Heather Bryant - Plasma Health Patches Guidelines

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Guidelines, Precautions and Contraindications for Pens, Patches with GaNS and Nano

Materials pg 1 of 2
- This is a new technology. We are all guinea pigs at this
point. Add to the knowledge and proceed in moderation.

eat, drink or have your skin in

touch directly with GANS or Nano
materials. (studies pending)
-Consume only the water that has been charged by it:
Separate Gans and nano materials from your body by
plastic bag, cup, glass etc.
(the body may not handle the concentrated energy the
GaNS has. It is not a matter of being poisonous)
-Watch for side effects including decreased food/water
consumption, increased energy and vitality, clearing of
diagnosiss and disease states.
-Moderation. Do not sleep with or wear any of these
devices for prolonged periods. Use a patch for about 30
min 2-3 x a day. Then remove it and let the rest of the
body adjust.
Metal body parts:
Knee/hip replacements/ ORIF plates/pins/ spinal
fusion/ Fillings
-Do not use Gans or Nano coated materials. Further study
-FYI, I looked into this with a trusted "source" and was guided that they could
possibly be used 3 in or more away from the metal. Will investigate further!
-8th KSW 2hr10 min mark for about 30 min. I asked MTK about using the "Flower Pot Rehab Center trio" around people with metal joints
HBPT 5and he said that people with metal implant are fine in the field that is created by the
3 with your consciousness = Connectio
Bto the Entire being of the Human : Mind, Body,
units he described .( ill be working on the units soon)
MK said to not use pads pens with a
person who has a pacemaker however you can make a cup that will hold a bottle of water and
then the person with the pacemaker could drink that bottle of water.
CO2 + ZNO GaNs : CO2 Atomic Mass 44 ZnO Atomic Mass 81: ( WHITE) HB/LC Gans *SRT
Frequency tested at 26,700 HZ
CO2 GaNS-Used for emotional, mental and brain issues. Great with Cancers, Alzheimers,
infertility, Headaches, Pain, Menstural etc
*Remember that most physical body issues ( Dis-ease) are based from emotional imbalance/
resistance, The pody is the last place it shows up. So, balancing emotion will take care of most
of the physical presentations.
Also quite specific for Viruses, bone healing
ZNO--Calming effect on the Body -Aphrodisiac tendency like oysters(so dont over use) /
infertility/Skin health
CH3: Atomic Mass 15 ( Orange)

HB/LC Gans *SRT Frequency tested at

26,700 HZ

-it is the rudimentary of sugar/energy, massive power source, is the essence of life, how life started on this planet.
-Use between 2 ,CO2 on health patches for muscle recovery with or after exercise. Add some to the C O2 health cup .
-Also for burns , wounds, skin issues to add energy to any healing process.
-Associated with the Hemoglobin & sugar of the blood
CUO2 (copper) GaNs: Atomic Mass 96. ( blue green) HB/LC Gans *SRT Frequency tested at 26,770 HZ
-Used for physical issues- Sandwiched between CO2 patches for muscle/Joint/Ligament tissue problems.
-You can mix the two (CO2 and CuO2) for a pen that will work for both. Physical and Emotional (Just a drop on the tip)
-Use only where there is red tissue (muscle), not on the head or abdomen.( brain has no red muscles)
-Good for viruses, AIDs, infections. (dont need/use much, just a drop in the CO2 patch) For burns/wounds with CO2 on health patches
- COPPER KILLS Fish & Plants so use caution when using near plants. Dont use in pond or fish tank either ( they are white meat )
- CUO2 is not appropriate for double walled drinking cups. (Too much energy)
Before using the patches, plz see my instruction sheet on how to put them together like a sandwich : posted in the files on the Golden age of GaNS
facebook page ( this one is there to)

HBPT 5-28-16 pg 1 of 2
Amino acids: ( they form like a multicolored oil slick on top of the CO2 GaNS production tub)
pg 2 of 2 Guidelines
-from 11th kids KSW: AA's are CHON ( carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen) They are the essence of
life. He calls these proteins and fats. Building blocks
of the proteins that have become the single celled
animals and fish initially in the oceans. DONT eat it,
just place in a container/tube to pattern/charge the
- I have a YouTube on how I harvest/save these
elusive little critters.
- iron + amino acids= hemoglobin.
- you can burn it as a fuel, blood of the earth/oil
Ocean Gans (WHITE) HB/LC Gans *SRT Frequency
tested at 25,700 hz

-Consider that this is the GANS of every element in

the ocean / on earth.
-use the lower strength more single element GANS first.
-The Newest of the GaNS, little is known of its use/ effects. Studies underway. REALLY Loved and
enjoyed by my friends. (we used a blue cloth in the patch)

Other Ideas for GaNS and Health Pens/Patches:

-Use them to charge water ( make sure the plastic is sealed and the nano
(black copper) material doesnt physically touch the water) Wrap patches around your
water bottle or cup with a rubberband, knee sleeve/ sock.
- Slide one in your pocket, sock, panties, head band, bra. Under your pillow during a short nap. Charge your bed before you turn in.
-A field strength gradient is useful ( 2 different nano materials working together)
-Combine patch and pen: Consider using a pen over the patch, or one patch on each side of the joint, or nanowire or plate with the pad.
-In the pads and double walled cups, only the GANS water (water that floats above the GaNS or charged by a Vile of it) is necessary . Keep your GaNS
like a starter, mother, keifer grain, scoby.. to recharge your water. Let your imagination run wild! What else is possible? Throw a patch in the bath
and contemplate this?

-Do not put GaNs on the entire coil in a health pen (only the tip then seal it) putting GaNs on the entire coil is
too much energy for the human body and can have a negative effect. A little dap will do ya!
-MTK does not recommend using the health pens on the head or face. Use reflexology charts and treat at the
point on the hand or foot .
-This is a new technology and if you want to experiment on yourself
that's okay but think twice before you use the pen on someone else
who isn't aware. Please be responsible with another person's health.

charge your seeds before planting them. let your houseplants hand
out with them.
-Some say that each person should have their own pen so it gets
attuned to your system. Seems you could ground/ clear it.
-You can use a pen on yourself and it will work, however, it's more
effective when another person uses it on you.
-Do not use both CCW coils along with CC coils inside your pen. Make
sure both coils (if you are using two coils as I am) are wound in the same direction. MT Keshe says that two coils
wound in different directions will cause an energy bind. Most use counter clockwise. Carolyne (MTK wife)
reminded me that The simple 1wire Nano coated copper wire pens are very effective.
Pen Use- Place pen 1-3 cm from skin where pain/ disease state is getting your attention.
-Hold for anywhere from 30 sec to 5mins. (you may feel a tingling sensation felt or pulse vibrations as balance is created between your fields, the
environment and universe). Repeat several times a day, each day until you notice pain no longer appears or is felt. If your pen is waterproof, you can
useit to charge a cup of water.
Our you-tube channel has several on how to make Simple Pens, Patches, etc:
FYI, This in no way implies anything close to an understanding of this technology, its use or efficacy. Like thousands of others, I am just listening to this
teacher and attempting to compile some guidelines to give to my friends with the tools/ toys I have created. This is all so new. we are collectively
experimenting and expanding the knowledge as MTK says. Research this for yourself thoroughly before trying any of it. This is for personal research
purposes and no medical claims or recommendations are being made. Know you are capable of balancing yourself w/o any permission-slips. Bridges
are useful.
I welcome any comments or input/corrections. This is definitely a co-creation.
*SRT= Spiritual Response Therapy is a method taught by Robert Detzler using a pendulum to test Frequencies ( in hertz) of people etc . I have a friend
who is quite adept and perceptive who provided these numbers upon testing the samples we created in our happy/ loving home. Numbers may vary
depending on the frequency of the beings, space created in and purity of intent. On his scale, average humans fall at aobut 3000-6000 hz, and a
christed/budda/master would be at 28,000 hz. Woah..this stuff is buzzin sooo close to that!

HBPT 5-28-16 pg 2 of 2

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