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Chapter 9 Assessment of Fitness

To get a favourable approach to fitness testing it should have a
clear purpose that is communicated to the performer.
Examples of fitness assessment purpose.....
1. Determining fitness component strength and weaknesses
Compare to Normative Data
2. Establish a baseline
Something to compare later results to
3. Improving Motivation
Improve training performance if they realise they will
be re-tested
4. Determining team positions
Example Cameron Ling played junior football as full
forward but tested extremely well for his aerobic
capacity and so became a tagger
5. Predicting potential of future perfomers
Talent identification programs funded by the federal
6. Assessing cardiovascular risk
For example body composition tests such as waist
7. Selection criteria
For example Vic Police must reach certain fitness
standards to enter the force

Fitness Assessment Protocols

Validity Does the test measure what it is supposed to?
Gold standard tests are the best at measuring the
specific fitness components
Correlate tests Able to predict VO2max from beep
Reliability Will you get consistent results? E.g. if you did the
test over and over again would you get the same results? If
they are not reliable pre and post tests can not be compared.

Time of day
Nutrition, hydration
Warm up
Order of testing PC testing done first so as not
depleted before start
Clothing and footwear
Same tests
Health Status
Accuracy of Testing
Must have the same rules each time you perform a test
Usually a trade off between practicality and accuracy.
Equipment must be calibrated and in good working order
Timing gates rather than stopwatch (if stopwatch the
same person timing each time)

Health Screening

Health Screening- Normally involves a medical history

questionnaire and a few tests, such as for blood pressure.
Should always be done but especially important for older
participants and those with illness or injury.
Informed Consent
Agreement by performer to continue testing after being
made aware of the risks. All tests contain some element of

Lab Testing Vs Field Testing

Not as accurate
Often test are to Max
Can be to Max
Max testing involves increased risk to participant due to
the stress put on the body. Also competitor may not be
able to push themselves to their max giving a false result.
Direct and Indirect
Direct VO2max test
Indirect Coopers 12 min run test can be a predictor of

Fitness Test Selection

Must be Specific e.g. 50m sprint test not appropriate for
netball should be 10-15m
Results Comparison
Norm reference
Criterion referenced approach must reach an
acceptable level that is agreed upon for health or
fitness reasons
Pre and Post testing as if no normative data must be
compared to previous results
Non-Fatiguing tests (e.g. body composition or
reaction time)
Agility tests
Muscular strength and power tests
Sprint or anaerobic capacity tests
Muscular endurance and aerobic capacity tests
Should avoid doing 2 max tests on the same day.

What resources are available to use to do the testing

Fitness Tests
Need to know at least 2 tests per fitness
Best to do most common tests
Group them into
o M-for maximal(e.g. VO2max),
o I-for Indirect(e.g. beep test is indirect
measure of VO2max),
o D-Direct (Vo2max is a direct measure of
your Vo2max),
o F-Field test(e.g.beep test),
o L-Lab test(e.g. Vo2 max test)
Should also know roughly what the norms are
for males and females so include a rough

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