Plasma Nano Summary of Mike Nashif's Information by Heather Bryant

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The substance referred to as Plasma Energy is actually what all life is

made of. Life would not exist if it were not for the plasma energy or units of
expression known as Plasma expressing themselves at various strengths or
frequencies. Therefore what we are learning to harness and utilize for our
own personal and planetary benefit is the essence of creation
What are plasma device used
This is a harnessing station or transit
center for collecting, storing,
transferring and converting the
limitless potential of plasma energy.

That enables the plasmatic

interaction of magnetic and
gravitational fields to converge and
interact to create balance.
What you have when you build and
create your various versions of
plasma technology, are little manmade holding stations that direct the
plasma to be contained so that this

plasma can then be converted and applied to the various applications that it
can extend itself to such as: power for your homes, power for your cars,
balancing fields for your optimal health, enhancements for agriculture, food,
water, materials, wireless communication, space travel, etc.
What is the function and purpose of the Nano-coating?
(Is his is the way copper prefers to be utilized ?)
-The purpose of the copper wire to become coated with nano-sub-atomic
particles is so that the surface of the copper wire can be converted into a
plasmatic state of matter expressed as subRegular
atomic-nano particles which have arranged
themselves to be in such a way that in between
each sub-atomic-nano particle exists a field flow
30,000 Wire
or force of magnetism that is essentially locked
into position in order for
layers of
balance to be maintained with regard to the
Nanoposition of these nano-sub-atomic particles.
-So now what you have instead of a bare copper
wire, is a plasmatic super-conductive-highway for
plasma to flow and be instructed.
-Now that the plasma has the instructions, it can direct itself accordingly.

-Nothing in
the universe exists
without an
MTKeshe has
set of
that gave ways
way to its
people can
to do this at
form or
of carbon atoms to
sub-atomic-nano-particles allows for the surface of the copper wire to
transform itself into a plasmatic instruction set that provides the plasma
with new direction and flow.

-This is also why it is important for one to understand that plasma is the
essence of creation, it is the source of all life to be expressed as form.
-Therefore plasma requires its creator to provide an instruction set so that it
can follow the needs and demands of the one who is instructing it to do so.
-And this is why it is vitally important to interact with your creation with the
care and precision it requires in order for it to provide the results you seek.
One must begin to explore and understand the realms of creation.

What is the purpose and function of creating

the GANS (Gas in a Nano State)?
The GANS, is in essence, pure love or unconditional love
in its purest state of matter. Therefore, intrinsic within
its beingness, is the desire to give and provide for the
benefit of the whole. It is the closest thing to SOURCE
energy that has been manifested within your reality, and
as such, it will reorganize itself to provide for the needs
of those whom interact with it.
-It is a consciousness interface and those who begin to
work with their GANS will soon discover that they are
interfacing with a substance that requires one to be
connected and aware of all life.
- -Those who begin to create and harvest their GANS
shall be embarking on a cellular and spiritual
journey as the fields that begin to interact with
one's soul will begin to magnetize that soul to the
remembrance of ONENESS where all life was
birthed from the center point of creation.
Therefore one must be open to this process and be
willing to remember the greater truths of their
connection to the ALL and the ONE.
-The GANS will gently accelerate this remembrance for
them by stimulating there quantum-nano-sub-atomicstructure to realign its positioning with respect to that

which is true, whole and organic.

-This process slowly helps the mind, body and spirit to re-actualize its connection with
SOURCE energy and begin to interact with the subtle energies that are presently being
returned to Earth and all of her inhabitants.
-Therefore, we encourage and advise those of whom feel inclined and inspired to begin
working with your GANS to
open your heart and mind to
allow for the process of
remembrance to unfold
within your bio-spiritual
-Once you allow for this
process to unfold there can
be no stopping it, and it shall
move with the pace that you
are able to maintain with
respect to your overall growth and development.
Summarized & added to by HBPT from Mike Nashifs websight called The infinity Project 5-7-16

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