01 Ivy Simons Booklet

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Listening Part A

Ivy Simons
Listening Sub-Test: Part A

In this part of the test, you will hear Doctor Jonathon Wilson interviewing Ivy Simons an
elderly patient
While listening, make notes on your answer sheet about the consultation under the headings
given. Give as much information as you can.
There will be a short space between each question and you will hear the interview once only
Do not write full sentences, use note form.
You now have one minute to read through the headings.

1. Reason for presenting


Recent health





2. Medication









3. Support services received



Patient concerns







This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright

Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

Listening Part A

4. Social Situation









Doctors advice




5. Questions asked by doctor in brief






Patient responses






6. Patient concerns





This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright

Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

Listening Part A

Future management




Now check your results and add up your score with on the answer sheet.
Your Score________
To pass the listening test you need to get at least 65%, so for this exam you
need to get at least 31/48.

This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright

Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

Listening Part A

Ivy Simons
One mark for each correct answer. Underlined words essential.
Variations in vocabulary and grammar are acceptable
Slash / indicates alternative answers
Brackets (_______) indicate optional details which do not need to be included

1. Reason for presenting

6 month check up
Recent Health

Had the flu

Son came to help

Lost over 4kg

2. Medication

Karvea for BP (2 marks)

Oroxine for thyroid function (2 marks)

Lipex for cholesterol (2 marks)

Chemist keeps track of medication

Sometimes misses a day

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Leave Webster Pack in a place where shell see it/ visible place
3. Support Services


Home Help Lady/ help with cleaning

Patient concerns

Believes gardener stealing tools

Garden gloves missing

Digging fork missing

Watering can missing

Favourite tea cup gone

Hides TV remote control

4. Social situation

Used to play lawn bowls, but friends have left

Gave up bridge

Neighbours help with shopping

Happy to manage herself

Rarely goes for walks/stays at home


Not hungry..tea/toast

Frozen food in microwave

Doctors advice

Dont lose more weight

Eat regular meals

Eat fruit & vegetables

5. Questions asked by doctor

What day of the week is it?

Who is the new Prime Minister?

Can you count back from 100 in groups of 7?

Do you ever feel lost in your neighbourhood?

Do you ever lose your house keys?

This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright
Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

Listening Part A

Patients response


James someone or other/ doesnt bother with politics

100/ never good at sums

got mixed up once / but neighbour helped

yes (doesnt everyone)

6. Patient concerns

May be put in nursing home

Wants to stay where she is

Doesnt want son/Tom to worry

Son busy with work/family

Future management

Thyroid function checked

Blood tests

Schedule visit for next week

Now look at question 1 and
take notes on reason for
presenting and the patients
recent health
Good Morning Mrs Simons
thanks for coming in today
Ivy Simons
Oh er I just wondered Doctor I got
this letter from your receptionist I
think it was. I was wondering
what to do with it but it says I
should come in for a routine six
month check-up but I think I was
only here just a few weeks ago
wasnt I?
Ah lets see now its October 28th
today so its just over 6 months
since your last visit.
Ivy Simons
It was actually in March
Ivy Simons
Oh my, time flies I thought it was
only a few weeks ago
Yes time certainly does fly thats
right. So tell me how youve been
for the last six months howve
you been going?
Ivy Simons
Oh er I think its just the same as
oh no well I did have flu actually
my son, you know he lives in the
city he came to help me hes my
only son - thats Tom
Yes I know Tom we were in
school together and he came with
you on your last visit in March
Ivy Simons
Oh yes now I remember he does
know you doesnt he?
Yes thats right
Ivy Simons

Well anyway he came to help me

but Im fine now
Well thats good lets just check
a few things out shall we? Could
you just step on the scales for me?
Ivy Simons
Oh I dont think Ive put any
weight Ive never been fat.
No you certainly have not in fact
you have lost just over 4kg but
well talk a bit more about that
later. Ill just check your blood
Ivy Simons
That should be OK
Not too bad, but it is a higher than
last time.
Pause 10 seconds
Now look at question 2. Take
notes on the medication
Now Ivy, does the use the Webster
Pack the pharmacist made up for
you help to make sure you take the
right medication every morning,
What medications do you mean?
It should have both your Karvea for
controlling your blood pressure and
your Oroxine tablets to ensure your
thyroid is functioning adequately.
..and the Lipex to keep your
cholesterol levels under control
Ivy Simons
Oh yes my chemist has been very
good to me he keeps track of my
prescriptions and sets everything
out for me so I know what to take
each day. Of course sometimes I
notice I seem to have missed a day
here and there but one thing I
always take is my vitamin C and
my vitamin E. Ive taken them for

years and theyre very good for me.

Well Im pleased that is working
for you but it is very important that
you take your Karvea and Oroxine
& your lipex as well. Perhaps if
you leave the Webster Pack in a
place where you will always see it
when you get up in the morning.
Pause 10 seconds
Now look at question 3. Take
notes on the support received
and patient concerns
Now Mrs Simons can you tell me
about how your managing on your
own on a day to day basis
Ivy Simons
Well Im managing myself I think
an but Im having a few problems
er I mean you know Tom got a
gardener for me you know to help
with the garden
Well that must be a help for you
Ivy Simons
I dont know about that quite
frankly Tom seems to think hes
OK but I dont know what he is
doing I think he is stealing my
tools ?
Thats rather unusual. What makes
you think that Mrs Simons?
Ivy Simons
Well several things have gone
missing like my garden gloves, and
my digging fork which I use for
putting in flowers, and my water
can as well. So thats why Id like
to get rid of him.
Now do you have any help with
the house work?
Ivy Simons
Oh I can manage that oh yes
well er I have got a home help
lady that helps some home help

This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright

Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

Listening Part A
people came round and they said I
could have help with cleaning the
house but I dont think these
people are really trustworthy. Now
take this morning I wanted a cup of
tea. I always use my favourite tea
cup and this morning it was gone
now the cleaning lady was there
yesterday she must have taken
it,and I also I think she hides the
remote control for the TV.
Do you think that maybe you could
have misplaced these things
Ivy Simons
Oh I always put things in the same
place and Ive been doing that for
I see Maybe that is something
you should talk to Tom about if it
is worrying you.
Pause 10 seconds
Now look at question 4. Take
notes on the Ivys social situation
Now just a few more questions.
Are you getting out and about these
days are you seeing your friends
and joining in any activities
Ivy Simons
I used to play lawn bowls, but I
dont know the people there any
more..all my friends have left
Well, I do remember you used play
bridge with the Library Club
Ivy Simons
I gave that up because they became
so fussy and angry if played with
wrong card
What about your neighbours?
Ivy Simons
Oh well you know everything is
changing er my neighbour helps a
bit with some shopping but Im
really quite happy managing
Hmm, do you still go on regular
walks to the park and around the
Ivy Simons
Oh well of course Id like to but
you know every thing keeps
changing they are always digging
up the footpaths , pulling down and
building new houses. Half the time
I hardly know where I am these
days so I just stay home.
Now takes notes of Ivys diet and
the doctors advice
I see. Now lets talk about cooking
and your eating habits how are
you managing with that?
Ivy Simons
Well I dont like cooking and Im
not so hungry really these days
tea and a nice bit of toast does me a
lot of the time and well my
neighbour buys me some of that
frozen food that you can just put in
the microwave and I use that now

and then.
I have noticed that you have lost
quite a bit of weight since I last
saw you
Ivy Simons
Oh well that happens when we get
Yes I understand but its
important that you dont lose any
more weight . Good nutrition is the
key to good health and I would like
you to have regular meals and
make sure you are eating fruit and
Pause 10 seconds
Now look at question 5.
Questions asked by doctor in
Now Mrs Simon at this stage, if
you dont mind, I like to just do a
simple memory test
Ivy Simons
Oh well I think my memory is fine
- I mean I know I forget a few
names and things but Im really
Well thats very good but first of
all can you just tell me what day of
the week it is today?
Ivy Simons
Today? Er I dont look at the
calendar every day er oh today
its Wednesday
Well no actually its Friday
Ivy Simons
Friday! Already! Oh goodness
well I said time flies these days
Okay well now we had Federal
Government Election just a few
weeks ago. Do you know who the
new Prime Minister is at the
Ivy Simons
At the moment? Oh weve had the
same Prime Minister for years
havent we James someone or
other? I dont really bother about
politics any more they are all the
same really
Another question is, and this is a
tough one Can you count back
from 100 in groups of seven? So
Ill do the first one for you. So we
are on 100 and we go back 7 to 93
so what would come next if we go
back another 7
Ivy Simons
No we are counting backwards so
we go a 100 then back 7 to 93 and
then what comes next if we count
back another 7?
Ivy Simons
Oh look I dont know about that I
was never good at sums I cant do
that sort of thing and why would I

need to anyway.
Exactly, I understand ..OK well
leave that. Now you mentioned
just before that everything is
changing in your neigbourhood Do you ever feel lost in your
Ivy Simons
Ooh I had one time when I got a
bit mixed up I mean its just the
way things have changed but one
of my neighbours saw me and she
helped me get home
Do you ever lose your house keys?
Ivy Simons
Doesnt everyone now and then
Well Mrs Simons I can see from
what you told me today that you
are having some problems with
daily living and the people that are
helping you
Ivy Simons
Thats not my problem its theirs
they havent been trustworthy
Pause 10 seconds
Now look at question 6. Take
notes on Ivys concerns &
doctors advice for future
Yes I see but it is worrying for you
so with you permission Id like to
talk to Tom and let him know
about your concerns because I am
sure hed want you to be in a good
situation and getting all the help
you need. So do I have your
permission to contact him for a
chat I have his number here on
Ivy Simons
Well I dont want Tom to be too
worried because the next thing
hell want to do is move me into a
nursing home or something. Hes
already talked about it but I want to
stay where I am and Im quite OK
and I really dont want to worry
Yes I understand but he is your son
and he will be concerned to hear
that some of the help he has
arranged like the gardener really is
not working out. Have you
discussed this with him at all?
Ivy Simons
Well I didnt say anything because
it would really worry him. You
know he is busy and hes got his
work and his family.
Really I feel that as your son he
would like to know. He made the
arrangements with the gardener and
he does need to know if there are
problems for you.
Ivy Simons
Well I suppose he should know
because hes spending money on
that gardener and home help which
I think is a waste.

This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright

Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

Listening Part A
So you are quite okay with me
giving him a call
Ivy Simons
Oh well if you think its a good
idea I suppose but dont alarm him.
Right well Ill do that. Now I
would also like you to get your
thyroid function checked again just

in case there is any change and also

some blood tests just to check that
everything is fine overall. The
pathology laboratory is just next
door so Ill get my nurse to take
you over now and well schedule a
visit for next week when the results
will be in and Ill have had a
chance to talk to Tom. Is that all
Okay with you Ivy?

Ivy Simons
Yes that will be alright. Thank
you doctor
Okay Ivy, now you take care and
do try to eat some nice fresh fruit
and vegetables.
That is the End of Part A

This resource was developed by OET Online and is subject to copyright

Website: http://oetonline.com.au

Email: oetonline@gmail.com

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