CO2-ZnO Patch by Heather Bryant - Plasma Health Patches DRAFT

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The CO2-ZnO Patch

Locate the CO2-ZnO Patch.

It is the off-white Patch with little suns on the label.

These can be used as the Bread of your cheese or
lettuce sandwich (see those instructions for details)
and they are also very very powerful & useful on
their own. This patch is a good first thing to try for many situations
and is excellent to charge water for many purposes.
This GaNS is known for its leveling effect on emotional balance,
assisting Lymph flow, and is excellent agent for Pain and
Infections. In its GaNS form (GaNS=Gass in a NANO State) it is
connected to the origin of all carbon
base life on this planet .
Remember that these are not just flat
2 dimensional patches.
-Each carries a very active toriodal field around
-The field has tested at about 1 ft circumference.
-This fields allows efficient moving of energies in and
out of the body and the plasma field.
In order to restore balance:
-Whatever is tied up and not
moving= will be allowed to
release/ let go.
-Whatever is required to be
received to restore balance/
homeostasis/ health = will be
-This is a Hi Vib Benevolent
technology biased only toward
unconditional love and
-Like Unconditional Love; It
Provides a coherent access
point to all that is.

Q: Is there any Research?

A: It is just starting. Actually, We are the Guinea
pigs. This technology is so new that we are just
finding out its uses, benefits, instructions.
These patches were created by HBPT and LC based
on the free open source teachings of MTKeshe of
the Keshe Foundation.
There are many facebook pages with people
experimenting, asking questions and talking about
all this: Golden Age of Gans, Nano Plasma Healing
& Beyond and many many others.
Disclaimer: No claims are being made or implied
by the creator of this document or the patches with
regard to efficacy or safety with use. This is for
personal research use only at this time. Use your
own discernment and thoroughly research for
yourself. Know ( remember) that you can balance
your own system without any of these permission

HBPT 8-10-16 pg 1 0f 2


Post exercise
soreness or
Achy Muscles

1.25 ft Torus
Plasma Field





of Use: It is
suggested to leave the patches
on for about 20-30 minutes then
remove them. This gives the
surrounding area and the rest of
the body time to adjust to the
new level of balanced function.

Hold in place with

sports sleeve, ace
wrap, clothing etc

and Power
up your

HBPT 8-5-16 pg 2 0f 2

What are GaNS , Plasma

and Nanotechnology?

How to Plasmafy water for use :

1. Place your water bottle, ,jug of water water pitcher on a patch.
2. Use rubber band, koosie or sports sleeve ( or cut the top from a new tube sock) to
hold the patch on your water bottle or drink.
3. Place the Plasmafied water on a spray bottle. ( rubber band?)
4. Place any water-based item on a patch. ie nasal spray, eyedrops, lotion, cosmetics,
cleaning fluids.
4. For bigger jobs Use a Garden sprayer.
5. Toss patch in the bathtub while filling it.
6. Use your imagination and send in your ideas.
How long does it take to charge the water?:
- The correct term is Changed, not Charged.
-A standard drinking Bottle is plasmafied in 3-5 min.
It takes about 10 minutes for 10 gallons.
A 25,000 gallon swimming pool took 10 days.
(See Plasmafied Pool page)
How long does it last?
The water is permanently changed and will retain that
change. It is a superconductor that is stable at all
temperatures and pressures.

Tends to Alkalize the ph of a liquid
Preservative effect
Puts the life back in dead water
Removes impurities
Has the attribute of creating emotional calm/stability / lessened stress
Alters the environment so that the energy of microbes are neutralized.
Facilitates balance, homeostasis, health
Levels the emotional component of a dis-ease. (which is often the primary
underlying factor sustaining it) so that balance can be restored.

More efficient use of food, energy and improved bodily functions

Activates more of the DNA and improves its ability of the cells of the body to
Tends to restore the original Blueprint of whatever it contacts.

Household ideas:


Plants Love it too:

Kids and Art

Pets and Animals love it:

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