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Parkside Cadet Corps Agenda Week One

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

1. Introduction of instructor: Name, tidbit, and purpose (to
help prepare students for high school).
2. Ice Breaker, Getting to know you Activity: Silent Line-up
by birthday (without verbal or written communication).
3. Review: Purpose, Motto, and Honor Code.
5. Review Class Norms: Classroom procedures & Cadet code.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

1. Review of Syllabus: Pass out syllabus to every student.
2. Introduction to Handbook: Purpose of Cadet Corps (page 5),
Cadet Corps symbolism (page 6), and walk through of classroom
and supply room.
3. Professional Courtesy Discussion: Discussion of courtesy
to instructor, teachers, staff, and fellow classmates.
4. Introduction to Basic Drill Movements: Attention, Parade
Rest, At-Ease, Left Face, Right Face, and Saluting.

Parkside Cadet Corps Agenda Week One

Friday, August 26, 2016

1. Cadet Handbook Orientation: Review of Cadet handbook &
Cadet workbooks.
2. Review of Rubrics and Grading: Daily I.B. points & uniform
wear, writing assignments, worksheets, and participation.
3. Discussion of School Year (SY 16-17) Goals: Quick write in
composition notebooks 1-2 paragraphs, 3-5 sentences per.

Monday, August 29, 2016

1. Introduction to Module C1M1L1: Discussion of keywords
(Rank, Mission, NMSCC).
2. Think/Pair/Share: Slide Five (5) of C1M1L1 (15-20 minutes).
3. Composition Notebook Essay: 2-3 paragraphs discussing
Cadet Norms, Parkside Norms, Expectations, and SY 16-17 Goals.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

1. Continue handbook discussion: Answer questions and
2. Selection of temporary class leaders: Instructor selection
of class helpers; i.e. handbooks, composition notebooks, and
leading of class procedures.
3. Classroom Procedures: Forming in class, attendance, and

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

1. Continue module discussion: Reading of module and
2. Marching & Drill Review: Formations and facing
3. Review of week one: Q & A of first week activities.

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