Kate Collier - Daily Lesson Supplements

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Colliers 7th Grade World History Class

Name: ___________________________

Date: ____________________________

Autobiography Project
What is history? Many people describe history as the study of the past, a huge collection of
names, dates, and facts that you are expected to memorize. The goal of this assignment is for you
to discover other meanings of history, explore how your own identity shapes the way you
approach history, and to recognize why it is important to study history.
In this project, you will think about the meaning of history by describing and illustrating several
events from your own life, finding a witness to provide another description of one of those
events, and thinking about the similarities and differences between the two descriptions.
When you have completed each of the parts and steps below, please put a check mark next to the
steps you have completed.
Be sure to pay attention to the rubric, which explains how the project will be graded!
Part I: Pamphlet Autobiography Activity
1. Take the pre-folded blank, regular size piece of paper and make sure, counting front and
back, that you have 6 panels.
2. The first panel is the cover for your Pamphlet.
Give your autobiography a title, for example: Snapshots from the Life of Kate.
You may illustrate the title panel if you wish.
3. On the back panel, write a brief About the Author section. Include your:
What grade you are in
Where you were born and where you currently live (for some students these may
be different places), and
Three fun facts about you.
You may include a self-portrait if you like.
4. This leaves 4 panels.
In the first of these panels, describe and illustrate either your birth or your first
memory with your family.
In the other 3 panels, you are going to describe and illustrate other important
events that have shaped you as a person. This means you are selecting a total of 4
important events (your birth or first memory with your family and 3 other
important events from your life).

Keep in mind that later this week you will be interviewing another
person about one of these events, so make sure to pick at least one event
that someone else knows about!

5. For each of these events, at the bottom of the panel, write a narrative (a story) describing
what happened.
Make sure you describe it from start to finish.
Pretend that someone who does not know you will be reading your story and
trying to understand it.
Be sure to include details!
Each story should be 3-5 sentences long.
6. For each of these events, at the top of the panel, illustrate each event with small, hand
drawn pictures.
Part II: Autobiography Interview- Another Perspective
Now is your chance to talk to somebody else who remembers one of the important events you
1. Select one of the events you described and illustrated.
2. Find somebody who remembers that event.
For example, a parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend who will
be familiar with the event.
3. Ask the person you chose to tell you their version of the story.
In order to make sure that you are getting their version, ask them a question about
the event.
For example:
1. Mom, do you remember when Emma was born? Can you tell me
what you remember about that event?
2. Dad, do you remember when we moved to the US? Can you tell
me what you remember about that event?
3. Emma, do you remember when I was accepted to the University
of Richmond? Can you tell me about that event?
4. Reminders!
During the interview, be sure to take careful notes.
Pay attention to which parts of the story are different from your own.
Make sure to thank the person you are interviewing for their participation in this

Interview Worksheet
Name of the person being interviewed: ________________________________________
Relation to you: ________________________________________
Event from your Pamphlet Autobiography you will be asking about:

Interview Notes:

What is similar about the 2 stories?

What is different about the 2 stories?

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