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Education Earner
Educ. 15 Guidance and Counseling
Midterm Assignment #1
1. Guidance is regarded as a concept as well as a set of organized
services. Explain the meaning of this statement. Give some
examples to illustrate the point.
Answer. Guidance is a concept as well as a process or a set of organized
services. As a concept guidance is concerned with the optimal development
of the individual which includes the understanding of the social, cognitive,
emotional and educational development of the child. This optimal
development of a child is considered vital to society.
As a process or a set of organized services, guidance helps the individual in
self understanding which includes understanding of ones strengths,
limitations, and other resources. Also, Guidance has its services which will
help individual finds self-direction which includes the ability to solve
problems, make choices and decision on ones own.
2. If you are the guidance counselor, will you confine in the school the
different activities in the development of the student? Explain.
Answer. Yes, because for me the school is expected to provide more than
just teaching and instruction. The school guidance program must include all
those activities other than instructional which are carried out to render
assistance to pupils in their educational, vocational, personal development
and adjustment. Guidance services and activities can assist the pupils in
knowing themselves - their potentialities and limitations, making appropriate
choices in educational, vocational and other fields. Example, most students
participate in academic and non-academic activities at school, and develop a
sense of belonging their friends are there, they have good relations with
teachers and other students, and they identify with and value schooling
3. Identify one form of guidance service. Discuss the very functions of
the service you have chosen.

Answer. Psychological Testing Service

It refers to the administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological

tests to individual or group of students used to assess his/their behavioral
tendencies. Psychological tests are also used as tools in counseling students.

Psychological tests are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and

attributes, including achievement and ability, personality, and neurological
functioning. For children, academic achievement, ability, and intelligence
tests may be used as tools in school placement, in determining the presence
of a learning disability or a developmental delay, in identifying giftedness, or
in tracking intellectual development. Intelligence testing may also be used
with teens and young adults to determine vocational ability. Personality tests
are administered for a wide variety of reasons, from diagnosing

psychopathology which may include personality disorder and depressive

disorder to screening job candidates. They may be used in an educational
setting to determine personality strengths and weaknesses.

4. Pick one characteristic of the guidance service and explain.

Answer. Guidance service is more of preventing problems rather than to find
solutions to an existing problem. It has many activities which may help in
preventing problems like for example; the teacher as part of the guidance
organization has a vital role in this preventive guidance approach. The
teacher is to look after and involve many preventive and protective services
such as classroom guidance, group counselling, consultation etc. It becomes
the duty of the teacher to provide guidance, emphasize line-up activities,
counselling service, co-ordination of activities, others and curricular
development. The teacher is to observe the child minutely and help him to
adjust with the classroom environment with other students. The teacher must
have the student cumulative record and is to be maintained in a systematic
way. This information is to be collected from the students, their parents and
other teachers. In case the teacher is in a position to locate any alignment
with the behaviour of the student, he can discuss it with parents as both the
school. The teacher also can have sessions with these students who have one
type or the other problem and examine the causes and remedies to help him
to adjust in a better way. If needed, he can discuss the problem with the
school counsellor and seek his help.
5. List down some worthwhile activities that a guidance services should
give to students to erase the stigma that whenever you are called in
the guidance office, someone would think that you have committed
wrong-doings inside and outside the school. Explain
Answer. Here are some of the Guidance Service Activities that would erase
the stigma that whenever you are called in the guidance office, someone
would think that you have committed wrong-doings inside and outside the

Organized a group of student-counselors which may from time to time

be able to visit the guidance center for some basic counseling training.
These student-counselors can also do counseling sessions with their
peers of the same age group.
Schedule a student-study-team meeting at the guidance center. This is
a kind of tutorial or group study sessions
Organize training and workshops which are related to student
development like human relations, human dynamics and career
orientation to students.

Education Earner
Educ. 15 Guidance and Counseling
Midterm Assignment #2
1. Might it be helpful to the counselor to know essentially the nature of
a students problem when he seeks assistance?
Answer. Yes, of course, it is very important that the counselor know exactly
the cause of the problem before he can give his advices and guidance to the
counselee. If the counselor closely examines what cause the problems of
students in schools and colleges, he would exactly realize and understand
why the problem exists so he could be able to analyze the problem and later
find relevant solutions to the problem.
2. What differences might they make in procedures the counselor may
Answer. The question is unclear but base on my understandings; counselors
differ in the procedure or type of counseling they may apply which is based
on the problem that needs to be understood. The procedure that the
counselor may apply will be base also on the available resources and data
needed to solve the problem. Counselors may have different ways of finding
needed information.
3. Is there a need for the counselor to have linkages with some
companies? Why?
Answer. Yes, linkages with some companies are important for the guidance
counselor because of the following reasons:
To have basis, guide or pattern in counseling procedures.
To have linkages on the different guidance and counseling trainings
and updates available.
To be able to find help in some circumstances.
To easily find resource person on seminars and training conducted by
the guidance center.
4. How can a counselor help students who are in dire financial needs?
Answer. With the linkages on some to the external organizations and
companies, the counselor will know available scholarships sponsored by the
government or other organizations. He may advice and assist the student
with terrible financial to apply with those available scholarships or find him
sponsors. If not, as counselor, he must know some of the job opportunities

available in the area, therefore, he may assist the student in applying with
the job that is somehow fit to him as working student.
5. If you are the guidance counselor of the school, how can you help to
solve rampant stealing and vandalism in your school? Support your
Answer. Stealing and vandalism is made by students with behavioral
problems. These students need personal guidance counseling. If I were the
guidance counselor, I will find ways to provide those students engaged in
these activities with some opportunities for self-expression. I will let them
busy with some co-curricular activities which may attract their interest.
Constant monitoring, counselling sessions and follow-up to these students
will, I think, may prevent the problem.

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