Assignment Problems: 2016-17 1 Sem: A B A, B

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IME602: Probability and Statistics

Assignment Problems: 2016-17 1st Sem

Date: Jul 28, 2016. Due date: Aug 01, 2016, 9:00 am.
This assignment is about operations involving sets. You are supposed to review this topic. So this
assignment should help you in this regard. The assignment is in three parts:
a) There are three basic set operations that produce new sets. These are union ( ), intersection
( ), and complementation ( c ). There is another useful operation called set difference (
/ ). However, it can be represented using the other operations. Represent A B
using A , B and , ,c , and justify (i.e., prove) your answer.
b) Prove the DeMorgans law, i.e., ( A B )c =A c Bc and ( A B )c =A c Bc .
c) Show that A ( B C )=( A B ) ( A C ) and A ( B C )=( A B ) ( A C ) .
We will use the above results at some point during the course.
Readings: Chapter 2 of Dekking, Chapter 1 of Larson (for a review of sets and functions).
Practice Problems: Exercise 2.1 of Larson.

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