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Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare

1. The work of the local church has often been described as threefold...
a. Edification - equipping the saints for ministry
b. Benevolence - meeting the needs of destitute brethren
c. Evangelism - spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost
2. The organization and worship of the local church naturally focus on
a. Edification
b. Benevolence
To neglect evangelism is harmful to the spiritual life of the church.
That we might not neglect this important duty, let's take this
opportunity to address the question

Evangelism is the duty of every Christian.

Whether you share your faith a

lot or a little, the Lord wants Christians to share the message of the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," (Matthew 28:19).
1. The word gospel means "good news"
2. The word preach means "to bring good news"
3. The word evangelist means "one who declares
good news"

4. In the NT, to "evangelize" refers to bringing the good news of

Jesus Christ - 1Co 15:1-4
1. Evangelism is sharing the gospel, just as Jesus commanded
2. In the Great Commission, first given to His apostles - Mk 16:
3. He wants the good news proclaimed to every person in the world!
1. Christians wither, and are cut off for not bearing fruit - Jn 15:1-8
2. Churches are removed from their relationship with the Lord, and
die.. Re 2:1-5; 3:1-2
1. Just as the body without the spirit is dead - cf. Jm 2:24
2. So Christians (and churches) without evangelism are dead!

What is Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare comes in two ways: off ensive and defensive. Offensive warfare is
tearing down the strongholds the enemy has formed in your mind through deception and
accusations, and defensive warfare is guarding yourself against the tactics or schemes of
the devil.

Right now many wars are going on this world. But the spiritual warfare is
different. Our spiritual enemy is Satan and therefore we use spiritual
weapons against him. Whether we are aware or not, the fact that we are
in spiritual warfare right now.
Situation in the World Today
There are two kingdoms opposed to each other, kingdom of darkness
under satan, kingdom of light under Jesus Christ.
The World is on satans grip 1 John 5:19,his kingdom includes not only
those who are evil, but also those who are uncommitted to Christ. By
doing this they serve satans purpose,See EXAMPLE.WORLD TODAY,
Corruption, violence, war, illuminate in music industry
1. Its a war with evil forcesEphesians 6:12----daghan sila
2. Its a war with our enemy 1 Peter 5:8 let us be alert and self
controlled, sa mga paing sa kaaway, temptations for example.
3. It involves Spiritual Weapons 2 Corinthians 10:4 weapons to
demolish strongholds.
Strongholds- is an incorrect pattern based upon error and lies that
a person has received the truth.
= satan tries to deceive us to believe something is simply not true.
Believers who are ignorant of Gods word are more likely to be
deceived if they begin to accept satans lies. The devil will start to
build a strongholds in their minds.
EXAMPLE: Feeling guilty and condemned because of their past,
they feel dirty and unworthy to approach the Father or have a
relationship with Him.
Devil reminds of how bad we are
We are a failure
We cannot survive this problems and trials

How to fight this weapon of deception? We must listen

to Gods word
Devil says:

God doesnt love you anymore since you had killed,

rob, commit adultery
God says:
You are love for who you are, not for what youve

Devil tells you:

You are a failure, look at your past
God tells you:
What past? the blood of Jesus has washed it

Its a war Against our Soul- 1 Peter 2:11

friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful
desires, which wage war against your soul.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts



B. Our Spiritual Weapons and Protection

1. Commitment

is offering or entrusting ourselves to God joyfully

without any reservation. God is looking for people who are totally
committed to Him. We shall serve for the Glory of God, not on our Own.
*We should commit to God Hebrews 9:14, we serve the living God.,
*We should commit to one another 1 John 3:16, we ought to lay down
our lives for our Brothers = example:
*We should commit to the ministry 1 Timothy 4: 15, give yourself
wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Example: do
not neglect your gift, putting it to use

2. Zeal - devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal

*Live totally for the Lord 2 Corinthians 5: 15
*Philippians 3: 7-8 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for
the sake of Christ .,What is more, I consider everything a loss because of
the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I
have lost all things. I consider them garbage,that I may gain Christ.
3. Truth

Protection against lies and errors of the enemy John

Satan is the father of lies, accuser, while Jesus is the
way the truth and the life., we should believe and live in Gods
word everyday..
Rest on the truth of Gods love, Gods power Explain: set
example=Voice of truth
4. Gospel protection against lazy life, we should not be contented
on just sitting and be a lazy Christian. We should go and attack

satans captives,. We should have the zealousness of propagating

the Gospel = we should EVANGELIZE, but we must be carefull also
on attacking satans captives.
Mark 16: 15, God commanded us to preach the Gospel, Why?
Cause Jesus came down to set an example whre he preaches the
Gospel, Mark 1:38
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us put this Gospel as our Footgear
in Battle..Lets go out & testify the good news of the Lord.
Example: Evangelize & Preach.
5. Faith protection against unbelief or fear
Fear can cripple our action.Can I do it? These are questions what
is satan is doing with this warfare into our minds. STRONGHOLDS
Faith counters fear,. Example of Peter. Matthew 14: 27-31, Peter
literally walks into the water after God said him to comebut when
the spirit of intimidation comes to Peter, immediately he sinks..Spirit
of fear or timidity,Lord save me! We are also on the same page of
Hebrews 11: 6- without faith it will be impossible to please Him.
Matthew 13:58 lack faith? Jesus will not do many miracles.
Ephesians 6: 16 Faith is also the shield of the flaming arrows of
the enemy.Bro and Sis let us put this shield of faith into our
lives by listening or hearing the message , and the message is heard
through Christ.
By this we can face the hindrances of faith which is doubt, worry,
false knowledge, and fear which is the enemy is looking into our
Have faith in God to face this warfare.
6. Salvation or Helmet of Salvation Salvation- rescuing
someone from danger
Greek word Sotera- Deliverance, specifically salvation means
bringing someone from the captivity of sins to freedom in God.
Satan will attack us specially into our minds by putting strongholds,
putting negative though into our mind.
Without the helmet of salvation, we will be unprotected from the
"cares of this world" that bombard our thoughts and feelings.
Imagine not knowing what the future ultimately holds. The worries
and problems produced by living in this world would overwhelm us!
Our enemy hates that we have chosen this path and will stop at
nothing to destroy us because of it. Just as the helmet protects the
vital but vulnerable head from otherwise fatal blows, the hope of
salvation can protect our thoughts from our enemy's attacks and
temptations to disobey God.
We can receive tremendous hope and comfort by focusing on the
incredible sacrifice Christ gave to save us and the amazing Kingdom
that is the goal of our salvation. This hope works like a helmet to
protect our minds from the discouragement and despair in this

world. Remember that salvation comes from God, and that God is on
our side. If we commit to fully follow and obey Him, it is impossible
for us to lose our battle or our salvation.
7. Word of God both weapon and protection = Sword of the
a manifestation of the mind and will of God
the message of the Gospel of Christ
A revelation of Gods plan for us
* If we will be full with the Word of God in our life, we will have
Gods backing in any circumstances
* Unlike all other pieces of the armor of God, which are solely
defensive, the sword is uniquely suited for both defensive and
offensive roles. A solid defense is invaluable, but the sword is the
only way we can complete the work we have been given to do.
Notice that Jesus Christ used the Bible to counter Satan's attacks
Matthew 4:4, 7, 10,..John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for
us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31,
So take up your sword. The battle is ours
8. Testimony testimonies captivate the audience more than
anything else. And these testimonies are fact that Jesus called us to
be his witnesses.
Mark 5: 19
We are called to share our experiences with the Lord and
He will use those stories to reach out others who are in the
same positions
It also defeat satans plans of destroying other lives because it gives
faith to other who listens to your testimonies. So be brave and share
your testimonies. Set example: testimony of my life

9. Prayer is a conversation between the heavenly Father

and His Child., Luke 3: 21-22
1. Pray at every opportunity (Matthew 26:41), that
we may not fall into temptation
Different Kinds of Prayer

Personal Prayer
(James 1:6-7), (James 4:3)
Group prayer (at various times during the CLP)
Intercessory prayer
In Proverbs 1: 25-28 since you ignored my advices, I will
not answer you prayer,..clearly satan is doing all the
things to distract usMao kung mag pray ta,..

PRAY in Jesus name John 14:14

PRAY by FAITH Matthew 21:22
PRAY with the Fathers Will Luke 22:42

A- Adoration
C- Confession
T- Thanksgiving
S- Supplication
We children of God must pray at all times in order to have the weapon
and protection off the rulers of this Dark World.

Spiritual Warfare is reality of this Christian
Life. Satan is indeed a powerful opponent
But remember we have already won, since
the devil has already lost, he has nothing to
loss in trying to take as many people with
him defeat. We must Evangelize, believing
that God is ultimately in control. Fear often
hinders our willingness to Evangelize, even
before we consider the reality that
evangelism is spiritual warfare. We, Army
of God are to evangelize the world in faith,
wearing the Full Armor of God as we
proclaim the good news. Therefore in
Ephesians 6:10-11

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