8th Grade Writing Syllabus and Classroom Rules

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8th Grade Writing Syllabus and Classroom Expectations

2016-2017 School Year



Ms. Holly Zilke


Class Description
The purpose of this course is to help students become thoughtful and deliberate writers. This process will require
students to work independently and with others to create more complete, polished writing. We will use a variety of
mentor texts throughout the year to model many types and styles of writing. Of course, this class involves a lot of
writing, and it is important that students are active participants in both individual and group work. Units we will be
covering this year will include (but are not limited to):

Writers Notebook
Narrative writing (narrative poetry)
Persuasive writing (argument paragraph, op-ed)
Expository writing (informational essay)
Literary essay
Standard grammar and mechanics
Academic vocabulary

Students will be working to grow their academic vocabulary throughout the school year through the use of weekly
Power Words and unit specific vocabulary. Additionally, grammar units are contained within our larger writing units.

Regular assignments include daily and weekly writing tasks and one longer writing piece per unit. Students will
regularly be asked to revisit and revise writing. Instructional elements of the class will include class discussion,
grammar practice, group and individual writing and revising, reading aloud, quizzes, exams, and journal writing.
With the addition of 1:1 Chromebooks to our classrooms this year, much of the coursework in this class will be
technology based. As this is our first year using this format, there will be an adjustment period for both students and
teachers, so please be patient as we determine the best way to implement this exciting new resource.

Required Materials
This year Writers Notebooks will be provided for each child. It is not necessary for families to purchase a notebook
for this class. NOTEBOOKS MUST BE LEFT IN THE CLASSROOM EACH DAY, unless otherwise instructed.

Class Expectations

Students are expected to be respectful and kind to all classmates and teachers. Writing is a class that involves
a lot of trust as students share their writing and ideas. Feedback should be constructive, rather than critical.

Students are expected to fully adhere to all policies as set forth by the student handbook. The handbook is
available for your enjoyment through the Manton Middle School website.

Students need to bring a writing utensil to each class (pencil or pen with blue or black ink). If a student
comes unprepared and needs to leave the classroom to retrieve materials, it will result in a tardy.

All final writing assignments need to be typed and submitted through Google Classroom in MLA format (Times
New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced with proper headings [name, teachers name, class title, date,
assignment title]). Assignments must also include an MLA formatted Works Cited page that gives credit to
any sources that were used in order to complete the assignment.

Water is the only food or beverage students may bring into the classroom. We have a new water bottle filling
station available in the middle school, so reusable water bottles are encouraged and should be filled between

Groening, Lisa, and Margaret Lopez. "English 7/8 Syllabus and Classroom Rules." 2008. Web. 12 Aug. 2016.

Tardies, Absences, Late Work, Plagiarism

If a student is unable to complete a final assignment by the due date because of extenuating circumstances, a
written request for an extension is required BEFORE the due date.

If students are late or absent (including school-related absences such as student advisory or early dismissal for
sports), it is their responsibility to find out what they missed. Students are encouraged to ask other students
and use the classroom resources that are provided, as well as asking the teacher. If students miss a significant
amount of instruction, it is their responsibility to schedule a time with the teacher or another student to help
them catch up.

Late assignments will follow the middle school guidelines. Assignments are due at the beginning of the next
days class period unless otherwise stated. In order to receive full credit for a late assignment, students must
have an excusable absence, tardy, or early dismissal. Assignments submitted after the due date are worth 50%
through 3:15pm on Friday of the week it was due. The assignment will be marked as a zero in the gradebook
until it is submitted. After Friday at 3:15, the assignment becomes a permanent zero.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment and an after-school detention.
Taking words, ideas, or information from a website, book, peer, or anywhere else without giving them credit
is cheating.

Method of Assessment:

Students are evaluated based on completion of assignments, scores on essays, quizzes and exams, active and
thoughtful class and group work participation, and growth and effort demonstrated throughout the semester.

Rubrics are provided in advance for each unit final writing assignment. Homework assignments will be graded
based on a 10-point scale (scores of 6 or below must be redone). Quizzes and exams will be allotted a set
number of points per question, and graded based on the number of correct responses.

Students are expected to complete their own assignments and write their own work. Parents are encouraged
to review the student handbook with their children to learn about our schools plagiarism and academic
dishonesty policy.

If you have questions about these classroom policies, please email me at hzilke@mantonschools.org or call the school
at (231) 824-6401. I look forward to a great school year with your child!
Please return the bottom portion of this page to Ms. Zilke by Monday, August 29, 2016. Thank you!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus and classroom expectations and understand the courses intended units
of study, homework, grading, late, and absent work policies, and I am aware of the items and attitude necessary in
order to be prepared and successful.

PRINT Student Name

Student Signature


PRINT Parent/Guardian Name


Parent/Guardian Signature


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