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Insights Prelims Test

Series 2016
Tests 11-20
Document contains three categories.
(i) Errors Both in the solution and the
explanation. They are marked in
(ii) Typos Explanation is correct and
complete in this case. But, the Solution
(answer) option is printed incorrectly.
Clarification for typos are given in Regular
BLACK font.
(iii) Clarifications In the Discussion
asked/raised/requested. We tried to
address nearly all queries in the
Discussion pages wherever it was
possible or required. However, some
doubts remain; they are addressed here in
Regular BLUE Font.
The classification has been made to make
the document more readable so that you
quickly address your doubts.

Test 11

13. Clarification: Statement 2 should be

read as Saving discourages inflationcausing consumption expenditure.
21. Clarification: Statement 2 should
actually be Factor Income from Foreign
investments, rather than just Foreign
Foreign investments lead to factor income
earned by foreign residents in host
territory, for e.g. a Nokia production plant
in India. A foreign resident has deployed
factors in India, and earning income out of
it. This is why all our national economic
activity is counted in terms of GDP which
includes the contribution to production by
FDI. To calculate actual national product,
we find GNP which is nothing but GDP
adjusted for NFIA. So, factor income
through Foreign investments is a part of
Also, GNP = GDP + NFIA. It was a mixup, given earlier as GNP = GDP NFIA.
23. Clarification: Printing currency should
not be seen ideally as a part of monetary
policy as the decision to print currency is
not taken solely by the Central Bank.
There is a lot of involvement of the
government in not just influencing certain
decisions, but also approving them in
some cases. Actual practice may differ a
little as it also depends on the market
conditions. Please see
50. Answer will be D.
Lala Lajpat rai founded the Anglo-Vedic
School in collaboration with Mahatma
Hans Raj. This makes him a co-founder.
So, all statements will be correct. 63.
Answer is B, not D, as also clear from the
91. Clarification: Government of India
issues the coins, i.e. mints them and its

seal is present in the coins. RBI only

circulates them. The word "issue" in the
RBI link should be read in this context. In
12th NCERT, also the word "issue" has
been used in the sense of minting and
authorizing coins, and not circulation.
RBI prints currency notes and thus the
notes bear RBI's seal and Governor's
signature (promise). So, here RBI both
issues the currency notes and circulates
them in the economy.

Test 12
47. Clarification: Bhikaji cama unfurled
the flag from International Socialist
Conference held in Germany, not Paris.
72. Clarification: Pedana-made fabric has
been recommended for the status of
Indian Handloom Brand tag, and is still in
the process of consideration. Correct
answer will be Statement 2 only.

Test 13
4. Clarification: Indravati National Park is
in Chhattisgarh, not Madhya Pradesh.
64. Please remove the word cannot and
replace it with can. As clear from the
explanation, private members can initiate
constitutional amendment bills. Statement
4 would now be correct.
72. Clarification: 12th NCERT
Contemporary World Politics clearly
mentions the criterion to be money
contribution to IMF.
But, the IMF official website states that the
current quota formula is a weighted
average of GDP (weight of 50 percent),
openness (30 percent), economic
variability (15 percent), and international
reserves (5 percent). For this purpose,

GDP is measured through a blend of

GDPbased on market exchange rates
(weight of 60 percent)and on PPP
exchange rates (40 percent).
So, option B would also be an appropriate
answer other than A. Option A (money
contribution) is also a consequence of
option B (size of GDP).

Test 14
6. Clarification: Hemis national park is
located in Ladakh, not HP.
17. Clarification: For additional
information, in the explanation we had
mentioned that out of all princely states,
Travancore had the highest membership
of 6. It is actually Mysore, which had 7
members in the Constituent Assembly.
20. Only statements 3 and 4 are correct.
As clear from the explanation, statement 2
is incorrect. Accountability to Judiciary is
not a major feature of parliamentary
government in India.
55. Answer will clearly be A, as also
visible from the explanation.
69. Clarification: Both statements are
correct as given in the PDF.
Geographically speaking, cloudbursts
happen due to a) Orographic lift, and b)
mixing of warm air parcel with cold air
parcel, c) collision of heavy clouds with
mountains. Mountaineous regions favour
these conditions. Also, regions with
oceans surrounding from three sides (like
Peninsular India) are favourable locations
for cloudbursts due to availability of a
large quantity of moisture.
However, it is not essential that
cloudbursts occur only when a cloud
clashes with a solid body like a mountain.

They can also occur when hot water vapor

mingles into the cold resulting in sudden
97. As clear from the explanation, only
statement 2 is correct. The capitalist class
preferred constitutional forms of struggle
rather than mass civil disobedience.

Test 15
13. Correct answer will be option D.
The Krishonnati Yojana includes all the
schemes mentioned in the question.
92. Clarification: Paints fall into both
Orange and Red category.

Test 16
36. Clarification: Supplementary
questions cannot follow in unstarred
37. Clarification: As per recent changes
made in the Winter Session of 2014 by
Parliament: Zero hour precedes the
Question hour in Rajya Sabha. In Lok
Sabha order remains the same, first
Question hour, then zero hour.
Figure 1 here:

40. The question should have asked about

CORRECT statements, instead of
INCORRECT. It is a typo. Answer will be

Test 17
8. Option C should be 2 and 3 only
instead of at present 3 only. Rest
remains the same.
53. Missing solution: Answer will be B,
as clear from the explanation.

Test 18
59. Clarification: The Vice-President's
salary is charged on CFI in his capacity as
the Chairman of Rajya Sabha, and not
Vice-President. Reason is that the
Chairman needs to be impartial and nonpartisan in conducting the proceedings of
the house. Article 112 of the Constitution
explicitly ignores the term "VicePresident".
71. Clarification: A better word in place of
"shape" could have been "curvature". The
curvature changes, and hence the speed
of earth's revolution around the Sun also
changes. The explanation given is correct.
97. Clarification: "Real Estate Business
(other than construction development) or
Construction of Farm Houses" is a
prohibited sector for FDI. Only
construction related activities under real
estate has been relaxed, not the sector as
a whole.

Test 19
10. Statement 3, as framed presently is
wrong, as the salt tax continued to remain
in effect after the Gandhi-Irwin pact and
was repealed only by the Interim
Government in 1946. Only right to
manufacture salt was given under the
pact. So, please replace the statement 3
with this -Manufacture of salt was allowed
to Indians.

15. Clarification: Whether a place is

seeing sunrise or sunset will depend on
the kind of flat shape we assume for earth.
If the earth is flat horizontally (like a sheet
of paper), then all places would see
sunrise at the same time.
If it is vertically flat (keep the sheet of
paper vertically), places on one side would
see sunrise, and the other sunset. The
other side will see sunrise when the flat
earth revolves and changes position in the
orbit. So, both options are correct
39. Only statement 1 is correct.
Akash is not a nuclear capable missile, as
also clear from the explanation.
49. Correct statements are 1, 2 and 3
The Protection of Human Rights Act,
1993, requires that the NHRC, India
submit its annual reports to People's
Representatives in Parliament through the
Government so that it reaches to them
along with the response of the
Government to the recommendations and
issues raised by the Commission therein.
So, it is not submitted by the President to
the Parliament.
78. Clarification: The correct answer will
remain as A. Speed of Sound is more in
hot air than cold air because of two
reasons: a) Hot air is less dense than cold
air; and b) Sound travels faster through
hot air as its molecules are excited and
transmission of the sound wave is easier
than in cold air.
Also, speed of sound is more in moist air
than dry air as moist air is less dense that
dry air.
79. The answer should be A. The reason
correctly explains assertion.

83. Clarification: It is mentioned that J&K

has lowest sex ratio. It is actually Haryana
has the lowest sex ratio among all states.
J&K has second lowest sex ratio.
89. Clarification: Some have argued that
option C should also be correct, as
continent-continent convergence is also a
subduction zone. But, the answer would
be maintained as D. Please see the links
below for the explanation.
Or 4th paragraph here

Test 20
56. Answer will be C. CIC is not eligible
for reappointment only for the same
office. They can be further employed by
the government in other capacities. For
e.g. Satyananda Mishra has been
appointed Chairman of the MultiCommodity Exchange of India Ltd(MCX).
57. Answer is D as per the explanation.
96. Clarification: Statement 2 should
mention a partly elected body instead of
an elected body, as also clear from the
explanation. Rest remains the same.

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