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Experimental Design Worksheet

Please download this form, fill it out using Microsoft Word, print the completed form and turn it
in by the deadline specified in the syllabus. You will notice you can only type in the gray boxes;
they will expand as needed. You should only turn in one worksheet per group.
Project title (think about what the title of your lab report might be):
Research Group Members:



Briefly, what did you learn about reflex time from the experiment you have already done?

What is the Question that you want to ask? That is, what more do you now want to know about
reflexes? Please phrase it as a question.

Formulate a specific, testable Hypothesis for some aspect of your question. Your question may
be general, but your hypothesis must be specific and predict a specific result. Keep it simple and
Example: Why are plants green? is a general question. Plants are green because chlorophyll in their cells
absorbs light in the red and yellow wavelengths is a specific, testable hypothesis.

It is easier if you make it an if and then statement

Give a Justification for your hypothesis. That is, what is your hypothesis based on? What facts
or data that you already have lead you to believe your hypothesis is correct? (Remember that a
hypothesis is not a random guess, but is based on previous knowledge!) Be specific!
Example: We know that plants contain chlorophyll and that visible color results from a molecules ability to absorb
some wavelengths of light and reflect the remaining wavelengths.

Briefly describe an Experiment that you can do to test your hypothesis. Dont give all the details
here, but explain how you will test the hypothesis. Include what Variable you will change, what
Control(s) you will need, and how many Trials you will do.

Give a step-by-step Protocol or procedure that you will use to carry out your experiment.
Anyone (not just you) should be able to use your protocol to carry out your experiment. It should
include volumes, concentrations, temperatures, times, etc.all the details needed.

What Predictions does your hypothesis make about the outcome of your experiment? That is, if
your hypothesis were correct, what results would you expect? What kind of results would not
support your hypothesis?

Once you have finalized your protocol with your instructor, dont forget that each group member
will want to transfer it to his or her notebook! You (or anyone else) should be able to repeat the
experiment exactly by following what is written in your notebook.

For instructors use only:

Project asks an interesting question
Hypothesis is specific, testable and based on a solid scientific rationale
Experiment is well-designed
Experimenters propose to collect sufficient data
Appropriate controls have been proposed
Experimenters understand the predictions of their hypotheses
Experimental proposal:

is acceptable as written

must be re-written to obtain approval

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