Kinetic Molecular Theory of Temperature Drill Questions

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Directions: Each of the following is a question that is like one that you will be asked tomorrow on the
quiz. Why does that enduring understanding explain the solution to you?
1. If heat is added to a liquid, which of the following occurs?
A. The friction in the liquid increases.
B. The size of the liquid molecules expands.
C. The potential energy of the liquid changes.
D. The molecular motion in the liquid increases.

2. A rise in the temperature inside a kitchen means there is an increase in the

A. density of the air molecules.
B. number of the air molecules.
C. average size of the air molecules.
D. average kinetic energy of the air molecules.

3. A sealed glass container holds molecules of nitrogen gas. The nitrogen molecules have increasing
velocities. Which of the following will make the molecules move faster?
A. bonding the molecules together
B. transferring heat to the molecules
C. expanding the volume of the container
D. decreasing the pressure in the container

4. Two identical beakers each contain 250 mL of water. The temperature of the water is 85C in one
beaker and 15C in the other beaker. A drop of red food coloring is placed in each beaker at the same
time. During the first minute, which of the following is most likely to happen?
A. The food coloring will spread out faster in the 85C water than in the 15C water.
B. The food coloring will form a layer at the top of each beaker since it does not mix with water.
C. The food coloring will spread only halfway through the water in each beaker due to convection
D. The food coloring will settle faster at the bottom of the beaker containing 85C water than at the
bottom of the beaker containing 15C water.

5. A balloon is inflated with room-temperature air and then put in a sunny place. The balloon expands
slightly due to a rise in temperature. Which of the following best describes the molecules of air inside
the balloon when the balloon is left in the sunlight as compared to when it was first inflated?
A. The molecules are moving faster.
B. There are more molecules in the balloon.
C. There are fewer interactions between the molecules.
D. The molecules stop colliding with the walls of the balloon.

6. Two full 2 L bottles of water are placed on a table. Bottle 1 was just removed from a refrigerator;
bottle 2 is at room temperature. Which of the following statements describes the average molecular
kinetic energy and the speed of the molecules in each bottle?
A. Bottle 1 has the same average molecular kinetic energy as bottle 2, and the molecules have the
same average speed in both bottles.
B. Bottle 1 has a smaller average molecular kinetic energy than bottle 2, and the molecules have the
same average speed in both bottles.
C. Bottle 1 has a smaller average molecular kinetic energy than bottle 2, and the molecules have a
slower average speed in bottle 1 than in bottle 2.
D. Bottle 1 has a larger average molecular kinetic energy than bottle 2, and the molecules have a
slower average speed in bottle 1 than in bottle 2.

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