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7 most important business planning tools for your

By Rohit Srivastava - July 10, 2016

There are numerous things that need to be taken into account while starting a business
venture.It is in this concoction of challenges when good business planning tools come to our
rescue, providing us stability and focus and thus keeping our endeavor from entering into
any impasse.
A good idea alone is insucient as we need a procient business plan as well. Abusiness
plan is a more presentable and pragmatic form of the same idea, attractive enough to lure
investors (when the time comes) to invest in our business.
The benets of a good business plan are many.
So, in a nutshell in order to succeed in our venture, we have to devise a good B-plan. But the
transition from a business idea to a business plan needs considerable amount of eort and
careful timing and it is denitely not going to be a cake walk.
So in this article, we will see dierent business planning tools, how they are useful in making




a good business plan and how they are going to make your life a little bit easier!
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plan irrespective of the type of business you are dealing in.

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Liveplan is a website helping you to transform your business idea into a feasible business

There are numerous plans given as samples, while the website layout is comprehensible and
with over a quarter million customers, the site oers you dierent business planning tools
required to make your start-up a success.

2. Enloop(
This site like the other one mentioned in this article helps you to create a working business
plan. But what sets it apart from other business planning tools is its auto-write option.
According to the site, given the required parameters, the sites algorithm auto-generates a
customized business plan suitable for the variables just lled in.

The creators of Bizplans aim to simplify the art of business planning by bypassing the
templates and oering straightforward and to-the-point B-plans.
With a team of experts along with the most ecient online software (as they claim so), the
site will give crucial insights into your business model allowing you to focus more on your
business rather than planning for it. Moreover, they claim to have a pool of satised
consumer base and promise to present before you, a workable plan within three to ve
Also read: 7 kickass tools to boost your productivity at work rightaway

Bplans is more than just a website oering business plans for your start-up.
They have numerous entrepreneurial articles targeted for the young start-up enthusiasts. The
website oers many other useful business planning tools for your venture, making it a very




popular among the business newbies. Besides Bplan writing services it also oers as many as
ve hundred courses on the same subject with many model plans to give you a rm idea.
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If you just want a Bplan to get ready or even want to master the craft of Bplanning, Bplans is


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just the competent site for you.

This website oers very productive and powerful business planning software along with other
tools, which you will nd under a single roof.They claim their interface to be more user-

friendly and their software being able to propose simpler B-plans for even complex projects
and ventures.
Well, their rapidly growing consumer base only backs their claim.
Unlike other business planning tools, this one is available on many platforms, oering its
users greater and easier accessibility.
Also Read: 8 essentials for raising seed funding for your startup

6.Business Plan Pro(

While talking about all in one software program, Business Plan Pro is the name that surely
pops up in our mind. With more than ve-hundred plus sample business plans and the
promise of expert guidance at every step, the website claims to create a professional
business plan for you regardless of your credential and business type.
Though they oer their services for a little bit higher price, if we consider their additional
features, diagrammatic projections, and presentations, the price seems justiable.

7. Business Power Tools(

If youre looking to nance a start-up, launch a new product or service, or grow an
established business, then youve come to the right place! this is the slogan under which
Business Power Tools works.
Having the most descriptive website layout on the list, they oer many other business tools,
with each one dierent for dierent aspects of the business arena. Besides having a versatile




repertoire of business planning tools, they are the only site on the list that especially claims to
care for your dream project.What sets it aside is its assurance of one-on-one support and
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These are few of many websites oering business planning tools for your start-up.

them being able to have a procient business plan suitable for your business. Now the
abundance of options and opinions regarding this matter also presents problems; its
likending a needle in a haystack. So what do we do?

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Starting a business venture oers many challenges in the beginning and the most dicult of

We bring up a magnet taking the help of various business planning tools and software
services which are provided online through many websites.
So, before you set your foot in the business world and start your company, it is advisable to
pay a considerable amount of time and energy in devising a good business plan. Many times
it is not possible to get professional help due to lack of contacts and limitation of funds.
It is at that time when these websites provide us with versatile services and numerous
economical options. But one should observe carefully and decide which one of these sites
suits ones corresponding business interest.

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