 pupils and how to adjust
myself to the environment of the pupils. On the first day of our observation,
we were scolded by the principal because we arrive late in her office, at least
in our first day of observation, we learn to be punctual. When Im starting to
observe the room, I felt pity on the teacher most especially if her pupils
arent listening to her. I came to think if I face this challenge in future, how to
handle this challenge. Thats why this observation really helps us to be an
effective teacher someday because we already know the real scenario of the
classroom; we already know how to adjust in that certain atmosphere. The
school lacks of facilities such as library and laboratory. Through
this observation, we learned how to use our resources to cope with this issue.
We know how important a library is, because it will become our major
references in our topic and a reference also in assignments. And also the
laboratory, it is very helpful most especially in the field of science and
technology. But still the absences of these facilities are not the reason on the
interference of the pupils learning. The teacher is able to teach them and to
facilitate them without using these facilities. Indeed, lacking of facilities is

not the hindrance of learning; it depends on the teachers ability on how

she/he will cope these problems. Furthermore, the teacher should not limit
their abilities in the average level on, but they must strive hard to compete
with others, because in the hands of teacher lies the future of their learner,
so as a teacher they must start honing their pupils in order for them to
productive someday.

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