Eng III Syllabus Weebly 2016

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Welcome to English III

American Literature
with Mr. Davis

Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and
dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Welcome students! I am looking forward to an exciting year with each of you! We

will continue to be pioneers with the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and
this year you will be introduced to our new e-text (HMH). The purpose of this course
is for you to become better readers, writers, listeners and speakers by analyzing,
synthesizing, and evaluating literary movements throughout American history. I
hope this course will challenge you in a new way and you will appreciate the joys of
reading and writing! The following are a list of classroom expectations and
procedures that will help to ensure a positive learning environment.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Be On Time. Tardiness is unacceptable in this class. You MUST be sitting in
your assigned seat prepared to work when the bell rings.
2. Be Nice. You must respect your teacher, your peers, and yourself in order to
be successful. The following behaviors will not be tolerated: bullying, using
profanity, disruptiveness, and disrespect of others property.
3. Be Ready to Work. Bring class materials every day. You must earn your
grade, and you can do so by coming to class prepared and ready to
Class Materials:
1) Chromebook with charger (I DO NOT have classroom loaners.)
2) Something to write with and something to write on
F.Y.I.: ALL school rules apply in this class as well as outside of it.

Enter the class quietly and appropriately. No horseplay!!!

NO Food!!! You may have something to drink.
Clean up after yourself.

You may chew gum, but you may not smack it, pop it, blow
bubbles or chew it obnoxiously. Throw it away in the trash
and not under your desk!!!
You may not leave your desk without permission for any
You must sharpen pencils before class not during instruction.
No objects are to be thrown in class.
Cell phones, i-pods, and any other electronic device must be
turned off and kept inside your pocket, purse and/or
backpack which must be stored on the floor or behind your
Cell phones and/or i-pods will be taken away without warning
if seen during direct instruction.
Remain in your seat until I dismiss you. The bell does not
dismiss you, I DO!
Do not gather by the door before the bell rings.

Classroom Procedures:
1. Using the bathroom: Raise your hand and ask permission.
2. Turning in homework: Assignments must be submitted complete and on
3. Absences: Excessive absences will hinder your success in this class.
However, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me during office
4. Late work: All late work is half credit, no exceptions!!!
Grading Policy:
Your grades for each quarter will be weighted according to the following scale:


Letter grades will be calculated according to the following percentages:

A- 90%-100%
B- 80%-89%
C- 70%-79%
D- 60%-69%
F- 59% and below
Homework: What you do not finish in class will become homework. Make sure you
turn it in when it is due.
Contact Information: I am here before and after school if you need any
assistance or have any questions. If you are having a problem with this class and/or

your grade, please come and speak with me sooner rather than later so that I may
attempt to help you. If you or your family needs to contact me, please do so
Mr. Davis

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